� . � � �f ' � . 1�S�' �Za.� .'U � . Y:..i r/��E�tb'� . - .,�'�S . - �.. , . . • . F,��G:r
<br /> �=55 ~�'� ;+?.�'a..��.. , t lAUI..' q. 1 ��-�
<br /> ��t�ti� �""..'�, .%.;4r���.�;' 4�:
<br /> .� ,,,, �1,� s�'iiaraiilR;rr:i.,�r.r��' - - - --- - - -
<br /> � ( - .��,�,,;'";J�.... .
<br /> . � ',I',
<br /> ��
<br /> ' 1�,lo�r�wM'a IIt�M b R�Mwa. 11 ear�o+�w n�a e�tn oa�dran�� wirow�.�nw.Me r1�he M�w..�.�.•ni
<br /> ffNeanlfnued M InY iM'w prlor ta tM MrMw of:(a)B dtya(a suoh othn paio4 It��p0�r liw rr�y tMeN►kr hInMM�nh MMM�6�1 .
<br /> � c�9 tt�PrqpWtY puRUa►1 ta �ny pox�ar of �w oanisN►W In thM l5ocv�itY Ir.�trumsnf; er (b)�try of a Jud�.ir�rrt �ntonalny Ihk 9�rb1
<br /> " hnbuinrn� TAos1 condKbns 1n th�t Borroww:(U pafra L�nd�r�N surns whbh lAon wcutd bo dw undK thb R�Ixky N�truin�nt �rd th�
<br /> NoM #t 1f na �ooWr�.tlon h�a occume� (bf ��9r d*u1 M�ny othn cov�nent or �pn�nena� co) p�O �M � �� �"�`
<br /> •ntotoin0 tf111 81c�+rhf Mrin�rNnt� inaUtlMp. b�M eoi IMnit�d ¢o� rMton�Dr �ttan�9►s' le�i Urod (tl) W�1 wnN �oYon M t�ndr ntifr�
<br /> n.�a+�a►i �a+r. �o awn�a�c a�a wn a mr s.owKy hna„n�en�,�na�rs nQna �+ a�.�v«+r +r� �oRaw,r� �a�ra+ +o war� �I
<br /> suMS Mnxrd OY Mr &ourltp M�kunNnt ah�t eontYiw unoh�d. iJpon nintt�txeNnt by Sortowv. M�IS t�ourkfi MsMun�M ar IM w
<br /> ab�atbcn tiun�d I�f �N�i i�i� A,Ly"tAr.��s q rw G^c"::�"rGa+�t�d wturrc�. Q{ac:±,r�►,thh�frh!te n�rt�i:!e,eh�M not�b�„�
<br /> tM o�t�ef�oo�M�ttat undu 0�'�PA 17.
<br /> 1�.8�1� M Not�i Ciw�p��f Loan 8�rWc�r. � wcM a a FwtW ht�ns� b t�e � (topMho w�n Mts 8�awb1�
<br /> tmaun�x) nry e� to�a o�a �rw�etn� w�n+out a� oouas to earow.r. ��ai.nuy nwr ti•otwio�h �•«�c�+wwn aa a�s 4
<br /> '1.o�n 8wlc�r')th�t ooMata monthN W9�b dw unclK th� Nm�an0 thk&owiy►Mttrum�n� Th�n atro mty b�on� or mo�olwqMlA '
<br /> af ll�Lo�n BMMO�►unrN4t�d to �etM Of lM No�. If th�n is�oh�nps of tM Lotn Swkr, BaROw�r wi�b pMn wriitrn�wtiw of tM
<br /> ':•.� . ` Qh�np�b a�oord�e�wpb ptnQry�h i4 abow and�ppNc�bb Yw. TM notfc�wYl sriU tM nenN�nd addrNtt O!tM rt�w I.o�n B�rMb�r
<br /> .. ; � and tM�ddrns to wAiah p�yrtMnb�houid b�rttade. Tt�eodw wi�slto ConUM�ny othK IntortnitNon�qut�d by�pPAe�bb Itw.
<br /> . °�°s��'j ., Z0. i#�rdous 6ub�tancRS. sorrow.r sn.fl �ot ewt. a v� u�• a+� ��� �s4 �� or nlrs.. a �nr
<br /> . .�.��;_.,�'� .r,. Haardour bLbsUncys an or b tM P�opwty. OarAw�stuN nDt do.nor tlow Anyon�Na to do��nythinp afNathp dN Pre�b that i�h
<br /> ..xZ:�_ +•��-�'��.7'.'.
<br /> „';_.. ts.�_ , vtolnUon W�n�r EnvYOnmmtal taw. Ths pna�dinp iwo antac�shtl not appy to tAs pna�ne�.us�,ar�t�on th� P�nprrti M�rtW
<br /> ` "Y'`�S�,%��' qwntRMr of Haandous bLbtW�ca ttiat�n pKwitly ncopnizrd to bs �pprop�t�to nom�U�WmfW us�snd M�►Nn�r�os of dN
<br /> ......�`��1....,;,
<br /> y.�''Y�•'.t {• y�7•.y Q���y
<br /> ff f�k:.•u N"Y.�1;� r'�Y�/w�]�
<br /> ;�._,.., . . . <<,; Barovwr stull prortipty oM i.�ndar vrr�w� notky of�ny hvast►�tior►� ontm. dcmand.l�rrau�or olhx efltlon M+ eny 4orer^rtM^ti1 a
<br /> '.R",i ���= .:'�,; •.�.' frQNMtory ap�nay c►DrM1�OWh� hvoNhp tMs P�op�ty�nd�rfy Ftaardous Subsrinc�a ErMro�ntal tiw ot whbh 8aro�w�r h�aatwl
<br /> w�ow�.. it Borrow�►Iram�, or 1� eotlR�d bJ► �nY Oo�nnw►tal or rpuktap Iwthodty. u�at .nr r«ra�w or ocn.r�.m.dwion a.�r
<br /> ., ' Hvardou� Subslanc�afNotNp th�PropMty N �wY. BoROVrK sha�prompty taka aN n�sstr�► r«rnditi aotions h �eaard�nc�wRA
<br /> ••�;: :,": �. •: .' s EmirofMnullU I.aw.
<br /> "' /1f irs�0 h thl� pu�pnph 20, 'HwNoua SLbssenc�' one those aubatances dethed aa W�da ar h�arGous wbst�nca by
<br /> .. , ," Emrira�m�nW taw �nd th� bbwinp subatanca: guolhe,tceroaern, otAK tkmm�bt� or tmta P�� Pro�n• � P�td�a �nd
<br /> ' ,� Mibbtd�s. votaUN ioM�nts. mit�rita contahbp asWatos or tm►naldet�yde. and radbactiw matodab. As usod M thft puaprapA 40,
<br /> „ •Envlromn�nW 4w' mw�a leder�l kw4 �nd t¢ws of the jurlsdlofbn where the P�operry Fs bcatod that roi�ts to hMNh, abt�► a
<br /> • rlmtroritnw�W P►otl�atbn.
<br /> - NON-1JNIFOF�t Ct)YENANTaI. Borrower 1u�d Lender further Cowmnt�nd apreo as bBowa:
<br /> " 3!. Aac�lesei.�+n; R�r�nee��wa Lender shall gtve noUee to B�rrower prior to acaeleretion fotiowinp
<br /> � ��• � �,, , Borrowe�'a breach ot any covensnt or agreement ta this Securlty Inetrume�t (but oot prior to aaaeteraUon
<br /> under pers�rsph 1T unless e►pplicable law provides otherwiae). The eoUce shall epeoity: (s) tho dafeutt;
<br /> (b) the acUon required to cure the detautt; (a) a data. not teaa� than 30 deya trom 1he date the notJae ts
<br /> 9tven to Rarrower, by whtah the detault muat be cured; end (d) that tafture to cure the default on or
<br /> � bebre thm date e�ect8ed in the �otice msy result in ecceteratlon ot the sums aecured by thts Seeu�tty
<br /> �� � Instrument and tate of the Praperty. The notice ehall further intorm Borrower of the ri�M to relnstete after
<br /> '� � aaaetera�o� and the right to brtnp a couK eaUon to aasen tha non-existence ot a deMuft or arry other
<br /> •• �� detenae ot Bonower to ecceteratlon and aste. It the defnult ts not cured o� o� before the da'ta apecltied
<br /> In the notiee. Lender at ita option may �equtre immedtete payment tn full ot atl eums seaured by this �:� "
<br /> Seaurity InsVumeot without turther demend end rrney invoke the power of aale and sRy other remedtes ��`"
<br /> � perm(tted by eppiicabie law. Lender ehatl be entltted to cotteot elt expeeses incurred In purwtn� the ;�.;�.
<br /> �� remediea provided in thia para�raph 21, ineludi�g� but �ot Iimited to. rensonabte sltorneya'fees and aosts :::!�
<br /> ;<<.;
<br /> ,, of tlUe evidenee. �
<br /> . If the power of sate is invoked, Truatee ahatt �ecord a no4lce ot defautt In eaeh county In which any
<br /> _ put of the Property tt loeated and ahalt mail copies of sueh noUee tn the menner prescribed by applteabte
<br /> �> ,. law fo Bonawer tnd to the other peraona preaa�ibed by appliaebte law. Atter the tlme requiretl by
<br /> • appitctbte lew.T�ustee ahaH give public eotiae of eate to the peraona and tn the mannee prescribed by �
<br /> . eppticabte law. Truatee, without demand on Bor�ower, shatl satt the Property at pubtic auation t�o the
<br /> : ,, .; hipheat btdder at th�time and place and under the terms designeted U tha notice ot aate in one or more
<br /> �,�', percets and In am order Trustee determinee. Truetee may postpone sale of ntt or eny percet of the
<br /> � ' ' P�operty by publie announeement st tl�e Nme 8nd ptace of any previou�ty scheduied a�te. Lender or its
<br /> � . . deatpnee mey pu�chaae the Property et eny aele. `
<br /> '� '�� Upon �ecetpt o4 peyment of the price bid, Trustee ahalt doltve� t�o the purcheaer T�ustee'a deed ���
<br /> , • conveylnp the P�operty. The recttals in the Truetee's deed shetl be prima tecie evidence of the truth of
<br /> � � the atetaments made theretn. Truatee ehatl epply the proceeda ot the aete in the totlowing order: (a�to att •
<br /> f costa and expenses of exercising the powe�ot sate, and the s�ie� Including the payment ot the T�uatee's �,- ;
<br /> feea ecwetly I�ou�red,not to exeeed 3 %of the princtpal amount of tha �ote at tha time ot the
<br /> ' decleretion ot default,end �easonable attorney's teea as permttted by taw; (b) ta alt suma secured by thia
<br /> � � i Seeur(ty In$trume�� and (c)any exceas to the person or persons tegalty entiUed to i�
<br /> ;, ZZ. Reeonveyance. Upon payment of ett sums eeaured by thla Securlty Inetrument,Lsnder ahal�request Truetee to reoonvey the j
<br /> Prope�ty and shatl eumender thb SeaurNy InaWment and eU notes evidenohg debt aecured by this Security Inatrument to Truste9. TN8�68 �
<br /> ; .;;,� ���.` shaq re¢onvey the Propedy wkhout warrenty end without oharge ro the person or persons tegay entkled to k. Suoh pereon or persons ehatl „
<br /> •• , .,� �'�•� , PeY enq reoordatbn coste. •,
<br /> ;•,; �.
<br /> � '�t' 43. SubeUtute Trustee. Lender, at Ua optton. may irom tMe to tlme remove Trostee and eppoint a auceeasor trustee to any I
<br /> � .•; T�ustee appotnted hereunder by an haWment reooroeG n tne county n wnian cnis beauriiy insirumerti is reavrwd. �an6ui c6nv6qunG�o v7
<br /> ' �� • th9 Property,sueceaeor truatee shatl sueceed to atl the tftfe,power and duties conlerred upon Trustee hereb and by eppOcabie law.
<br /> +�`'� .. , $4. RCquest for NoUcea Borrower requests thet copiea of the not�es ot detauh and saie be sent to Bortowere address which
<br /> ���� � b Me Property Address. '
<br /> � � . '1S. Ridere to thle Seaurtry tnstrument If one or more riders 8re exeCUted by Borrower end reaorded together wkh th�s
<br /> �� .. SeaurAy inatnimant, the aovenants and agreements of esoh such rider shall be inaorporated into and shaU emend end auppiee�ent the
<br /> . covanants end ayreanents ot this Seourity InsUUment as it tho rider(s)were a pa►t of thls Securky Instrument.
<br /> , Pap�a ot a Form So�a o/� .
<br /> . .. Ft0�AM0(61Y4)
<br /> +
<br /> 30 �.
<br />