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<br /> • ' - /l�RMAIwS�0�Afi��YfO . .. � ., '
<br /> � • ' 31 ST AUGU�Y J4
<br /> 4HI5 ASSIONA�ENT a�RENTS RID�R Is msd�and�xecut�d ihls d�y ot ,1�,Nnd 1�
<br /> lneorparated Into a�nd ehall t�s deemed td amsnd and eupptemsnt the MArta�g�oP D�d o1 Yru�t,h�ro�ln�tt�r r�►pr�sd tn ar tt►� ��
<br /> � �'9ecurity �mtrum�nt��,u�thA c�me date Qlven by ths underelpned, her�lnattar raterred ta Re iho��8orrow�r", to s.rcure
<br /> 8ortow�r'a ind�bt�dn�s�,h�r�in�f4�r r�f�rnd to as ihe"Note",Yu HOM�FEDERAL SAVIN�iB AND LAAN AB&OCIATIqN OF „
<br /> QRAND ISLAND,h�r�Inatt�r�atsned tv as ths��Leader"�ot th���m�dsts and covuinp th�prop��y d��orlb�lin thM 8�aurity
<br /> Ici�trummt md looatad at:
<br /> 221p RIUERSIDf OR� GRAND I5LAND� NE 688U1 '�w�� _��`
<br /> (Proporty AddrQ�s) `�T���"�;
<br /> WII�NEBgE'fH:
<br /> WHEREAS, Borrower snd Lender have apreed th�t any rents and profita attrlbutabte to tho propsMy ehoutd aortstitut4
<br /> addlttond seourity to the Lender fcr the peyment of the Note;
<br /> NbW,THER�FOAE,It!a agreed thet the Beoority fnstrum�ni ehall be annended hereby and deemed to.lnotude ths foltowlnp
<br /> provleiona:
<br /> t. Aesianment of iiente and Lendy�e,ntal Coitection Rlahte.Borrowerherebyabsotutely and unaondltionaliy aAtipns all
<br /> rents, issues and profite ot the propeRy to Benefielary. I.ender ehalt have the right, power and euthprity durinq the
<br /> continuance of the Seourity Instrument to aolleat the renta,lssuea end protlte af the praperty and af any peraonal property
<br /> •,,,7,v,;,, looated thereon with or wlthout takinq poaaeaeion of the property affeoted h�reby.Lender,howaver, hereby eonssnts to
<br /> a: Bom�war's aotleotion and retention ot auoh rente,isanea and profite as they aacrue and become payable.aa tonp es 9orro�er
<br /> . .'�T,�` la not�at suah time,tn default with respeot�o payment of any indebtednesa sacured keteby,or In iha pertarmanae ot any
<br /> .s� �.
<br /> � apreernent hereunder.
<br /> ��.�-��':�;'r�:4. '" 2. Aemalntenent of Q�oelver. It any event of defautt in reapeot to 2he Seou�ity Instrument ahall have occur►ed artd be
<br /> �.�
<br /> '� �:,:�;� cont(nuing,Lender�aa n matter of right and without nottae to Borrower or enyona alalminp�nder Boreower�and without
<br /> :?�`v�,"=•r�'-wrn;. repard to the va�ue ot the trost 9etate or ths interest ot the Borrower thereln,shail have the�lqht to apply to any cou►t hevinp
<br /> . 7:
<br /> 'Li:•;�;1ti�;�}. . �urfedictinn to appaint a reaelver of the ptoperty.
<br /> .,,.,,
<br /> ��".'�Y'�`-��� ���� 3. Rlaht to Posaeasion.In rsase oi defaul!In t�e payment of the said prinaipal Note or Interest,or any part thereof,as it
<br /> •��`'�' rJ'�i'°'�'�'�'1�' shatt mature,or in the caee of fal�ure to keep or pertorm any of the covenanta or agreements aontafned In the Sacurity instru•
<br /> ��:;y_j:.,:;�;;�. '���.� ment, then the Lender, ite su¢aessora or asaigne,shatl be end is hereby authorlied and empowered to take fmmedlate
<br /> -��.•:--°..'�;`•'���: ����� � poaseaslon of the sald premisea thereln deocribad and to colleat the renta theref�om,and to apply the proceede thereof to the
<br /> i�':,,
<br /> , _ payment of the Note.
<br /> .,�,,5.. ,. ��,, d. DDii n�ion of Rentb i$6 es aiiG Its.A!!sastis co!!ecled bY�snde�ar il�e recelver ehell�aQ�qnA first to payment
<br /> :.:- • of the costs of management ot the property and col�eotion ot�e�ts�Inoluding.bu t not Ilmited to,receiver's teea,premluma on
<br /> "' '"""` ' •`'��r" receiver�s bonds and ressonable attorney's fees,and then to the auma aeourod by tha 3ecurtty Inatrument.Lender and the
<br /> �,:;,�
<br /> ,����',�"' receiver shall be Ilable to account only tor tt�ose reMs aotually reoeived.
<br /> ' � S. Construotlon of Provision�.Each of the proviaiona contained in this A�ssignment of Rents Rider and the 3eourity Inatru•
<br /> ment shall.uniesa otherwise speafticatiy requlred, be construed in aaoordance with Nebraeka law,and in the event any
<br /> ' provislon hereln or therein cQntained shall be determined by a court of competent jurisdiotion to be unenforaeable,the same
<br /> ' ` ' " � shait be aonstrued as though auch unenfa¢eable provision were not a paR hereof or thereot.
<br /> ,�4 ,� � � 8. Eifeot of Rider.Except as speaitfcally rnodified by or inconslatent wlth thi s Aseignment of Rents Rtder or by any other
<br /> •._,�..,,.
<br /> � .-� appilcable rlder,all of the terms aod provisfona contained In the Seaurity Instrument shall continue in fuli torce and e ect. s. .
<br /> .._?..
<br /> � ;;. �,,.: tN WITNESS WWJEREOF,Borrower hss ex�cuted thls A� t ent of ts R! the t�et ngted above. ';�
<br /> ".��.�i
<br /> , ; KARt� RAY K L �II�r6�l S
<br /> .. ,. ` �i,
<br /> . 1
<br /> . � ,° vE�.Ya asHeu��a��wo�ES ;
<br /> .=1
<br /> ; '�v
<br /> -_ .� STATE OF NE8RA3KA)
<br /> „1_. .. (sa: �..
<br /> ;. :,- , . COUNTY OF HALL ) '
<br /> :r-`�. ° � On thia 31 ST day of pUGUST KARL4 RAYef KELL�thNICHOLES��dND�VE�YNb��WAS�I�-�U�R�►missloned and �-
<br /> r.'�'� , .--- ---- --qyyaiiife9�sei�-C3e�:-Rsrsott8lt -- --- -- ---��-----. . . . ..
<br /> :' � NICHOLES. HUSBAND ANO WIFE �to bo the Identical pereon(s)whose name(s)ielare subsc►ibed
<br /> ' �� to the foregoing Instrument, and hefshelthey aaknowledge the executlon thereof to be hielheNtheir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> 4 Witness my hand and Notartat Seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> �:�, .
<br /> ., ;; . in sald coyqty the date aforesatd. _
<br /> � ';,.. d
<br /> ,; , i��,S�M M Mrnrka C�!� � . ����•
<br /> , q�SL�g Notary t�ublic
<br /> a,� ' � �Owia0t�,01G291996
<br /> ' ���� , r�., �!� [`t q �O
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