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,��<; _ r rs�r:�;��;{I,'' SYI�ti �j.x �� � � ':i, . !�'(l�; ' ` �.!'� �jti�t�{'�r!!�[`s:. <br /> ,�,f� -F� ( � .r . - "+�5��, r,�:� <br /> , • 'A ';6: <br /> �.r. �!.. <br /> . {;. <br /> .,—_.---_.._.._ �� -- <br /> .���—'-.,_._..'--_.. , _�_�_� � --... ._...._....__ . -----�- <br /> .... . . ,-, - . . _.—. _._ . . .. . -�.or---..�_..-��^'--"-- <br /> . � .�. ,. �_�� <br /> . � .. � . . , .. , ��4�p�4as , ,� .:r <br /> , . <br /> ap�sltcable law may specify far reinsttitement)before sale oF the Pta�erty flursuastt to sny power n�sak cantainod!n thin . <br /> ` Security Instrument;oi(b)entry of a Judgm�nt enfiming thia Security In�tivmen� Ttia�sp ca�ditinnb ue thAt 1Borro�wer. (a) <br /> . p�ys Leudet all�qm� tvhiGh 1l�ea would be,dae uMer thls 5ocur[ty in�uttsent�d the Nota u if ao aooekratiaw b+d <br /> � •al]ex iacumed yn eAfar�tbi�Sec��rity <br /> occur�+ed:(b)cum em+defauEt of xny ottkr cAVt�wtt�or�eanenta�(c)PsY P�+ <br /> � Insaument, jn�4oding,but uat iimita!w. �asonAisle�►ttaeneyr'f'ea:and(d) uksa aucb actlon a I.n�dar may ce�aon�My <br /> requi�e tn,issuns th.t t�e tien or this Sacuriry inauurnent,[.e�dati d{hn ia th�P�opaty�ean+nwa'�obii�rtia�e a pq da <br /> isums socured by Ws Sectutty Inctcumrnt sha11 continue unchan�ed. Upan roln�tcment by Bama�a, this 8ecuclty <br /> Insuumeat aad the ob13QaHons e0cured he�eby stirll rtmain flsity e�iecd�a as if no accekradaa had accumed. �'tawavex.ri�i. . <br /> daht to reiast�te a�ttU apf,app1Y in the case of accefer�don undar par�gr�ph 17. <br /> � 1�«�.�M���iM�:�uM�'I.a�n&rvke�: The Note or apartld iaterest in the Note(toge�her with thIo Savdty , <br /> le}struMtent? ma9:9fd�b11I'o�a mone Na�wIthout pdor aot�ice W Boimwer. A sale may nault in�change in the eality <br /> (knav�+�is tU�"LoaB S�n►ker")that collccts monthlY P�Y�nts due under We Note and thia Sectuity Instrutnen� Thete alw <br /> oa <br /> �na�b�une"dl''mon chsages of the Loan Servicer unrelatod to a salo af the Nou. If theie is a chauge of tSte Loan Setviat, <br /> Hcxmwer will bo glven wrltten notice of the change in accordaaoa wtth puagaph l4 above ead applicable law. T6ie notIce <br /> wlll state the aamt nad address of the aew Y.oan SeiviceT or►d the address to which paynoents ahonld be msde. Tl�e modia wllI <br /> also contain any other iaforaaadoa reyuired by applicable law. <br /> 20 Ha�anlou�Subetanas. Borrower shail rwt cause or permit We pnser�e.use.disposal,st�rage,ox releaae of�ny <br /> Hazardoua 3ubstauces oa or in the Property. Borrower shaU not do.nor allow anyone else ta do,aaythi�g affecttng!he <br /> P�petty ttl�at!s in vlolatlon of any Eavironmeaml Law. 'Ihe piecedIng two senteaces s6all aot apply to the piesee�ce,use.or <br /> storage on the Property of smaU quanHaes of Hazacdous Su6stanres that ane generaUy re�ogaiT,ed W be ar}psaprla�a co nozmal <br /> resIdenHal uses and ro maintensnce of the Property. <br /> Borrowep shali pnnmgtlY givo I.cnder written aof�ce of aay iavessigedon,claim.der�aad.lawsuit or other ectIon by any <br /> gorerameatal or tiegulatory ageacy ar privat�party involving the Pmperty and any Hazardo»a Substaxe or Envtronmemal <br /> Law cf whtch Ba:rower has acwal knowledge. If Borrower le,:uns. or Ls notifiod by eny govemmentel or regulatury► <br /> authority.that arry�moval or other remedtatton of any Hazardous Substaace affecU�g the Property+ is necessary.Borrower <br /> shaU promptly mke all aeressary c�emedial�tons fi ac�otd�nce witb Environmental Law. <br /> As t�s�l'na this para�aph 20."Hezardous Subsrnnces"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Eavtrenmemall.,a�v and We follow[n�substa�ces: gesoliae,kerosene,other flammabte or wxic petroleum producte.taxic <br /> pesticides and herblcides. vulatile solveats.materlale containing asbestos or farmaldehyde, and tadianctive matcrIals. ,A4 <br /> used ln this paragtaph Z0."Fa�vlronmentel Law"means federal laas and laws of the jurisdIctton whe�the P[operty is loeaZec9 <br /> that relate to health,safety or eavironmental pmtectloa <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant und agre�as foAowa: <br /> 21. Accderation;ltemedies. Lender shaU gtve notice•to Borrower pdor to aooeientlon [dtowing Borrower'� <br /> brwch of any covawnt or agrec�nent in t61s Securtty Imtr�ent(bnt not pdor to sooeleratbn under p��nph 17 <br /> unkss appllcabk taw pmvMes ott�er�rise). 't�te n�odoe shali�y: ta)�e deG�ai�ib)�Se actton i+eqnireal io car�i6e <br /> ddaulk(c)o dete.aot less tban 30 daya it+om the date t6c aoda Is glven to Bon+ower,by�rhic6 the ddault mast be <br /> cared;and(d)that feliw�:to cnre the defadt on or Isefon tbe dnte s�pedtied ia the noUoe�y e+esWt in nceekratton of <br /> t6e sumv secured by tdts Secudty Insq ument and sale oi ihe Pcoperty. The notla shall tt�et6er Inform Hurrower oi <br /> .> the right to nin�tate�iter aaoeleratbn rnd the eight to 6ring a�urt adbn W assert the aonez�tena of a d�Wt ar <br /> :'?�;}. ,,, .� �tny other def�se of Bare+ucrer to s�celermtion and sal� dt the detanit is not cur+ed on or before the date sped�cd[n <br /> �7�: '�, the notla,I.eader nt its optEon may require immediate paymant in thll of oll sums secuned by t6is Secudty Iastrvment <br /> �vith�nt tt�rther demand �nd may invoke the power of sale aad any oiher remedfes permitted by apptk�bk law. <br /> y�:. . � Leader shall be entifled to oolled pll expea4es lncucred in puisving t6e remedles provldcd in t61s paragrap6 21, <br /> tnclud[ng,but not W6tted W,reasonable attorneys'[ees and cosffi of tlUe evldenc� <br /> U t6e power ot sale is invoked,7tustee shall reoord a rtottae of defanit la eacd�ounty ln wht[ch any part ot the <br /> . ;;,�` `� Pmperty is located and st�ll nwil copies of sac6 nodce in the mannec prescd6ed by appUcable law to BorroWer ond to <br /> Ihe oiher�zrso�pr�srribe�by aPPtitabie taw. Atiter the dme reqvlred by appllcabte taw,llraste2 s6�EE1 gfve pnt►]k <br /> notta af sWe to t6e�xrsons and In the manner presci�[bed by applicAble law 'llructeq wlthout demand on Borrov►er, <br /> ��,��� a•`hwall sd!the Propetty at pu6lfc twctlon lo the highest bldder at We time and place and under the terms designattd tu <br /> Y�, ,J_�•w {LLi notla of sale tn oae or mot+e psruels and in any order'llrustee determlt�es. 1lrudee msy�ostpone sale oi all or fmy <br /> ;�'-,��T„ a r paral of the Penperty by pu6llc panouncement at the ttme and plaee oi aay previously scheduled sWe. [.ender or[ts <br /> „�r:..3;d�,-°., <br /> .S ,��;.�;z;,:r,.,Y. des��ee may purchs�se tlie PropeRty at eny sale. <br /> Upon e+eaeip!oi paymient ot the prlce bid,7tustee atoall r�eUver to f6e pui+c6aser 7tustee's deed conveyin$II?ie <br /> `��;=r"•�� -� '�'°``��'-` � Peruperty. The cedmis in the'tlrustee's deed sh�ll be pdma facie evtdence oi the truth of the smtements made thet�ein. <br /> ' �'"=�'': � 'ltre�stee sha11 apply the pe+ooeeds oi the sate[n t6e fol�owtng order. (a)to all costs and expeases oteaerdstng We po�rer <br /> M <br /> .:j:� �' .. . <br /> '� . ., <br /> ,r. <br /> 1C.�� <br /> F, . <br /> :y��. - '7.. . <br /> ,d' <br /> � .. <br /> �,,,"r. . �. <br /> ��:e a, - <br /> ���...F�I . .u . <br /> .. �-.^....,.r..�--�- �^_ <br /> . . J _ � .._.- ^ t ._ r. �.1'_'J._.-..lf:-1..r�:� . .�T1�i l.Y.�::S�y1k.:it�.�. � .:3'� ., �fRli <br /> .. • . , • . .... _ . . ,J'•:� " , �..!,'r " .. ..., fl� <br /> `V...�)/.h4.� .. <br /> .. ' .. ' , ., ' .. _ „n.•',C1'. ' ^•1.f9-•,�� "f.i, " � � . . ., <br /> . `• <br /> ,;. �� . _ . � . . <br /> _ _ _ _- _ . - .... �.. __ �_=•>�'r-.1.--=:_:. _. . .. . . —__ <br /> .— ti— ��.�__— -. ... . ... -. .. . -� . - —. . - . _ . - -_..'_ <br /> _' .' , P .. � �.. � ��1' , .. u ` .' `Y ' .. <br /> � ' � .. .. 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