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<br /> , .
<br /> ._. ..._...:.. _....._ _... . __._. . .. .. ... ���*���. _ _� '
<br /> , n..
<br /> .'
<br /> • M(MT(lAtillAUdBNDUM +��'4� �o��� , `�
<br /> , 7'he iolb�ving nre ed�lenda ta!As Mortgagc. Pk�s�chtck Ihe a�rplicabk addendum. The edJenJaim ch�;ked sh�ll be incorpomtal intu,nnd
<br /> � «catded wi�h,the Morteade. The temn"Moridegp"ehall bedamaf!o inrlu�le"pxcf of Tnu�t;'i�appli�cabk.
<br /> x FHA and FmHA ADDBNDUM
<br /> THIS TAX��BXSMI''i'FINANGINO RiDBR b mnde thu gt� day of S�t_°_"�'°r .19 ����
<br /> inc�rporated into end ahalf be d�ned to amend and aup�lement tha Mongsge,Ueed of Ta�st or Securiip DKCI t"Sccurity tnai�um�n!")of the
<br /> aam�edde giver by lhe unde�igned�'Bunow��i��Q�[Q�tA�N�01�' i�a"�t�N�
<br /> 1'CUC
<br /> ("Lendet')o[Ihe a�me date and oovering the pro�xrty d�sccibed in the 6ecurily lnatrument anJ foc�tal R�
<br /> 1836 N LAFAYETTE AVENU� taRAND ISLAND, NE 68803
<br /> [Property AddressJ
<br /> in addition to theoovenanis and agnamnts made in the5tcurity Inatrument,Bor�ower and Lender further oovenant and agne to amend
<br /> Psragraph 9 otlbe Modtl Mottga�e Fotm,enlitled"oraunds for Aaeleration of Qebt"aa by adding addition�l grounds foraoakration as
<br /> :
<br /> follows: `
<br /> .Y� '�.
<br /> i��, Lertder,orauch of ita suooessorsorassignsas may be separ�le inslrament assumeresponsibility for as,auring compliana by the Borrower �;
<br /> ;s,:�.
<br /> •,�t; wiih Q�e provaionsotthisTna•Btempt Financ3ngRider,mey nquire immediate payment in full of All aumssecureJ by this Sec�rity s
<br /> inst�ument if: �;�
<br /> (a)All ar nart of the Property is sold or otherwise trnnsfer��l by Bono�ver to a purcheser or other l�nsferee: '��
<br /> . ., ,, �,
<br /> ��;;����'
<br /> :+s.�:�� (i)Whocannot reasoaably be expeetal lo oaupy Ihe propetty as a principal re�idenue within a re�soneble time aflet lhe sak or �,:.T
<br /> �. ?J_�l.� •
<br /> � .�s� transfer,ali asprovided in Sa�ion i$3(i:yi+�i�S(iR2jof i�e intersa!R�nu�Cade;as ,.
<br /> •,tr.�3�f} S P.
<br /> � �f'
<br /> � 'Y`��:� (u) Wha h�s had a praent owner�hip interest in a principal rcsidena during Any parl of the three-year period ending on the date .';f"
<br /> � ,�'�}1,;:•;;�
<br /> � ot ihe sak ot ltaasfer,al{As provided in Section 143(d)And(i)(2�of the Intemal Revenue Code(e�ccxpt thal"iW perant"shell6e �� ` '
<br /> ., Y t.�_,.���.j�� " ,
<br /> substitu�[or"95 percent or mote where the latter ep�ears in Section 143(dxi));or
<br /> �. t
<br /> (iii) At an aoquisition wslwhich a g�eater than 90�erant of the nve�age arcn purchase p�ia(greater than 110�ercent[or �
<br /> tnrgeledana residenas),all as provided in 5edion l43(e)anJ(ix2)ollha[nternal Revenue Cale;or .
<br /> Y (iv) 1Yho hasa g�oss fnmily income in exuessof the appliaible percentageof Applicnble median family income as provided in
<br /> .. .L. Se�ion 143(n and(iX2j of the Internal Revenue Caie:or �� .
<br /> , , .
<br /> ,.
<br /> . �
<br /> .;� (b)Borrowt��ails to oocupy the pro�erty desrribed in the Sa;urity Inslrunuot withoul prior written consenl a�Lender or ils
<br /> '� ::��..," suooasotsorassignsdesccibedatthebeginningoftheTAx•ExemptFinnncingRider,or •-
<br /> �,. ,�,,c.¢ '`;; .
<br /> .r,` f�...�1��u
<br /> �; �.�,�'�' {c)Bortower omits ormisrepresents a��ct that is materinl�vith respect to t6e provisions o�Section 143 of the lnternal Revenue Cale
<br /> �'`-�-� in an appliwtion�or the loan secured by this Security luslrument.
<br /> .�'°.
<br /> ,a°`�.'.:=Y:'�..� Refetenasan to the intemal Revenue Codeasamended anJ in effert on thedate of issuance of bonds,lhe proueals af which will be
<br /> � �'=3��=�:�:V:.��� vseci to finaaoe the Sacuiily Instrument and are deemeJ to include tbe impiementing re�ulations. ,:!,:
<br /> �<:�� ::•-�• <:''�
<br /> :�;-�;.. ,...,_,... ,,.,,.ts
<br /> .�,.'.'....•._ ,'. �..
<br /> ;,..^-,:.__�;,=:,:.,- BY SIGNINti BBLOW,Borrower acoepls and agrees to the tenns and provisions in this Tax•Eaempl Financing Rider. •
<br /> �r�7. 'F p'. �
<br /> ..�.,.�:.:- �.. .�., /
<br /> �i:::�� ':t., ..�"_t /� .
<br /> �:��;,�� � .;� Borrower R�� �N5EN
<br /> '`' .. '�
<br /> ~�r';�'•`��' September 8, 139a „
<br /> �. <,�;�� `
<br /> � ��:� .� '-:� Uate Borrowcr
<br /> `�'�'� "�"` �/ 1836 N LAFAYETTF AVENUE
<br /> �''° VA Mf1B7Y:A(:RADDWQDUM
<br /> AAMI�
<br /> i ..1 � �
<br /> .. "��..�����.���.�____ ����r •� •a�� •�r
<br /> 'C._. . � . ' ' 'L,RfAI\V {�lLA1VV j IfC OOOVJ
<br /> �:. .:' .
<br /> I►:.... ' ' .
<br /> �' ' � � If.so longas the Modgage isoutstanding,all orany�arl of lhe property is sold ortransferrecl by Bsrro�ver without Lender s prior�vritten
<br /> "��'`��:'�";�,,, ,.:• . oonsent,other than a trnnsfer by devise.desant or by oper�tion c+f law,the[.ender may,a!Lender s oplion,derlare aU the sums secure�by the
<br /> "�`'�-' Morlgage lo bc tm�ediately due and payable.
<br /> ��>�•
<br /> �; . �
<br /> `�.� �.`+ � ` . .. Borro�ver
<br /> :;r�'.°i!'<:;.-. - •
<br /> , �. ri
<br /> ----:,=-_�_-,; Septertber 8, 1994 ..
<br /> ,��°�;��� �� � ` BOffOtYt�
<br /> �. ;
<br /> Y.��.y Dale �..
<br /> �rt"•.t. :'�:.
<br /> •t� �.. , ., �
<br /> '
<br /> .' •1 _t.. ' •.i . � • .
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