- � - *x . . . .. . . .
<br />�a.}��:� ,� �,.�� . ._.�kart�a;ew�t �Fw.-,e,,._,.. , .. 'rp�
<br /> • `►.�.'!Mh' �r�►!w�¢ ��M4!�-� . . �� . 1
<br /> � . r�a:,..,
<br /> � �.�f.,n._�
<br /> � 'L�;� .
<br /> .�+��'�,0i1��i�i
<br /> �,Flarar�r�M�MriN�.Tru�tor ehall kwp th�Proputy In QompIl�rta�with a0 a�plia�bte faw�,adlr��no��r:hd npulr3to�
<br /> rM�Tin�to Induftrl�I hy�pNn�ar�nvlaonm�tt�l proMatlon(aolNcNvNY rMe►r�d lo Mr�ln p"Envlronmmt�L�we'1.Ttluabr�11
<br /> kNp tl�propaty frN from all�ubsanoN deem�d to b�h�:�rdour o►loxlo und�►�ny Enrironm�nql O.aw�toalt�otfwwMy �n�Mrndb
<br /> ��I n a� M a 7 t�r d o u e M�S��I t I�).T r w t o r A�n b y w a r��n t a e n d n n r�s�n u b t�nd�th�t th�r��ry no H+ue�raow N1�iKi an ar
<br /> �� ��
<br /> un6�rM�Prop�iiy.�ru�tor h�raby aqraK to Ind�mnify tnd hold harml�4�d�►�la Wnolon�oNliaws.�P�oy��nd q���
<br /> �ny a,�ecu�sen to��nElsr'a Int�rwt,hom and ap�imt�ny�nd�tt olalm�,d� ,Ipis�Rnd�IsbFHtl�M�rlNnp k►oonn�tlon wMh
<br /> u�
<br /> th�pres�nc�.u�,dlopoMl a transpoR ot�ny Hutr��w M�tKl�t�on�u .frorn or�E�uo iix��ra��y.'P'1;i r0::G�7:a
<br /> 10. AMipmn�nt o�M�nM.T�u�tor h�r�by at�i�ns to L�n�'tM r�nts,iquN Rnd proflts ot th�P�epirty;provld�Ibal truMor
<br /> sh�tt,until th�ocournrtoe of an Ev�nt of ONault hereundrr,h�vs th�ripht to aolNot and rMUn�uoh r�nt�IMUM and pt01iMM Ilw!►
<br /> b�coms du��nd payab�e.Upon ths oaour��nc�ot an�wnt a1 Det�ult,L�ndK m�y��Ithe In pK�on a by p�nt,wMh ot wMhoW
<br /> bdnpinp�ny aaUon or procesdinQ,or by s rec�iv�►appolnt�d by a couR and without rpud to tho ad�qw�oy of Iq NcurNy,�M�►
<br /> upon�nd q�k�possession of the P►opsAy,or any paK thsroof,in It�own name or Irt Me rtiartu o!tha T�u�,�nd do aay aaes w!►i9h K
<br /> deema neces�ry or dsslrabts to pre�srve Ms valus,mukst�blitty or rentabltity of ths Prop�rty,or any psRthK�of or Intw�stth�Mn.
<br /> incratte tha incoms therehom or prateot the seauriry hsreot and,with or wiMaut takinp pou�sNon of tM P�op��ty,�u�ior or
<br /> otho�wfe�e colleat ths rente,lasuea and proftto thereaf,Inciudinp Moae pa�t dus�nd+�npsid,end ap�siy th�a�,N�N coN��nd
<br /> expenects af oparatlon and collectton inoiudinp attomeya'fees,upon any indsbtedneas eeaured hareby,ail in�uch oM�r a�rL�ndK
<br /> msy Cetermins.The enterirtp upo�1 an�l takiny poseeselen of the Propsrty,the aollectton of suoh rent�,laue�and proftbs�r�d tl�
<br /> appliaatlon thereof as atoreaaid,shall not aure or w8hre any detautt or notics o!detault hsreunder or Invalidat��ny ict don�tn
<br /> . retponseto euch detauttor pu�auantto euah noUce ot defaultand,notwlthstanding the conUnuance in poat�s�lon otN»Prop�Ay qt
<br /> the cotlecUon,recelat and eoo��cadon of reMa,isaues or proflta and'irustea and Le�der zha8!se entftlad to exer�ie e�ray�;
<br /> `fis�� � providedfo�inanyoftheLoant)ocumenborbylawuponoccunencaof�tnyEveMo40ehu1t,f�ctudlnpwlthoutllmit�tionttw�tphtto
<br /> ��.:....;..
<br /> ;. �,.,r�'.;;;.,, exerolse the power of eule.Fureher.Lender's ri�hts end remedtea under thla paragraph ehsll bs eumulative with,and In �o w�y�
<br /> '' 3���� timiUUonon.Lendefsrightsandremedieaunderenyesssignmentofleaseaandrer�tarecordedepainstthePropeKy.l.ender,T�wtse
<br /> '�•'`': ��:;�t'��,� and the receiver shail ba tiabte W account only those renta satuatry received.
<br /> °j a' '�,-!'.:�',;•''•�:' - 1�, Fv�►b of DNauM.The toilowing ehall conetitute an Evont of Oetault under thie Qeed of T�uat
<br /> . . S,r
<br /> �'. ',�:n����;�:y�+�- ta) Faiture to pay any Inataliment of principal or intarest of eny other aum aecured hereby when ue;
<br /> f�r��.,y�•�j:;,������„�::, (b) AbreachofordetaultunderanyprovisloncantatnedintheRtote,this0eedofTruat,anyofthsL.oenOocumenb,onr►1t
<br /> ,r,.a�.t,;.._:a,. ,.�: . otherllenorencumbranceupontheProDe�'h►:
<br /> � . � • (c) A wrtt ot exeouUon or atteohment o�any elmilar procesa ahall be ontered epainst Truetor which ahait�ecome�lien on
<br /> �'�;=:"• �'�;-'"'�i;•`•�" 1ha PropeAy a eny Portlon thereoi or interest thereln;
<br /> �{' �°"' � " (c� There sheli be filed by or against T►ueUor or Borrower an aodon under any preaent or future federat, atete or other
<br /> £ :••, �`•:;, �� ," eVatute,Iaw or reaulaUon relaU�g!o bankruptay.tnaolvenay or other retief tar debtore;or there ahali be appolnted 1�reY truq�,
<br /> ev
<br /> ,�,�.• ;�:+.,r;;,;:.:, ,•-, receivef�r iiquidator at 3rusiar ar 8orsar�r a:a!a!!�r any�ert�f thw Property,or the rente.isaues or Proflta thereof.orTruttor
<br /> • • , l or Bonower shall meke any general assignment tor the beneflt ot o►editora;
<br /> •;:. , . . ..
<br /> (e) The,sele.tranater,teeae,essignment,conveyance or further oncumbrance of ali or any paR of or any intera�It in s
<br /> ,;!;�� . ' praperty,either voluntarily or Involunffirily,without the expreas written coflsent of Lender,provided that Truator ehali be
<br /> ;��-,;, Nermltted to exeaute a tease of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase and tt►e term of whicb doe�nW exceed
<br /> „ orte year,
<br /> � (Q Abandonment of the Property:or
<br /> , . � (g) If T�uator is not sn individual,the issuance,sete,tranafer,asaignment,conveyance or enaumbrance of more than a total
<br /> ��w�'• , o}�_percent of pf a corporatton)ite isaued and outetanding stoek or Qf a partnerahip)e total ot percent ot
<br /> a-°-^ •�•f� • pgrtnership fatereata d�fr(ng the pedod this Oead oi Truet remains a Iten on the Property.
<br /> •-:�t •�•• ��° • 12, R�emdiN;AecNKatbn Upon DdauN.ln the event of any Event of Oefautt Lender may,without notice except es required by
<br /> • �� law,deciare alt tndebtedneaa seaured hereby to be due and payable and the eame eheit thereupon beeome due and payable
<br /> ..�� '.� � without any preserriment.demand,proteat or eotice of sny kirtd.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> • � (s) Demand that Truetee exeralse the P01NER OF 3ALE granted herelrt, end Trustee ehali thereafter aause Tlruator's
<br /> •,m Interest in the Propsrty to be so�d and the proceeds to be diatributed,all in the manner provided in the Nebreske Tiust 09ed8
<br /> • •� Act
<br /> (b) Exerciseanyandaltrightsprovidedtorf�anyoftheLoanOocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventot0ettwtx
<br /> �'. ' and
<br /> ��-';�'� (c) Commence an aadon to toreaioae this Deed ot Trost as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specl8catly enfo�ae any of the
<br /> i..,;` • covenaMa hereof.
<br /> :•�i?.� • No rernedy herein confer�ed upon or reserved to Truatee Q�Lender ia intended to be exaluslve ot any othor remedy hereln.in the
<br /> ��':'�•�� Loan Oacumente or by law provided or permitted,mut each aheii be cumulattve,shatl be i�addition to every other remedy qiven
<br /> �`;�;;•, hereunder.in the Loan Cocumenta or naw or her3aYter exlating at taw or in equfty or by stetute,and may ba exerctaed cancurreMiy�
<br /> i, , ' ::,`• � Irtdepender�tly or succ�sively.
<br /> • � 13.Tru�e.The Truatee may resign at any tlme without cause,and Lender rtnay at any time and without cause eppolnt e •-
<br /> t � � successor or subaUtute Trustee.Trustee shati not be Iiable to any parly,including without ifmimtlon Lender;8orrower.Tnastor or any • -
<br /> „ purcheeer oi the Property,for any losa or demage un�ess due to reckiesa or wilMui misconduaL and shall no!be requlred to take any `'•`•
<br /> .x Y-f
<br /> • action in conneallon with the enforcement ot this Deed of Trust unlese indemnified,in wrlting,tor ait costa,compeneation or �;:��
<br /> r� expenses wh�ch may be aseociated therewith.in addition,l'rustee may become a purchaser et any sale of the Properly Qud(ctal or �`•'•:-
<br /> under�►e power of sate granted herein);postpone the eaie of all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by taw; or sell the
<br /> � � properly as a whote,or in separate parcets or Iots at Trustee's dlsareUon. '. ,
<br /> - 14.FaK and Eup�ns�s.U the event Truatee sells the Property by exercise of power ot eaie,Truetee ahall be entltled t�apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expensea ot exercising power of saie,including a�i Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> = �- and Truatse'e atSOmey's feea,aotually fncutred to exte�t permitted by appiloable law.in the event 8orrower or Truator ex�rciaes eny .
<br /> •a..„ � rteM provided by lew to cure an Event of Deteutt,Lender shall be endUed to recove�irom 7rustor all coats and expens�s eotuaily
<br /> s fncur►+ed as a resuit ot Trusto►'s detault,frtctudirtg without IimtffiHon a�l Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the exteM permitted by
<br /> ' • appllcabte law.
<br /> t 15.Futun Advane�s.Upon requeat ot Borrower,Lender mey,at tta opUon,make additionel and tuture advan�es and re-
<br /> • advancea to Borrower.Such advances end readvancea,with intereat thereon,shell be secured by th�s Oeed of Truat At noUme shatt
<br /> theprinaipa�emount of the Indebtednesa seoured by this Deed of Trust,not�����s advenced to protect the securlry of thls
<br /> ._�__�.._�_�......�....d w�� .�.! urhir.havar its ereater.
<br /> Y680 Gl t fY3t,Oii4�i u�v vi�yii�a�y�..�v�ro�a...v.....o...w .
<br /> ' 18.Mt�itai�eou�ProWatons.
<br /> � • (a) Botrowet NoII RNeasod.Extenslon ot the tlme for peyment or moditicatien ot amortizarion of the suma secured by thls
<br /> r ; �� . Deed ot Trust granted by Lender to any succes�or in Interest of 8orrower ahali not operate to release,in any mernnri.Ne iiabiiity
<br /> 4 of the original Borrower artd Borrower's successors in Interest Lender ahall not be required to commence proceedi�gs agatnat
<br /> � , such succctssor or ratuse to extend dme for payment or otherwlae rt�odity amortl=atlon of the sums secured by this Qeed of Trust
<br /> � by reason oi any demands made by the orlgina�8orrower and Bonower'e succeesors in fnterest
<br /> (b) LNtd*►'s Pow�n.Wlthout aftectfng the Ilabillty ot any other pe►son liable tor the payment ot any obllgaUon hereln
<br /> mendoned,and without attecring tlie Iten or charge of thi9 Deed ot Truat upon any portion oi the Properly not then or theretotore
<br /> re�eased as securlty tor the tull amount of ail unpatd obNgBtiona.Lender may,from dme to tlmeand without noHCe(f) re�ease eny •.
<br /> � . • -� � �� • pereon so liable,(i{y extend the maturlty or attor any of the to�3 ot any such obHgaBans.{ili)grant other indu�flences,pv)retease
<br /> o�reconvey,or ceuse to be released or reconveyed at any ttme at Lender's option any parcel,portion or aii of the Properly.
<br /> � ;,, .• • (v)take or retease any other ar addiNonat security tor any obllgaUon herein menGOned,or(vi)make compoaltlona or other
<br /> arrangementa wlth debtora In relaUOn thereto.
<br /> � , , .
<br /> I
<br />