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<br /> N.Trans�c�r oY the Pro rty�r�BenericiAi insenst in Borrowe�. tf ail or uny pn��t�e Pi+opec4y or wny imerest in it
<br /> is snid or trunKferred(�r if n b nc�iciul intcr�st in IIorr�wcr is satd ar transfcrrcd und Horeawcr ia not u natur,it perscm)without
<br /> Lcnd:r's prlar weitte�i cansent. [.cndcr m�y, ut ite uptlun, rec�uirc lnuncdiatc pny�ncnt in fl�ll uf nll su�us r+ccurcd b3+ thiti
<br /> Srxurlty(nstrumcnt. Nowcvcr.tl�iK updon ehall nat bc axercisu{l�y l.eniiee if exercise is prni�ibite�by fcdeml Inw t�of tha data
<br /> oP thie Security Inatrument.
<br /> If Lcndcr excrcises thix apttan. Lendcr Rhnll gfve Borrawcr notico oP acceleratian.Thc noticc shnll providc�periad of ix►t
<br /> tc� thun 30 duyti fron�the dutc thc nat�cc ia delivere�i or maitcd within which 8orruwer must pay nll sums c,�curod by thi�
<br /> S+xudty Instrument. If BUrraw�r fnils to pny these sums priar ro thc axpimtlan�f thia periad,l�cnder may invoke any rem�xiies
<br /> permitted by thiF Security Inetrument withaut furthcr notice or demand on Horrovsrcr.
<br /> 18. Burrower's RIAht to ReinsWte. Tf BarrUwer meets cerwin conGitions. BorroK�er sha�l havo thv tight to havc
<br /> enfarcement uf this Secudty in.gtrument disc:ontinued ut any time priar to tha earRer of: (a) 3 clsyq(or such ather peda!as
<br /> applicabtc law mny specify far rcinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to c�ny power of aule conwlnsd in this
<br /> Securlry Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing thia StcunYy Irsstrument.Thosc conditians nre that Borrower:(u)peys
<br /> Lender ull sums which then�vouid be duo under this Security Instrument and the Note u� if no uccelorntian hud oc�cuncd:(b)
<br /> cures any dcfault af Any other covonentw or ngreementa;(c)paya ull expenses incurred in enforcing tl�iR Sccurlty Instrument,
<br /> inctuding, but rtot limited to. reasflnuble uttome�s'fees:und(d) takes auch uct[on as Lender may reASpnably�equfre ta aesure
<br /> thut the lien of this Secu�iry Instrument. Lender s dght�in tho Property sind Borrower's obli ation to pay the sums scxured by
<br /> n
<br /> this Security Instniment shall cundnue �+nchanged. Upon reinatatement by Borrower. is Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shAll mmaln fuily effective as if no aceeleration hud aocurral. However.this�ght to relt�.state sha11
<br /> nat apply in the case af acceleratton under psirugruph 17.
<br /> 19. 5ale of Note; Change of I.oun Scrvicer. The Note ar a pArttal interest ln the Note (together wlth this Secudty
<br /> Instrument)may be said one or more times without prtar notice to Borrower. A sale muy result ln a changc In the ent�ty(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servtcer")that coilerts monthly pnyments due under the Note snd this Security Gism�ment.l'here atso may be one
<br /> or more chung�.w uf the I.onn Servicer ut�related to a snle of the Note.if there ia a char�ge af the Lonn Servlcer,Bormwer wlll be
<br /> given written notice of the change in ax.ordance with parn�raph 14 ubove und applicablo law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the new i.oun Servicer and the uddress to wh{ch payments should be made.The nottce will also wntatn uny uther
<br /> � rs; information required by applicuble law.
<br /> .�Y '. 4 ir� i
<br /> 20. Hezsrdous Sulutances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. disposal. storage. or release nf eny
<br /> .�� ,� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shnll not do. nor allow anyone else to do. anytf►ing affect�ng the
<br /> •r°`�•"�' Property that is in violntton of any Envimnmentel Law. The precedin�two sentencas shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> .� � storage on the Praperty of smali quuntities of Hazrudous Substances that are genemlly recognized to be appmpr�nte to rtormai
<br /> ''�'J�' � + " residenti�l uses s�nd to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> 2il<.4. :n;.y , 11
<br /> � � Bonower shatl promptly give I.ender written notice of any investisation, claim.demand, luws►►it or other action by any
<br /> .,, 5,;,1:,''.,r e S"'� g o v e t c►m e n t a l o r r e�u l a t o r y a�e n c y o r p r iv u t e p u rt y i nvolvin g the Pro p e rt y and an y Ha7ardous Substance or finvironmental Law
<br /> �:;.:�..`-:�`;=.:�;;�,
<br /> �•�,?:°'::�°� -•�•+ of which Borrower has actual knowled�c.If Barrower leams.or is noti�ed by any governmental ar regulatory uuthority.that
<br /> :' .;'-:��'' '" 1�4{�' ; any removal or other remediation of nn Hawrduus Substance afFecting the Pro is neces prom t!y take
<br /> � y perty sary. Bon�awer shull p
<br /> _:, ;.;�.,. ;.�,.y af! ncccssary•rcmcdi�actian.;In sccord3ssce saith LnYironniental[.sw.
<br /> ;.� ,... ... As used in this paragraph 20, "Har.ardous Substances" arc those substAnces define� as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ''���• ��' - Environmental Lnw and the following substances: �asoline. kerosene, other flummable or toxic petroleum products. tox[c
<br /> " pesticides and hcrbicides,volatile soivents,materials containin�asbestos or fortnaldehyde.and radioactive matedals. As used in
<br /> '�"� _ ''. thls para�raph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal IAws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locuted that
<br /> �.;:�,1;�� �� •� - rclate to health,safety ar environmentul protection.
<br /> ;.�•'�;,.;�.. � o� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and a�,*ree as follows:
<br /> `'h`''�`�' � 21.Acceteration;Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> �'+�;'�''�•'�"'' '"" oP any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to soceleratlon under paragrsph 17 unless
<br /> ' � "v" '' ' ' appiicable law provides otherwiseT.The notice shal!apecifys (a)the default;(b) the aMion required to cure the default;
<br /> `�'"!�''''��'' " ""`'�� (c)a date,not les.s than 30 days from the date the nadce is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> � `''"��'� • � - (d) that fniture to cure the default on or before the date spectfled in the nottce may result in acceleratton of the sums
<br /> `•,•y�' . R� secured by thts Security Instrument and sale of the Prc►perly. 'The nottce shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> x��'s��ti�<<�.==° • � - retnstate after acceteeatton and the right to bring a couM aMton to asscrt the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> �`''{l�''�`"` '" `� dePense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. IP the default is not cured on or before the date specifted in the aotice,
<br /> .;�Ji':; ,:... .:'....
<br /> Lender, at its option, may require immecliate payment in full of all sums secared by this Security Instrument without
<br /> "'' �" , ''" ' flirther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be
<br /> � ., .. . entiticd to collect ali expenses incurred in pursuin�the remed[es provtded in thts paragraph 21,including,but not Iimited
<br /> ' to.reasonable attorneys'fees and casts of t[tle evidence.
<br /> � ��''r:;';_,.," If the power of sale iq invoked, Trustee shaU record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the .,k•,.
<br /> '- -'>>�'.•�. Property is loceted and shall maH coptes of such notice in the manner pr�cribed by Applicnble law to Borrower and to
<br /> ,,,r`.�, :-:?��.., •.':�r;�: the other persons prescribed by appHcable iaw.After the t[me requtred by applicable law.Tru�tee shall gtve public notice
<br /> � •�;;�;;,• ;,�,�� of sale to the perrons und in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee, without demand on Borrower.shall sell
<br /> r^ry� • � �,+��`,° tlie Property at publte uuction ro the hi�hest btdder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of ,'`"
<br /> r;�- �' W Y Y P�P Y pA� of the ii•.;
<br /> f sale in one or more rcels and in an order Trustee determines.Trustce ma onc sale of ull or un
<br /> •.�•`�'•„- Property by publlc announcement ut the time nnd piace of any previously schedWed sale. Lender or its desl�nee may ;;.
<br /> � �, . . purchase the Property at any sale. "'��;
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