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� � --5h,oaul+'A#/ Y;.- ] - -t�:..}�el. .f ' . . ' �� �:: i{;"��'���.';i;�iG ., ., ��i <br /> � ._ ,'-/;�f��. <br /> L , .. 'p,, " .;,w,a�:� r' : ' . ',' • <br /> IF wn ,,�::�- <br /> :°� ' �����- <br /> �;::1 <br /> _......... . ., .... . __ . _ � <br /> � nat ta �oNd th�rn��n smount a Mndn tor •k�nYy rW�t�d matWp�.b�n m�y nqi�n�i�9aro��a�ount unda ttw <br /> tadKal IM�I EeUb 8�ttMrArn1 Frocedws� Act ol 1�7�ao anNnd�d Iram thM to th►�. 12 U.B.C.2601 M s�y.(°AE9PA"�unlKS�nMhu Mw <br /> - .,,_,� ihat eppl�e� to ths Fund� este a t�sa�r amouM. H to.6endar�ruy. at�ny tkn�,colWct and Rold Funds tn�n �rtwuiri naf to iaowd tM <br /> �qt�r�noun� L�ndn m�y atknt�th��mount nf Nnds du� on th�ba�IO of carnn► d�U end rwfcnabM �tMnat�a of expnidituris ol <br /> hrtun E�crow tlMnt or oth�ip b�acoM�ne�wRh�pplb�A�Yw. <br /> TM Fund� �htll b� Aeld in�n hst�ultion who�d�PosR� �Insund �y�qd�rat qpmoy. hsbutrNntaWY.or w►tlry ilnobdinp L�nd�r.M <br /> t�ndn M woh rt hsNution)at in�ny Fidrrt No+n�Lom B�nic. L.wid��htM WPb th�Funds Vi pey th��sarow IMrt�t. Lendw nKy not <br /> aA�8o�owar tor hatdinp and�i+Pbk+9�Fund���nnwN�naNr�nD th�uorow �ccount. or w►lrybo th�E�orow iwn��un1KS IandK <br /> iD�ya Qa�a�»:.r tr�c�t an the�?nde ertc�e��pl��sb bw pe�mke 6mder to mek�woh R ohtrglr. Haw�v�r�Lmd�maq nquin BoROwor to <br /> pay R anMim�oM1Yp�tor Yf fndM�nd�nt►MI MLta f#x r�0attq iMVb�uad by L.�n�r b conn�ction wtth this btn�unkw�pp:tabM t�w , <br /> p►ovtde� othwwk�. UnWa �n �prwrr+�nt 1� mRdi a�ppNc�bN Mtw nquris bt�st to b� ptid, tAnWr shaN rtot b� nquYrd to Wy <br /> BarowK�ny bt�nst a M�+tinps on tM Fund�.Bortow�r an0 tandK nwy�pn�In+wittnp.howsvar,thtt ht�nit�h�M b�patd on tM Furtd�. <br /> Lwndr shaN piw ta 8omaw�►.wkhaut ohup���n annual�ccounUnp af tho Fundt,�howhp c»db end d�blu to No Funds�nd tM pu�pot� <br /> lov whbh woh d�bli to th�Fund�t wa mod�. 7h�funds aro pbdp�d a�addilbnal s�curily tor aN�ums suound by thb ff�aurlqr In�trumenb <br /> M th�Fund! held Dy t�ndlr exce�d tM�mounts p�rmkt�d to M hNd by�ppNcabM kw,Lsnda ehtN aeaount to 8arowK lor tM <br /> �us Funds M�caad�rws wRA tM�quhwrMnts ot apyNa�bM Itw. II th�anount o!tM Funds Mid by L�nd�r at any tirN N not wR�ci�nt <br /> to P�Y UN Efcrow INms wh�n dw.L�r►d�v rtry sa aotYy BorrowK f►wrkinp� and. in woh eat�Bortow�ahall pay W UndK ths�mount <br /> n�poss�ry to m� up th�dNlcYmcy. BoROwer shnll m�ks up tM dNlaMnay h no moro than twatve moMhy p�ymK►te.�t tand�o so� <br /> ditcrMion. :"� <br /> Upon p�lrnrnt M tuN of a� suna s�ound by thts Socudq Inatrumonl,Lendor shaN Prompty reNad to Bortow�r anY Funds hetd by <br /> tandr. If,und�r panp►apb 21,L+�nd�r shaN�cqub or saN the Propaty.L.�nder,Pdo�to ths acqutskbn or wM of th�Prop�ty,sn.r spab .,� <br /> any FundO Mtd by LandM'at th�tit�ot aCQutSBbst Ot e4{a as e Credtt GpalnIIt the sutns 8eoured by th(S FieCUtih►InstrumertL �t". <br /> 3.App1lo�Qon eff Paymenta Unttss appifwbia law provide5 otherwiss.ail psymw�ts recefired by Lender under parapraPh�f �nd <br /> :`..•-� 2 ship b�applMd: Nn4 to any propaymw►t chupes dw under the Note; �aond,to amounts p�yabM undr►pen�aDh x ihtd to Mt�nst :r'N. <br /> �.� � �i -� � , dw; prbaiqt dw: �nd ksf,to any I�t�ahupea due under the Nate. <br /> . . 4. Char�esj LIQO�. BOrrowM shaN pliy at tax�s.aseisem�nte. oharas� fines and imP�sttions YtkibuLbb t0 th�Prop�rty whbh � <br /> �"'~``t''�,.�'' ;�; mty�t�i Pdor�r ovM thM S�cu�ih►Instrurt�ent�and leasehob peY�ta o�pround rents.Y any. Borrower shnM pay thesa oblip�ticns b th� . ; <br /> �"'��'� mmMr provtd�d h pvapisph 2. or tt not paid h that mtnnar. Bortower ehal pay them on tims dlreaty to the person owed ptyrt�ent. .� :,, <br /> y ,,.,_y.. <br /> ' ,,�':�r:��i'�.M 8or�pw�r sA�il pron�dy tumkh to I.w�dK aN notk�s ot �mounte to b� pald under this parapraph. if BoROwK makes thsa� ptymwits <br /> � �, . , <br /> ����j$�i�,��;9�'4;�?F, dt�ot8orrow�r eh N�prompUy dkcharpe any flen whbh hts P��ovar t isySaourMY tnstrument unless eorrower..(a)apreaa N wrkhp to th� - <br /> ,�s�:.,�:r; .-.-..,.-y:.� . <br /> �:=1,•.:..�.� -,.:, ..� payrtMnt of th�obYpitfan aourad by th�Won In •manner aeeeptwk to Londer;(b) eontests h qood takh the C�en by. or defends�palnat <br /> . , ,t .;.,..�.•::� w+tac�nwd oi�a iws L�,�+_��,��!!�a!�a�lnkx�"?^►�k to orevent the enrorea�nent ot the uen:ar to)seauns irom <br /> ' :°."... •.-��:.� + tM hotdn of tM liri�n��rMment�tisfaatory to Lende►subordhatinp the Uen to this Seourky Instrument It LendK detenmhes th�t any - <br /> �,n n.t:'-.,.'>.r,: <br /> �: re., .;. �.. : part ot tM Prop�rty B subjsat to a Itsn whbh may attah p►tork�r over this Seaurky InsWment, �ender may pNe BorrowK a aoUcs identityhp <br /> ���' ` ' ���� " °: th�Yon. Bomaw�r shiN sttisty tAe liw� or teke one or more of tho aetbns eet tath above wNhh/0 days of the plvhp of notk:e. <br /> �:���� . <br /> .,:Y,;,--,� .r:. � <br /> w�`y'''� ��` • 6. Hezard or Properly Insurance. BoROwer shall keap the Improvements now ex�a�ne or hereafter ereoted on !he Propert�r <br /> �.3s�:,�.... .,..: : <br /> iz:,,,F. ;::'-:�� �r intund apthst bss by Nr�. h�rds includsd wRt�b the tenm °extended ooveraye" and any other hamrda�boludinp tlooda or tbodin�.for <br /> ��-`.�,:�;� whbh L,�nd�r nqulrM hturanc�. This hsuiance shall b�mnhtatrad h tRe anounts and tor the perbds ihot Lend�reQuires. The hsurancs <br /> ;�"��-"'r••;r. a�iet prpvidhp tM bsuancs shaM bs eAoaen by Borrower subJeot to Lendete approvat whbh shait not be unreasoneby wkhheld. It ` <br /> r,`�` Borrowsr fab to maMtah eoverape deacribed ebove� Lsnder Lenders optbn� obtain¢overaQe to Protsct Lendere �lyhts h the� '"�� <br /> � ?�swt,fak�rt,� <br /> ; �, `:-: �"'"�� Prop�rty h aco0��wRb P�9�Ph�. <br /> ., ..a�..�,_?�r <br /> :�'��,.;.,� I1M hauran�poYCies and ronewtls ahaB ba acceptebb to Lender end ahaU holude a atenderd matgape clause. Lender shaN hcve t�s <br /> ���f.�.�:��.'. ripht to hoW tM polkNs�nd mn�wtb. It Lander requtres.BoROwe►shatl Orompty pNe to atl reaeqb of patd premlums�nd ronswat <br /> �,'�1��'K'°'^'^'� not(ce�, In M��nt of bsa,Botrower efNtY pFre prompt aotice to the Msurance aar►�er and Lendea Lender may make proof at baa It not <br /> ��t��,!r�ok�Ya; mtd�prompUl►bY Borrower. <br /> `• �;��, R�.+; b Insurance proceeds ahalt be apP�ied to restoratbn or repatr of the Properly <br /> � �;�._•^'•:�•,;�;. UnNSS L�ndrr md BoROwer othsrwiso sp►es wriGnp� . <br /> ' ', ,'�t.`s. d�rn�p�d, Y ths rostontton or repefr b eeortomtaHy tetsibte and Lendere eeourfty Is no4 lessened. if the resto�atbn or repair Is not •� <br /> . �,...�.'`� ,....., <br /> g:.. ._ . �.., <br /> +;:;*�.:..,•;,;,�;,°,�,ti� acpnombtNy fetsbk or Lendeta security woub bo iessened,the hsurance proceeds shali be eppiied to the euma eecured by thls Seoudty <br /> '�`�°'� '� ' tnaWment, wh�thor a eot th�n due,wkh itny eoccess paW to Borrower. If 8ortower abandons the PropeAy, or does�ot�nswer wkhin 30 <br /> � ,'Y •...-Y+.t <br /> . .� -�. �. days a notk�trom L,end�r that tA9 Insurance oaRler has otlersd to settte a ctalm,then lende�may aotleot the fneure�a proceeds. Lender <br /> �•'=` ;?:;, m�y usa tM proewds to repaY or restoro ths Property or to pay sums secured by thls Seourky Inswmenf,whether or not then du¢. TAa <br /> . �;,:,,% 30�dry Period wW bepM when the ootk�Is glren. <br /> � ' ,",_�;,:� Unqas Lander�nd 8orrower othenvtse apree h wr�inp, any application of proaeeds to prholpal shali not extend o�postpone the due <br /> '�r.:_. «�q. dnta ot th�monthy psyrt�te retermd to b W►aOraPhs 1 and 2 or ahanpe ihe amount of the paymer►t�. If under parapraph 21 the Property <br /> ""�'.'"� ° . is aequfed by L+�rtder, BoROV+�s dpht to any Msurence potbies and proceeds resuRinp trom damaQe to the Property prbr to ths aaqufskbn <br /> •ai,:.'_'.'.°. ..,'.';�� aDtM paa�to Landsr to ths eoctent ot the sums securod by this Socurkl►tnsuument Immedlateh p�r to the eaqutskbn. <br /> w�r:•: '� � 8. Oeeupancy. P�eservation� Mnintenenee snd Prn4eodon of the P�operty; Borrower's Loan <br /> . . :,,' :�'::':;�;;'' ApPilcation;Leaaeholde.eorrower shau occupr�es�asn.and use tha Property es Bortowers P�o����wkhh sbdy days <br /> 'br ; •:•: .;`�,•.; - aft�!h�executbn af thb Securky InsWment and shatl conthue to ocaupy the PropeRy as Bortowera pnc��nl resldence for Bt least ane <br /> ,}:4:'�,.: `;+: -. �• <br /> �,�; ��,:.;.�, yaar af�or the date of oacupanoY. unles8 Lender otheiwEse agrees h wrRhp. whtab coasont shaA not be unreagonaby wkhheb, or unless <br /> '�,�,�.t: y,,,. �..�� r.r,.� <br /> :•.� _,. .`�ti.�,,.�, �enoRtinp oiroumsqncea extat whbh aro boyond Bortawde aontrmL Bortower shail not destroy, d�mape or impatr th�Prop�ty.�1k,w tha <br /> � ' �r:�.;, Proporty to darorbnU. ar commft waste on ths PropeAy. Borrower shalt be In detauh H any toAekuro actbn or proceedh�,whethe�ckil or <br /> 0 <br /> ' �;" crimhn4 b besun that In Lendere pood taith�udgment coutd resua h MReAune ot the Property or otBarwise matartayr Impat the Ilen created <br /> ` ` by thla SacutMy Uatrument or Lsnders soaurMy interest Bortower may cure suah a detaua and rehetate,ns provlded h parapraph 18,by <br /> CtW91no the aoUon or proeeedhg to be dismissad wttA e ruUnp thet. h Lendera pood talth determinatbn, p�cludes forteRure of the <br /> Borrowt�s hterest N ths PropeRy or other niater(al �mpaMmant ot tho tien created by this SocurRy InsWment or t.entlers secunty ntewst. <br /> �'Y 8orrower shatt atso 09 b datnuh�Borrowe►,durinp the ban appUCStbn process,Save materlalty ta�se or heocurate htormatbn or smternents <br /> �� �---- to t.sndar (o►f�a�+to provtda Lcnd:s w�h enr mstetill (ntAtmalbn)M oonrteotk+� wRh the ban evidenoed by the Note, Inoludhp,but not <br /> .. IYnked to. represenfttbne eoneert�hp Horrov+ars occupanoY of the Properly ea a prlr�oipat resbence. If this Securiqr instrument 15 on a <br /> _ �� "..'v ietgal�Id, BOnOw�shBN Compy wRA aA th0 provbbne ot tAe iease. It Bottower 8cqutre8 tee titie to the PropeAy,th9 bSSOAOld 8nd the <br /> ' ,�,,y, , ,; tee titls shail not mupe untess the l�der eprees to the meryer h wBth�. <br /> . .. � <br /> . `-i_" I <br /> .. .—. ��e-'-' oap��ot 6 �orm xse vroo + .. <br /> ,.j ,� y� '�:•• P102ALNt�(6/YI) .. <br /> �' �fr'��rM,�r� . <br /> 4 <br /> ss t3 ' <br />