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<br /> , a zlficuble lativ ma 5 clf for�instntement)before�le of the Pro r ursuamt to an��e�r o�f���Orted inthes
<br /> Pr Y �Pe 9 Pe tY P 9 Po "�`�'
<br /> 5ecuriry lnstrument;or(b}enuy of a judgrrtent enfoning thia SecurIry lnsuument. Th�se.run�itIons are thnt Bomowcr.(r�)
<br /> pays i.ender nll sums which ttcen wautd be due under this Securlty Insuument i+nd the Note ux if no ecceleradan had
<br /> occurred;(b)cunw aay default of rar.y od�ec covcannts or agreementa;(c)pays n11 expenses IncwTed in enforcin�this Secud[y ,
<br /> Instttimen�lacluding,but nat iimited to,reusnnuble attomeys'fees;and(d) tekes auch action as Lender moy r+Pasanably �°"
<br /> requho ta asaun that tde Iiea of this S�xudty Iaswment.Lender's dghta ia the Property and Horrawer R obligution w pay ttte
<br /> . sums secured by tf�is 3ecurity Insttument ehull conllnue unchanged. Upon reinstritement by Borrower, thls Secudty
<br /> Inst,—umcrit and dic abligaUons,�ccurcd hcrc�y shall remuln fulty effecdve as if no uccelemtian had accumed. Ho�*�ev�r,th es •`
<br /> dght to reinstate shull not npply in the caco of ac,�elemdon under parngrnph 17. �'
<br /> �•;
<br /> 19. Sale oi Note;Cdange of I.aan Servker. The Notc or a parti�l intere.gt in thc Note(together witl� this Security "
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more timea wtthout prior notice to Bortower. A ealc may result in u chong� in the endty
<br /> (Imown as the"l.oan Servlcer")thnt coltects monthly payments d�e under the Nate and this Security Insmiment. Tliere al�o
<br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u�le of the Not�. If there ia a change of the Loan Servker, �' ••
<br /> Borrower will be given wrltten nodce of the ehange in uccords�nce wlth pamgraph 14 above and applicable luw. The aotice „ .
<br /> wlll state the ns�me and address of tbe new Loan ServIcer aad the address ta which paymants should bc mudc, Thc no�ce will '
<br /> also contain uny other informa�on required by applicabla law. ?'�°, �
<br /> ` ,; 20. Aaasrdons Substances. Borrower shall not caus$or petmit the pr+esence,use,disposal,storage.or releaae of azay :�
<br /> ? �4 Hazardaua Substaaces Qn or in the Property. Somswer shall not do.nor aUow anyone else to do, anything affecting the '`�-�
<br /> 4
<br /> ,,;;,:;;y., Propeity that is in vIolation of�ny Environmental Law. The precediag two senteaces shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> srorage on the Property of small qusndtiea of Hazatdous Substances that are generally recognized to be appmpriate to aamal
<br /> resirlential uses a��d to caaiutenance of the Property.
<br /> Boirower ahell pmmpdy give Leader wtItten notice of any investigadon,claim,demand,lawsuft or other action by any
<br /> �"�?, goveramental or regulatory agenay or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envirnrunental
<br /> Law of which Bomawer has actual kaowled�e. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmeatel or regulatory
<br /> . r •� �• authority.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecda�the Property is aecessary, Hornower •
<br /> � r'��� shall prompdy take aU necessa�y remedial acflons In accordaace with Envimnmental Law.
<br /> �_,,.,.,�.;,�,�._,::, As used in this puagreph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substences defined as toxic or hazaidous subsmnca by
<br /> �}'�N"'`s. ..' . �
<br /> � Eavironmental Law and the following substeaces: gasoline,kerosepe,otber flaznmable or toxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> ���„ pesticides and herbicides,volattle solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials. F►s
<br /> ��x�' oseaf In this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicHon where the Property is locued
<br /> "�`� that relate to healtb.sc�ffety or environmenW pmtectlon.
<br /> � ' ''' �� Nf3N-iJN�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fuRher coveneat end agree as follows:
<br /> �;�'fL�ia:��' 21. Aoceleratlon; RemediPS. Lender shall g[ve notice to Borrower prior to accelereBon foUowlAg Borroxer's
<br /> ��, .
<br /> ''�`'�'��` ��'��`�'�f'� br�ac6 of eny covenant or agreement In thls 3ecurity Instruaient(but aot prtor to ecceleratio�under paragraph 17
<br /> .s,�....�,.,,,..,_:.�
<br /> �� �:�_:,,::�:., , �!��pgl�SDlc ls�s gravisl�s��e?. Tlse aotis+e shall sg�r�!'y: ia?t�ee deBaWt;(b?��he s�o����ls+w1�r.��.re the
<br /> ..,._..,,��k�?_ defuult;(c)a dete,aot iess t6an 30 days irora the date the aotice is given to Bonower,by wWcb the defanit must be
<br /> ".��.�•-�: =. ! cured;end(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date specifted la We nodce may resWt ln ecceleratlon of
<br /> +�.4;r,�;,."F ti�y�,'_�".;^.; We sums secuecd by tliis Security Instnunent und sale at tiie Property. Tde noHce shall tt�rther inform Borrower of .
<br /> .,V . ,.,,. the dght W reinsfute aiter na:elerat[on and We rlRht to bring a court action to essert the non-extstence of a default or
<br /> - r�•.•;_�_•••�.:.- ....
<br /> '.�z;�-�.�.. �., , eny ottrer defease ot Borrower W ecceleratton and sale. If the detaWt is no!cured oa or before the date spec[t3ed in
<br /> �� • '� " We notice.I.eader at its optlon may reyutre immedtate payment in full of ali sums secured by this Secudty lnstrument
<br /> 'Y=�'�'�:" wlt6aut further demand aad may invoke the power of sale and any other a�emedles permitted by appltcable law '
<br /> �`r''"'"1�''.. ����,�,-' Lender shaU be eatWed to oollect all expenses incuned tn pursuing the remedies provided !n this ParagraPh El,
<br /> "�.`t�'�``"�'�``'�` �°'�"'' inciuding,but not lienited to,reasonable attoraeys'fces aad costs of tiUe evidence.
<br /> �""'`''�"``` If the power of sWe ts invoked,7tustee ahall record a aotice of default in each coanty tn which aay pari otttse ,
<br /> .:�"�"•���t=° Property ts Iocsted and shall mail coples of such notice in t6e rcanner prescribed by eppltcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> ��:,:�`a h
<br /> Nn.,;J.
<br /> �:��`�:t��*� the other pensonv preseribed by applicabte law After t6e tlme reqnired by appUcable luw.lYnstee shull g[ve pu61�c
<br /> $_ ��`��..,, notice oi sale to the�ersons am!in the manner pr�s¢ribed by applicable!aw 'ltustee,without deruand on Borro►rer,
<br /> ;,�,,,;,,.,,,,:,,;a,,;,�„�,,,t shall sell We Property at publtc anct[on to the higttest bidder at the Wne and place end under the terms designated in
<br /> ,�,�,�.,...�,,,�;�,: We notice of sele in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. 'hvstee�nay postpone sale of all or any
<br /> , ;,5.,.K, parcel of the Property by publlc anuouncement at We ttme and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> '��'+f;:: ;r�i�`;��`, deslgnee may gurshase tde Property atany eate. � ..
<br /> f+ • Upon recelpt of payment of the pdce bid,'[irustee shall deliver w the porchaser'llrustee s deed conveytng ttae
<br /> r��'f��"` �:�, . . -.`.;'.
<br /> �',.��,�,;,,;,;„__.,,� � Propeety. The recitals in We Ztustee's deed shall be prlma facie evldence of the truth of the stetements made therein.
<br /> . 'nt�stee s6aU apply the praceeds of the sale in the following arder. (a)to aU costs and expeases of exerctsing the pow�r
<br /> • �
<br /> :.��: ,
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