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� � - ��,��y��t ... _ i . i <br /> ��o ,. � ' - :.'7�lA�YPMliPM�'� 1N��i}A9FWii►�'ia:F,t- ,..',. ��'.- '.Lt.' ,_•j).�f, �'`(f�f'1�..�/���5+!;� :�11C <br /> :,,1:�l�'��i� '.c:�Fl�'' J�_ .i ., � - , <br /> .,. .. . • <br /> . . , ..." '-- —� -•' � -� <br /> , � ' . o ... .. _� .:. - --- <br /> . <br /> . � .� I:r . _ ..�.:,.,.--. ' .C�' �.'. <br /> � <br /> „ ��, s'z'' .. .. <br /> } _ - '4 <br /> , - ��.....1 n <br /> , ' �� f <br /> •�..+�w.r..• . — ,. .. .. .. .. <br /> ; � - � . '!�4��0'�'4�94 � <br /> appl�rnbla law�nay Fpccify for rclnstatent�ne)befam enlc of th� Fruperty pureuca.nt to miy pvwc� af salu conmlttssl in ttds <br /> �ccu�r�l;�sirarr.�nt:tst(�J�extlt"�s�Y�!Jt!�.°,p?n�t c•nfn�ing ihIs SecudtY IRS�rt►�titnt. Tt�nse candittons arc th:v Anrrower. (a) <br /> paye t,entier all Rum4 wHtcli t�n wouid bc due under thla Seeurlfy Instrument und the Noto ag ii mo acce}cnQiiur� hu�i <br /> uccurcsd;(b)cures nny defauU ui any ot'rtet cc►vcnant�or agceoment�;(e)puye NI oxpenses ineumed in enfarcing ihts Securit� <br /> In�uument,ineludfn�,Aut ncx 1lmlt��l�.gunablo uttorneyn'fera; and(d) takea such actlnn us Lcnder may reu�onubly <br /> requic�o ta u+sum that tho tien of thie Security instament,l..erukrk rlghta lo the Property and 8omnwerh obligatlon topuy the <br /> �ums �r.:surtd bq t�tis 3rc�►�#ty Ingtmmcns ehull cantlnur unchnnged Upun reinstrdemcnt by HorrQwcr. thts Scc�idry <br /> Inauvr►xnt uK!tho obligatinne e;ocux�ed hcrcby r�hall cemai�f fully efFcc�ive as if no acceleradon had occnrred,�s <br /> right t�relmtato ehnit not upply in th�ca..,o of acacicmtton undcr parag�ph 17. <br /> ly� �k of N�t�;C;h�e u( Loan Service� Thc Note or u partial intemst in the Note(togc�hcr with thi� Security <br /> Instnimcnt)muy bes sold one ar mon times wtthout�prio�notice to 9ortowcr. A ss�le moy result In u change In the entIry <br /> (known�s the"L,oan Sarvlcer")that colle�.Ks tetorrthly pi�ymcnta du�undcr tD�e Note nnd this Security InauumenG There:ilso <br /> mxy be one or moro chunges ot the Loan Servleer unteluted to u s�ie uf the Nate. If�here ie u change�f the Loan Servicer, <br /> Bana�ver wilf bc given�srrluen nodre of the chnnga in accotdunc�with parugraph 14 nbove und appllcnble law. Tho notIce <br /> witl state the nwne and address of the new Loan Servicec and the uddress to whlch puyment�should be mnde. 'Itre aauce wlU <br /> also contain any other informatlon reyutred by npplicubla luw. <br /> Z0. Hazardo�s Subst�. Borr�wer shatl nat cnuso or pemdt the presence.use.disposal,starago,or releASe of aay <br /> Hawrdous Subsmnces on or ip the Propetty. Botrawer ahall not do.nor allow anyona else to do,nnything afFecdng the <br /> property thlt ia in violadon of c+ny Bnvlcnnmentul Low. The pt�ceding two sentences shu11 rtot oppiy to the presence,use,or <br /> stotage on the Property of smalf qnunddea of Hazurdous Substustces thstt nre generally recognhed to be nppr+oprinte to norn��l <br /> �sidentiul uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Bonower shall pmmplly give i.ender wriucn notice of any invesdgatlan.ct�im,dam�nd.lawsuit os other acdon by nny <br /> governmental or tegulatory agency or prlvute pntty iuvolviag the Propeny nnd any Hazardous Substnnce or Eavir�ontmental <br /> Law of wh�ch Borrower has actuN knowledge. If Borrower Ieams,or is �odfied by aay govemenental ot i+egulatory <br /> uuthority.that any r�moval or at�er remediatton of uny Homrdous Substance atV'ecting the Property is necessury. 9otrower <br /> shall prompdy take all necessnry i+emadial netions in ctecordanee with Eavirocmaental Luw. <br /> As used m tlris paragmph 20,"Haziudaus SubstnncQS"at�e those substsuices defined os tozic or haznrdous substoctce4 by <br /> Bnvfronmental Law uad the followtng substnnces: Sasoline. kerosene,other tIammable or Wxic petrolewn products,to�c <br /> pesficides and heibicic�es.volaHle solvents, matedttts containm�asbestos or fomuildehYde.and radlouctive materials. As <br /> used in this patagraph 20."Eavironmental Lmw"meaas fedeml luws arad luws of the jurtsdictlon when the Property is locuted <br /> that relate w or environmenWl pmtecHon. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVEIVANTS. Bormwer und Lender further covenant and agree ns follows: <br /> 21. Acakratlon; Remedks. I.ender shaD gire aotioe w Borrowec prlor to acceteraHoa following Borrower's <br /> �r•_���t any cove�wnt or a�retment ia t61s Se�tisity IaStrument (but not priQr to aacterxdon under p�grpph 17 <br /> ree <br /> unkss applieable IAw prnvtdes otherwt5e). T6c nMia sLall spec[t�►• (�1 tDe detautt;lb)the�on re�qui�+ed to cnr�e ihe <br /> deuWt;(c1 a date,ant less than 30 daye hnm the date the aobtce is given to Borruwer,by which the defaWt must be <br /> cured;and(d)that fait�to cure the defaWt on or 6etore We date spe.citted in t6e aotice may resWt in ac�entbn of <br /> �sums�ca�d by thfs Secarity Instrumwt and sale of trie Properiy. T6e not[ce s6all tt�her fnfom�BorroWer o! <br /> t6e r�ight to r+eingMte alter acoeleratbn and the rig6t to brtng a coaut aMton to esseK the non-eadstenae of a defi�alt or <br /> Any other dei�se of Borrower to acoeleration and sale. I[the defaWt fs not curcd on or befom the date spedf[ed tn <br /> t6e notioe,I.ender at its optbn may Rquire tmmediatc pAymeat 10 liill ot all sums sec�u�ed by t6ts Sewr[ty In�qvment <br /> withont lurther demand end ra�y[ovolce the poWer oi sale and any other remedieg permitted by appik�ble law <br /> Leader s�ll be enBtled to�ollect aU expeases incurnd in puruutng the rcmedEes pmvided in t6is puag�ap6 21, <br /> induding,but not�imited to,etiasambk attoraeys'fees and oosta o4 t[tle ev[denoe. <br /> V the po�rer of sa[e is involccd,7histee s6a11 record a notloe of dd�ult in each county in whlc6�ny part of the <br /> property Lc�ocated am1 shali roail copfes oisuch notloe in the manner prescribed by applEcable law w Bormwer and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable law Atter We tlme�qaimi by applic�ble Iaw,'lt�stee shall give public <br /> noHoe ot sale to the persoss and in the maane�'pre.scribed by applIcable Iaw 1Yv.stee,wttltout demand oa Sorrawer. <br /> sLall sell We Property st publtc audtan to the highest 6idder at the Nme end place and uader tLe terms desf�ated in <br /> the inotioe oi sate in oae or mone�nrcels end in any order'1lnistee determines. 'Ilrustee mny postpone sale of eU or pny <br /> p�r�si oi We Property by pablic annovnoentent at the time And pfane of any pr+evfously schcduled sate. Lender or tts <br /> designae may pnrchase the Property at aqy sak. <br /> Upon e+aeipt of ps�m►ent of tbe prEce btd,'1lrustee slwlt deliver to t6e purchaser 7tustee's deed conveYing the <br /> pe�p�rty�,1'he resitALs in tlse 7lrustee's deed sha!!be pYtma fede evtdeme of tl�e trut6 oi the statements made theretn. <br /> ltusta sl�nt�apply the proreeas olUee s�te in the following arder. (a)to all aosts aud expences otexercising the power <br /> 's::�•;; <br /> z. <br /> . . w�� • ..�...n.+— <br /> �tlLf-Y�. t�, .'i - � ^ � ' ... y_T; :�.: . <br /> .Xr L:c ,a» ... . ` .. �- ' .. 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'1 �1. .. <br /> �Yl'i' �".e�i�i . . . . e <br /> Y.;?? :.�� �•.r .. �q{' . . .. , ., ..., .�`: � . .. <br /> � � ,�.:;F ��•� , , r „ . , <br /> :�F�,. ,f 'C,�j.-a�' q . . _ . � <br /> . .[' � . .L�•�nd� . _ . . . . . <br /> . <br /> � f'•SS', '::�o:`t;...-�-..•fc.a � ..�- ...Y.. .. . . . �� ��i, ' ,,,1�rt, , .. <br /> g.,., y. . � �,� .,r . ,. .. ., ( . � .. 'ZG .Fw.. .r .. <br /> t i �. ; ?�{i . - , � '- 1�,' �r tl ,. _ „ „ a � �, . ' . .t�.�,y�� {Y�,..�� :_ . .. �:. <br /> 4 �_irj i . . . � 1.Tal.-3`f� S � r . .. ; <br /> �!'� a ti e :���� .. i . • . - 'r r . ' . . .. ' o'i �`:i 1�4��,t�Hr,> ; �� .�.. .. �. <br /> �d I!, •ldr.\ . . . ,l.. �ti �. . . <br /> t; �l. . ... � . .. .. . � ' o <br />