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. } <br /> 7�. . . ,. �i�',�, }� .r.. '�'�� .. � �i..�- ,_:ryN��.._' .. _ .L <br /> , . . ''r, I 1 ' .. � ..o <br /> •t. <br /> • ��� <br /> " _"' '_ _'�—— _ __'_ ' <br /> —.._._� <br /> _..—.�._, .-_..... .... ..:. -.»._" _._'.r_�_—_ _—c.._ _ ' <br /> , .. .'' _—"'_.._' . ... . . . .. -__-.. � . ...:. <br /> , . . . '-R' . "" . ' . __'_— . . ,e. , <br /> .. . - �`�C��� .. �''-c <br /> . - - .. .. � �'�w i w . �. ' - .. q � . '� <br /> .� <br /> . �s1�l�� �,�.�� 'r , ���� .' . <br /> .. ' l.IYatTnMawylnd�ex•Itatt�apj ��,,,,,. <br /> �;. <br /> . 'rxtst,wausrwot.�R�'�E�etu�ttura�aeini� °T� �yot�°T�4�►�� _._...�.-.�-.—__,r.,....a3�g.....�:., ' <br /> .�a u t.00rv+xx•a�a��.a.�au a io.m� n,o�.�rn�Mwro�.R�of Trwt�or S�eucMy Dewd(tlw��aaa�er�•�r..w�r��ot <br /> • pM�d�ce 1��Y tAe uxd�r�ynnl l�he'•lbrrowa")to Ncura•�Ad}wt�ble ttiue f�bte(¢lu"Nae")to .. � . <br /> . �nb.„�..�o��n.w�.aM.�e qwa��u�aon.ny a�eea��w�s.cwnr tn�n�c�ioarw��: . .. .. <br /> 2418 PZOAiEER BLW., GRANO ISLAND. NEBRASKA 6880'! <br /> ' (�rop�tcy Addraz) �� . <br /> 7'Ni��oU eRM� /ro*Niw�{�K�M�'M�q iNMeN nte a�d � wtlb � <br /> MyAyb.Tii��M�M�Wb tM�iaw�t N�11�tentl�rt�nr eiaq�Rt u��tlr�M <br /> �tM�Id�n w/1M�M�r�ntM1�at pyr. <br /> ADD1T10NAL COVBNAlJ1'3.In+uldtdon to the cov�tr►u snd�ts made ta tho SacivItY Iruwment,Hor�awa�ad Lender <br /> furtber oevemnt+uid ayoe as foUowa: � <br /> A. IlY['F,�IFST M78 MID MONTHLY PAYl1�NC CHANGE9 <br /> 'I'Ae 1Vote pzovlda for tn[tddal interat nto of 7•25 �Ar.SectEon 4 af the Nou provIda fos chan�e�In tAe intaat nu aad tbe <br /> montl►ifiP�ymet►ts,ts followa: <br /> 1, IM'L°R8S7'R�!?8.4ND MO'MllLY PAYMBNT CXANGES <br /> (A) CI��+Ds1a <br /> '(�e intaat nte I wiU psy may chau�e on the first day of OGTOBER ,19���aad on that dayevcry <br /> 19 months therea8er.Etch date on whtch my interat rauoould chan�eis catled a"ClunteDau." <br /> (�) 'IMl�drt <br /> ge{innfnj whh the f3rst CAange Daoe,my G►ter�st nte wW be based an un Index.'tbe"Inda�"is the waklyava�eylNd on lJaites�Statrs <br /> 'IYeasury secudtlra ad)mted to�conswnt maturity ot I yeu.a�made available by the�cdaal Resave Board.Tbe mmt reoeat Index t1� <br /> av�ilabkas of the dace 43 daya betore euh Chuue Dnu is called the"Glurent Iadac." <br /> I!the Indpc b ao lonaer available.the Nou Holder wiU dioose a eew indac which ia based upon comyarable tnfo:m�tiam.'itee Note <br /> KoWerwitl�[vemenotiaottbischoia. � <br /> �� �titlO'0��'�' TLIO AND ONE-HALF <br /> Beforench Chaate Date,the Note Holder wilt calcutate my new taterat rate by addiug p�� <br /> pointa;, 2•5 �Ib)eo the Cl�rrent Iada�ead�ound[ng to the 1/8th oi l�A.subjed to the limita stated in Seaion 1(D)bdaw. <br /> "az�.;a ' This rounded unount wi�l be my aew lnurat au unW the next ChanBa�ate. <br /> 6f;�t;i�k'�SYr�4s The Nlote Holder w+ill theu detenafac the unouat of the montlily paymeat that would be snffident to«pay in thU the plinsip�l I aa► <br /> ' '�'~'�^�' �' acpscted to owe ou that Chan�e Bate in subst�aHallY equal psymenta by tRe maturlty date at my new interest rau.'Il�e rault of tWs alcuiation <br /> ' �''�� wfll be tde newunountof mp monthlY WY�t. <br /> �WS'l•yY::,y'•'_., �1'y: \M� U�������Q r��/ 8��5 <br /> The intercst rau I �m requircd to psy at the 8rst Change Date will aot be gater than ErlwOtas th�n <br /> /�-�S �i.'ii�ereafter,my interat wu wiU never be iuc[psed or dc�xwsed oa anysingle C1ung�e Dateby morethau <br /> • .'.;. . �2.II�_from therace of iaterat t have bcai�ayiag for the preced[ng twclve montha.'Ihe miaimum iat�est ran on this loan wpi aever Ee <br /> tess eh�n a-�5 9i and the maximuai iat�est rate wNl aever be gretur tlwn 'I 1 _25 q�, <br /> '�""`""` (q Fltectlte Due ott�t�ea <br /> :. �'-°""'�'"!n•' -. My new iatenst ratc will beoome effatiive on each Chaage Dau.!wUl pay the aAtauat of my new monthly payment be�tanina on the fint <br /> � 4._,4"`t�h'�,:,. mont6lY PaY�t dti¢ak�r the Change Date untU the autoant of my monthlY PaY�t changes agutn. <br /> -,,L+l���..i.` '�:':- (F) Notbo!Gts�es <br /> ,:a�.�.;� . <br /> ,,;,,,;; - - The Note Holdtrwill mail or deliver co mea notia before each Chauge Date.The aotice wiil advise meof: <br /> �'.,j.►��� � . (� tAe new interat rate on my loan as of the Change Date; <br /> � .'�: (i� che amount of my montWY Dayaeeat foltowtag the Change Date; <br /> , ^ "' (Iii) any Bddidonni mattera wMch cha I�ote Hotdu is roquired to disclose:and <br /> w y,�• (iv) the addreas of the aasociation you could cantaa regardtng eny questIons about tke adjustmeat aotfie. <br /> . . '` & c�wRCFSS t�s <br /> Y=`�t., :;;; �%, Unitorm Covenantd o[the Seeurity Irtstrummt is amended to read av follows: <br /> �,'�a <br /> - • ., �.; I. Gae�t IJeo�.l9orrowu shaU pay all texp.essessmeaa.and other»a�,and impos[ttons amibuuble to Ne Property whfch miy <br /> _'.; . , ;r:: <br /> ' °;,..•:�t,"':�•`�• ittafn s prfotiry ova t�fs SecuritY Instcuaten�aad leasehold psyutenta of girouad raib,if the m�naer pmvifled under p�easraph 2 hereot `,.` <br /> ;�:/;���`•?' _ or.if aat paid ia auch m�nner,by Borrawa making gayinent.wAen due.dlcectly to the p�ya tRsreoL Borrowu sh�ll pmmptly flimish I.eader <br /> 1` .':�`��. aU notices of amounta due unda Wa Qaregrapb.aad tn the event Bottowec sdall mate payQeeat ctimtly.Borrovva sh�ll prompdy tLm3sh to - <br /> ... . . � Leadcr recetpts cvldeadng such payments. 8orrower ahaU promptly discdarge any Hea whfch has priority ocer t�is Seeiuity InstnimeM: <br /> ,li��t��rri�'Y'. :}�• �}I hoxever� Bortoiver st��l aot be required to discharge aey sueh lien so tong os Botcower:(a)aAal�agra in w�ridng w the paymmt oi the ' <br /> ��,,...�. : .._.... <br /> '��•-• - °--` • obUaaBoa saured by aueh Iten in the manner aoapuble to Lenda:(b)shall in good faith contest such llea by.a detend against eaforament ot <br /> sucb 1Een ir�,Iegat prooadings.vMch tu the opinton of Lenda operate co prevcnt the enforament of ehe ifen ar torfdture of the P�oyertyr or aay <br /> +�_'. - �. pvt�thereot;or (c)st�all son�re from�the holder ef such ifec nn egreemeat in u form antisfactory to I.enda subordinadag such II�to tAis <br /> .. Savrity Insuument. <br /> ,- � It Lsnda detamirtes that all or any part of the Property is subject to a lten wAfch ruay attciin a pdority ovu th+s Security Instrument. � „ <br /> a. , � � • [.eader ehall give Borrower a notiee identifying such Hen.Borrowv shall satisfy auch lFen or taice one or mrne of the act�om set[orth above � <br /> '�. - w[tLia tm daya otthe g(vtng of the nottce. <br /> - .. C. NOT[CE <br /> �":•� ., Unitor►n Covenant 14 ot the Seeurity instrummt is amrndr,d to read as follows: <br /> . 1�. Moliee.Faccept for eny notfa requited urtdu enpticable Ictw to be givm in another manner.(a)any notice ro Bortower pmvidcd for in tAfs <br /> ° � Secudty Insaucarnt sl�aU be giveu by ddivering it or by mgiUrtg it by Snt clau maU to Borrower nt the Property Addras or ut such other nddras <br /> " • ns Sorrower may desiBnate by notfa to Lenda as pmvided hercin,nnd(b)aay nodce to Lenda sRall be g[ven by tirst clau mail to Lender's <br /> V °..� � addras stated henin orto such otAer address as Lender may designate by notice to Botrower as provtdct!hercin.Any nodce provided for in th[s <br /> �_�'� ,� Security losmima�t sEill be damM to have been giren to Borrower or Lender wRm gtven in the maana daignsted hercin. <br /> °.i-a,.. <br /> t <br /> . ., f <br /> .� � � <br /> �.. <br /> �',. - <br />