� � .�;; .. ' '� .�.�.t�� r•;.'r f.- •ai �jFi?(, :�� , � . .. ..... .. ... . . .}u:ii;.:��'•_.�_
<br /> I � I :, ro,arrs.. 3';�(:.L,�� ,
<br /> Ir �•. -1 U '2
<br /> _ D�E�i OF TR��T ONITN FUTIIRE ADYANCEB ���_ g��'��s
<br /> THIS OFED OF YRU9T.Is m�d�as o!tfis �na�day of�.. Septombe� ��p�„4 py ind amon�
<br /> tlwTtu�tor. Tmm�� ��luls�
<br /> Husbaa and Wi e
<br /> w����������� 59)� N l0�th P�aza 1�, Omaha._IdE 6813A �rNn"Trusbr,"whN��►on�eN mo�ab
<br /> �T��� Five Poiate lisnk. R Nab�asiea Corporb►tt.os� �
<br /> who�malitnp addras i� � B Box 15�7. Grand Ie�.Aad� NE 686Q2 �������,ond
<br /> ths 8�nsflCiary, R'i Peinta �dnk ,�_._, �
<br /> who�matitrtpaddrsssl: P•0. Box 1507. Grand Islead� NB 68802 m���«���,
<br /> FQR VA�LU��CO 1p TION in.�Iud�np�nder�exte�slon of oredit IdentlN�d herein to Kevin Huloe 6 Tammie L.
<br /> Huise, Hueband an�W £e en� Troye . Hu se
<br /> Tnmm�v�K Ht�]���{y j�,]�BT�d A^� v�Fp (herel�"Bcrrower",whether ans o�more)end the t►ust herolre created,
<br /> r. � ths receipt of whid�la he�eby aaknowledped,Trustor hereby Inevooably�raMs, Venstms,conveya and a�sipns to Trustss,IN
<br /> TRU87,WITH POWER OF BALB.tor the beneNt and seoudty ot Lender.under and subje�stt tothe terma end conditlons herelnatter sat
<br /> tordt.thG roa!property,deacribad iw tollowx
<br /> Lote Seven (7), Bight (8), Nine (9), Tea (10), E.Leven (llj, Eighteea (18),
<br /> � �����' Nineteen (19), and All of Vacated Claud� Drive wiYhia the Boundaries of
<br /> ;.,: :;;�: -�����r.j�, said Lots ia Aeutings First Subdivision, Sall County. Nebraska
<br /> r �,. ;.������� �, Topether with ail buitdinp0.improvementa.Oxturea,streete.alleye,passa�ewaya,eseemente,riphta,prlvi�eves artd appurte-
<br /> .:' `•.• ����� nancea located thereon or In anywise pertatning thereto,and the re�te,tasues and profits,reverolons and remsinders thereof.and
<br /> ��w.�,�-,',�,,.,:.; suoh personal properiy that b attached to the impravemente eo ae to conadtute e Yixture,Inoludinp,but not Ilmlted to.hesUng end �
<br /> �`_•'�'..` r.;�` eoolinp equipment and toAetAer wlth the homestead or martml intereffie,if any,which Interesta are hereby releaeed and watved;atl y
<br /> . . ,...
<br /> �',�k�::°•.� �•=y:•.: ot whioh,inotudi�p reptacementa and addftiondthereto,la heroby deolareE to be a part of the�eat estate aeoured by the llen of this
<br /> � '' • � Deed of Truatand all of the torepoing beinp�eterred to hereln as the"P�opeAy". ;•-1�•�
<br /> :.,. �. ..
<br /> :�.,�',:;._:� .
<br /> '' This Qeod of Trust ahatl aecure(a)the payment ot the pdncipal aum and Intereat evldenced by a promlaaory�ote or crodit
<br /> �.,..�. .. - �� egreemaM dabd , S�otratbe� 2. 1944 ,hIIit�R$3 i!!Sh!!(F��8L84} March 3. 1995. _ ,
<br /> � . in the originat principsl amount oi� ��g+000.00 ,and any and ali modiflcatlons,extenalona and renewa�s
<br /> _ thereof or thereto and any artd all tuturp advances and��advancea to Borrower(ar any ot Mem if more than ane)hereunder R
<br /> � � pursuant to one or more promissory notes or cre�iit egreements(hereln cellad"No=e'r(b)thc pnymant af ottsar sums edvanced by ,
<br /> lsnder to proteat the seouriry of the Nota:(o)the peRarmance ot all covenenta and egreemenffi of Trustor sst to*th hereln;and(d)atl ;�,-
<br /> present and f�ture indebtedness and obli�adona of Honower(or any ot them if more than one)to Lender whethar direot,indirecn, ,:.
<br /> ��." " abaolute or continpent and whether arisi�g by�ote.guaranty,overdrett or otherwise.The Note,thls Deed ot Troat and any and ell �.:: �
<br /> �';�`' otherdoculemsthatseoure the Note or otherwiae executed In connection tlrerewith,including without�imftadon guaranteea,secudty " }.
<br /> ��'�'�"' ,. agreemente and eaaignmente of teasea end rente,shall be referred to herein as the"Loa»Documents". "`°
<br /> '•.;';�;� � Trueto�covenanta and agrees with Lender ea toltows: �
<br /> "'f,���.• 1.Paym«tt ot lad�btesin�.All indebtedness secured hereby eheli be pald when due. ;i..
<br /> ���s�`'� ' � 2.TtN�.TrustOr t�Me owrter of the Properly,hae the rlght and euthority to convey the Property,and warrants that the lten
<br /> ;;c���'• created hereby is a flrst and prior pen on the Property,except tor Ilena and encumbrances set torth by Trustor in writing and
<br /> � � , deilvered to Lsnder betore exeaudon ot thia Deed of Trost.and the exeautlon and delivery of thla Deed of Trust does notviolate any
<br /> .� � contract or other obiigatlo�to which Trustor is eubloot
<br /> °��•�,•• . 3.TaxN,AstusnMnb.To pay betore deiinquenayali taxea,spealalassesaments and aI�other charges againstthe Property
<br /> ������, �' aow or hereaRe�Ievled.
<br /> �`�;' � 4.tmunna.To keep the Property insured againat demage by flre�hazards Inatuded wtthtn the term"extendad coverage",and
<br /> such other herards as Lerttler may requfre,fn amounts and with companies accoptabte to Lender,naming Lende�ea en additlanai
<br /> named Insured.with loas payab►e to the Lender.In case o!ioss under euch poticies,the tsndor la authodzed to adjust cotleat and
<br /> ,e�:,�: � compromise,eii c�atms thereunder and aha��have the optlon ot applying eIi or part of the inaurance proceeda n)to any indebtedness �,
<br /> S'•^y,.
<br /> ;,.,r��:.. aeaured hereby and ln such order e,a Lender may determine,(11)to the Truator to be used tor the repair br restoraUoo o e rope �,
<br /> ;;ti:�, . , „ or pii)br any other purposs or obJect satistaotory to�endar wlthout ettecUng the Iten of thia Oeed of Trust for the 1u11 amount eeoured �;:;
<br /> .:• hereby befora such paymant ever took place.Any SpyllcaUon af praceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or poatpone tha due '
<br /> � � date qt any paymenta under the Note,or cure eny datauit thereunde►or hereunder. �.
<br /> ����� , � 5. Escrow.Upon wrttten demand by Lender,Truator shall pay to Lende�,in auch manner as Lender may designate,suHlcleM j
<br /> �"� � sums to enable lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:p)all mxea,assessmenta and o�her cherges against �
<br /> ��� � the Property,(Ii)the premluma on the property Insurance required hereunder.and pli)the premiums on aoy mortgage Insurance 'f
<br /> ', , , ►e9uired by Lender. f
<br /> �� ; � , 8.MatntManc�,p�psin and CompUtna�with Lews.Trusto�ehsll keep the Properiy in good condit0on and repalr,shall I �
<br /> promptiy repair.or repiace any improvement which may be damaged or desVOyed; ehatl not aommk or permR any waste or
<br /> � � detarloraUon ot the Properiy;shatl not remove,demoilah or substantlaliy elter any of the improvementa on the PropeAy:shali not ; ,
<br /> ; . • � oommf�sutfer or permit any aat to be done in or upon the P�operty in violaUon ot any iaw.ardinance,or reguiatlon;and shal l pay and
<br /> :• ��� � ° promplly dlaeharge at TrustoPa cosi and expenae e8�lens,encumbranr,ea and cherges levied,imposed or assessed agafnst the
<br /> �� Properly or any part tAereot -•
<br /> � �� ' 7. FlnteaM Oomaln.Lender ia hereby assigrted a�l compensarion,awards,dameSes and other payments or reiiet(hereinafter �
<br /> � "Proceeda'�InconneoUOrwlthcondemnaUonorothertakingotthePropertyorpartthereof,orforconveyertealnNeuotcondemne- �•
<br /> ?� � tlon.Lender shall be entided et its op8on to ccrmmence,appear In and proseaute In tta own name any aetlon or proceedinga.and �
<br /> , shatt atao be entiried to make any compromise or setttement In connectlon witfi suoh taking or damage.In the ereM any portlon oi �
<br /> the Properly la so taken o�damsged,Leeder shall have the option,fn tts sote artd absotute discre�on,to apply atl such P��ceeds, �
<br /> r afterdeouconotnareiromeiiaosisarcdeapenaeainaurre6ayiiin�;v����o�:�a���u��,�.��vwo..w::�.:.�.a.:��..�...:.�..��.� -
<br /> � hereby and in such order as Lender may determirte,or to appty all such Proceeds,atter auch deducdona,to the restcraUon of the
<br /> Properly upon such conditlons as Lender may defermina Any applioation ot Proceedato fndebtedrtess ahalt notextend or postpone '
<br /> Me due daSe ot any paqntenta under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds ahail be pald to i
<br /> ' - Trustor. !
<br /> ' ° 8. P�rlarmara�by L�nd�r.Upan the occurrence of an Event oi Oetault hereunde�,or if any aat fs mken or IeBai proceeding
<br /> '� commenced whlcb meteriaily aftects te�der'a tnterest In the Property.Lender may in�ta own dlacreUon,but without obitgatlon to do
<br /> • ,W eo,and without oo�ce to or demand upon Ttuator artd without releseinp Truator ttom any obNgaUon,do any aot which Truator has
<br /> aproed but talis to do artd may etso do any other act it deeme�ecessary to protect the secudty hereof.Trustor ahali,immediately �
<br /> . � upon demand therefor by Lendor.pay to Lender all eoate artd expertaes inaurred and euma expended by Lender In conneodon wlth i
<br /> ' n " Ms exerctse by Lender of the torepoln�Nghb.topetharw[th Interest thereon at the detault rate provtded Irt the Note,which ehall be
<br /> . .. added to the indebtedrteaa seaured hereby. lender ehatt not tneur any Ilabflity becauae ot anythfng It mey do or omit to do
<br /> � � . hereunder. i
<br /> �
<br /> .. . i'
<br /> ,� .,
<br />