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,t'.�. +e'� yy_��'Ft � f��b4(i. <br /> . .t -iu ��il ;'•'{fif•�Yr.�.t�:f��1��'i�-�1�M� 1}y� ■ �/' �, n%�•°�tP(`(�'1i'�.,�✓ 1��11 li{,>, � , 1 _-. ' <br /> -f . � ' !���1�t���9, ,�� !� T 1 hI'�4A'WIlC1�7 4 R l���'�.N� . <br /> • 11 L �R <br /> i. ��,�' t��'n '�3,�. <br /> - "P��'-.}7r-�=... <br /> i <br /> substmti�lly equlv�knt mnrtg�A inwranco coverage is nnt available.Borrawcr ahnll y to Lender each month a sum oq8tl to <br /> knt <br /> ono-twelith of tho yearfy maRSige in�urenca premium being�aid by Borrower when o insumnca tavecaga la�»�!sr xwod to <br /> be in r,ffcM�.[.�nder wi11 arcxpt.uso Kixi rctctin thcso puymants us u loss re�cxvc in lieu nf ntnrtguge insunmca� IA59 reservc <br /> pny�mnt.r nwy nu Im�ger bci r• ulrccl,ut thc aptlon of�.cndcr.if nwtzgc�ge iny«rnncc rnvcrngo(in the�rnnunt mtd far tho periad <br /> thut Le;2dce requlresl{�ruvidr.�by nn insurer uppruvcd by I.ender ng�in bcccnncs avciilubto and ix abtoine�l. Dannwcr xhall pay <br /> the pnmiums requlreA to maintain mortgaga insuruneo in eiPect,ar tn pravlde c�Ic�s9 re�erve,u�uU tho rcquircment fur mc�rtgago� <br /> insuranco ends In accc�rdunco with any wr�ttcn agc�ntent beiween fic►rrawcr�a�I.cnder�r appllcablo Inw. <br /> 9.Iropectlon. l.e�xtcr ur itx ugcnt mny m�kc rc,a.ganablo entrie9 upan And lnspcctirnis nf thc Pr�►periy.I..cndcr Khull givd'� <br /> 8orrawer natice$t tho dmo oP ar priar to sn inspectinn speclfying cewsnnabio cuuso fnr tho inspectipn. ��� <br /> 10.CoAdanpatlon. The prc�ocds of nny uwardi or clnim far dumages, dircct ar consequentic�l. in connoctian with any� <br /> conde�nation ox ather t�king af nny purt of tho�'roperty. or far canveycm��i�i l:ee�uf s���innudun.urc}icr�:tiy astgrtc�!tutd <br /> ahall be paid to Lendcr. <br /> In tha event of a totnl taking of tha Property.thc prorced�s shall ba appifod to�hc sums securcd by thls Sccudry Instrument, <br /> whether or not ttten due, w[th any cxceas paid to Borrpwet. In the event af u partial tnking of thc Property in which the fnir <br /> market value of the Property�mmediutely before thn wkfng is�ual ta or g�ter thun thc amount of thg sums secural by thie� <br /> Secur�ty lnstrument iaunedistely before the teking.unless Borrower and L,cndex otherwise age�ee in writing.the sums eecural by <br /> thts Security Instrument shall be reduce�i by the amount of the prncooda multiplied by the following graction: (a) the total <br /> �ur►ount of the sums secured ImmedIately before tha taking, dlvidod by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediAUly <br /> beforo the taking. Any balance ehall be patd ro Borrower. In the event of a partisl taking uf the Pcaperty in which the falr <br /> market vafue of the Property immediately before the takIng is less than the amaunt nf the sums secure�t immediately before the <br /> taking. unless Aorrower and Lender othenvise ngree in wdting or unless applicable law otherwise provid�,the proceeds sha!! <br /> be applied to the sums secured by thls Security Instnuneat whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Boaower,or if, after nodce by L,ender to Borrower that the condemnor offcrs to make an <br /> award oT settto a ctaim for damages. Borrower fails to respoczd to Lender wtthin 30 days atter the date the notice is given, <br /> Lender Is sathorized to coliect and epply the procec�ss. at its opdon,either to t+estorat�on or repair of the Property or w the sums <br /> secured by this Secur�ty Insuument,whether or not then due. <br /> �� s Ualess Lender ead Boaower otherwise agree In v�rriting. aay application of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or <br /> ,;�;.�;� � -, postpone the due date of the monthly payments referre�co in parugraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such puyments. <br /> ' `����� 11.Borr�wer Not Released;Forbearauce By Lender Not a Watver. Extension of the time for payment or raodification <br /> - of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�ranted by[xnder to any suc:cessor�n lnterest of Borrower shall ' <br /> -'��.��''"��',•�"r.�� �' not operate to release the I{abiliry of the original Bonower ar Borrower's saccessors in interest.I.ender shall not be required to .�� <br /> I •,. �s,, �� <br /> '��:'.'�:"�.�+�"� commence pmceedings agatnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or athzrwis�modify amort�ation �;_?-c. <br /> �t , ' �� - of the sums aecured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mnde by the ori$inal Borrower ar Borrower's `•;�'� <br /> :�t:�;�;��,��'..��. <br /> . t!�.` •,� ,�.,•:..:, successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisins any r�ght or remetly shall not be a weiver of ur preclude the , <br /> ��i��'��.::t���,,:;�T(,;,�::: exec�cise of any right or remedy. . . <br /> � • � �� .• • �•,' 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jaint and Several Llabiltty;Co-sigaera. The covenants and agreements of this ' <br /> � <br /> '`'•' �'- Security Inattument shall bind and benefit the successors and 'assigns af L.ender and Borrower. subJect to the provisions of '"��; <br /> Jl '•.JJI � , �•.'• {�.�+ <br /> ' 1,` _ : �:�'�,. p8lsgrsph 1T. LsoTrowPr's cnvenantc and aeraements shall be ioint and severnl. My Borrower who casigns thfs Securlty � ,hY <br /> ;�� InstNment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co•signing this Security Ie�stTUment only to mortgage, gtant and convey that <br /> :`•:'�,•; �•" :;�.-'.a Borrawer's interest in the Property under the terms of thts Securiry Inswment;(b) is not persanalty obligated to sy the sums 'ii. <br /> ' • - this Sc�tdty Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agcee to extend.tnodity�forbear ar � <br /> „�,','''� • � make any acwmmodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. '� <br /> d � '. ��. 13.Loan Cdarges. If the loan secured by this Secudry Instrument is sublect to a law which aets maxlmum loan cherges, <br /> :,;��. , ; . ���•'. and that law is tinully intecpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coilected ar to be collected in wnnection with the , <br /> ` � �'�°��'. Ioan exceed the p ermitted llmits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reducod by the nmount necessary to reduce the churge <br /> �'''"'�"''?�"'`'n"' to the permitted Iimlt;nnd(b)any sums already coilected from Borrower which exc e e d e d pe r m itt e d limiu w i l l be re f un d e d to . <br /> •-?4;. �3=�•.���'�` -� Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduciug U�e principal owed under the Note or by making st direct <br /> 'rrr���r�'+•,��-� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as u parcinl prepuyment without any <br /> �'"''""�" " °`�� prepayment ch:�rge under the Note. <br /> ����-�+��`�.`�•'.:`'�`'"� 14.Pdottces.Any notice to Borrower providat for in this Securl Instniment shull be�tven by delivedng it or by mniltng <br /> � ta:q�. .�:r. <br /> ,�,'�r�::•�r it by fir�t eluss muil unless applicabie luw requires use of unother me od.The notice shull be directed to the Propercy Addiess <br /> ''��;" '"'- or nny other addt�s 8orrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sh;ill be given by tirst class mail to <br /> "'''�;"�_"`""�`�°'� �' Lender's uddcess stnted herein or any �ther ctddress C.ender designates by nottce ta Borrower. Any nottce provtded for in this <br /> ,dti1;;,w+Ne�_.,. . . <br /> .. :.... . ,:�y,.. Secudty Instn�ment shall be deemed to have b�n given to Borrower or I.ender when given us provided in this paragrup . <br /> •«•� - '�° '� ' 15.Coverning Law; Severabillty. This Securiry Instrument shall be governed by fedcrnl luw end the luw of the ' <br /> _���.�.���� ��,_,.� jurlsdiction in which the Propetty is located. In the event that any piuvision or clnuse of this Security instrument or the Note <br /> � conflicts with appilcable law. such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> • given effect without the contiicdng provision.To this end the pcuvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declarod <br /> _.�,-r�'. . • to be severnble. <br /> '� • 16.Borrower's Copy.Homower sheil be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Secudty Instntment. <br /> ,_ :,,.= • � 17.Tran�tfer of the Property or a Bemticlal Intet�est in Borrower. If�II or any part of the Property or uny interest in It <br /> � is sold or transferred(or if n beneficial interest in Borrower is sald or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without <br /> ,.•�`" ,:,: . Lender's prlor written consent, I.ender may, at its option. reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this <br /> " � ' Seruriry Instniment.�Iowever,this option shali not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se�s prohibited by federal lnw as of the dute <br /> . �:.i,�k_` of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option, L.ender shall give Borrower notice of accelerntion.The nodce shall provide a period�f not <br /> ":;�; - less than 30 duya from the date the nottce ts delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> •``•��:;�: Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration oF thts period.L.ender may invoke any remedies <br /> ' . , p�rmitted by this Secudty Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> . ;�`.: 18. Borrower's Ri�hi to Reinstate. If Bomower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> �,+�-. '•_ . '�' enforcement of this Serunry Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 dAys(or such other period as <br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to uny power of sale conmince! in �8i� <br /> `'`�-.:r ^ Securiry Instrument:or(b)entry nf a judg,�nent cnforcin�this Security Iiutrument.Those rnrtdittons urc thAt Bc�rrower:ta)pays <br /> - ' ° I.ender all sums which then would be due under thts Secudry Inswment and the Note:u if no acceleration hnd occurred: (b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenants or a�reements;(c)pays all expen�es incurnd in enforcing this Security Instn►ment. <br /> � includldg.but not limite�to.reasonable attomeys'fees;nnd(d)takes such:tction as Lendcr mny masonably require to assure <br /> •� ' that the Hen of this Serur(ty Instrument, I.ender's�hts in the Property and Bnrrower's obli�ation tn pay the sums secured by <br /> -i-u _':_.._ ..��1.�� i t...... .ri..e���e...e..,► Mu IL\M(1WPT t ic Cno��rifv lnctntmnnt :uft� th�+ <br /> �� .� IIl13 JCCUCIIY ttt�tldrtiGtti auau wutuwc��w. vp.... .......�w.......... ..� .,,....."_'• _._ __'^"� -•-'-------' -.' _ <br /> . abligudons secured hereby sfiall remain fully effecdve as if no aoceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shali <br /> •� � not apply tn the case of acoeleradun under paragrnph 17. � <br /> ' 19. SaSs of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a p3rtial interest in the Note ttogether with this Securiry <br /> a <br /> �� Instrument)may be sold one or more times wtthout priur notice to Borrower. A sale may resuit in a cha�nge in the entiry tknown I <br /> as the"Loan 3ervlcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Inswment. There also niay be une � <br /> or more chan$es of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a chnnge of the Loan Servicer, Burruwer will be <br /> ;iven urcitten nodce of the chan�e in acrnrdance with paragrnph l4 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and � <br /> . uddress of the new I.nan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will nisv contain uny other I • <br /> „ informatlon required by applicable law. <br /> Z0. Ha�srdous Substunces.&�rcower shall not cause or permit the presence. use, dispasal, storage, or mlease�f auy � <br /> Huzurdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the ' <br /> � t���, � Pmperty that is in vlolntion of:�ny Env[ronmental La�v.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to ihe presence.use,or I <br /> +,�' � •.. ,. F <br /> � � stora�;e an the Property of small quantities of Hivar�dous Substances that are generulty recognizect to bc appropriate tu norm�l , <br /> residenti�l uses und to maintenunce of the Property. <br /> � Nago 3 of 4 Form 3028 9180 <br /> ;� . <br />