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, ' J. .,7k�'�}��*wt!al.�.'.•.�Vv'Mwra'.t.dKb/�.���y.��� "..�nr��Y>�`tti;�f� '.'��'' " � .,.._ . i r' . <br /> �'M`���M1..y �1 I� �f `I <br /> .„ . . � � �1�9�.��✓��:�i_�_n.�--� �r.w.,..n. . - <br /> .t , <br /> _. ' ' <br /> Y111�90[ll!!H9� � ���w �����11 J - <br /> �I� ikl' <br /> - 0. H�aardow�A��.Truator thnll ke�p the Prcperty In aomptt�nC�wlth sll�ppticabt�law�,ardlnancd�tnd rwulttlon� <br /> r�i�un�to I�dwtrlal hyplsn�or�nvlronmmtal proNOtYon(co�i*at►v�ly n4�rrW ta h�nln�s"Environmmtal L�wa"). Tru�tor dh�ll <br /> k«peh�R�oprrty irw trom�ll�ub�tano�o dNm�NN to bs htrptdou�o�tnxfo und�r any Envlronm�nitl6aw��ao1l�oNv�iy r�hrr�d to <br /> h��ln te"H�trdau�Mat�rlal�"y.Trwtor h�nby wtrr�nu artd nproHnt�to Lsnd�r that th�n�n na Hasarddu�M�Nrl�t�cm or <br /> undK th�Proprhy.Tni�cor h�nby�ar�n to Ind�mnlry and hold h�rnst�landor�Iqdlr�at�ro,oNlo�rs,�mploye�tnd�pmna.Nnd <br /> t�hiyp��iNnCi ut��d posat or tr�ntport o1 aey;Ha�douo�RA4a{alo oe►,�und..r�itom o�ntne�at thtet�Propern THE�F REQOI O <br /> WAAFi/INTIES AND REPRESLNTATIOPIS,ANIO TRUBT�R'8 OBI,IQATIANB PURBUANT 70 THE FOREQOIN3INDEMNITY�BHALL <br /> SUAVlVE RECONVEYANCE QF THIS OEED OF TRU9T, <br /> i�.A�gnm�nt ot R�nb.Tru�tor hereby aeti�nw to I.�nder th�rents,letues end protlts ot tho Prop�rty:provldsd that T►u�tor � <br /> �h�11,untll Me eeeurrencs of an Event of Detault hsreunder,havs ths ripht ta eoilsat trtd rshin�uah re�tt,iaues and protits�s th�y <br /> becorri�dus and payabte.Upon tha 000urrsncs ot�n Ev�nt of DefaulL Lendsr may,elther In penon or by epent with or without <br /> bNnpinp��y ecdoo or proeeedinq,or by a reaeiv�r eppointed by a eourt and without rep�rd W the ads4uaoy of Ib aeourity,enter "� �� <br /> upor►and 4ake poseession ot tha Prope� oey part theropt,in ita own name oc In the name otthe Trustae,and do cny aats whtoh It , <br /> deems necesaary or deairabie to preaerve the vetue,mnrketabllity or rentabltity of the P►oparty,ar any paR thereot a tntereat therein, '=a <br /> Increaae the Inaame the�efrom or proteat the eeeurlty hereof and,with or without takin0 poaseasion oi 4he Properly,aue tor or <br /> otherwise co�leat the�ents,lasuea and proNte thereof. including those paet due and unpaid,and apply the eame,leas coats and ,_}� <br /> exponsee of ope►aUon and colleatton Inoludin�atterneys'feea,upon any indebtednesa seaured horeby,alt in suehorder ae Lertder <br /> may determtne.The en0erinp upo�and tekinp posaeaslon o!the Property,the colteation of auah rente,issues end proflta and tho . �• <br /> applfa8tlon Mereof as oforeaaid,ahall not oure or waive a�y default or no�ca of defeutt hereunder or invalidate eny aat done in ;-;:; <br /> re�pon�etoeuohdefaultorpurouaMtoauehnoUceotdetaultand,notwlthetandinpthecontlnuancelnpoaseselonottheP�opertyor ; � <br /> the cofiection,rocelAt end apDitcsUan ot ronta,issues or proflte,and Trustee and Lender shall be entiUed to exercise every ripht <br /> -�:¢, proridedtoNnanyoftheLoanpocumcfntaorbylawuponxcurrenceofanyEuentof0efautt,Includingwithoutiimltntionthedphtto <br /> �..,,.:,::,,;.�, exeraise the power af sate.Further,Lender's riphts and remedies urtder thfs paragraph shall be cumutative with,and In�o way a <br /> �: '• Ilmqationon,Lendersrlghtsandremediesunderanyassipnmentofleasesandrentarecordeda8ainsttheProperiy.lender,Truatee <br /> � ` andthe rat:eiver shait be iiable to account only thoae rente actualiy reoeived. <br /> ,,.,,�• '��` 11.Ev�nts of ONauEt.The foliowing ehait aona8tute an Event ot Qefault under this Deed of Trust <br /> � (a)Fallure to pay any instaliment of principai or interast ot any other aum eeaured hereby when due; <br /> ,a�.;p3r�ia;�„_;�b'u o,"�. <br /> :�;L":;s:�=„f�"�N!'^' (b)AbreacbMo�defeultunderanyprovialoncontafnadintheNote,thisDeedofT�ust,anyofthel.oanOoaumente,orany <br /> � '•'�s`f'/���:• other lien orencumbranceupon the Propertv; <br /> ,,�,,�;� f , <br /> � r,��:�,: ; (o)A wrft of exeaudon or attachment or any simliar proceae sha�l be e�tered agalnat T�ustar which ahall become a Ifen on <br /> �s:��s.:>�;: the P►operly or any pordon thereof or IMereat therein; . <br /> , , "�"'.�;;�.. .'��a, (¢!)There shalt be filed by or againat Truswr ar Bor�ower an aatfon under any present or future federat, stato or other <br /> � �;' �;:: .� • statute,law or repulatlon relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvenay or other reilef for debtors;or there shall be appdnted any uustee. <br /> �y < <v...� rs�e!•!er er 11Qttl�tQ►a}Trustor or Borcower or of all or any paR of the P�operty,or the rents,issues or proflla thereof,or Trustor <br /> or BoROwer ahatt make eny generet asaignment ior the beneflt of oredltors; <br /> ���,u.�,:,;'.`` _; (e)Tha,eale,tranefer,tease,asstgnment�conveyance or further enaumbrance ot all or any part of or any intereat in the <br /> �'`�± �� propprty�eitP�er volucnerily or involuntarily, without the express written coneent of Lender,provlded that Truator shall be <br /> :a :, . �, <br /> �'�'.� `;��." permltta!to exeaute e tease of the PropeAy that doea not aontain an opUon to puraheae and the term of whlohdoes not exceed <br /> � :..�t;:;�:,.,: .• ane year. ;: . <br /> �• K`���"`'� ''� (�Abandonment of the Property;or �� <br /> .�.��,.;•_, �. ., � <br /> � s �•,�•��-. (�)If Trustor la�otan Indivlduai,the isauance.eale,transter.assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total <br /> r�v,r„�x�„�1.• <br /> ` �.,,..;y..•,,, o� percent of(It a corporaUon)Its iseued and autstanding stock or pt a partnership)a totat of percent ot <br /> F`° �� pgrtne~rahip interesls dJring the period thla Deed of Truat remafna s Ilen on the Property. <br /> �t;�?�:;-•r�s��, 12R«n�dOw;Aec�teatlontlponDNaulAtntheeventotanyEventofDefauitlendermay,withoutnot►aeexceptaerequiredby <br /> �"•'?';•;�•>`"'�""�s� taw,deotaro eil indebtedneaa eeoured hereby to be due�tnd payabte and tho same shatt thereupon become due and payable <br /> �1��' °r"� wNhvN any prosentmen�demartd,protest or noU�e of any kind.Thereaiter Lender meY <br /> :e u.�:t. <br /> , k� ��� inte eait n the Properry to be soid and the proceeds to be dietrib ted�a I 1��he ma nor p ov�ided in the Neb skn T ustrDeeds <br /> �*�,�..:--�-.�. <br /> .. �n�la�.` ACt, <br /> � `K:.�y,.y;,...,,,A�t� (b) ExerclseanyandallrightsprovidedtortnanyoftheLoanDocume�tacrbytawuponocaumenceofarryEveMofpetauit; <br /> Y V�''`•"�s,; , •c. 80d <br /> ,+'�':�:�,:;, . (c)Commence an aallon to forealose this Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a recelver,or spectflcalty entorce eny of the <br /> covenanta hereof. <br /> ' ��au��:� �. � .� No remedy herefn aonferred upon or reserved to Truatoe or Lender la Intended to be exotusive of any other remedy herein,in the <br /> •r'��. Lotn Doauments or by taw provided or permitted,but each shali be cumulative.ehal!be in addition to every other remedy given , <br /> ' -.� hereundev,in the Loan Oocumente or now or hereafte�existing at law or In equity a by atetute,and mey be exerciaed concurrent{y, <br /> . 4��•.-• � ' iMependentty or auceesaivetY• <br /> 13,Tiu�.The Trustee may resign at any Ume w�thout cause,and lender may at eny tlme and without cause appoint a <br /> � ,� aueceasor or subsUtute Trustee.7rustee shetl not be tlabie to any party,including wHhout UmltaUon Lender,8orrowar.Truator orany <br /> �;�.:.,: purchaaerof tlte Property,tor any toss or damage unlesa due to reck�eas or wititut miaconduat,and shail not be required to ffike any <br /> �r-� J aGlon In aonnootlon with the entoraement of thls Oead of Trust unlesa IndemnNied.In wrlting,far all coats,compeneatlon or <br /> y..,... ;� <br /> ��.�.;;t� � expenses which may be assooiated addiUan.Trustee may become a puroheser et any eale of the Properry Qudtaiat or <br /> ' :: under the power of sale qranted herefn);poatpone 4he sale of att or any po�tion of the Pr4perly,as provided by law:ur seil the <br /> ',-. ���,..'�'.�� • Pro as a whole,or[n separate parcels or lote at Trustee's d�acreUon. . <br /> � p1�d,ryFeN�nd Erp�n�.In the event Truatee selts tho Property by exeraise of power of sale,Trustea shall De emitled to eppty <br /> , � ���� + any sale proceeds tiret to payment of aIi costa end expenses of exercising power oi sale,including ali Trustee's feas,and Lender's <br /> �"�:+.,�..;_::�,;_ . , and Tn�stee's attomey's tees,aatuaity incurred to sxt9ntpermitted by applicable law.In the event eor�ower or T�ustor exerclses any <br /> �•-+�<�., ; r.�-•: '• dpht provided by law to aure an Event of Detauit,Lender shali be entlUed to reaover from Truswr ait costa and expenses actualiy <br /> � 1�����'���i� incu�red as a result of Trustor's detautt,inotuding wlthout Iimitatlon atl Tastee's and attomey's tees,to the exterit permitted by <br /> ,.fr ..:•�:t�:;`-... <br /> ••,`:,o-+�•. :, epp11C8b1818W. ` <br /> r�,� 16. Futun Ad�anca.Upon�equeat of Borrower,Lender may,at tts opUon,meke addltionet and tuture advances and re- <br /> � � � � advances to Bonower.Such advances and readvancea,with interestthereon,shatl be seaured by this Oeed ot TNat Atno tlme shail <br /> ,�.;,;�;' "- . ° Ure pdncipat amount o!the indebtednesa seaured by th�s Oeed ot Trust,aot lnc�uding aums advanced to proteatthe seaudty of this <br /> �,.��.:�.e. e�w�+N,n nrininnt eAnrinal amount 8ffitOd h9�Al�,or$10.000 a0 ,whlahever is greater. � <br /> •.. � --_ .�..,.. �....;__---•--••�-•�- � . <br /> �:`:.=.::. ` � , 18. M1�cNl�moin Provl�tons. <br /> �,,� (s� Qorrow�r Not RN�assd.Extenalon of the tlme tor payment or modiNcatlon ot amo�tlzation ot the sums seaur�i�this � • <br /> Oeed o}Trust granted 0y Lender to any eucce�aeor in interest of Borrower shatt not operate to release,in any manner. ty <br /> '' � of the orlginpl BoROwer and Borrower's euccesaore In intereat Lender shait not be requlred to commence proaeedinga agalnst <br /> �.;lV.�;`: • euah euccesaor or retuse to extond Hme for payment or otherwise modly gmortization otthe eums secured bythis Oeed ot Trust � <br /> by reason of any demanda made by the origlnal Borrower and Bonnwer's succesaora in interest <br /> ;.,:: .r (b) L�tfdN°s Pow�rr.Wlthout affecdng the �Iabfiity of anY other peraon Ilsble tor the peyment of any obil�atlon herein <br /> .•>.: ,��> ° . mentianed,and without aNecting the 8en or aharge ot thie Oeod of Tntst upon any portion of the Properiy notthen or theretotore <br /> �'• y��• �° released as securitytor the full amount ot all unpaid oaligadona,Lender may.irom tfine to tlme end without�odce(1)release any <br /> ti . " pereon so Ilebie,tiq extend tho maturtty or alter any of the terma ot any euch obligationa,pif)grant other indulge�ces,(iv►retease <br /> ' ���� �� or reaonvey,or aause to De released or reconveyed et any Hme at Lender's opNon any parcel,portlon or ell ot the Property, <br /> 4,:. _:{ y i.. <br /> :,Y "�: (�take or releaee any other or addiNonat secu►Iry for any obligatlon herein mentloned, or(vl)make compo i Gons or other <br /> ,:...� {�� ,,:�'�y:� arre�npements w�th debtore tn relatlon theroto. . � <br /> ��,w�'F;`='r•''r�.;�t�:i: <br /> � � • <br /> � <br />