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<br /> 'HI�!►S91i�NM�NT QF i�HNT6 PIID�A tu mtde�nd ex�cut�d thl�y7H�d�yof��T���� ,14 .8�.d�d Ir ,.
<br /> . Incarrpora�to.�1 tnto t��d ehalt be daemed t��mend an�auppl�emQnt the Mcs►tpa��or L?ad of Truaf,h�rslnatter retnrrad to as ttw
<br /> - "�t..�.�:��:CS�::il:;.:':!l��.Q� !�Y! 9.r•!!!?��!!a�lvwt�hv t�}� u�aei�ra�f�pwal,h�raintttat rafnrred to�s th+n "ESnPlGW�T".tQ �Ct![Q
<br /> Boaow�C�Inds�twdn�a�,h�rNnefte�sfsrre0 to to tf��"Nob",ta HOME f��DEiiAL BAVINQl9 AND LOAP!A880CIATIQN�?F
<br /> • . qR1►ND 1$LJ1N�,hlrnin�tter ni�rred to as th�"L�ndar"�ot tM a�me dit���d aoverinp tl�s propartydeearlMcllln tM Sacur6ty
<br /> Imt►urtNnt�nd loalt�d 4t: '
<br /> 2418 PION��R BlUO., GAAND ISLANO, NE6RA8KA S88Q1
<br /> ""� (Prop�Ay wddr�ftl
<br /> WITNE88E'fH:
<br /> WH�REIIS,Borrower and Lender have apresd th�t any rente and profits aitribuhble to the property ehouid constlZute
<br /> +�ddltional eecµdty to the Lendsr for the p�yment ot the Mate;
<br /> NOW�7HEREFOR� it la apreed thst ths Seaurity Ina4rument ahatl be amertded here0y and deemed to irtatude the toltowtnq
<br /> provibtona:
<br /> 1. �sinnment Q mts ang�nder Aental Cooiectlon Rlnhte.Borrower hereby abaolutely and unconditlonaily aesi�ns all
<br /> nnt�, laauss anp profits af the property to 8sneffalary.Lender ehall have the rl�ht, power and authority durDnp th�
<br /> continuance of the Ssourity Inatniment to cotteat the�ents,lsauea and profita of ths property and ot�ny psrsonal property
<br /> tooatsd th�reon Mvith or without takinp poaseaafon of the property afteated hareby. Lender�horrever, hersby aonsanta to
<br /> Borrowe►'s colieatian and retentton ot aueh rents,lasues and pratitr�as t�ey acarue and t�e¢ome paya8te,so tanp as Barrorrtr
<br /> le not,at auob tim�,in Qstault with�eapea4 to payment of any indebtedrtese aecnred bereby,or In the perform�nce of any
<br /> apreoment hereunder.
<br /> 2. Aonalntmont ot Recefrer.14 any event of detault in respact to the Seaurity instrument shaii hava ocaurred and be
<br /> continuinp. Lender��e a matter of ripht artd without notice to Boncwer or anyone clafm�ng under Borrower�and withaut
<br /> repard 4o the vaiue of�the tnist estate or the intereat uf the Borrower tl�ereln,shail have the ri�ht to apply to any court hsvinp
<br /> �uriadlatlon to appotnt e recetver ot the property.
<br /> S. BtaAt to Poaaesa�on.ln case of default fn the payment of the satd principal Note or inte�eat,or any part thereof,as it
<br /> shali maturo,or in ths ctse ot tailure to keep or perform anyof the covenants or agreementa contalned in tAe Security Inetru•
<br /> ment� then the Lendar,its auccessora or assigns, shail be and la hereby authoMzed and empowered to taka immedtate
<br /> poaaeaaloT of ttie aafci premiaes therein descNbed and to coNect the rents thereirom,a�d to apply the proceeds thereof to the
<br /> �+BY�i�t1t o/tha Nofa
<br /> 4. A�Dlioation of Rents.tasuea and Profita AO rents collected by lender cr the receiver ahalt be appited firat ico payment
<br /> of the coata of mamQement ot the property and collection ot rents.including,but not tfmlted to,�eceiver•s feea,premlums on
<br /> �ecelveYs bonda and re�sonabie attoraey's tees,and the�to the sums secured by the Security Inst�ument.Lender and the
<br /> receiver aha11 be tiabla to account only for those�ents actually recetved.
<br /> 6. Conatructldn of Ptovlslons.Ea�sh of the provislonscontained in thia Assignmant ot Rents Rider and the Seaurity Instru-
<br /> ment ahtll� unlema ott�erwlae epeoltiaalty requlred. be conat�ued In accordance with Nebraska law,and In the event any
<br /> provialon heroln or theroln contained ehalt be determtned bya cou�t of competent juriadlotion to bs unenforceable,the same
<br /> ahall be conat►ued as thouph sueh unenMreeabie provislon were not a part hereof or thereot.
<br /> 8. EH�of R1der.Except es speaiticalty modtfied by or Inconalstent with this Aesignment of Renta Rider or by any other
<br /> applicable�Ider,ali of the terms and provislons contatned In the Security Instrument aha aontinue in tutl force and eNect
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thla A9eig ent of Re s R t date flrst noted aDove.
<br /> ��
<br /> WIIL IAIYI E. G00[�i�wer
<br /> .��G.�.
<br /> �-�✓. ,�,
<br /> ELLEN J. GODDAf�o►rowor
<br /> �
<br /> (ss:
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) '`.
<br /> On thie 9TM day of SEPTEmBER__�g 94 �fore rt�eJ the urtderai ned a Notary Pubilc duty�commiasto�.L�ed and
<br /> r,•;.
<br /> quali4fed4ornafd county� persortally oame WILLIAI� E. GO�DARD QND �LE�I J. GODDARD._HUSBAND_F�N_D WIFE -�
<br /> .to be the Identical pereo�(s)whose name(s)fslare subscribed
<br /> • to the forepolnp inatrument,esnd he/she/they acknowledgethe exoeutlon thereof ta be hislhedtheir voiuntary act and deed.
<br /> �`, Wttneas my hsu�d and Notarial3eat et �RAND ISLpNO. NEBRASKA �
<br /> in eaid county,the date aforesal . - �
<br /> �6f1�p1 MO1M'�+ti11dN10fttL
<br /> .. ° JMiAIYRA.A�p Not ti1 c
<br /> �b4�a Il.tfp
<br /> My Commisalon expire�: �—��`y�
<br /> �5,�ia,�.-a..•:; NFfWORATI
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