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<br /> + � TH18 A881GNMEAITOF pENTE iitDER!s m�wN��J�xwut�d thl• �2s7H d�y ot ��GU�7 ,1!-� -and it .. ..
<br /> Incorporated Into�nd eh�fi b�d�msd to am�nd qnd�Upptemirnt thr Mortpap�or O�xl of Tru�t,l��rsin�fterr ref,ern�d to ao tt�
<br /> ��Securi4y In�trument", o}the snme dute piven by ttle endarelpnad, hor�InRltar rafsrred to�s tha "�orrotiver", to Qecure �
<br /> • Sorrow�er'a Indebtec9neea,ltaielnnit�r�eterred to as th�"Note�"�ta HQM��ED6FiAL BAVIN�S ANO l.O�et�ASSt�ClA?ION OF
<br /> QF�ANd IBLAND,hs►�tn�ft�r nf�rnd to a�th�"L�nd�r"�of th�tim�tl�t��nd Cov�rin�th�prop�rty d�torlGed!n tl�s 8�curity
<br /> Instrum�nt�nd Ioaat�d at: •
<br /> �.,..._....._.
<br /> (prap�rty Addrnq
<br /> • WITNE89ETH;
<br /> WHEREAS� Borrcwer end Lsnder hsve apn�d that any nnt��nd ptotib dtrlDutabi�to th�prop�rty ahould canetitute
<br /> addttlonsl ssourlty to ths Lander tor th�p�ymm!of th�Not�;
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,it Ia ayrsed that the 8�ourity I�ttrumsnt�h�ll b��m�ndM h�nby�nd d��mod to Inciude the tottowlnp
<br /> pravlsiaas:
<br /> 1. Qe@J,�nm�nt of Rente and Lap�Ren��Cott�eti�n aiahts.Borrow�r h�r�by lbsolut�ly�nd unaondltionaslly aaefpne all
<br /> rente, laeuea and profite of the property to 8sneftol�ry. Lsndar shalt havo th� NpAt, pow�r And suthority durinp the
<br /> contlnuance oi the 3eaurity Inatrument to eoilsat the�onta,fstu�s and profita ot ih�prop�Ay�nd ot any pnson�l p�operty
<br /> toa�ted thereon wfth or without t�klnp poeasaelon of ths propsrty�ffeot�d h�nby. Lmd�r,how�wr,h�nby oonssnts to
<br /> , Borrower'a aoileotlon�nd retentlon of euoh rente,tasuea�nd profite�s th�y�oa►u�tnd b�oom�paynbl��so tonp a�Borrower
<br /> Is not,at aiiab time,fn clef�utt wttA�eepao4 to p�ymsnt ot sny indabt�dnaas aaourad h�roby,or In ths p�rformanas ct any
<br /> • agreement hereunder.
<br /> 2 Aaoofntment,of Ficceivsr.It any event oi default In reapsat to ths 8toutity Instrummt�hall ha��oaaurrsd and bs
<br /> contlnutnp, Lendor.ae a matter ot rlght and without notloe to Borrower or anyons at�iminp under Bor�ower,tnd without
<br /> regi�rd to the value of the t►uat eatete or the intereat ot ths 8orrowsr thmreln,ehatl have ths rlpht to apply to iny oovn havinp
<br /> Juriedlction to appo�nt a recelver of the property.
<br /> 3, g�ht to poaaeaaion.In oaes of defauit In the psyment ot the eaid prinaipal Note ot Intsnit,ot any put theraof,as N
<br /> shal�mature�or In the eaee of fal�ure to keep or periorm any of the oovenante or apreemente contain�d In th�B�ourity inatru•
<br /> ment,then thu Le�der. Ita euaceasora or assigns, ahail be end le hereby authorl=ed and empowsrsd to t�ke fmmedlate
<br /> poaaeaaton ot the seid premiaes therein deaaribed and to aolleat the tente therefrom,a�d to apply!hs prooe�ds thereof to the
<br /> payment of the Note. '
<br /> 4. RDDIICA�ran of Rents.lsauos and P�oflte.Alt rents cotleated by Lender or the reaeiver ehall bs applled fi►st to payment
<br /> of the coate ot management of the prope►ty and aoltectton of rente,inolualnq,but not Itmited to,reoslver's fNS.premlume on
<br /> '�` recelve�'s bonds and reaaonable attorney's feea,and then to the auma eeoured by the 8eeurity Instrument.Lender snd the
<br /> receiver ahall be tlabte to aacount onty for thoae rants aotualty reoeived.
<br /> S. �onatruction ot Provisione.Each of tha provislons aontatned in thls Aeeipnment ot Rents Rlder nnd the Seourity Instru•
<br /> ment shail, u�leas othervrise speclfioaliy required, be construed in aoaordance with Nebneka�ew,and In ths ev�nt any
<br /> ,, � ., provlalon hereln or thorein contalned shett be determined by a aoun of aompetent Jurlsdlotlon to be unenforaeable,the eeme
<br /> . � shall be construed as tt�ough such unenforceable prov�slon were not a pert hereof or thereo}.
<br /> 8. Etteot of Rlr c� Bxcept a3 opoaffloally modifled by or inconsistent with this Assl�nmo�t of Rents Rlder Qr by any other
<br /> � appllcable rlder,att ot the terms and provisiona contained in the Seaurity Instrument shall aontlnue In tutl force and elfeot.
<br /> ;,�.'
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has ex�cuted this Ae i nment of e Rid�r on the date f�rat noted above. �+= �
<br /> �
<br /> Borrower
<br /> � � -�t/ _ !
<br /> 5 ; UIOLA C WALKER eor►ower
<br /> �
<br /> '���`��y�' STATE OF NEBRA8KA) �.��
<br /> Tr � x �88: ~"
<br /> '` ��_� COUNTY OF HALL ) � '�
<br /> 26TH AUGUST g94 p� t �y ���
<br /> ��-*;�;' Onthis dayot ER�C� Wb�i�E�a�AND VIOL��BC�WA KEryR,ubHUSBANQ ANd�lonsslartd ,
<br /> ;�, ,,,, quatlfi�d for sald county,peroonally oame Q
<br /> �j�.;�,� W FE ,to be the Identieal pereon(a)whoae�eme(e)la/are eubaoNbed
<br /> � �" • to the torepoing Inetrument,and hefahelthey aaknowledge the exeautlon thereof to be hle/heNthelr voluntery aot and deed. •�
<br /> ' h�
<br /> �,�_ , ,�,,, _ 1►Uitaese my hand and Naterlst Seal at ___ ...
<br /> %:�, v �'�' in aeld eoun � ne dete aforeseld.
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<br /> � �'�f1�IMtl ��
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