� .:'J.��� .. ,, _ '�h,,:�....Nr_•4r:iflOyfl� �� p�� .:1�1�:1.':;.� . .. . . -... � � �� �t:A � �y-
<br /> . . -.ilrwn.it.�.v+,r.vo iil++.oi;;�.-. �.4�. .Ij' :1�ii��:j . ' .
<br /> r w c:° •
<br /> ' � '�'� .�, ti •%�" �—_'
<br /> .�
<br /> ,
<br /> .��'
<br /> 'y�;q,:� �.�4:�3
<br /> ,q;��..�, O. H��rdowi 1Aati�lalr.11'uator elip�i kseP�e Prrtperty lo aomptlanco w(th al!APAllcul�la Ixwa,or�lln��tcaa pnd�a�ulatlCri�
<br /> = �,y,,,�;•• relaUn9 to Indu�}.rl�l hypl�na or snvQranm�ntal pra4teqon(a9Et�at{vety rdar�a�d to hereln na"E.mirmnmsnte!lawa"►.Truatar�11
<br /> ke�tp tt��F+rop�r'ry frav iram:itiub:�rc:,�.d���r�!!r��ts�••.►�+^�'�a tnYinuc4lar eny EnvtronrrNnt�l Law�(coiN�utivNy tiida�dtv
<br /> hsreln Ae"H��erelous Metald�'7•Yruetar haeby wer�anb�nd npr�►b to L�nd�r thet ths���rs no l�ua►Qow M�DKia�tM o�or
<br /> und�t the Prap�ty.Tru�or twr�by��re�s to(nd�mnlfy and ho;d harm��ss t�ndor.I�difOQDOf�,ofticsrs,omp�AyMO�'td�p�nM.�,nd
<br /> any�uoc�tors ta Lsr►dK'�InNr�t,tram and ap�inst any�nd�!I alalms,damwpN,IouM�nd II�bIIHIw arl�tn�In ov�ln�oMaf wirt
<br /> ths pref�rtc�, u�e,dtspo�at or trpnspors ot�ny H�u�rdou�M�tertali on,und�r,irom or at�ut thre Prop�t.THE fCR�QGMKi
<br /> 10. A�N�ewn�►f ol R�iM.Tru�tor hereby xqlpnt to 4enda tho rsnb,iaun and protib of th�Prop�Ry;provid�d thnt'fruWOr
<br /> ehall,until ths oecur��ncp of an Event of D�laulthsnund�r,h�wth�rlphtto coil�at�nd nt�in wah rents,Iuu��nd protit�a Huy
<br /> b�oms da�srM payabls.Upon the ocaurronc�of ar+Evsnt ot DQtault,L.�nd�r m�y.�ithe in p�non or by s�tnt,wHh or wi4hout
<br /> brinpin��ny sadon or proc�sdinq,or by a rer:ehrer�ppolntsd by e aeurt And w(thout rpard ta M�ad�qway of Ib s�auriry,�n1K
<br /> upon and ak�poaasian of ths Property.ar any pan thereof,In It�own nam�or In th�n�me of ths Trwts�,and do�r►y�ats whlah It
<br /> d�ems aecerQary or de9irabiq ta p�es�rva tha vatua.ma�ketablAty or nsntnblUty ot the PropeAy.ot eny peR tlt�reof or tntKMt Olwr�in.
<br /> inorea�e ths incoms th�refrom or protect the eecurlty hsreo7 end.with or without takinp poassr�ion ot the Propaty,s�w tor or
<br /> otherwtss collect the renta,lsaue�and protlta thsreof.inciuding those pnu due and unpatd,and appiy th�Mm�,I�cab and
<br /> expenssa of operaUOn and nolleotlon inoludinp attomeys'feea.upon eny tndeMedneas st,oured hereby.eil tn such ord�r as LendK
<br /> may determine.The enterinp upo{�and taklne poasesslon of the Property.the coileatton ot suoh rsnU,Iaus�vnd p►oNbi�nd th�
<br /> appiloeUon tbereof ea atpresald.shall not cure or watve any detault or nottce ot dsfault hereundsr or inv�lld�t�any�at dono in
<br /> response to eucb defeuit or purouant to euch noUce oi debutt and,notwithsLandlnp the contlnuance in posf�ston at tlk Pvc�ty or
<br /> the collsation. reeetpt and aoalieadon of renta,lesues or proflb,and Trostee and Lender ehall bs entNled to sx�rctse ev�ry riptit
<br /> , -��;;� providedtorin snyalttssLaanQacum&rnsortsyfa�upanoecurrart�eolcnyE+rontotQelae11f,4nct�ln��rlthoutltmlt3tla►therl�htt�
<br /> . exercise the power of eate.Further,Lender's rlphts end remedies under this psm8rapb shelt be cumulative wIM,and in no way•
<br /> ,�,,,,,�*_ : �, : Ilmitationon,Lertdara�ightsand�emedieaunderenyassignmentotleasesandremarecordeda�uuinstthsProperty.LaKNr.Tnut�s
<br /> �• . and the receiver shaq be�fable to account an{y those reMS actuaily received.
<br /> � �.;����� " 1 11. Eantsol D�Muif.The toliowlnp shatl constltute an Evont of Oetauit under thia Deed of TrusC
<br /> ��°� •`• `•� �, (a�Fallure W pay any Instal�ment of pdnctpai or tnte�eat of any other sum seoured heroby when due;
<br /> ,, . �•
<br /> ';_�, ;,� ...M,r.;�..,:, (b) AbreachofordefxultunderanyprovisioncarnainedintheNote,thisCe�dotTnrst,anyoftt�eloanOoaumenta,orany
<br /> • other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> :'�r��." •, (c)A writ of exeoutlon or atLaahment or any similar process shail be entered againat Yrustor whioh shall become a Ilsn on
<br /> "' � '' Me Property or any portlon thereot or Intereat therein;
<br /> � �' ' , ,. . (d)There shel!be flled by or agelnst Trustor or Borrawer an acNon under any present or tuWre tederat,etate or other
<br /> - . statute,I�w or regulaUon reladng to bankruptcq,insoivenoy or other rellet for debtors;or there ahait be appoiMed any trus�
<br /> �- <, recetver or Ilqutdator of Trustor or 8orrower or ot ali or any part ot the Property,or the rents,tssues or praflts thereof,or Tnistor
<br /> � Qf g�l�ua�a►�a4�p►akw any generai asaignment tor the benetit of oroditors:
<br /> ' (e)The,sate,tranafer,lease,assipnment aonveyance or turther encumbrance of a�t or any part of or any intereet in ths
<br /> PropeAy. elther votunLarily or invotuntarily,without the expresa wr8ten oonsent of Lender,provided thet Trustor ahall be
<br /> � . permitted to exeaute a lease ot tho Properiy thet doea not contaln an opUon to purchese and the term of whfch doea not excsed
<br /> one year.
<br /> � (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> '„ (g) It Trustor is not an ind(vtdua�.the tssuance,sale,transier,asaignment,conveyance or encumbrertce ot morethan a toffiI
<br /> `�'y �• of.r_percent of Qt a wrporatlon)Its Iseued and outetanding stock or(if a partnerahip)a totai of percent ot
<br /> pertnerehip IMeresta dJring the period this Deed oi Trust remains a lien on the Property.
<br /> � "" .•� 12. R�m�dth:Acw��ration Upon O�ftult In the event ot eny Event of Deteuit Lender may,without noUce except as required by
<br /> . iaw,deotare all Indebtedness aeaured hereby W be due and payabte and the eame shall thereupon become due and payab�e
<br /> without any presentment demend,protest or noUce of any kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (ap Demand that Tn�stee exerafee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Truatee shall thereaRer aauae Trustor's
<br /> , ° intereat in the Property to be sold and the proceads to be dlstributed,all in the manner provided in the Nebraalce Truat Deeds
<br /> � Aa�
<br /> . • ° (b� Exercisea�yandallrightaprovidedforinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorby�awuponoccurreneeofanyEveMotOefflul�
<br /> and
<br /> (o) Commence an aallon to foreciose this 08ed of Truat a8 a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or speclflcally enforce any of the
<br /> . ' covenants hereoL .
<br /> No remedy berein conterred upon or resenred to Truatee or Lender Is intended!o be exc�usive ot any uther remedy herein,tn the ;��µ�
<br /> "" � Loan Docurrwnts or by iaw provtded or pertnitted.but each shetl be cumulatfve,shatl be in addition to every other remedy given
<br /> , '� hereunder,in the Loan Documenta or now or hereaiter existing at law or!n equ►ty or by atatute,and may be exorcisad concurrendy, �;`;;;
<br /> . Independently cr succ�ssslve�y.
<br /> c
<br /> • 13. TrustN.The Trustee may reslgn at any dme without oause,and Lender may et any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> �:�.� � ,, succeasor or subsdwte Trustee.Trustee ahalt not be�fable to any party,inaiuding without Iimitadon Lender,Borrower.Trustor or any
<br /> purchaser of tHe Property,tor any�oss or damage uniesa due to reckiess or wiiifu�misconduct,and shali not be required to take any
<br /> " • action in conneotlon with the entoroement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnitied, in wriUng,tor al�costs,compensedon or
<br /> �.". expenaea which may be a8soalated therewlth.In edditlon,T�us�e may become a purchaser at any eaie ot tRe PropeAy(�udiolai or
<br /> under the power of salo granted herein);postpone the sate of all or eny poRlon ot the Property,as provided by law;or sell the
<br /> � Properly as a whote,or in eeparate parcels or tots at Trustee'e discreUon. �
<br /> � 14. FNS�nd Facpen�a.ln the event Truatee aetts the Prcperty by exercise of power ot saie,Truatee ahali be enUded to apply
<br /> any sele prxeeds t(rat to payment ot alt coats and expenses of exercising power of sale,fncluding all Trustee's teea,and Lenders
<br /> . and Trustee's attomey's fees,aotuatiy incuned to extent permitted by appitaabla law.�n the event 8orrower or Trustor exerclseeany ,
<br /> right provided by law to cure an Event of Detaui�Lender shail be enNded to recover irom Trustor sil costs and expenaes actuaity
<br /> Incuned as a result ot TrustoPs detaul�Including without Iimitetion atl Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> _ � � � appitcabte taw.
<br /> 16. Futun Advanc�s.Upon request of 8orrawer,Lender may,at its option,make additlonal and tuture advanoes and re-
<br /> � advances to 6orrower.Such advances and readvances,with inlerest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed ot Trust At no time ahalt
<br /> .�, the prinaipat emount of the Indebtedneas secured by this Deed of Trust�ot fnciuding sums advanced to praiect the gecurlty of this
<br /> � Desd of TNSt,exceed the orfglnet pdnclpai amount stated hereln,or a -�— whlchever fa greater.
<br /> ae u'---"----.�O.wut�lww�
<br /> t• � �v (a► Borrowar Not RNeaad.Extension of th�tlme fo�payment or modltication ot amortfzarion ot Me sums aecured by Mis �
<br /> � Deed ot Truat grented by Lender to any succesaor tn fntereat of Borrower shall not operate to retease,in any man�er,the Ileblllty
<br /> � of tha origlnai 8onower and Bonower's succesaqrs in interest.Lender shali not be required to commence proceedings agalnst
<br /> auch auccessor or retuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modity amortizatlo�of the sums secured by this Daed of Trust
<br /> � by reaso�of any demands made by the original 8orrower end Borrower's succeasors in Interest
<br /> i' (b) Lmd�r's Pow�n.Without aHecting the Iiabtlity of any other person ifebte tor the payment ot any obtlgation herein I
<br /> menUoned,and wiMout affectlng the ilen or charge of this Oeed of Truet upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretofore
<br /> ' reieased as eeaurity tor the tull amount M all unpaid obltgatlons,Lender may,trom tlme to tlme and wlthout notice(I)release any i
<br /> . person so Ilable,(try extend the matuNty or e{ter eny of the terms of any such obligallona,(i11)grant other Indulgences,(iv)release
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to be reteased o�reconveyed at eny tlme at Lender's optlon any parcet,poRlun or all of the Property,
<br /> ' (v)take or relaase any other or add�lonal secu�ity tor any obtlgatlon heroln mentioned,or(vi)make composfdona or other i
<br /> enangen�ents wkh debtors in reterion Mereto. ,
<br /> , .
<br /> ,
<br /> � . ...., . , _,. ._.. . _.... ___. .... _ .. __... ,
<br />