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<br /> 17.'Transfer at the Properiy ar a BtneArial intcrast in�orrower.If�l or any psrt of thG Propecty ar tu►y interest in it
<br /> is sold or transfcrred(or if c�bcncficial interest in B�rrawer ls eold ar trnnsfcrred und Hurrower is not a naturnl persr�n) wtthaa�
<br /> l.citdcr'w prlor writtcn consent. I.cndcr may. ut ite c�ptian, rcq'aiec imm.diatc paymcnt in full af NI emns �ccured by this
<br /> Sccurity Inst�umcnt. Howcvcr,thie uption shatl not b�exercis�d by isndcr if cxe�cisc ie�rohibitccl by fcderal lnw av ai'the dnte
<br /> nf 1h1s'iccurity Instrumant.
<br /> if I.e�t 1er exercisey this aptian,l.end�tr shnil give Barmwer notice af ncceler�tlm�.7'tte natice shu11 provido n peclad af not
<br /> les�tl�an 30 days fran� thc dutc ihc n�ticc ix delivered or maitat wlthin which parniwcr mu5t pny Ull nums secured by tl►is
<br /> Security Instrumcni. If Annower failR to pay these sums priar�o the expirutinn of thic pericnl, I.cndcr muy invnke a�y r�emalies
<br />_ pennittecf hy thi»Sedurlt�y instrument withuut furthcr notice or demund on Burrower.
<br /> 1li. fbrrn�ter'e Itlg6t tu�Rt�nstate. if Barrower meetR ccriain eanditinns. Barrower Khall have tho right to I1f►VC
<br /> enforcement a1'thls Security Insttuntent discantinued at uny timo pdar ta the earlicr oP: �n) S duya (ar such aihor pedod us
<br /> applicuble law nwy hpectfjr far reinstntement) befare salc af the Pmperty pursuant ta uny pawcr af sulc cantained in this
<br /> Security Instrument: or(h)entry of u JudBment rnfarcing this Socurity Jnsirument.Ttiose c:ondittons aro that Borcower: (n�pays
<br /> Lcnder all hums which then wuuld bc duc undcr this Secudty Instrument and the Nute us if no accelerntian had occurred;tb)
<br /> cures uny defauit uP any other covenunts or ugr�mentx: (c) pays all expcnses incurred in enforcing this Securlry [nstrument.
<br /> including, hut not Ifmited to,reasonuble attarnc�s' fees: and(d)tukcs such uction us I.endcr may rcusanubly requin to assure
<br /> that the iien of this Security Instrument, Lender s right� in the Property and Borrawer's ubli b*ution to pny the Fnms secured by
<br /> this Secutity Instrumerit shaU cantirtue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securtry instniment and the
<br /> abligations secured hereby shall remnin fully effective us if no ucceleratton had occurred. However,thiR dght to reinstate shall
<br /> not upply in thc ca.ce of acccicration urtder pnrngrnph 17.
<br /> 19. Sule ot Notei Chan�e of i.oan Scrvicer. The Notc ar u pactial inter�t in the Note (to�ether with this Secudry
<br /> Instrument)may be sold ane or mare times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A sule may result in a change in the entity (known
<br /> us the"l.oan Srrvlcer")that wllecta manthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecur�ry Instrument.There ulso may be ane
<br /> or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sule of the Note.ff�here is a chnn�e�f the I�►an Servicer.Rc►rmwcr will be
<br /> biven wrltten nodce af the chan�e in acrnrdance with pnragrnph l4 above ond npplicable law.The nodce will state the nam�und
<br /> uddress of the new Loan Servicer nnd the addmss to which pAyments should be made.The natice will also contnia any other
<br /> informution requimd by stpplicuble law.
<br /> 20. Hnzurdous Substances. Borrower shall nut cuuse or permit the presencc, use. disposul,storase. ur mlease of any
<br /> :;;,,;� Harurdous Substnnces on or in the Properry. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allow anyone clse to do. anything atfcxting the
<br /> '';�i Pmpeny that is in violation of any Environm�ntul Law. The preceding twa sentences shsill not apply to the pr�ence. use,or
<br /> storage on the Prop..rry of smttll quantities of HaTardouti Substances thnt nre�enernlly rccognized to be appmpriate to normai
<br /> residentiul uses und to muinunnnce af the Propecty.
<br /> �. • Borrowcr shull promptly give Lender written natice of any investlgation,claim,demund, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmenwl or re�ulatary agency ur private pany involving the Property and uny Halardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> ,`d of which Borcower has actu�l knowledge. If Borcower learns, or is notified by any governmentut or regulatory authority.that
<br /> ,r any removal or other remediatfon of any Haxurdous SubsWnce nffecting the Property is necessnry, Borroa•er shall promptly take
<br /> `.' • a!!r,ccr•�r;res�clf�!sctiusu in scmrdasxe�isle F�ssvtronmenta!l.aev.
<br /> �=�.,%
<br /> r As used in this para�raph 20, "Hazardous S�bstnnces" ure those substances defincd as toxic or hUZardous substances by
<br /> �,��:;�i' Environmentcei Luw and the follawins sub�tunces: g:uoline, kerosene, other fl:unmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> � f�+t.rc�.c.tr,•
<br /> ;��•,.�;; pesticfdes und herbicides, valatile solvents,materiuls conwining asbestos or formaldehyde. and radivactive materials.As used in
<br /> :�'��.�:�•.�:,,
<br /> _,.,,..,.t . this paru�caph 20, "Environmentnl Law" n�et�ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � ��.':'h.•:;�,:��:�;� relute to health.safety or environmencai proteccion.
<br /> �•�{ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr covenant and agree us foUows:
<br /> ����'��'•'Y�:'�'�� 21.Accelerntion;Remedies.I.ender qhall�Ive notice to Borrower prior to acceleraHon Pollowin�Borrower's breach
<br /> +��x�'�.;`t';;�'7;' of un covenant or reement in thts Securi Instrument (but not rlor to uccelerntion under
<br /> ' applieuble Inw provid�othenvise). fhe notic�shnl!speciFy: (u)the default: (b) the uction required to cure he de aults
<br /> � .:Q.v..:.}.:Y •• •il.~
<br /> . ,•� �'t"''^• � (c)a date,not less thun 30 duys from the dste the aotice is�iven to 8orrower�by which the default must be cured:artd �►•
<br /> '"`"�����: (d) thut fnilure to cure the defuult on or before the dnte specifled in the nottce mAy �sult in ucceleration of the sums �`'"' '
<br /> y i`f```'"''�"" r,ecured b this Securit In.titrument and sale of the Pro rt The aotice shull further inform Borrower of the ri ht to �
<br /> �°����'°����� relr�stute after ncceleration und the riRht to brin�q a court uction to Assert the non-extstence oF a default or any ather 1'
<br /> y..°•*,,-r
<br /> `` "�'�`" defense of Horrower to acceleratlon und sale. If the default is rtot cured an ur 6efore the date specitied in the noitce, '��" �
<br /> °""'°""" "` I.ender�at its optton, may require immedtate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without "'-
<br /> k�Eq•,:.,yi�r,.
<br /> "r,�'`•�`•_� • further demand end may (nvoke the power of sale and any uther remedles permitted by appltcuble law.I.ender sha11 be
<br /> ���°��•' `� '`�'�' endtled to collect aU expenses incun�ed in pucsuing the remedics provided in thts ParaRruPh 21,Including,bnt�ot limited
<br /> �`l�' '�•.�. :� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> ;��`" ._ • If the power of sale Lg invoked,Tnistee shall record a natice of default in each county in �vhtch uny part ot the °
<br /> '� '``�` Property is located and shaU mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appficable law to Borrower and W
<br /> �'v"��.:- � . ��:<.
<br /> ',�`[_ - the other persons prescribed by applicable luw.After the time required by uppltcable law. Trustee shalt give public notice �
<br /> - of sale to the persons and in the manner preccrilsed by applicable law.Tn�stee. without dcmand on Borrowcr.shell�11
<br /> ''R' the Pro rt ut ublic auction to the hi hest bldder at the time and lace and under the terms desl ated in the nottce of
<br /> ' ��'i'�'� ' Pe Y P �' P itn
<br /> ,. ' sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> � •• Property by public announcement at the time and place oP any pmvtously schedule�sale. i.ender ur its designee may
<br /> ��`r� �� purchase the Properts at any sale. �
<br /> ,r-,�,�, :�•' ,
<br /> `,;;' .. • �.
<br /> .fYi ` „`•
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