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<br /> 17.Trai�fer ot the Prap�rty or• Baakt[ctal intemst in Borrower.Jf all ar any pan of th�Property or any inttmt in it
<br /> ie sold or tmutiferrcr!(or If u bcneGclal intcrrst it�liorrowcr ia�o[d or trunsfctrcd and Barrawer iK not u natural�crson)wlthcwt
<br /> Lendcp'x prinr wrl�ten eo��scnt. [.cndcr mny, i�t it� aptian. requin� lmmcdiutc p�ynicnt in fLll uf al[ s�n�s sceurut by tl�is
<br /> Sccurity In�,irumani.H��wcvcr,this aptir�i x1ta11�wt be exerclsed by l.ender if exercise!K prohibite+J by federnl law as of the ciate
<br /> oi Ndx Sccurity lntitrument.
<br /> If L.cix�ct CxcrclRCS this option. Lcndcr shnll givo Borrower notice of accelerudun. The notice ehall pmvide a perlod af�not
<br /> Ic�� thun 3Q day9 fioin thc date the noticc ie dclivcrcd or ma�led within which �arruwcr must pay all sums accured by thia
<br /> &ccurlty Insliument.iP Aarmwcr fails to pay thtse sutns priar to the oapiration oF this periad,l,cnder may invoke any remedla
<br /> perm(ucd by this Srcurity lostrumem witttau far�her nottce or dem;u�d an Borrawer.
<br /> 18. �rrower'e itlRht to YtRlnRatt.�If Tdarnawcr meeta cennin candltians, Horrawer shuli huvc tbe right ro hsvc
<br /> enfarccu�nt nf thiK Srcurity InatruR�tnt:di�oontinued nt nny time priar tn the earlicr of: (u)3 days (or such other period av
<br /> a�pllcnblc law muy specifY far rcinslatrntent) bePare sule uP the Pra�perty pursunnt to eny power af sale mntaic�d in this
<br /> Sec:udty insin►ment:or (b)entry of n judgment enFareinp this Securiry Inst�nt.�'hoso conditions are tbat Borrower:(a)paps
<br /> Lender uil Eums which Ihen�vouid be due ucider this Secur�ty Instrun�ent and the Note us if rio necelelaUon had ocevrned; (b)
<br /> cures uny defuult of any other cuvenants nr asc�eements:(c)pays ull eapenses incurrcd in enfon�ing this 9ecurity Insuument,
<br /> including,but not limited ta.masanuble Auurnays'fees:anil ld)takes such uction:i.4 Lender may reasonably require ta assute
<br /> thu�Nie llen uf this 5ecurlty Instn�ment. Lendrr's righ�s in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secun�d by
<br /> this Security instrument shall mntinue unchnnged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations scrurcd hemby shall remaln fully eff�tive ac if.no accelerntic►n hud occurred. However. this r�ght to reinstate shall
<br /> �t apply fn the c�.�se of uccelcratian under putagraph 17.
<br /> I9. Sale ot Notet Change of La�nti Servicer. The Note or A partial intetest in the Note(together with this Secudty
<br /> lnstrument)muy be sold ane or more tirttes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entlty(known
<br /> as the "Loan Servi�et"y that callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Socurity Instrument.There also may be oae
<br /> or more chun�es uf the Loan Servicer unmlated to u sale af the Nate.If there is a chanqe of the I.aan Servlcer.Horrower wilt be
<br /> given written notice of the change In accordance with parngraph t4 aboee and applicable luw.'Flte notice will state the n�upe and
<br /> nddr�s of the new Loa�Servicer und the nddress to which payments should be made.The notice wlll also contain any other
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazordous Substances. Barrower shall not cause or perm(t the presence,we. disposal. storage,or nelc�se of any
<br /> Hawrdou.g Substartces on or in the Praperty. Barrawer shall �ot da. nor allow anyone else to do. anyUung effect�ng the
<br /> ^ .v:• :'^� � Propeny thot is in violation of�ny Environmental Luw.The prc�eding two sentenccs shall not apply to the presence. use. or
<br /> �' stornge on the Property of smatt quantities of Hs�rardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropdate to normnl
<br /> ' mstdential uses artd to maintenance at the Praperty.
<br /> ��._� ,,,;,,, Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of uny invesligation,claim, demand. lawsuit or other xctton by any
<br /> ''�F;���'s�M`.' ' govemnientul or regulAtory agency or private pnrty involving the Paoperty and any Houvdous Substnnce or Environmentul Law
<br /> 'x,;•:?•.;�:-,•,�. of which Borrower has actual krtowled�e.If Borrow�r learns, or is nuiified by any govemmental or rc�ulatory authority.that
<br /> '""`x`� �'��` '�'�� any remmal or other remediatton of any Hwardous Subst�nce affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shnll prompdy take
<br /> . -Y."•� • ali nec�eccarv remedial acdons in stcconlnnce with Envimnmental I•rw.
<br /> • ` ~"'`��� As usai in thi,paragraph 20, "N:�rdous 5ubstottces"am thosG substattces defirted as toxic or ha7atdnus substances by
<br /> , ,. �c.�.:i, _.t. ..:.
<br /> �a•�n.:•, Environmenwl Luw und the folluwing substances: gosoline, kemsene. other tlammable or toxtc peuoleum praducts, toxfc
<br /> '����''�� • � � � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials cuntaining asbesw,ur form.�ldehyde,and radio3ctive materials.As used in
<br /> �t~{.-'� ",. ' this paragmph 20. "Environmental iaw" means federal la�vs :u►d laws of the ju�isdiction where the Property Is tocated that
<br /> ?''°-
<br /> �;^`>�� ' '- relute to health,safety or environmentnl pmtection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further cavenant and agree as follow�:
<br /> ..�.
<br /> ��'�i' �'" -�� �I.I. Acceleration; Remedtes.Lender shall give natice to Borrow•er prior to ucceleratton following Borrower's breach
<br /> �%*�+�t•ti� ''.':•� -���•. ot any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to ucceleratEon under• paragrepb 19 unlesg
<br /> . .�c��.�.�« :.:.,t upplicable!aw provides oiher�vise).Ttte notice shall specify: (p)the default: (b)the acdon required to cure the defaulq
<br /> ����.�-;�A. �' (c) o dnte,no!less than 30 dnys from the date the nuttce is given to Borro�►�es. by which the default muct be cnrsd=and
<br /> �`��kY�*;�-�� •°-,�.: �d) thst tailure to cure the default on or beforn the dute specitied in the rtotice may result in uaeterution oi the sums
<br /> ��y; � • � secured by th(s Secucity Instrument und sale oi the Pmperty. The notice sh�il further inform Bor�ower ot the rlght to
<br /> ,,;�;l,;�.;w...; ;�' reintitute after accelen�tion nnd the riRht to bdn� u rnurt uctton to ussert the non�existence ot a defeult or aay ottter
<br /> ��•'�-'��"•�*• °• de�ense of Bon+ower to accelerntion iu�d �le. It ttee defuult is not rured on or beforn the dute specified in the noNce,
<br /> �'� ' � •�-'-, �- l.ender. ut its optfon. may require immediate puyment in tull of ull sums secumd by this Secur[ty Instrument w[thout
<br /> �"��y� `���• °�+l fl�rther dans�nd end may invoke the power of sale and uny other remedies permitted by applicable Iaw.I.ender shall be
<br /> , entitied to collect all expenses irtcurred in pursutnR the remedtes provided in this pur�raph 21.iRCluding,but noi limited
<br /> " ' • .,._ to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs af title evtdence.
<br /> . • r„ If the power of sele is invoked. Trustee shull record a notice of default in each rnunty In which any part of the
<br /> .� ,;�;;�t.; Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manrter prescribed by upplicable!aw to BorroHer and to
<br /> �� the uther persons presc�tbed by npplicable law.After the time requlred by uppticuble Iaw.Trnstee shull give public natice t
<br /> oP sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appltcable law.Trustee.without demend on Borrower.shsill sell
<br /> �'� the Property at public auction to the highest btdder at the time artd pincz und under the terms des'sp;aated in the notice of
<br /> ���%'��'�' sale in one or more ps�rcels und in any order Trustee determi�es. Tcustee m�y postpone sale ot all or any par+cel of the -
<br /> '�" 1�::�'��� . Property by publ[c announcement ut the time und pluce m�'uny pmvtously scheduled sule. Lender or its dcsignee maY �
<br /> �:"'� purchase the Propeity ut any snle.
<br /> x.
<br /> .�.
<br /> ' Form 3028 9180
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