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<br /> �et tha �benefi.k of aay dseignee or traHa��exee ot Pay�ea, ox halder or �-
<br /> holdere heraoF, and, in ttle event oP any �ranafer ar aesign�peni: by "
<br /> Paye�, of thie Notg, each and all of �he righ*s, remedie�, pow�era,
<br /> privileges� and benaxits harein qranted th� Pdx�e� �sha11
<br /> aytomatiaally be veeted in Ehe ase�ignee, transFeree. holder or
<br /> hoidera. Maker ahalY �at aeaign nor �rans�qr its rir�hts., and
<br /> +sb�igations herein, naz shall. the eame be �asaumed lay any third
<br /> party, without the writt�n coneent of Paye�.
<br /> ,,.
<br /> 13. Wafver Of Preaentment, Prateat, Natice. Maker and ail
<br /> endoraer� hereof e�versliy waive presentment �or payment, proteat,
<br /> r►o��ee o� nut�-payu�ent and oF pr�otes�, anc� ag�ee to pay a12.
<br /> reasonable aoets o� colleation, including attorneys• fees.
<br /> 14. Definitions. Foc purgaa�� of thi�3 Promisaary Nate, the
<br /> Following words and phrases sha11 inave the following meaningss
<br /> 14.1 •'Change Aate" neans every thisd (i.e. the third, sixth,
<br /> ninth, and so on) Monttzly Due Date after the 3ate hereof.
<br /> 14.2 "Monthly Due Da ts" shall mean that date in each month �
<br /> (begi.nni�g wikh the first aalendar month foliowing the date hereaf)
<br /> tlaat falls u��n the sa�me numerical day of the month as th� date
<br /> herQaf. Hawever, fg aucA date is later in a month than �he 28th
<br /> day of the month, then the Monthly Due Date for February shal�. b� �
<br /> the 28th day o� February, Further, if su�h date is the 31st da� of
<br /> a month, then the Montt�ly Due Dat� sha�.T �all on the 30th dacy in
<br /> tihos� months having only 30 8ays.
<br /> � 14.3 "Maturity Dat�" means the Monthiy Due Date of the B90th
<br /> calendar month following the ciate hereof.
<br /> 14.4 •'Var.iable Inte=est Rate" means that rate of interest, per "��:;�,
<br /> �t•:
<br /> annum, estab�.ished by Payee in a�cordance with paragraph 1.1.2.
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