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<br /> 1?. 'Tram►lfer o�the�ropirly ur�a r.r��'3.:..1�;�ii;i-�.i��.:,�:ra�;:.-.if u!!or un��p:rt nTt�Pro�ny nr sn- y inte�reet in it .
<br /> is sul�oe truiisfcr►�cit(��e is ii t�c�icd�cic�l iritsrc�l i»Bi�rii�v�ep is hnlii�r Ira��Stcrrcil and flarro<<�cr is nut u nnt�irnl�crxnn} �vlt�aut ,
<br /> ' I.c�t�ter'H prlo�• written cm�hent, I.axicr may,nt ita optiuT�, rCi6uire I�ime�lintu �nyiyicnt in fult nf nl! r�►miv srcared by t�lx
<br /> 5ccurlty In.rtrun�ent. 6lnwever.tUi.r aptim�Rhal!nat k'�o c,:ereine�!by l.c�xlee if cxcrcf�e iA nrni►ibitc�9 by fe�isr�+t low ns ot Iho �litc
<br /> ; uPihieSecuriry Instrunkn�.
<br /> If l.ender excrci�es thls o�uinn,[.e�xiee hhuil gfve Aorrowcr nutico oF uccelerc3tio�r.7`ho nnlfec hhaU provl�te p ptriod ut�'not
<br /> lcs+ t6wn 3Q daye from thc dato thc iwttcc is delivtrcd ar mailal wlthin whlch Burrowcr must pay ull�sun�a saured by t�ls
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. Ii'liurruwer Pi�il!+ta p;iy thetia eumy prior tu tlie expimtian nf tliis periud.I.ender nwy invako dny raeme�die�
<br /> permlitctl by ti►iR Sccurity Instntment withaut furthcr nuti��ue dema�xl oii Ibnuw�r.
<br /> 18. Borr»uee's RiAht to Itetnstate. lf 8or�ower mcets cectuin candlltans, Borrower qhutl huve the dght to l�rve
<br /> enforcement af thia Secudty inatromeitit c3iscontinuc�t at any tlme prIar to the esulter of: (n)S duye tor such other pedad�.s
<br /> Applicabte luw may specifY far �cinstatcment) bafore sale of'the Praperty pun�uant to an�+ power of salc cantaincd in thls
<br /> Saurlry Instrument;or(b)entry of u Judgment cnforcing this Security instrument.Those conditians are thnt Bc►rcower: (a)�nrs
<br /> Lender uU sums which thtn would be due under tfik Secudty Instrument and the Nate ns if no acceleratlon hFrd accurred:@>
<br /> cures any defnult of any ocher wvenants or agreemente: (c) puys a8 expenses tncurrecl in enforcing thiA Securiry Instnuraent,
<br /> including,but not timited to. resisanabia uttomeys' fcey; und(d)tufces such action us I.ender muy reasonubly require to assur�
<br /> e
<br /> that the lien of t!►ia Securlty Instrument, Lcnder's rights in the Aroperty and 8arrower's abligetian to puy the sums sxuredby
<br /> this Securlty Instniment ehall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thia Security Instrument pnd ihe
<br /> obligatians secured hereby shull remain fully effective as if no accelemtian had occurced. However.thia dght to reinstate shall
<br /> � not apply in the cuse of ucceleration under purogrnph 17.
<br /> ; 19.Sale of Not� Change �f I.ostn Servicer. The Notc or a pnntal interest in the Note (tosether with tttis Sxcirity
<br /> Instrument)muy be sold one or mnre times withaut prior nottce to Borrower.A sale msty result in a change in the entity(kr�own
<br /> as the"Lonn Servlcer°)that caAecta monthly paymenu due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.There also mny be an�
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrclated to a sule of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Se►wlcer,Borrowar wi U bc
<br /> given written rtotice of the change in accordaace wtth paragtaph 14 above and appliatble law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Service�and the uddress to whicl�payments should be made.The notice will also contain uny other
<br /> information requirecl by applicable law.
<br /> 2p,Ha�erdous 3ubstences. Borrower shall ceot causa or permit the presenca. use,disposal. storage.ar releuse of'�y
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or fn the Property. Borrower shall not do, nar allow anyone else to da, anything aff�dn�the
<br /> Property that is in violatlon of any Environmental Law• The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> swrage on the Property of small quantities af Heuir�dous Substances that are genernlly rcxognized to tae appropdate to n�rmal
<br /> rasidential uses and to mainfenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shap prompdy g[ve L.ender wntten natice of any investi�ution,claim,demand, lawsuit or other uct[on by eny
<br /> govemmental or negulatory agency or pdvnte party involving the Property and any H:swrdous Substance or Environmentel Law
<br /> of whicb Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams.ar is notified by siny govemmental ur regulatory authorl�_that
<br /> �y ��nvai or other remediation of siny Huzardous Substance affecting the Property is neressnry,Bonower shall prompt y �ake
<br /> all neressary remediul actlons in accordence wtth Environments�ll Law.
<br /> � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Subswnces" are those substances defined a.s toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental I.aw and the foilowtng substances: gasoline, kemsene, other flammable or toxic petroleum Qroduct�, toxic
<br /> •. �?= pesticides and herbicides.voladle solvents,materisls containing nsbestox or formaldehyde,and radiouctive mntenals.As used in
<br /> thts paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federul laws and laws of the jur3sdiction where the Property is iacated ihat
<br /> ' � relate ta health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower und Lender further covenant und agree us follows:
<br /> 21.Aa�eleratlon;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Bflrrower prior to acceleradon Pollowing Borrower's be-eact�
<br /> ��. ; i oP any mveaant or eg�eement in th(s Secur[ty Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragrnph 17 tenkss
<br /> ,�`_ �' i applicable law provides otheawise).The not�ce shaU sperifj: (�;the default; (b) the actton required to cum the deFault; :.-
<br /> � �+ • , le) a date,not less thun 30 days fcom the date the notice Is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured�and ,��,
<br /> •.�' � (d) that failure to cure the default an or before the date specifted in the notice may result in acceleration of the som� ,�.
<br /> � ! .secured by this Secur[ty Instntment and ssle of the Property. The notice shall further Inform Borro�rer of the dgLt to ,,:�.,�;
<br /> � retnstate aiter aoceleradon snd the right to bring a rnurt act[on tu assert the non-existence of u default or at►y�thear ����'�•c
<br /> � defense of Barrower to acceleraHon and sale.If the default is nat cured on or befare the date specifted in the natice, �s��'�'
<br /> ..,`. ;i..
<br /> , . �; {s� Le�der�at its optton, may require immedtate puyment in ful!of all sums secured by this Security Instcumcnt wiElrou! ,,;;�,
<br /> ' Rw•f''�� R�;� fw�ther demand end may invoke the�eower oP sale und any other remedies permitted by applicAble Iaw. I.ender shall b� -�?
<br /> %�t:�J� Y��� enNtled to collect all expenses incarre�l in pursuin�the remedies provided in tMs paragrs�ph Zl,Mcludin�.but not Urnked :t�
<br /> �';' .,.,,;�re'°�v:4.�r_, �
<br /> t o, r e a s o n a b l e a t t o rn e y s f e c c and costs of Ntle evidence. •"'�-
<br /> t �v��='•�- =� If the power of sale is invoked, Tructee shall record a notice of defeult ia each county in whic h any pa�t o tt he
<br /> ' +'a✓ ...'%_�r
<br /> �' •�i��_•.y�;,�•� Property[s located and shall mail coptes of such nolice in the manner prescribed by applicable Iaw to Borrower n�d to _
<br /> :�w�,.;,:,:: the other persons prescribed by applicable la�v.After the t[me requlred by appltcable I�w,Tcastee shall give public notice :,w t
<br /> �;.'tr�� ' "� of sale to the persons and in the manner pnxcribed by applicable Is�w.Trustee, without demand on Borrower. shntlse�l
<br /> " � � � ' ihe Property at public aucdon to the hiRhest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi�nated in the not ia at
<br /> "b`~".�;�;�';.;, sale in one or more parcels and tn any order Truster determines. Trustee may postpone sule of ull or any pnrcel of tlte
<br /> •�-_,��,,;�::��;, Property by public ar+noupcement at the time and place of any prnviously scheduled snle. Lender or its designee mny
<br /> F;:L �1��;;:.i.:.
<br /> � � �ro�.�.;`�'}' � purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> M"�'1 "5:y�4'�
<br /> -'=y�,�.;9;^�^
<br /> •fi�'�,:"Mr�S 4•�.• .
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