.� },i. ` <�X. i� ' t}•�:,i`�. ;: ' •I:;����",.' �f ��`� t .�.`>.�Y�.' Il.• ' '�i�
<br /> � -: � .. , ��' �- ,,li� ` ;� .. .t�, ��I�,�Si��li7�i� �:4?ik"'�
<br /> g��. , � , ' — ,�:
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<br /> �- --_._.------__.._«..—�---------�-•—`-•�-----...�.__�_._ ------•-'------ ---
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<br /> - �-', .. ,� -- TV{�� VA� MG�i"if�/�I������=— . . ..
<br /> 1'Ht9 PLA+'VN�l3 UNIT D�IAPM�NT Ri[lE1i i� tn�ds Ihtn�Q�.__.,,..daY aP�u�1Ut! - -- ----_':��,.--.''1�
<br /> pn.cl is Incarpontid Mto�nd sheN b�dNrt�ed Ra atnwid�nA�uppt�n»nt th�Mwt�,qedd a}Tlu�t or 9�urity �Md ph�e� ,
<br /> 'S�axlhj In�tnxn�l") ot Yn� sxn� dKU, �h'en bY th� unii�nlpnsd (th� "Bortow�r") tc_i�oun �olraw�ry t� to
<br /> �,�+Dw►I�nd�+latiex�al �l�nl�,;,_.a?�,lL�I!!lf�.�.��!lil��!C�'M� u � � .
<br /> -- ..nh.•l«.d«•) 01 th.um.aa0...na � th�Propwty d..ae»d.in m. C' � ,,
<br /> 8�curky Mttrum�M�nd�oat.�d'Rt:
<br /> ��9�P��...��i�4lS�.�.!'° �"'�.�, �*�nn .... ..
<br /> . ��� �
<br /> The P�'eP�Y�dud�s�bvl l�not NnAtsd to��prraN of M�nd krprov�d wUh a dwNNnO. top�►h�►wMh otha such p�na�i��nd
<br /> cwWn eommon arKS�nd 1aqINUK,as,daaib�d In Dwalr•,ration to� Cant tal Gardens gil�d �
<br /> MMn 27. 1975 in tL� �eRisk�s of � •
<br /> 1ia�► b tl�a Co�ntis�ntal Garden Ro�ecrMa�x� as�oci.at on far��s o txetion.
<br /> teaance, r� s aos at s �easas aa sat ou tTra r.us u+c'uraz""�'iv.a
<br /> (t�he'Ded�ua�on').T1» ProP�rtY Is a p�ct ot a PM��t�i.neatal Gard�n��* •
<br /> Dkme o UNt � opm�nt
<br /> (tho"pUD'). The Prop�ty �Iso Indudea 8orrowar'a hiereat In ths homeownere �aaocMAfon.a�quNNaat enUry ownlnp or
<br /> mantyfnp ths cortvnon �a md fadlittn of the PUD Qhe'�wners Aaaoelatlan'y and the uaee,bmeflts�nd prac.�ed�,af•
<br /> Botrower's Int�nat. .
<br /> i�UD COVENM178. In �ddltlon to the a�ovmtnta�nd npruetner�ta rntde:kt tlie 8ecurfty Innrum�nt Harcwer and
<br /> Lender Turthar ccwenant md apree as tolbwa:
<br /> A. PUD OBLIOAT10N8. HortowN ahafl pe�torm d of Bw►o�w�r's obNgatiom unda ths PUD'� ConsUluK►4
<br /> Documante. The 'ConaUtuent Oocume�ts• are tha � Oa�raUon; pq udGes ot;inearporwtkn, 11U6t IflIIhWlefl� Oi Qyl
<br /> equNalex�t docuetteet whtoh cxa�tas the Ownera Aesad�tJon;and(Ni)eny byaawa o►ogher rules or repulatlong of the Ownero
<br /> AaeodaUa�. Borrawer sh�Y protnptry pRy. when due, aN dues and a8eeaameMs impwad pursu�nt to the ConstNwnt
<br /> Documenb.
<br /> 0. HAZARD IPISUFIANCE. so Iong as the Ownero Aseoaieilon melntaln�+,wlth a 9enenlly accepted Urourence
<br /> . cartler, e 'maatq' ar'blu�ket' poltay Insurfng th� Properly whtah fa sa�ataetory to lender suid whloA ptevkiea Inaunnce
<br /> �coverage [n the amou�te, tor the perioda, and ag�het the h�nrds Lender tequk�, Indudlny ftro�nd h�rds „oluded
<br /> wrihin the term'extended coverage',then:
<br /> (� Le��der walves the provlalon In Uoltortn Covenent 2 tor the monthy p�yrnent to Lender ot the ye�rly promlum
<br /> tnatallments for h�zard inauartce on the Propaty;and �
<br /> pq Bortower'a abllp�Uon under Unlfortn Coven�nt S to melntaln hamrd Inaurence eoveretge on the PropeAy ts deemed
<br /> �t4 ths•x�•+�t ehat:hs�equlred coverage Ia provlded by the Ownero Aasoclntatton pelky.
<br /> Borrowe►nhaN ghre Lender prompt noUce of�ny 4ipse In requlred haurd Inaurenco aoversge prorldad by the mtater or
<br /> Llu�ket poqay.
<br /> In tho event of• dlatellwUon of huard Inauronce proceeda In Ueu ot restpra'don or repelr 1ollowing a I�s�3o the
<br /> PropeAy, or to common ueaa and tacllklea of ths PUD. any pmceads payable to 6ortower aro henby�aasigned and shep
<br /> ba patd to 4ender. Lender sh�! apply the proceeda to the suma eecuaed by the 8eeurity Instrument,wlth any exceas patd
<br /> to Borrower.
<br /> C. PUBUC UA8IL.ITY INSUAfWCE. eorrower ahell take auch aatlona an m�y be reasoneble to tnaure that
<br /> the Ownere Aeeoctsflon malntak�s a pubqa IIablYty Insurance poltoy aecepteble(n form, emount,and extent a1 coverage ta
<br /> Lender.
<br /> D. CONOEMNATION. The proaeed� of eny awaM or clahn for damages, dkect or conaequeniid, payabA to
<br /> Bortower In eonnectlon vAth my condemnatlon or other taking of all or any part ot the Properly o�the common aro�a and
<br /> factlldes ot the PUD, or tor eny conveyance In lieu of condemn�lon, are hereby aaalgr+ed end ehell 6e pald to tender.
<br /> Such proceeds ehnp be applled by Lender to tho sums secured by the Securfly(natrument as provtded In UnHortn Cov��nM
<br /> 1 O.
<br /> E. LENDER'S PRIOR CONSEM: Bonower shall not, excepi after nottoe to Lender end with lender'$prtor
<br /> w�lten conaen�el4her ptrlWon or subdNlde the Properiy or c�n�t to:
<br /> '� � (� the�bu�donment or termination at ihe?Ut�,exaept tor abandonment or temtlnatlon required by law In the aaae of
<br /> T substantlal desWa4tan by flre or other casuelly or in the case of a taldng by condemneUon or eminent domdn;
<br /> � � �� Qf) any unen�nent to any provlston of the 'Constiluent Documente' If the provlslon Is tor the exprose benefit ot
<br /> ��� :�.�"��„��;; (II� termha�on af protesstonel managemeni and assumptlon of BeN-management ot the Ownera Aasodstlon;o� ':�,
<br /> .�•��:;•M„ (N) eny acdon whkh would have the effect ot rende�ing the publla Ilablllty lnsurance aovorago matntalneei by the
<br /> ,�' �,;,.;,; Ownero Assodatlon unacceptabte to Lender.
<br /> �'"� � F. REMEOIE6. It Bor►ewer does not pay PUD dues and assesements when due,then Lender may pay them.My �`
<br /> :r���.<J,,a� amounte dlabursed by Lender under thts paragraph F shalt beoome addltlonal debt ot B�rrower eecured by the 3ewrlty ��
<br /> .-:-:-1�=�. .. InatrumeM. Unles� Bortower and Lender agree to other terma ot paymeM,these amouMS ahaN bear Interest from the date
<br /> "�'""'Y;';•,:.; ot dlsbursema�t at the Note rate and ahell be payatile, wlth Intereat, upon nodce from Londer to 8orrower requesting ',
<br /> �c; �7x`:: PaYment. ,
<br /> ,..t'>���,�'. BY StaNINQ BELOW, 8orrower aecepto and egrees to tho terms and provislons co�talned En thls PllD Rtder. The
<br /> '�''�^�:�"•'�� underol�ed bortower(s)acknowledge(s)reeelpt of a eopy of thts InsUUment
<br /> �'•',t�::.';'ti:�,':.
<br /> ,�,.,�. . .,;;;�_"
<br /> �w;,�r.:,+%z .- ♦ (3EAL)
<br /> �;.u��•.�A• i� Borcowcr �m y �� _
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<br /> �'.,..�7�,1?, . . .. OROWCI
<br /> �� �'• MU4TSTATE PUD R�DER-Suiplo fnmlry•FNMA/FH�MC UNtPoRM INSTRUMENT Form 5150 8I90
<br /> �.. ''x '; !n;j` F1079�Lf�M1(5191)
<br /> ''�4t,r.s��;�'�� ,
<br /> .. • 3�,�:
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<br /> _�'~•� .. �'1'.
<br /> .•� 8406$ �
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