�"-���" ra.irYi�.A i pjAnl �;��� pp�� NtlY�uAar7r .'- � ;i 7 �. � � . n ..� ,�:iSi9�;�
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<br /> ic�ii fi�n�31C Q! and bind all pa�rtia� haYO�o, tihaisr l��irs,
<br /> Z�q�,taer, d�tvis�ar, pMrsona�i repra:�nts�ir►�s, suCCS���or� �d
<br /> assiqns. The tere "H�ne!la�argt" sh�ll t�aan �,h� o��x and ho3.der
<br /> o! th� ltot�� wh�ther or r�at naa�l a� H�n�fioisry h�s'�in.
<br /> Z�. JOint and Bov�'"al L• h��� -v. All �OVAriarit� alid
<br /> agr�eY�mts o! Tru��or sbaii �s joint and ssvara�.
<br /> �3. B�varabilitsc. In tha ev�nt ar►y ana or aor� o! th�s
<br /> provisiQns aontain�d in t.�l�s Bsed o! Truot, or th� Nota or any
<br /> o�hor �eaurity inatxt�ant g3�vers i�n aonn�ation with thiw
<br /> transaa�ion shaii !ar any rsason ba hold to be invali.d. 1lisqal
<br /> pr un�ntorceabie in any raspeat, such iitva2idity, iliaqality, or
<br /> un�n�osaaability shall, at !he option o� Bensfiafary, nat at�eat
<br /> any at2isr provision o! this Deed o! Trust, but this Omed of Trust �
<br /> shall b� a�onstrued as i4 �uc:h invalid, illegal, or un�nlorCeable
<br /> provi4lon had naver been contafned herain or therein. i! �hs
<br /> lien o! thio D�cd of Truet is iaevt�biA ar unenforaeable a� to a�y
<br /> part ot the dabt, or if the lien is inva7.i8 or unenfora�aable as
<br /> to ar►y �Sart ot the Property, the unsecurad or partially secured
<br /> g.ortion oP the debt sha�l b� aompletely paid prior to the
<br /> gsAymast of ths re�afning anc� seaured or partiiall� sewr�al
<br /> pertion of ths debt, and nll paymen�:a made on the debt, whether
<br /> vc�.untary or under forea3oavre or other enforaement aation or
<br /> pro�adure, sha11 be aon8idered to have been first pta£d on and
<br /> applied to the guli pay�ent of that portion A� the debt whiah ia
<br /> not ssaured ar not f�lly seeured by the lien of thi� Deed of
<br /> Tritst.
<br /> 2�. Aaaentancs by Tnaetee. Truatee accepts this Trutst
<br /> when thfs Deed of Truiat, duly exeauted and ackrtowiedqed, is mnde
<br /> a publio reaord as provi.ded by law.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHBREOF, Trust�r has exeauted this DEBD OF TRUST �
<br /> WITH POWBR OF SALE on th3s 2_ day of September, ].994, at •
<br /> �•=� o•claak c,�.l�.
<br /> :A. '�
<br /> Peggy ruator f.�,��
<br /> �.�:
<br /> r
<br /> ST1�lTE OF NEBRASKA )
<br /> (88! '.
<br /> COUNTY OF HI1LL ) ..` .
<br /> :.;�.�
<br /> . The foreqoing iriatrument was aaknowledged bef�ra me on ��`
<br /> Sept�ab�er �_. 1994, by Peqgy Rae, a sinqle parson. .,::�
<br /> : � .
<br /> �`~" � �n d� � ti
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