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<br /> � •
<br /> _... . . . '.,��,iYI K� `�A���`^A •, .
<br /> "��' �j�iD�,!
<br /> ti. It tho B�rrower lalia to: (el Pnelntoin or psy the promi��m.r for!ho raqufrud tnsurance ot the ptoperty, or Ib)pey taxoa betote delinqusnt,or
<br /> (o!pay my anount due und�r�prlor mertp�p�o►trust dt�d b�}an d�tinyuent,or(01 mslntNn th�P�opstty In pood np�it,ar U1 perfaree�
<br /> Mtly of th�oav�nente or apre�ment�at tt+i�Tn�tt Oesd,then the Lender m�y,�t Itm optlen,pay�+uoh In�urano�prnmiums,axn,m�rc
<br /> m
<br /> ot truet dsed paymanto,or mohe repeirc anP•disburoo auoh aume arts!4eke euch aotfon ae It Aeem�rttaeiu►y to prot�ot in intan�t wl t
<br /> walvinp or aN�oUnp in rlpht to d�cl�n oa ON�u1►an0 eaout�rrt�th�debt uoursd hareb�beoeu��ot stry suoh lellun ot tht Bortowo. Any
<br /> emounts so dbbunedby tAe Under th�l1 con�Htut�nd8lHonM fnd�btMnns ot th�8orrow�►o�nuud by thit Tru�t O��d�nd et�ll b�alnt�rlst
<br /> from th�dets of dhbursament�t the rste p�q�bU unda�the Note. Nothlnp oontNnsd In thla perepreph ehell require Iho Lertdsr to mik��ny
<br /> �uah disbura�mtlnt�or t�ks�ny n�[inn wAoaowo�.
<br /> 8. Yhe Lender may make or aavts to ds msdt rs�nonab��sntrien upon aM In�pootlon of the Properry.
<br /> 7. Ths proc�ado of sny awaM or clalm tot dameqa,direot or oonstqu�ntl�t,In aonn�odon wlth tny aond�mnatlon or otha t�kfnp of th�
<br /> Propsrty,o�pan tAereof,or fot eonveyertoe In Hw of oondemnatfon,are he�eby erslgned and thall be p�kl to the Lende�to the�xtent ot the
<br /> fuli amount of ths�emsining unpaid Indebtrdneu�eauted by th!�Truet Osed.
<br /> It ths Prapsrty i�ebandaned by the 8orrowar,or,i?aRet noUoe by tDs 6enrler to the 8orrower that the cornfemnor offen m make en aw�rd
<br /> or cetti�a claim for damages,the 8orrowe faitt to tespond to ths Lend�r within 30 daye after tha date suoh nodos b mNlsd,th�Lender
<br /> Is authorf:ed to aolleot and apply the prooetds to the suma seouted by thle Truet D�ed.
<br /> Condemnation proaeeda or awards shait be oredlted to the Isst maturinp inataFmentt o}the indebtedne�t eaouted and ehdl�ot oxtend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the lnatailenents re}errod to in peragrepfi 1 hereof or ohes�ge tho amount of auoh inetatlmentn.
<br /> 8. If the Le�er isaues e partiN releaae of thle Tn�st Deed,the proceede receivad therafor ehall be otedited to the laat maturing Imt�Umentf ot
<br /> tholndobtednoss seaurod horabY.
<br /> 8. It the lender either voluntedly ot involuntarUy b000mee a perty to eny sult or�egal prooaeding telatinp to the P�operty,Note orthia Truat Deed, ,'
<br /> then the @onower wili�elmburse the Lender tor all ooats and,to the extent pem+itted by law, reasoneble attorneys'teea inautred by the ,.
<br /> Lender rolaUng to suoh suit or lognl procoodings and seid auma ahail conatituto additionai indebtedness eeaurod by this Truat Ooed and hoar
<br /> interest at the�ate payable undar the Note,until paid.
<br /> 10. Ae addidond seau�ity,tho Bottowar doea heroby oseign,transfer and eet over to the Lender,in oase ot defauit In tha pe�famnanoe ot any '�'��4�•
<br /> of the tertr�a or�ondiNcna of thfe Truet Oeed,the Note or the terms of any Indebted�rose soaurod hereby,ali of tho rente,revonue�end emr 5;���
<br /> inaome of amr type whetaoover to be detived from the Property,inaiuding innd oo�ueot peymenu. The Lender,in pereon,by aeent or by • •��•
<br /> recefver,without regard to the eolvenay or inaolvenoy ot the Bortower ot the vetue of the Propeny,shall be ontltled to take poeseaeion of, Ri�'��
<br /> r ` repair,rent and monage the Ptoporty a�to coflact the rente,revenuoa and inoome thetetrom and it maypay out of eeid inaome all expenaes �
<br /> of repair and aoste incurred in renting ond menaging the P►operty and aoileoting rente and for payment of insuranoe pramlume w(th any �!-�`;t
<br /> ,.,� ^ remaining balanoo to bo apptled to tha teat matudng paymente ot the debt seoureA hereby. Upon preaenting e oopy of this Truat Oeed and �;`}=�
<br /> ��, damand to arry lossoa,tenant or contreot pu�chaser ot tho Property,suoh peraon eheli pay aq rente,paymente and proffte aocruod or `
<br /> thereafte►eecruing to the Lo»der until fuKMr eotieo irom the le�er.
<br /> °�r 4T9 11. It ell or any pon of tho P�opony or any interoat therain fe deodod, soiely by land oontreot or othanrisa oonveyed,sUenated o►furthet � `
<br /> � .' +�
<br /> .„���`,a�q�';, encumbered eithor votunterily or invotuntarily whhout the Lender's p�ior wdtton ooneont,oxciuding(e1 a transfer by operetlon af law upon
<br /> �m,r.ry.,:fy� the death of a joint tenent or tb)the grant of any teaseho�d interest not oontaining an option to putoheue with a lease tenn of two yearo m
<br /> lose,or lo)the areatton ot the purohase money eeourity intereat In household appNa�oes,then the lender may,at its option,deaiare all suma ;�t �
<br /> �; . ��i' seouted by this Truat Dead to be immadiatety due and payab�e. �'•p
<br /> �t� , �;•,;�'.i,,.;�, _
<br /> " `�`*�- 12. Upon the 8orrower'e breaoh of any oovenant or egreement of the Bonower I�thfe Tnret Deed,includingthe oovenente to pey when due eny "��
<br /> " + aums seoured by thfa Trust peed,the Lender, et Ite optlon,may deolere ail of the sums seoured by this T�uet Deed to be immedietsly due
<br /> ri:.,, u zq��y„� and payable without turther damhnd and mey imoke the power of eale and/or eny other remediee perm(ttod by applloable lew ineludinp the ;;;i
<br /> T�'�•"��— ' dght to torooloae this Trust Doed in the menner providod by law for tha forooiosure ot mortgages on�eal estate. The Lender ehall be ontlded .,�
<br /> i . �
<br /> to ao!leat all roasonabio uosta and axponssa Incurred in puraui�g euah remedies includiag,but not Ifmited to,and to the extent permitted by �
<br /> �,;z •�.�i, i taw,masonabto attorneya'foea. ;—
<br /> ��.�
<br /> If the power ot sale Is irnoked,the truetee ehall reoord a notlae of detault In eaoh oounty in whiah the Proporty ot some peR thereof!s Iotated .
<br /> and provido�otloe thoroof in the manne�preaoribed by epplfcebie lew. Aiter tM lapse of suoh time aamay be required by�ppliaebte law, •
<br /> �X�%= the Ttuttes ehail gh►e publie noUee of esfe to the peroona and in Me manner preaeribed by applioebta law. The Truatee,o�the ettorney for
<br /> ' .,4, the Truatee,without demartd oo the Borrower,aheli seit the Property at publfo auotlon to tha Nghest bidde�at the Hme and piace a�d under
<br /> �" ���• � tho terms designated in tAe nottoe ot sato In ono or more parcota and in euoh oMor es tha Twetea may detemnine. The Trustea may poatpone
<br /> ��~~e� sa�e of dl or eoy parccd of tha fMoperty by publlo a�nnunooment at the dme and plaoe of any previously soAoduiad ea�o. The Londer or tho
<br /> ���+ LeadePe dea}gnee may purohase the Property et any eale.
<br /> -��~~��' ! • ' Upon roeoipt of paymont of tho pAao biG,tho Trustoo shaii delivor to thv purohasor a Tntetoo's Dood,wit�out wattanty,eomroyfng thn
<br /> :.i -
<br /> -.' ''��.=2r;' Property sold. Tho roofwls in the 7rustee's Oeed ehe�l be p�ima facie evidanae of tho truth of the erotementa mado theroln. The Trustae ehell
<br /> T%.:...+..�• �.�
<br /> apply tho proeeoda ot the sate in tho tollowing order. ta1 to al�reaaonabte ooste end ouponsea o}tho sale,inciuding,but not Iimlted to,the
<br /> �s,,� :��::• Truetee's foea of not more than 8600.00 plue.696 of the amaunt secured heroby and romaioing unpaid,end aosts of tltle ovidenae; Ibl to
<br /> ~;:'
<br /> - eli sums seaured by thia T�uat Ooed;and to1�ho oxaesa,if any,te the peraon or penons�agaUy entided the�nto.
<br /> �'"' 13. Any torboaranae by tho Lender in oxarcisinp eny dgM or romedy horourder,or otherwise eNo►dad by applioebto Iew.shnll not be a waiver
<br /> ,P-��.•.n•�. �� ot or preatade tho exercise of any such dght or ramody in the event ot oonUnuing or future broechoe by the Borrower.
<br /> ,v.'.a{.......
<br /> y '�r+�"`•• — 14. Ali temediea provided in this 7rust Deed aro distlnot and aumutedve to any other rigAt o�remedy under this Trust Oeed or effarded by law
<br /> --�`;C:�'_: �� �� or equ(ty,and may be oxerc�sed eqnourronUy, independontly or euoeeaeively.
<br /> ._ ... . '',:
<br /> • ��':.�.'. ' 18. Upon payment of ail sume secured by thie 7ruet Deed,the Le�der shelt roquost tho wetee to reconvey the Propertyr and shaii sumondorthis
<br /> Truat Oood and a►1 notos ovidenaing indebtodnesa secured by thle Trust Ooed to the Tmstee.Tha Truataeshall reoonvoy the Property witAout
<br /> +�ti�; ' Y=• ;'� werca�ty to tho porson or porsone Iogaity entitlod thereto. Suoh pereon or persons shell pay a11 aoets of recordation,if arry.
<br /> ::.
<br /> ��'+,, 18. The Le�er,at Mo Lender•e opUon,may trom tlme to tlme remove the Truatae and eppolnt a suaoaesor Truatee to any Truetoo appolnced
<br /> '�: he�eunder by an instrument reootded in tAe oouiny i�whioh thie Truat Doed is tecorded.Without co�veyance o'the Property,tho au¢oesaor
<br /> Trustee shati sucoeod to elt tltle,powo�aM dudea eonferred upon the Teuetee ho►eln ertd by epplieobie law.
<br /> �r� �� ` ` �� �` 17. Exoept tor an noticea,dama�s,re aste or other communteatlons re ufrod under
<br /> ,,,,�;;,,., :._: y qu q eppUeable taw to be given in enothor mam�ar,whenever �
<br /> ���-,-••;�••A•;=� the Lendor,the gorrower or the 7rustee ghrea or servea any noUae finctudfng, without Iimhation, eotleo of deteutt and notloe ot eeie),
<br /> ��>�. dam&nda,�equeste or othor cammuntootion with roapeot to thia Truet Oeed,oaoAsuoh notfoe,demond,roRuoat or othor eommunioatio�ahaN
<br /> be(n wrlting end shali bo oNootivo onl�r it the samo Is detiverod by poraonal eorvice ormaftod by eartf0ednafl,postago prepaid,retum reooipt
<br /> _. _ � requoated,addtoasod to tho addreas eot forth at the beginning of this Tntet Ooad.A copy ot any notleo of defnult,any notloo of sa�o,roquired
<br /> ' •- or permittod to bo givon herounder,sha(i be msiiod to oeah poreon who ie e patty he�eto ot the addreas aet forth at the boginMng of tMs Truet
<br /> �L�-. �•:� -- Deed. Any party may ot any dtno ehnnge ite uddroas for aueh noNoea by dolived�p or mailing to the other porties thoroto,ae aforosald.o
<br /> '"a'`;�� � noUea of suoh ohan o. Any noUoe herounder ahnil bo deemed to hmre been ivan to tho 8orrowar o�tAo Londor,when ive�in tho mannor
<br /> "�'�.;'...:, 9 9 9
<br /> ,��, destqnated horein. � ,.
<br /> �'���'�'•''.�"Y 18. The eovenants and agreementa heroin containod shali bind, and tfie dghte heteunder ehea inuro to tho rospooNve ho�re, porsond �
<br /> r•'ti , .
<br /> :�- • °� ropreaentntivos,suoeoaeore nrtd asstgns of tho pardas. AII oovenonte und agroamenta of tho Borrowor ahmtl bo�oint end aovoral. Whonovor I
<br /> .��;`-;`�. , � roterenea ia made to tho eingular heroundor,it ehali Inctuda tho plurat nnd tho plu�ai ehoti indude tho eingular.
<br /> � :v. I
<br /> -.L-_ �.
<br /> A .�.�_-�_� � .
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<br /> ��� �
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