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<br /> pr�par� a �eiwiia�e eakia� in th� l��s raquis�d by law vhiah �hali ,
<br /> 1k duly lii�A ;fa: raaor4 by Tr�sta�. �
<br /> (a) �►lt�r th� lap�ss o! sucb tia� as �sy ba raquir�d
<br /> b�► isw lblio�►ing tha reccsrdation o! Notias a! D��auit, and
<br /> Hatie�� o! Dm�nult und Notiae of sai� havinq besn giyon as �
<br /> saqu3r�d by lav, �rwts�, Ni�hhout d�tauid on Trustor, shali se�:7.
<br /> � th� Propaxty in �n� or Aore p�►raels asd in saah oYdsr as Trustee
<br /> nay dstw�.^aiins on the dmt� and nt tha tiae mnd plaas desiqn�ted in
<br /> saf.d Notic� o! Sals, at publia auntion to th� highest biddsr, the
<br /> purohass priae payable in aash in law�ul monay oP the vnited
<br /> �tatea A� the t3me �f �ale. TIIe pa�son aanduatinq tha r,aio may,
<br /> iar any causa he or she deems exsedisnt, pQStpe�ne th� sale from
<br /> time to time until it ehail be aompleted and, in ev�ry auah case,
<br /> notiae of postposeaent shai� be qiven by public dealaration
<br /> thereof by such per�on t�t tha ti.me and place last appointed Por
<br /> the salet provided� if tho aale is postpAned far longer than one
<br /> (1) day beyond the day d�siynated in the Notiae of 3ale, notiae
<br /> thereo! sRa�ll be given in the same manner as the arigi.na3 Notiae
<br /> � of 8ale. Txuste� shall exeaute and de].iver to th� purchaser its
<br /> Deed aonveyfnq the Pro�erty so so].d, but witbout arty covenant or
<br /> warranty, express, or implied. The recitals in the Deed of any
<br /> meaL�fiss a% €a�t� shal2 l�s acne2�oivs� prcaf u� the truthf•��e�
<br /> ttierenf. Any person, including, without limitation, SenBPi�iary
<br /> or 1'rustee, may purchaae at the sale.
<br /> (b) WRen Trustee selis pursuant to tha powers herein,
<br /> Trust�e ahall app1Y the praceeds of the sale to payment of the
<br /> aosts and expenseg vf exercisinq the power of sale and oP the
<br /> sale, fnaluding, without limitation, the payment of Trustee•s
<br /> Fees inaurred, whiah Trustee�e Fees ahall not in thd aqgreqate
<br /> eacceed t4�e folLowiing amoutits based upon the amoutat seeiired hereby
<br /> and rem�in3ng unpaid: five (5) peraentum on the balance thereoft
<br /> and then to the f.teme sot forth in aubparagraph (a) hereof �.n the
<br /> order ther�in stated.
<br /> (c) After payinq tha items speeified in subparagra�h _;�.
<br /> (b), if the sale is by Trustee, or the propar aourt co�ts and ����
<br /> other coste of forealosure anc� sale if the sale is pursuant to
<br /> judicial foreclnsure, the proaeeds of sale shall be applied in ��
<br /> the arder stated below to the payiaent of: ���
<br /> :��.
<br /> (1) Cost of any evidenae of title pxocured in �
<br /> r� `��� aonnecti.on with suah saLe and of ar►y Docwnentary Stamp Tax .,�. �
<br /> � � require3 to be paidt
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