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- ,...�--.+«iwiwrc . .. . .. �iVihlr. � ' . . . .(:1 ' , <br /> IC .. + . ��'�Q4'l5ti!l11RFi?,�M:.:::r:.. ° �� --�-�-- ' --------'.'-""���/. <br /> . <br /> - —_�_ - <br /> .. ,_ __...----- .. ... - - - - - - <br /> .� ;:�r• . .-- - <br /> „ .. <br /> � � 10�'396 <br /> -- —,..�' g.y�p��.��i.Trusra shail pa�r ail tax�e,ass�ssments and of1�cNnras.incfeidG�p,wif'r+ou�ii���is�c��,f:r�,a arA 1�- <br /> ."',;'-'"'�.� positions attr i6utaDM to 1M PropMy,a�d bosrhoEd Pdym�t�or yraund rsrds,ii any.before tfi�som�ts�cocs�e dallrsque�t.Trusta shafl promp. <br /> tiy furnfsh to B�f klory atl notk�Y of amounts dw un�r th►s Paropraph�a�d in th��rmt Trusta sholl mda palim�nt dir�ctly,Trustor thail <br /> pru�tty tur�ish to�tkiory nc�lp4s�videnci�p wGh paym��Trust�shdl pap ali tazes and QsassrtMnta which moy�b�� <br /> �ficbry't Mtu�st Mrein ar upoe ihi�Oetd of Trust wi�hout� d to low that moy b+enachd G�posinp pd1►maM <br /> port th:r.of upon fh�e.n�ikiay, <br /> y.��. '�—• 6.�������.,���tet�p'��wih.Trustor shoti make al!puyments of i�enst and prineipol and poyments ot any .�,�•,. <br /> oth�r cho►p1�,fNS ond�xpins�s caRract�d ta b�pafd to onr existlnp Ii��aldKS or p►ior bMSfkiat�s und�r any p�tor de�d of mnt a� <br /> a tpoq�b�fa� th�dats th�y are ddinquaet and p�ompt�y Pap and eiuharp�any and oli otinr tims,elnims ar chorpi which mof►i�ope►'d , <br /> "-i'� � � ment or iaUs to p�rform any of th�corerbnts and apreemenls eontained in t6is ;i��` <br /> ' seeurit�r qtanted t►K�in.If Trosta fails to make any such paY �`•� <br /> :.a' � <br /> ' ,,,��'":�:��._ O�ed of Trost,or in ony prior mort�ope or deed of trust,of if cny attan or praaedinp is commer�ed vr�kh mot�rlolly affects Benef3ciory's in• � .5:„ <br /> ''��`"�"� ` t�mst in tAe Pro includi but no1 limited ro,eminent domain proceedinpa,or proteedt�s inrolvinpa decendent,or if Trusta fails to pay � _ '° <br /> -.:�c:,.�, p�Y. �9. ":�,: <br /> 4�.�_.,.1#:._.. � � . <br /> ,�4��n+� Trustor s debts Qenerolly os they 6ecome due,then Benst(ciary,ut Benafieiory's option and without notiee to or�emand upon Trusta a <br /> �.;t��,,�;,,., without rekasinp Trusta fram any obl(gation herevrder,rrtay mofce such oppearances,disburse such wms,and teke such aetfon as is necess�y "�� , <br /> , 4.,��..:`1:.'^��. to protect Beneficiory's interest including,but not limited to,dis6ursemeM of reosonable attomey's fees,paymenl,purchose,coMest or com• �,1.�� <br /> �•=` �' �•� promite of�ny encumbrance,chorge or lien,and entry upon�he Ptoperty to mnke repairs.In the event thot Trustor shnll fail to praure in• ,Y��. <br /> t-��k•,�x ,. r�p=�:': <br /> �:�•a r '- ����• surance or to pv�taxes,assessments,or any other charges or to make any poymeMS to existing prior tien hotders o►beneficiaries,Beneflciary „ <br /> ma ure such insurance and muke such payment.Any amounts disbursed by Beneftciary pursuant fo this Paragraph 6 shall become additional ,, <br /> :F',',.":";�+�'" YP� �AP�Y- . <br /> .�;r-':�,� ��:�•�'�' indebtedness o6 Trustor secured by this Oeed of Trust. Such omounts sholl be poyable upon notice from Bertefictary to Trusto�requesti <br /> x�':�� k,;.� ���" ' ment thereof,and shall bear interest irom the date of disburs�sment ot the rate payeble hom 4ime to time on outstanding principai under the <br /> ' °���i..•.�:: I�'•�•.. Note unless paymeM of interest ct such rote would be contrary to opplicable law,in v�rhich event such amounts shail bear interest at the highest <br /> •�'. , <br /> � �•� rate permasible under opplicable Inw. Nothing contaned in this Pcragraph 6 shali require Benefitiary to intur any expense or tcke any aN on <br /> . . ,,.,� <br /> ` y��;��,:i`` � . hereunder. �. <br /> `:�,����,.��� ••+i; `: 7 Aaya�nt of Rmt:.Beneficiory shali hove the rigM,poxer and authority during the continuance of this Deed of Trust to collect the , <br /> ;;';.�' <br /> .'::::a 3;` � rents,issues ond profits of the Property and of ony personal property located therean with or wittiout taking possession of the property affected „,,; <br /> x'"�� '".�,�� hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionaQ�assigns all such�ents,issues ond profits ro 8enefieiary• Beneficiary,however,F�eeeby '�� ,�� <br /> , ,. . . .. ',;::;, �. <br /> ,... conseMs to ihe Trustor's collection and retention of such rents, issues and profits os they accrus ond bec4m8 payable so long os Trustor is not, <br /> �'+� <br /> - ��%,,, ,; •.;T:; at such time,in default with respect to payment of ony inde6tedness secured hereby,or in the performonce of ony agreemeM hereunde�.Upan <br /> '����':��: - any such defcutt,Beneficiary may ot any time,either in person, b�agent,or by receiver to be appointed by o tourt,without notice and withou► <br /> �•;:;.�`,;�::.•r:-, .:•.�;`�. .. <br /> '��,;:•:�: �; �...., regard to tF�e adequacy of any security for the indebtedness he�eby secured,(a)enter upan and take possession ot the Property or eny part <br /> , — thereot,and in its own nome sue fi,�r,�othervr+�a=a��ert ssxh res�ls,i55uCS�tu!�+rofits,ine�uding those Qcst due and unpoid,and apply the same, <br /> , . <br /> less costi and expenses of operation and collection,includinp recsonable attorneys fees,upon ony indebtedness secured hereby,arnl(n such ,. <br /> • order es Beaeficiary moy determiner(b)perform such ats of repcir or protection as may be rtecessary ar proper to conserve the value of the <br /> � �� �, Propertyj(e)lease the same or ony part thereof for sueh rentol, term,end upon such conditions as its judpment ma�dictete or terminote or od• „ <br /> � just the terrns o�conditions of any existing�eose or leases.Unless Trostor ond Beneficiary apree otherwise in writing,a�y aDPlicotion of reMS, <br /> � _ issues o�prafits to any in�ebtedneas secured hereb�slmll not oxtend or postpone the due date of the instaltment peyments as provided in soid � � <br /> ,� , � . promissory note or chenge the omount of auch instal�ments,The enterfng upan ond taking possession of the Property,the collection af sah <br /> , rents,iswc3s and profits,and tho opplication theieof as ataesofd, sholl not woive or cure any default or nottee of default hereunder,or in• <br /> w <br /> � volidnte any ost done pursuant to suth notice.Trustor olso assigns to Beneficiary,os turther security 1or the perforrtwnce of the obllgatlons <br /> .'.a ; � • ' <; securod hereby,all p�epaid rents and all mcnies whlth moy hove been or mny hereafter be deposited with saiE Trustor by any lessee ot the Pro• <br /> �• _ , pe►ty,to secure the pnymant of ony rent or damages,ond upon default in the performonte of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor ogreos to <br /> ''"�'�' " " deliver sueh rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiory's exereise of the rigfits granted herein,to any tenont oc- <br /> .�rtr•.•:• <br /> •• cupying uid premises shall be sufficient to require scid tenent to poy said rent to the 8erteficiary until further notice. <br /> '� � g,� title to any part of the Property shcll be�aken in condemnation praeedings,by ripht of eminent domain or similar action, <br /> � or sholl be sold under threut of condemnation,oll awards,domages and proceeds are hereby assigned and shc�l be paid to Beneflciary who sholl <br /> ��.;:, <br /> opply such awards,domages and proceeds to the sum secvred by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess,if any,poicLto Trostor.If Truator receives <br /> ' � � t,;;. any notice or other ir�ormation regarding such actions a praeedings, Trustor shall give prompt written notite thereof to beneffciary. <br /> � "'��` Beneficior�shatl be entitled,at its option,to commertce,appecr in and prosecute in its own�cme any sucl►actron or proceedings ond shal{be en- <br /> ':�;���.'-',:'+�a��: .� titled to make any compromise ot settlement inconnectron with any such action or proceedings. <br /> ��^�;<x�-�:• `• <br /> R•�• � 9. R�eMs Not ErcW�iw.Beneficiary sholl be entitled to e�orce payment and performance of ony indebtedness or obligationa secur <br /> ;:,;,: hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreemeM executed in eonnection herewith or any taws <br /> .�-,�,,� ��� now or hereafter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby moy now or hereafter be other- <br /> ''�f'"``. wise secured, whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the aceptante of this Deed of Trust Ror its „ <br /> ;,;: enfortement whether by court action or pursuant to tP�e power of sale or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in nmr menner affect <br /> i � � � Beneficiary's�ight to reoli:e upon or entorce ar�y other security now or hereaffer held by Beneficiary,it being agreed ihat Beneficiary sholl be <br /> '" •��"� entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now ar hereafter held by Beneffciary in such o�der and monner as it muy in its eb- <br /> , •<ti., <br /> � � ' solute disc�etion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Benefiticry is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy erem I <br /> or by law provided or permitted,but eech sholl be cumulotive and sholl be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter <br /> �':. � existing ut low or in equity or by statute.Every power vr remedy provided hereunder this Deed of TNSt to Benefitiory or to whith it may be � <br /> r;,-. . •� otherwise entitled,moy be exercised,concurcently or i�dependentty,irom time to tlme and as often as rnay be deemcd expedient Beneficiary <br /> '`'. , a . end it moy pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein sholl be construed as prohibiting Beriefitiary fran seektng a deficiency iudgment against <br /> ` � the Trusror ta the extent suth oction is permitted by law. <br /> ' ' � 10. Tn�thr of Proprtrt��P��•If oll or any port of the property or cny interest therein is sold,transfened or tonveyed 6y T�ustor � <br /> . without Benetic}ary's prior written consent,excluding�a)the cnation of c lien or entumbraflte subordimrte to this Oeed of Trost,(b)the crea- i <br /> _..__�_._�._�� ��----- r.►..•..��fo.t�ti��1� e�seant a bv aoeration of law uQOn the deoth of n <br /> - ., fiOD OT Op1KtROSe mone�secvriiy inieii»��vr nwaa�.wv .7r��•�»•• �••—.•_._._. _. __..--• --- <br /> " joint tenam or (d) the grant of ony leasehold interest of three years or less not contcining cn option to purchose, Bensficiary may,at <br /> � Beneficiary's option,dalnre ali the sums secured by this Deed af Trust to be immedlately due and payable,a couse the Trustee to file a notice <br /> of defodt.Beneficiary sholl have waived suth optfon to actolerote if,prior to the sale,transfar or conveyance,Beneficiary und the person to � <br /> :v.. . •� whom the property is to be sold or t�ansferred reach ogreeme�t in writing that the credit of suth person is mtisfactary to Beneficiary artd that � <br /> � . � the interest payable on the sums secured by th(s Oeed of Tnnt shatl be at such�ate as Beneficiary sholl request. i <br /> �� <br /> �. .. i <br /> „ f� <br /> <<�;: �. . <br /> 6, + <br />