, ' �:._/J - ' , .' . ^ .r,:.w•�.:,_ ,- ,. . �� �' {yi . . . . .. . . - ..
<br /> ��('' - .. ..- . . �. . � A�� M�P9ffli� .
<br /> . - . __ ' . :..>....�;.sar�a.aruaa:�...'_.__.�_____.... _ _,
<br /> . -'_%`��+i.:si: . • . . .
<br /> " `�,.,. M� ���i�'1_'. � i'n
<br /> r•t
<br /> 1
<br /> ti a. P�ot�sctlon ot Lende'i RIp11ta (n ths P�rcp�fty. �1 eormww t�Ii�to w�nn th�cowrmnts md ta�►n cont�insc�h
<br /> Y;�'�:�`,r� ' thN�ecu�ty insUum�nt.ar lharn It a Iqa�D���D that may sbni(b�►nty eSY�ot�rtd«'��ihtf h tM Propsrty (�uoh as R OracMdhp h
<br /> � , Ni r„ ' p��Wp�y,probtt�,Por oanda+mnition or tartskur�ar to�for�e 4►ws or r�utations),thsn Len�m�y do and pey tar wheteu�M�neceseary
<br /> '•'�' .,n,.., to pral�ot tho v�kw o! th�Prop�ty and I.mdtr� rip�q in the Prapa�ty. lande�� atlisn�nry�ioA+da P�Y�� �Y aume eeaurad br s A�n _
<br /> whbh bts prlorltY o� thN 6�cuAly lettrummt�tDp��a h aouR� p�ytnp nQion�bM altom��4 b:a end a�t�k�d on the Prcyf�A�►to mqu " �`
<br /> ^,.: npaln. Aqha+Oh Landr m�y Uk�aation undrr th(e p�nQnph 1�Lend�r das not hws to do s�.
<br /> �� .
<br /> My�rtaunb dYburs�0 bfr I.�tder und�thit panpr�h 7 1htN Mao��addRbml d�bt of Borrow�r s�aund Dy this 8ocurit�► In�Wm�nt�
<br /> i�.s::,: .:. IJQMi1{ 801TQYIIK 1lfid L011d1��N t0 0lINf LN111Y 0}P��/QIM11�th�iunounts�Mt bwr hbrnt irom th�Qat�of dNbun�nK►t at the Not� r
<br /> nM�rtd shaU�PoY�+�•wRP�ht:rr:t,upcn rtotica hnm LM��r te ilorm�req�estrf!PaY^�� t�� .�..:
<br /> d. p�pK��If�M1t�tC�. If tandu nqulrod ma� in�ura�c�a a aonditton of m�kt�p tM ban Wcund by thts B�cuAl�'
<br /> . • q.;- . �;�,. In�Wmmt,�ortow�r sha�pay tM P�w���to nwMtsN th�moAplp�Nwnnc� in NNol.It,for�ny naon,tb�mortp�0�hw
<br /> ' ' Qow�p�nqut�d bY L.tndr YAS�a a eaas to b�In Nt�ot�8oiraw�r ehaY pty tha pnmiums �qulnd to obfah aownp�substanUt '_.:,
<br /> �f.� �{��,� �quMynt tp tM rt�prtp�hsunu►c�pnvbu�y In Nl�ot,a!t oost subtbmtltNy�quNtNnt to tM ao�t to Bortov�ot th�rt�o�tWp�htur�c n�
<br /> �: s�z;,�"�'� • � pr�viwsy In �Mrat.irom �n alGrtn�U mortp�h�uror aPP►o�wd br I.�nd�r. It eubslu�ttiMy�quMaNnt mat� hsur�ncs eovw� M o� �,;,�
<br /> �`�`"r. � anawbr, eorrowK�har py to�.�nd�r e�ob montn a sum eqw� to an�tw�th o�tn� y�y►mortp�p� h�unnco pnmlum bNnp R�td b ',. :
<br /> >,s��... '�` .
<br /> ,..�: � �•t,z,.
<br /> Borro�w�r wh�n th�InwnnCO cova�a9� yP�or ceu�d to b� In �fi�oG i.�rtdor wi� �ccoPt� uao and ratatn lheae paymentd t� s be� ,,,t..,•
<br /> ' "�'s�'` �' ' t�sMV! h N�tt of mortptp linsutrnc�. Loss t�atva ptYmit�t�may no bnp�t b� nqutsd,at th� option o! Undir. N mottap�hwpnC� rs.-�•
<br /> .....y�. , ..��;�;.
<br /> ��},. f:,_
<br /> �..,,, .._,:,_ •,� cov�aa((n th�amount aed for th�pK1od thtt Lend�r rrqutris)provid�d by an hsu�x apprawd by Lmdlr a�tin b�aomsa avaWbN and F
<br /> ,�;a. �w. •-�.�;::. obtah�d. Bortow�r shaA pay th� pnmlums nqubd to maintaln mortptp� hwranco b Ml�ot, or to provids � bs� nww� untN ths ,.
<br /> �•r,;:.:N,y.. , bMwa�n BorrowK and Undor or�Ncabw kw. "":�•
<br /> �i -��,-�.•,.•�k- nqtttMtt�nt ta rtwtt�p� YuurmC��►tds tn aceordanC�wkh any wtitten aprNtnw�t .....
<br /> ��,�`�;;�R� �� 9. In�peoti0n. tand�r ar i!��p�nt may rt�k�r�xsorubM entria upon md hsp�ctlons of th�ProDariv. Undar sh�N pM 8ortaw�r `V„�f
<br /> ���u�:��`a':W' rtotk�at tM th»ot or prbr to�n Mtp�etbn s�wWinp r�torubis cause for th�hspotbn. -�*•.�•
<br /> ,;�,..,
<br /> . . _ L�.� 10. eondemnstton. Ths pracoYda ot any awud ar o�Mn tor dama�. d�eat or c9nasQuantitt, h connoadan wkh lu�y .
<br /> :�'a'.-� � ;.`:_'�.�:• `:��i.'
<br /> �X:�, �;�•;,.i.;���,• eondMnnitbn or other t�kl� ot�ny put ot th�Propc�rty.or ta aonveyance h Ifeu ot eondannatbn,an NenbY saeqned md shtN be psld
<br /> ..4.:-�• r-..':':.
<br /> , : . t0 L�ftdN.
<br /> ;�,t - In th�swnt of a toUltakhp of the Properly,the proc�eds ehall be epPtied to the sums seoured b1►thls Seeur�►testrument�whslhK or •
<br /> �'i'�a,�'~ '��.�` �.s„'�, not th�n dus.wkA�nY eocqsa P�to Bortower. tn the e+�nt of a perliat Ukktp ot tM PropMty h whbh tho hk mt�kst valw of the Propatfr F ._
<br /> tmnxx�t�tcty b�o�tha takhm Is eRuat to or greete►then the amourn of the aums secured by this Saou�ity�nstrumer►t fmmedt�tetY b�ton ths
<br /> ,�':���''`"� �" ";�� takirp.unless Bortowar and L.rnd�r olheuw�ss apr�h wrkYp.the sums eeau»d by this Soaudly Inswment stutl b�rvducYd by tha amount
<br /> ,',.,. ;. - . .� ,•.'• _� of M�proaeeds rtwRtplMd by the tolbwhp fraotbn:N)the total unount ot the sums eecured fmmedYtah Mfore ths Wctnp�ENWK!by(b)the : �
<br /> � hir maritst vakrs of the PmP�h Ynm�diatey betotiB ths tokhp.My bttance ahaN bs PaW to Borrower.In ths arent of a D�kl takY�O of M� �� .,
<br /> .,.� proporty in whbb tha hY a�arkK vatu�of t1n Prop�ty tmmediamly betore the t�khp b ioas than the amovnt of the euma saaund Ynnwdkbb .
<br /> '"�`� bMon th�tokMp. unlesa 8oirtowr and L.md�r otherwiea p�e�e M wdthp or unNss tpplicabr�w athenvise provWrr��the procssds shtY be .,
<br /> ��� � � appAed to tta eums soeund by this Seaurlly Inatrument wtather or eot the auma ue then due. ,:
<br /> •.:,;• ... it iM��OgMty b ai�an3oriiti iiy 80ri'�wSi.Oi�,�iCC it02lCQ!Sy!.E!!�!t?�4ti'�tY_M th�t ths conddflnot of[61s M 111tk0 N�wafd Ol 66ltb .
<br /> . � a oWm tor dam�0�a� Bonowo►hil�to reapond to t.end�r wkhin 30 da9s efter the date the notk:e is�Iven.Lender b wthoria�d to aolieot and ;�:�':,
<br /> � ' , • �ppy th�procoeds,at it�optbn,efth�r to reston�tMbn or �epatr ot the Property or to the euma sxured by thls Seeurky Instrumeet,whether ;�;
<br /> . " � or not then dw. ;- �.c
<br /> � UnWa I.ender ond 8on-ower othMwit�apree h writirp� anY ePP�batbn of proceeda to prhotpal ohal�qt exta�d or poatpone the due
<br /> � " • � �U o}the monthy paymnts ntened to M panpnphs 1 Nd 2 or oh�npe the anount of suoh psyrr�ents.
<br /> � 11. Borrowe� Not iieleaaad:Forbearanae By Lender Not�W�iver. 6aensan a tne twne ior payrtient or .
<br /> � _ � . modiNcatbn of unorMsatton of th�eums �cund by thb S�cudY tnstrument�ruited bY tsnder to anY cuccessor In hterest of Borrower shtN
<br /> ' no!oparats to rob�ss th��1�btih o!the oriphtl 8ortawar or Borrowers sueceseora b hte�es� Lender ehap not be requted to aommence
<br /> • - . prppeedMps asatnst any eucce�sor M hbroat or rofuss to endend tims tor payrt�ent or othe�wisa modiy amoRintion ot the sums seeured by
<br /> � �� ,�• thb Securlty Inttrurtwnt �1 �on ot any�r��� �tda by the ori�inal 8orrower or Borrowers successora h hteres�My torbeuancs by
<br /> �,�: , .. LertOer in eocenpbUip any �pht or remidy ehali not be a waMer oi or preolude the e�raiss at anY�IpM or rert�edy.
<br /> .�,,.,. . . 1�.Sueeeseors u�d dlssiqns Bound; Joi�t end Savesral Liablttty; Co-atpnera Tne covenu►es ana �reanenss of
<br /> �• � thb 8ecudty tnatrumant ahaU bNd and benefit the succesaore end assl�fe of Lender and Botrower, eub]eot to the provtsbna ot panpr�ph
<br /> . .. . . .. 17. BortowYre covm�nb and a�nanri ehaq bo lotnt end sever�tL My 8prrower who aaslpne th18 Seourity Instrument but does not
<br /> . ,F, �p��Ho�;(�) b c�ipnhp thb Seour�y InsWment ony to mortpaQe.grtnt,u►d conMey that BoROwer's hterest M the Prope�ty under
<br /> ° `t} :�... ths terma ot this Sreur�y InaWmenx N)b�ot Pe��ity obl(g�ted to P8Y the sums seaurod by this Seeurity Instrumen�aed(e)�Qrees Mtt
<br /> ° t„ender and eny pther 8prow�r rt�ay�pres to extend,n+adify,blDear or make any acaommodatlons wkh reptrd to tenms ot thb SeaurBfr �
<br /> ' tnauummt or ths Note wlhoat thst Borrowere consent. "
<br /> � . 13.LO�B Ch�i00�. �f the btn SeCUred by th[8 Security Inetrument Is BubJeCt to 8 18w whfCh 8ets m�cimum bYn oher�es,end thnt •
<br /> :r N�, � Iaw Is fhapy hterp�etsd�o thtt the hterost or otlrer bm oharges aodected or to be aopectod In aonrteatbn wkh the btn exceed the
<br /> p�nninsd ifmks,lhar. (a)u�y suoh lotn oharpes sh�q be reduced by the amount necessW to reduce the ah�rpe to the permitted ifmi�and
<br /> .,,�,.• ' (�)nnY aums atetdy coketed trom Bortower whlch exceeded permUted IImRs wlti be retunde�!to Boaower. Lsnder may ohoose to make "
<br /> ,,;;� thb refund by r�eduoinp tl� Wtio�ptl owod under the Note or by making a dMeot ptyment to 8ortower. If a�eNnd reduces Princatl, the I
<br /> roduotlon wW bs tr�ated a a p�KW preRtyn�►t wkhout ony prepayment ohargo under tt�e Note.
<br /> �,r" ,. • ,. 1�1. NOtiC�. Mr notM�to Bortower provided tot In this S�¢urity tnahumont shaq be qMen by delNerhp k or by mt[Iing k by fkst
<br /> . oi�sa mtY unieas appll�aDM tIw�quires use W another m9thod• The eotice shaU be dfroated to the Prope�t�r Address or any otha�address
<br /> ' 8ortowe►daslpnates by totieo to Lender.M!►��e to l,ender sh411 be qlven by tYSt elass maY to Lenders address stated hereh or eny
<br /> � ., othK addrtsa Lender destanttes by notk�s W Borrower. My notice Provided tor M this S�ourityy insuument ehall be deerned to have been
<br /> �,�. . ., , pMn to 8onorwr or Land�whm pMn�e Pro�h thb Puap►�Dh.
<br /> • ,��_ „ , 18. Governin� Levr;SzverabUtty. Thb SeCUrky Instrument 8h88 be govemed bY�a�aw and the Iaw of the jurisdlatlon in i
<br /> �„ "..; whiah the Rrope�ty ts loated. In tM event tA�t any provlsbn or olwse ot thb Seour�y Inatrw�ent or the Note confltots wkh appUCabte k►w,
<br /> . auoh aonfliet stuN not �Aaet other provisbna of thb Seauray tnstruument ar the Note whtoh e�n be qMen etteot wkhout the eontlfothg �
<br /> - prortsbn. 'f o thb end tho provisbns of thb Securiyr Instn►n+ent ar+d the Note ue deotared to be geverable.
<br /> � 18. Borrower'a Copy. BotrOwK sheli bs phren one ConfOmied Qopy ot th9 Note artd of th(s Seourtly inetrument. I
<br /> � " � 17.Tnnster ot the Property or a Beneflclal Intereat in �orrower. if aq o�any put ot ths Property Ot 8ny hts�est M �
<br /> ��_
<br /> ' k b sOb ot trMBtNrod (or if t bNtOflCW htetsst h BOttOwlr is e0W Or ttansisrteo ano eorro�►er is nai a �aunai pers6ni +.�c:�w+i:,.e���o r--
<br /> prbr w�lten cona�n� Laidar mty.at i!s oP��. �9�+� m�te payment h NII of ail sums secured bY this S�ecurity Inshume�. Hawe�.
<br /> ' thb pytbn sAttl not bo�uob�d by LsndK N e�arafse l9 Drohibited by todt�nt 4w n9 0!the date of this SecutRy InStrunant. �
<br /> . ., , If���i� y,ys oP�n.�d� aAa�pM Borrower notko ot acc�ieratkn. Th�noties ehaq provW�a period ot not bas than 30 I
<br /> � doya Gom tho d�h tha n�tiet ts deRusred or ma�bd wUhh whtah the 8otrowK muet p�y au euma securod by thls &eourily tnstrun�ent. It i
<br /> n �'.. , kloirc.�wer hNs to pty thess s�ms pAOr to tM m�Yatbn af thb period.Lertder msy hvoks any rertwdba penmRted by this SeauNty InsWment �
<br /> •� • wRhout NRhe►notk;s or O�n�nd on 8orrow�r. I
<br /> � �, �
<br /> , " P�p�0 ot 6 Rotm 009t Wo0 �
<br /> , - . , ' F�oawu�+o ts�v►) I°
<br /> • • ��— ,
<br /> I � .
<br /> �. ,soo�s
<br />