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� . . ,.. ;.,,,� . , , , � „ <br /> ,, . � . . . . <br /> :.�. <br />�� . •�+� MfdSx,;�Ifura.,.i•��,,,, . . . ..�� <br /> - . <br /> '^9�r 1`.�q�,�w�►. <br /> �.•. ' <br /> �4 .a�...—. .. <br /> * <br /> ' na to �owe w��M+ Mr�ar�R a.iMwr.lor �NdrrNi►�wed nar+ow�� �►+w�qu1s tor earow�� wa�cow A000ullt wwir tM <br /> wdrrai i111N EN�M tNMM�Mt1C fro�WunNA Jbt A1 1l74 b YnMtd�d 1POln ttM M t1'n�, 12 U.�.-9101 N sp. ('1ic5PA`X uniws w�iMr iw <br /> Ihe�!�1f� to tho F�cn�a�atr�Nss4v imoo�st. M ee,t,aRder m�y, �!anY tfm�, cnlbct end hob Fund�h �n �mauM rt�t im wnw�A tht <br /> IMaM' �mount. LrrtdM e;wq MtY+bN t!N trt�uunt ot IwotN d�it on th�t�tM of cu�ra�t dtG! �nd taaa►WN esth�IN Of�t�ndllwM a� <br /> AiM�n Eto�ow IMn�or oMMrwW1 b aoeardr►n�wRh�PPrcabN f�w. <br /> TM�dIW b� MN!M�n bntiMtOn whos��Ooslb w h�ux�d bl►�NdM1 p�nor. M�MUtiwnMNt1►�a�n1tf►(InoUwNnO t+��d�r.�l <br /> LMtOM i�woA �n hNNufion)o►h M►1�F�dKit NOnN B�nU. L�nO�tNt1�PDh►th�iurtd�W W1► th�Etorow k�m1. 4M�d�r ttMp naf�� <br /> a�'w�t�6anwwr ta hoi0lrq rfd�pOhinp Ih� Fua�d���nrwaNl►sn+�Yskq tta Ncrow �ocaur►t, a wrMrkp Ihs Esarow Mnr�w+� LM+dr� <br /> P�W Bar�w:r L-�iw::t�.�G�i'ua►C�i ctssi ^r�:«aha L:u�:tra:�LCtiQ:r ta m:.°a c�s^A 4 Ch�. ke+�tse�e++�!!���*�r re�!t�fr�9arre�wir b._ <br /> pnr a or�tN�oA�rp�la�n Yklip�nd�nt nN NMM Mx npartlq�rio�uM0 bl►t�ndv h aae�aoNon wM Md1 1an.unM��PPIo�bN iw►� <br /> ptq�A�fM OlfN�wle�. 1A1iMS an qr�n�nt ia nrd�or�ppNeabll �tw nWiro� MMo9tt to M Ria. W�dM �hi0 rtot b� nquind 10 Pr11�1 <br /> BonoMwr any YMMiMt or wnMps on tl�e Fund�.eortmwt and I.�idrt tryy pn�M wdth0�how�+�r�th�t MlKr�t th�M b�p�Id an th�WitW� <br /> I.�n�r t!W pM�to BaroYwt.wlthout cbup�.�n anrwat acaountinp ot ih�Runds�sbawlnd CndAs and drblts to ttu FunOa and t!u purpo�ip <br /> lot wAbh Mch dIW to tM Fund�wu m�d�. 7tN Fund�wu pt�dp�d u addllon�l s�cutt�►for d wrtn s�cund by thk S�ourly► MafnnNrN. <br /> q ttw FunQ�fW1d by IwrsQ�r��od tt�ar�unls p�mRt�d to b� held by �iQabw Mw,t�ncM►thaf�eount to Borro+w IOr!M <br /> �Cpo�1 Pund1 b aoco�ta�wRA qw�,uir�lMnts ot�ppNcabw kw. M tM amoi+nt ot tM Funds RNd b�/Lrndrr�t�ny tMwl M Rol stdAeirnt <br /> to p�y fM E�r Mrms wh�n du�. L�ndr rny so�oty Bomowu h wrfhp�and� M suoA as�earowr sh�qf to Lsnda tM rnount <br /> roais�l►to r.ak�W th�dWbMea�►. earow�r shtl m�ics uA th�dNlcMnoY in no moh tt�n tweM montAN WYrtMna. at i�,��dr��soY <br /> dNer�tion. <br /> � P�Y� b W/of d wrm sleur�W by this S�aurR1► Mttrwn�n4 tand�► sha�prort�pty dund to Baro�r�nY Fundt hNd bp <br /> I.�ndr. M.undK P���.t,�ndr sM1 acqutn a t�th�Prtp�q. I.mdr.Prb►to Ih�acqublHon a ql�M Ih�Prop�rb.�Aa��DPN <br /> �nY Funa Mid bY I.rnder a tM ttn�et�equblbn a et�u a crsdk+pahst th�sums peurstl8y thi� Sxur.y i��L <br /> ' 3.AppliC�tlon ot P�ymeMa. Un1e�f appYqbY tw providq o2h�rwin,at paY�ts rycNr�d by Undrr und�r WnP�phs t�nd <br /> ,� - ,' ,..,. 2�he/b�rppli�fYtt. to�nY P�D�Y�+�t aharpas dw unOn tM Not�:aeond�to amoants OaY�N unOsr P�Ph x third to hNt�tt <br /> � "' `' dtN; prha�l dw;and Wtt,to�ny Mb Ch�►Da dw und�r tM Nob. ,`. ' • <br /> �:�:. • 4.Ch�r�e� Liens. Barow�r .nu p.r ar mas. aaaeasmsn�. chupn� rtua �nd n,a�tans ua�uu�r w aw Proortr wnten <br /> ����,ry;,:,:;;,�,z:'�"� miy att�N pb�U�r ovr thM S�cwk�r Int�um�nt�nd M�sehold payrtwnM o��rround rents.N�ny. Borrower ah�t pay theas obiQatbns h tM �'f.,,. <br /> �:'�, ��, ,i�. . �;. m�xfr provid�d b P�� 2.or R not patd in Mat mann�►. Borrorwr shaM pay them on tim� dtroctry to th�PMraon ow�d P=� <br /> �' :,�r� . � Barowv shiN DromPtt�r tumbh to Undr� notlas of amounte to bs paid undsr thb paraOnPh. It Bortowar nwka tlNS�Pslm�nri <br /> j,4'i�. �;�.,; . �. :�; dhett�►�BoROw�r shtl prompttp Nmtsh to I.�nd1r ycepio avldenchp t�w WymNits. �.��r: <br /> z,.. -. � � � Bortowu ehtr prampM► disoharq�ny W�n whloh has prto�ky ove►thb Se¢u�tY (nsbument unlass Bortowar: (U� b wrRMp lo th� <br /> . . payrtNnt of dw obNpedon a�cur&0 by tfN INn h a menna►ac�Pf�bls to Landr.N)eonteats h qooA f41b th�t3en by.o►dM�nds �ptinst <br /> � , M1101C�RM11t Ot qM Mn Yt,�pdi PfOC�lr1p{whiah in ti»i.end�r�e vpiiion ii�ii�"i�t8 o�'i�t ti'A�s!Ot!!!Z�!!:0!(�)�S�! <br /> F'-`''... thA holda o!tM li�n an pn�►t tttbh¢tory to lender subo►dhatbp th� Om to this Socuriqr InstrumenL !f L�r►dK dslrrmirm tMt any ;j <br /> � ' � paR of th�Propwty i�subJ�ct to a Ikn wh@h mny at1aY►prbdty over thb Secur�y lnstrument,londer may pive Borrower a notic�identlytrp <br /> � . � � th�li�n. Barower shtl stNsty tAe tMn or tek�one or mora ot the actbns se!foAh above within 10 days ot the QMfnp of nottc�. <br /> 6.Ha=aid o!P�opeKy I�tsuMrtCe. 8orrowet shaN keep the Improvert�enb now exbthp or hero�ttar etscted on tM PrOpeAy ; <br /> • Naurad paNat bss by fYR h�arda hcbded w�hh ths te�m 'extended covara0e' and any oMer hararda, Y+oLdhp flooda a floodYp, fa <br /> .: �� wh@A landr�squM hsur�wfo�. Thb hau�shd M mahtahsd h ths�mounts and fo►ths perbda th�t I.mder requira. TM Insurana <br /> •` c�rrter provtdhp tM hauana ehali be chosen by Borrower su0jeet to Lendere epprovaf whtch shall not be unreasonsby wiAheiO. If <br /> . � Borrow�r faNs to mthtatn coMenOe describsd abore.Lender may.ct lendere optbn�obfaln eoversae to proteot Lendera �iphts h 1M <br /> ' ' Ptoperty N wcordtnC�wRh perfprapA 7. <br /> ' /U Nsunnc�PoYebs and renewtis eAtll be accePtable to lende►tnd ohae helude e standerd mortyepe eiwas. Lende►shd haw tM <br /> . ~ ' dpht t0 hob th�poNCUs tnd rsmwab. if Lend�t reQulros�Borrowot ehatl Promptb Ohrs to Lender All recebts ot ptid P�emGtmt and ranewll <br /> � � no•.Icss. �n tN�euent of bss,Borrower sha8 qhre Prempt notice to the insurartce carrler end lendeu Lender mer mske proot of bas M not <br /> � ' - mado promptty by Bortowa. ''�` <br /> ••• ' Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwhe apree h w�tinp, lnsurence proceeds ahall be apptied to restoradon or repaY of th� Properly <br /> . d�m�ped, M tM roataatbn or ropaY fs eaonomtce�r te�sbb and Lendefe securky is not lessened. If the wstoratbn or �t b not <br /> < eeonomiea�r Noabta or Lrndere seeurity woub ba lessened,the Insuranee proceeds ahaN be epplied to the sums soeured by thb Srcur�r <br /> � ,. Instrumen� whether ot eot then due,wkh�ny excesa paid to 8o�rower. If Bortovrer abandona the Propert�r,or daos eot anawer wNhh 3D <br /> -- `�. . <br /> daya a nofic:o from L,endar that t�e hsuronce carrier has oNered to settle a claYn,then Lender may eoNeut the insuranq proce�ds. Lendor <br /> msy us�th�prac�eds to ropair or nstoro ths Prope�ty or to pay suma secured by thls Securily Inswmen� whethe�or not then du�. TAe <br /> .:_�' 9aday pwtad wM boph when the noUce B pNen. <br /> ..=:�', UnNsa la�6er�nd 8arower otMvwbe epree h w�tMi9.enY ePPUuctto� ot Proceeds to P�alpal sha0 not e�dend or postpone the due <br /> d8a of th�monthy payrtpnts reterted to h parapraphs t and 2 or chenge the emount ot the payments. M under parayaph 21 tM ProPe�ty <br /> - •�;',�':: Is aCquind by LendM�Borrowera ripht to�ny hsurar►ce poUcles and proceeds resutthq hom damase to th0 Property prior M ths�quisition ; <br /> • ° ehel Rass to Lendsr to tM extent of the eums seaured by thb SeCUrily Inetr�ment Immedtetety prior to the aequlsuan. <br /> B.O�aupaney, RresarvaUon, N9etntenenae and ProteaUon of the P�operty; Borrowrer'a Loen <br /> Appiteation;I.QaQehOldi.8or►ower ehap a:euDY. ���p��d use the PropeAy as BoROw�s P�� ��� wRhN ebdy daya <br /> tefter the axecutton ot thb&ecurly Inshument and shad conthue to ocaupy the Property as Borcowers prholpal residence Por nt le�et one <br /> Yev atbr Na d�b oi 000up�noy, unlass Lendar otherwise ayreos tn wrkMip, whfeh consent shall not be u�onaby wtthheid,a�unteas <br /> � �nuattnp otraumsW�cea Wst whbD ere beyond 8orrowers confroL aoROwer onan not deatroy,demape or Imptir the Propert�r,anow tne . <br /> " PropMy to deterbrate, a commk weate on the Property. 8orrower shatl be M deteua H eny torfekure actbn a proceedhp.whether e1vN a <br /> eriminay b bsp�m that tn Londa's poad Iakb lu0ament couW resuR h fo�Rure of the Property or otherwtae materlaly h�pair the uen aeated <br /> �>� �• by thta Securitlr InsWment or lendefs securky MteresA Borcower may cure suoh a detauk and reMState,ae provlded tn para�reph 18. by <br /> , �s�,aMa elen aeeten er ereeaedtro m ba dLsmLasod wklt e rotYfC thet. h Lender8 OOOd fefth determingtion. PreC1ud98 tOAeNure ot the i:i;: <br /> � Borrowara hterost in the Property a otAer meteriat Impahnent of the li�areated by thls Seairfly Instrument or Lender's eeaurlry► hterest. <br /> � ; Betroiwor�h�p also br h dafauR M 8orrowa. durhp the loan applicaUon process.gave materlalry tafse or haccurate htormatton or effiterrwnla �"' <br /> tp L,ender (pr tatted tp Prpvido Lgnder wIU► any mater�al(ntoimatbn) M connsctton v��h Mo loan ovidonced by the Note, Includinp. but not � <br /> Nmksd to. �eprosenritb�a cor�cemhp Bortowars oeaupaney ot the Propary as e p�inapal residen�o. It thb SecurNy InaWment b on a I. <br /> basa!►otd. Borrowar shaN eompy wkh aN the proveans of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tkte to Ne Property. the feaeehob and Ure i ;,. <br /> tes tiPl�shat not merps unbsa the dender egrees to tne merQer h w►itMO• I �' <br /> � ,,. .. ° I <br /> � Papo 4 ot 6 Fo.m oo�e oroo ` <br /> � ._.. <br /> �, �: F�oa.uao(alk) ' <br /> � <br /> •+� ,. . <br />