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<br /> , 17.Transfer ot t�he Property or�Ser��Gefa9 gFte;�„-4 E�a�tcrrowE:.If�f�a:a�y part af eka°sa�sty or aTMy lesc.wt in it
<br /> _ - is sald�r tmnsferred(or ff n beneficinl intere�t In Horrower!ts sold or transferred a Borrower ie not A natural per6on)witt�out
<br /> ' Lender's pdor wdtten so��s�nt, Lender�nay, nt ita option, require iqunedlate pAynxnt !n fuli of all sums sccurcd by thls I
<br /> Security Ir►sxurnent. However.thds opEion sh�il nnt be exercisc:�by I.ender if exercioe is prahibitr,�1 i�y fe�eml luw us af�ho date '
<br /> af this�ecudry Instrumcm.
<br /> If Lender eacrcises this optian,G:udee shnil�ivc Borro��er nosice of uccelems�on.Ths not�cr ehall provicie e peri�xt of nnt
<br /> less than 30 days fram tho dato ehe noticC is delivered or mallect wlthin whtch Borrower must pay all swns securod by thia
<br /> Sacurlty Inswment. If Horrower fnilR ta puy these sums prlar to the eaplrattai►04 fhi�peNod,L.endcr muy Invoke any nmodia
<br /> permitted by ttnis 5esurlry lbsttument without fitrther nntice or desnand on l;oTrower.-
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to RetnsWt�e. IsF Horrower meets ccrta�in conditions. Borrower ehall have the right to havC
<br /> enfarcement of this Secudry Instrument discon4lnued at any time prior to th� earlier of: (u)S days(or 6uch uther pedad as
<br /> applicable law mny specify for relastatement) before sale of th¢ Pro�ecty pwsuant to any power of sale uontained in thls
<br /> Secudty Insuument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Saurtty Instruraent.Those conditions aco that Borcower: (a)pay�+
<br /> Lender ail sums whlch then wauld be due under this Secudry Instniment and the Nute as if no acceleratior�hsd c�ocurrod: {b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenenta or abrecments; (c) pays all exper�ses �ncumd Ia enforcing thia Secudty Instrument. �
<br /> including.but not limited to. reasonable attome�s'fees; and (d)tak� such action ac Lender may rtasonably requiro to assu�o
<br /> that the liaa of this Security Instrument.Lender a rights in the Pruperty and Boarower's obligstIun to pay the suans secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrument ahali continue nnchanged. Upon relnatatement by Bormwer. this Secudty Insuument aad the '
<br /> obligauons secured hereby shall remain fi�lly et�ective as if no acceleration had occurred. However. this rlght W rrinstate shall �
<br /> not upply in the case of acceleratIon under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sele of Notes Change ot Loan Servtcer. Tha Note or a partial interest in the Note(Wgether with this Securlty ;
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times wIthout prior rtotfce w Borrower.A sele may result in a change in the endty(�nawn �
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that colleets monthly payments duo under the Note and this Security Iastnunent. There also a�a�r be oae
<br /> or more chang�s of the Loan S�rvicer ueueIated to a salo of tho NotG.Tf there is a change of the L.oan Sen+lcer,Eorn►�r�r wi!!he
<br /> gtven wrltten nodce of the change in accordence with paragmph 14 above ared applicable law.Ttie notice wlll stau the aarae riad
<br /> address of the new Loan Servlcer•and the address to which paymenta ahould be made.The nottce wUl elso contaln any other
<br /> informationrequired by applicable law. '
<br /> 20. H�rdons Substences. Borrower ahall not cause or permit the preseace. nse, disposel, etorage. or release of any
<br /> 2�lazardous Substences on or in the Property. Bonower a6a11 not do. nor allow anyone else to do, unaythia$ affecting t�e '�
<br /> Prop2rty ttiat is ia violatlon of any Envlrnnmentai Law. The preceding two aentences shall not apply to the pmsence.use. or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardaus Substances that are generally r�ognlzed to bc+appmpdate to nozmai
<br /> t+estdential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly glve Lender written notIce af any investigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or other scflon by aay -
<br /> govemmentd or regWatory a�ency or private party involvIag the Property and any Hezardoua Substance or Environmentel Law �'
<br /> "� af wh[ch Baaower has actual knowledge. If Horrower learns. or ls notiHed by any govemmentel or reIIulatory authority, that
<br /> ,�_.:. �.r,; . any t+erttoval or other remedlat[on of eny Hazerdous Substance affecting the Property Is necessary.Bortower shall pmmptly take
<br /> aII ur�:c.,nnry cc,�kxii�i ni:ti���; in a�;raiance wIih Snvjrunmentai Law.
<br /> � -� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazazdaus Substances" arc those substences defined as toxic or ha7ardons substances by
<br /> �; r�9W��T� Epvimnmental Law and the following aubatances: gasoline. kerosene, other flamnuible or wxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> �,r�r�,i,;;.�,'r�a��; pesticides and herbicldes.volat�le solvents, mater�als containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radloactive matedals.As tised in
<br /> �`' r r°'�«"�%� '"• this paragre h 20, "Envimnmental Law' means fedcral Iaws and Iaws of the jurjsdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> , +y_?��-�
<br /> .+�',����=�'�•>•���• ��•-°� relate to h th.sefety or environmental protectIon.
<br /> ?%^��: • °••'• ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further coveaant and agree as follows:
<br /> r�r�'•.'�����' ��'�'��. 21. Aaeleratton;Remedles.Lender shall sive notice W Borrower prior to acceleratlon foUowing Borrower's breach
<br /> �� t•`�""'��"':" - of eny covensnt or agreement in tbis Security Ins�trument (but aot pdor to aocelerat[on ander parsgraph 1'7 unies�
<br /> `�"''''z"``"'"'"'`''� a Itcable taw rovides otherwise).The noHce shall s
<br /> ,,;��,Y,,,,,,,�,,� ' PP P peciPy: (e)the defaWt;(b)the actton reqWred to cure the detadti
<br /> ; . .:fi;; (c)a date,not less than 30 day�from the date the notice ts g[ven fo Borrower, by which the defau[t must be cured;ead
<br /> ,;. :<<'�.::: ;s ,;.� (d) that failure to cure the defeult on or beforn the date speci8ed in tbe notice may result in ecceleration ot the sua�s
<br /> M'�.:! !��'.'iJI.� i
<br /> y`,�..�4 F�t:t;,:,x� secured by W�s Securtty Iasfnunent and sale of the Property. The rtotice shaU further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> 3�:�4;�or�x,,�'�i��;, reinstate efter aoceleratlon and the rlght to bring a court acNon to assert the non�e�dstence of a default or any other
<br /> ,,,-.�,,r .,,,,,.r,,� defens�of Borrower to acceleratton snd xate. If the detault is not cured on or before the date specified in the aoNce,
<br /> „ ,,,�.,,,y,,, �,.,..�, Lender. at its opNon, may requl��e➢mmediate payment in t1�ll uf all sums secured by this Securtty Lashvtnent withoat
<br /> further dema�d and may tnvoke the power of sale and any other remedtes permitted by applicable law.Leader shall be
<br /> ���'; " .. �,=<hy'•`. entltted to colled all expenses incw�red In pursuiag the remedies pmvided ln tdis paragraph Zl,including,but not limited
<br /> � .. • . , .•, to,ressonable aKorneya fees end costa of title evidence.
<br /> '�`. If thepo wer of sale ts iavoked, Trustee shall rewrd a natice of default in each county in w6[ch any pa�t ot the
<br /> �� ,� Property is located and shali mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applica6le Iaw to Borrower end to
<br /> ' � the other pe�aons prescribed by applfcable law.After the ttme required by applicable law,Trustee shall give public notioe
<br /> ��'�"•` � oP sele to the persons and In the manner prescribed by appllcable law. Trustee, wtthout demend on Borrower,shall �sel!
<br /> the Property at publtc auction to the htghest bidder at the time and place and under the tecma designated in t6e notice oY
<br /> �-�_���,���. sale in one or more parcels and in any order Tn�stee determines.Trnstee may postpone sale ot aLl or any parcel of the
<br /> r;�;:.,� I'roperty by pu6lic annouacement at the time and place of uny previously scheduled sate. Lender or tts designee may
<br /> ��'' � puirhase t6e Property at any sale. ,�`
<br /> ; ;' ,
<br /> .�. ,'v � :.:+''
<br /> � � • Form 3018 9/80
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