, �Y�; f ' �,.fre rrs���.� ' 6kIKa,�r`�� i�ilf�n4? <' t��
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<br /> � � �� rn�aL�7 *;r;ry;�1'
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<br /> ��-.';�'r""-�'!iP�,,, ot poatpon�ment ehalt be plven by pMbllo deatn►atlon thereof by euch peraon at the time and placs last�ppolnt�d torthe
<br /> ��'"� �alr,ptovidad,!t!ft�eal�is po�tpanad tor tonpsr than one(t)day beyond the d�y d�atpne�ted In the notisa oi e�ls.notl�a
<br /> tRereaf ahul bs ylvon In ths sam�ma�ner as ths orlpin�f nottc0 ot ea1�.Truate�eh�ll exeauts and d�liv�rto 1he purch��r
<br /> Ita Oead aonveylnp 4hs Property eo e�ld�but wlthaut any ccvenant or w�rranty,expresa or Impilsd.Ths►ealttis Inthr�ds�d
<br /> ot�ny matt�n or xota shall bs concl usivs proot of th�truthlutnsu thueot.Any psreon�Inotudinp Ben�tloiary,may pur•
<br /> ;s.:.., ::�: ',. '� c�tce�t thaaate.
<br /> (B) WMn T�usta s�lis pursuant to the pawste hsretn�the Ttuates a�alt�p�pty the proaoeda o4 the eale to ptyt:+an4 ot CB�s
<br /> •�;•,�•4,,:; coats and expsnaes ot exerctetn�!he powsr ot etle and ot ths sals,Inoiudlnp the paymsnt of the Trust�e'�fse�aatually
<br /> ���� '� Inaur�ed,wt�lch Truatee•s feea ahatl not In ihe app�epate excesd the fatlowlnp amount baQed upon the amount seoured
<br /> r*'.�"��:� �:� '-'-_''•'�;` heroby and�emeininp unp�ld;6 percentum on tha fi►at 51�OQ0 thareof.l peroentum on the balance thereof and then to t�e
<br /> �� Itema In aubpnraprsph(C)in th0 order there etated.
<br /> �•��,•�•• •� �t ., (C)Aiter peytnq tha Itema apeattled In eubparaprepb(B)it the aale is by T�uatea. or tha proper court and other cnste ot
<br /> `"s:;�,�, _ � forectoauro and ante Ii the seie�s pureuant to Judicfat forealoaure,the praaeoda of se►te shal!ba�pp!!ed In tAe order etated
<br /> .°��- • • .�� a: to the payment oh
<br /> f.,
<br /> (� Coat of any evidenae of title proaured In connectlon with suoh sale and of any tevenue atamps; ,�
<br /> . . (il) All sume the seoured heraby; ;;,;,
<br /> � , (111) The remalnder.If any,to the pereon lepatly entitled thereta. ;r';:�.
<br /> � � 13. Outla and Oblip�tions ot Trustas.(a)The d�tles and obitgatlons otT�uatee shall be determined eolely by the expreas �;,.
<br /> provisione of th{e Oeed of ttust,and Trustee shail not be Ilable exoept tor the pe►formanee of suah dutiea and obtipatlons as y�;K
<br /> are specificatly aet torth herein,and no implied oovenanta or oblipations 8hali be Imposed upon Trustee;(b)Plo provistons of -.,
<br /> -• � '��;4�• thle Oeed of Trust shalt�equlre Trustoe to expend or risk its own funda,orotherwise incur any finanolat obllsation In the per• � ;�.
<br /> ' ';:,.:�.... �a.
<br /> '�`��� iormanoe ot any ot Its dutlas hereunder, or In the exerolse of a�y ot Ite riphts or p4wer�if it shali have grounde tor betiovinp
<br /> . that the repayment of suoh funds or adequate Indemntty apainst auch rlsk or Iiability Is not reasonabiy eseured to It; (o)
<br /> Trustee may aoneutt with counsel of Ite own ohoosing and the advice of suoh counse!shali be fuli and oompleteauthorirstlon {� ��
<br /> � ° ��,;; , and proteotton In the reapeot of any action taken or suHered by tt hereunder in good talth and rellanoe thereon;(�Tmstee
<br /> shall not be IlaDlefor any ectlon taken by It In good faith and reaeonably believed by It to '1 ' " I�lb(etlon
<br /> or rights and powbre conterred upo�It by 4his Deed ot Tnist. �
<br /> ° " 14.Additlon�Y S�eudty Instntm�nN.T�ustor,at Its expense,wit�exeoute and deilver t �� p�and,
<br /> � such aecurity instruments as may bs required by T�uatee,in form and aubetance satis . an�►of the
<br /> Property conveyed by th18 Deed of T►ust,whlah security Instruments shali be addltional seourity tor.TrustoPs taithiul perfar•
<br /> mance of ati of the terme,covenants and eonditions ot thia Deed of Trust.the Loan Agreement,any promisaory notea secu�ed •
<br /> � " hereby and any other security instruments executed in conneotion with thls traneaction.Suoh in8truments shall be recorded
<br /> �, " or flled,and re-�ecorded and refiled.at Truetor's expense.
<br /> ;;,.,� . '� ' 15.Misatlamous. .
<br /> • (A) in the event any one or more of 9he provisiona oontained in the Oeed of Truat,or the Loan Agreement or any promlesory
<br /> �ote.or any other aeaurity inst�ument given in conneotton wtth this transactlon.shatl tor any�eason to be hetd to be in•
<br /> .�:�:�;,1� � valid, Illegai or urtenforCe�ble in any respeat,auoh inva{Idity, iltegality or unentorceabiiity ahatl, at the optlon ot
<br /> � Beneficiary,not afteot any other provislon of this Oeed of Truat,that th ia Deed of Trust shall be construed as It such in•
<br /> � ` , valid,iHegei or unentorceabie p�ovislon had never been contel�ed her�in or therein. �.�•�'
<br /> (8) Thls Deed ot Truet ahall be conatrued accordi�g to the tawa of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> „ (C)The Deed of T�uet ahali tnsure to end bi�d tha helrs, legateea,devlaees. admintatratora,executo�s, successore and '
<br /> ���":'��•: assigna of the pettles hereto.
<br /> �.M1_,.�.
<br /> � (D)Trustar ahall pay ali taxes levied upon this Qeed of Truat or the debt aecured hereby.together with any other taxes or
<br /> � assesamente whioh may be levled agefnst the Trustee or Benefloiary or the legal holder of the loan Agreement on ac-
<br /> • count of the indebtednesa evidenced thereby.
<br /> , (E� Whenevet uaed hereln.the sinpuiar number ehal�Inoiude the ptural,the plural,the afngutar,the use of any gender shal l be
<br /> �'�`�'�, epplicable to all gendere,and the term"Beneflalary"shali Inolude any payee ot the indebtedness hereby secured or any
<br /> ? trenster thereof,whether by operation of law or otherwlse.
<br /> !: • 16.Succ�swrTru�tw.BeneflCfary may frorn time to tfine substttue a succeasoror succeasors to any Trustee named herein �
<br /> ar acting hereunder to execute thia Truot Oeed.Upon suoh appointment and without convenyance to the successor Tn�stea.
<br /> the latter ehall be veated vrith ali title,powers end duttes conterred upon any Truatee hereln named or aating he�eunder.Eaah
<br /> ;;,-:':, suah eppofntment and substitutlon shal�be made by wrltten�nstrument by Benetiolary.contalning referenae to this Oeed ct
<br /> .•�. ;•;:.,:;.:, Trust artd its pisoe of�eCOM,which whert recorded In the oHice of the Re�iater of Deeds of the county or countles in whfch
<br /> , � �`:�;•� satd property is sltuated,shali be concluslve proof of proper eppofntment ot the successor T�ustee.The foregoinp power of
<br /> ' � :`�� aubstitutlon and the procedure theretor ahali not be exclueive of the power and proaedure provided for by law tor the substitu-
<br /> '"�,f ��'±'��' tton of a Truatee or Trusteea In the piace of the Trustee or Truatees named hereln.
<br /> .. ,:,�+•�,�.• •
<br /> ;;;;:;:�. 17.Forbat�nc�py B�n�fietary or Teau�tw Not a Watr�r.A torbearance by Benetiafary or Trustee i�exerctsing any right or
<br /> ..�_ . _ remedy hersvnder.or otherwise aMord�d by applicable taw shatl not be a waiver ot or preciude the exerotae ot any rlght or �
<br /> - � • "'- remedy hereunder.Likewise,the watver by Be�eflaiary or Trustee of any detault of Trustor under tMs Oeed of Trus4 shall not be ,
<br /> �';;,';',. • .; �, deemed to be a walver of any other or slmllar detauits subaequentty ocous�ing. i
<br /> ° � '�`�:'• 16.ftustor Not RN�ate�.Extension of the tlme for payment or modiflcation or amoR�zatlon of the sums secured by the
<br /> ` - -��'•�'•��••- = DsF.��f Trust gra�ted by Berteflclary to any succeasor In interest ot Trustor ahalt not operate to retease,in any manner,the �
<br /> r � .,:
<br /> Ilabtlity of the orlginal Ttustot andT�ustor's succesaor in Interest.Beneficlaryshall not De required to commence proceedings � '
<br /> ± . , �� againat suaA suaaeesor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlae modly amortization of the suma secured by the i
<br /> :- • Deed of Truat by reason ot any demand made by the original Trustor and TNStor's succesaora In interest.
<br /> • 19.Option 4o Fonolot�.Upon the oacurrence ot any defautt hereunder,Benetictary shall have the optlon to foreciose this ;
<br /> Oead of Truet In the manner providetl by law for the foreotoaure of mortgages on re9t properfy. '-
<br /> , 20.T�uste�'s Rishb.Abs�nt O�fautf.Untll any detault In the payment ot fndebtedness hereby secured.or untit the breach of �
<br /> '. • any covenant heretn cootalned,tha Truator,{ts successore and aesigne,shail possess and enjoy the property and recelve the ,
<br /> ' rentg and profita therefrom.Upon p�ynnent of all auma seaured by this Deed o}Tast.Beneflalary ahell request Truatee to ,
<br /> � „ reconvey the property and a$all surrenderthla Deed of Trust and a��note�and Loan Agreements eviclencinp i�dabted�ess
<br /> seaured by the Oeed of Trust to Truetee.Trustee shalt reconvey the property witAout wananty and without char,ge to tha per•
<br /> sons legally entltted thereto.The 3�antea In any�econveyance may be desa�lbed as"the person or persdna entit�ed thereto", �
<br /> � and the reoltals therein af any matters cr facta shali be cono�usive proof ot the truthfutnes8 thereot.Such person cr persons .
<br /> „ � 8h�lt pay all costs of recordieg,if any.
<br /> 2�.TranN�r of tM P�rty;Assumpttor�.lf all or any part of the Property or a�Interest therel:►is sold or tranaferted wlthout
<br /> ' , � .. ` Beneticiary's pdor written consent.except os otherwise provided by law,Beneflclary may,at Beneftctary's optlon,declare all
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed of Truat to ba immedlately due and payable.Benef lalary ehall have walvt�E such optlon to ac•
<br /> � celerate It,prlur to the sate or trenater.Beneficiary and the person to whom the Propetty Is to be sold or transter�ed reach '
<br /> Hra�emeo� �
<br /> ,. �
<br />