� . . . '�;�i''� rr. � , �o`i p!:,,:�r f .n, . . , - .
<br /> 4,. Ar. s� .. •-"'�
<br /> f '!i.t'�: 5r;: •y..:.i t hjj�%i�;�� �'„b:�.F,;F
<br /> � �Jr''r��� . ' !�., . . ....... �•�rGAi;�4�'FiS;"�:5�` ,+w
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<br /> .5.. • . . • ... x ,�j • . . _
<br /> - ��`��� qy-�o�3s�
<br /> .� ::,x:µ_�~. .,L Os-26-t�4 DEED OF TRUST P�� ,,,
<br /> " � l�o�n 6Vo 968 (f�oMint�tsd) ` ..,. ^.
<br /> TwNN.Th�vrorA Trtnnts�•ms�ns UNRED NEBRASKA BAt�4 GRAlVD ISU►NO and anY cub�Utub a aua�ata bustle�. . ,.
<br /> .�. .� T�uNo►. Th�word'fi�ntor'm�ar�any and�I p«som an0 mtl�a n�audnp tNr DMd af T�ust,lnotudinp wHhoul MmitaUon at Tiu�4ars oam�d . ,
<br /> �baM. . -
<br /> . Pf10PERT11�IS QIVEN TO SECtJRE (1)PA�INENT OF T!�tpG�?En1�li ANO t�I�MAN�OR AMY AIID AL1.OeI.l0AT10Ni OR �. .�• ..}•��
<br /> TAUSTOR�TF!MOV!'.TFC'RE1ATm OOCUMENTB.�nxs�o oF YiausT. Tws o�at TauaT i�an�n a,a�cs�vTeo
<br /> • Of!TH:Fq10WINO 1lRint . -
<br /> ,, :.
<br /> . �� PAYMEIIT AND PgRFCRMA1tCE.EzaPt as otherwks�Provfd�d in thb O�ed of ltust�Tn�stor shaiptY to Lsnda aM amou�t t�cund by thk O�ed i .
<br /> � o!Tnia1 n tMy Woonw dtN,and ahaD shicdy and In a UmNy manna qr(orm�N of Tnntor�obNpitlons undsr llr Not�.tM�Oe�d M Tn�st.and th� �•
<br /> RWwd OocurtNnh. ,
<br /> _ P08SE�SION AND MANITENAi�10E OF T!�PROPERTY. Tnnta ayn�s th�t Tnistoh P��and uss of ltN ProP�Y shat b�qcwrrnd by . „
<br /> . t1M fotAVwlnp Prmrlalons: ' . .. ,
<br /> Pos�ssfon�UM. U�1!tho occurror�co ot an EveM ot Oefauutl„Trusta n�y (e)remeln t�O�an arsd eor�trot ot tM RropMy. (b)uss� . � �
<br /> , op�nis or mana�ti�Prc�erty.and (e)colbet any Rerda from tM Prop�Ay. . „
<br /> . Oury to MWitB�,Tnisto►ahaN maintaln the Property tn tenud�bN eonditlon and promPnY P���roP�,rePl�me�s.and rtafnt�ntno� , .
<br /> tNO�saary to pr�seiw Ib value. ' ' ,.
<br /> H�rdous Subst�r�t. T1�e terms Tazardous w�sts;'T�aardan sub3fano�.•'dbPas�l."'1�s��and'tfrwWMd niott�'ae usad tA thb ,
<br /> DNd cf Tn�st,sh�A haw the same meanlnps as set forth ln the ComPnlNnstw Envkonm�nW ReaPce��CompMst tlon.and WbWty Aat af �•. •
<br /> , 19E0,as amand�d�42 U.S.C.Secdon 9801.et saq.f'�CLA"��ths rM ArtMndmanb and Retuthor(�aGon Act of 1996�Pub.L No. •
<br /> • gg-4g9("SARA7,th�H�udous Materials Tre atation Acf,49 U.S.C�on 1801,et seq.,ths Resouroe Cor�vetlon and Raeovay Acl, .
<br /> • 49 U.S.C.Seoilon&901�et seq.�or ather eP�te stata or Fad�al ta►va,rt�,or regulstto�n adopted pu�eunnt to enY af!M forr8otng. 1'1� � . _ ...
<br /> tn�ms Tarordous wutr and�hamrdous substance ahaN atso tndude.wHhout Bmit�tion�Pcb�um and potroleum by-producb a nny knctlon �„
<br /> n�
<br /> th�reof snd asbeeto�. Trustor represents and wertants to Lender tht� (o)Dutinp the pKlod of Tmstors ownerahtp of!fis Ptop�ty,ttw►s has �
<br /> . bsen no uss.Oenaaflon,manufecture.storage.treatment,dbposat.retease ar threater�ed releise M tny harerdous w�a eubstana bY�Y
<br /> pwton on,und�,ar about tha Properry; (b)Trustor hfls no knowlet)pe oR or reoson to bdiow that then has been,e�coept as provlouely ; ' .
<br /> disctased to and�oknowisdped by lender in wridng. (t)anY use,SenertUon,rtunutaeture.staa�a,be4tment,dispo�el,�s�.a thnat�ed
<br /> rolass of any hamrdous waste a substanoe by any prior ownera or aooupanLs at thB Properly or (i►)any aotual or thrsatir»d MdptUOn a �
<br /> cialms of any kind by any person retaUnp to suoh matteis:and (o)�x�p t as previousty disdosed to and acknowbdped by LsndK in wd8n0, .. .
<br /> 0) �elther Tn�sta no►tnr tenaM.conhaotor,agent a other authorixed user of tha PropeAy shaN use.yenerat��man�taetuti�stae•traaL I
<br /> •, dispose o}�a�tny hamrdous wesle or substance on,unde►.or a6out the P�operly tnd (A)uny suoA acUvily ahaN be con�uCNd in � - /
<br /> eompAancs�dh aY�ppNcable tederal,state,and loeal Iawa,repW.attons and ardlnanoes,inciudng wilhoul Mmiffitton lhos�lawe,repul�UOns,tnd �'.
<br /> ordin�nces described�bove. Trustor authaines Londer and ib apeMs to eM�nupon the Progperty to make suoh lrtspeaUo�and tesls,at
<br /> Tnators e�en.5s,as Lender may deem apprapriate to dste�mine compYance ot the Ptoperly with th�s secNan cf the Deb of Tnist. My •'!"�, ,
<br /> Inap�ctions a tesb made by Lende�shaU be for Lendera purposes only and sheN not be cons7ued ta create eny rospor�siblitty a Y�bWly on tha ° -
<br /> • part of Lende►to Tnistor ar to arry other person. The represaMatloas and wamtntles contslned hereln are bassd on Trustor`s dw dUip�noe tn . .,' .
<br /> -- ---_-- _-_= inwslgatitp ihs�ope�l�for hemrdous wasta. Trusia i�aeby (ej t6i6a5�;and wi�3vas inY iui�ra�aQdt�!l.tssda tCt Qt �_.—_-_ �
<br /> _._.
<br /> contr�ution in ttw nront Tn�stor becomes Ilabie for deanup a other eo�b unde►amr suah tawe,and (b)ayrees to IndemMy tnd hold �`— -
<br /> L�nder apafrat 4ny and aN dalms,losses.11abilities,damages,penalties,and experaas which Lender may dhectly or indkectly austain or eutle� � i.
<br /> � resul9np irom a breaoh of thb secUon of the Deed of Tnut a es a cor�sequence of any use,qene�allon,manufe0tu%atOrepe,dispostl,rekas�
<br /> or frireatened rele�ss ocourtirtg pdor ta Tnuto�s own3rahip•or fnteraRt fn the P�qperh�.vthelher or not the seme wea ot shauid have besn �
<br /> • ' • kn�wn to Tn�stor. The provlslo�of thb secNon of the Oeed of Trust.lnduding the obligatlon to IndefinHy,shad sur4lve the ptymeM ot!he � ;
<br /> �ndebtedness and the eatisfaeHan and reconveyance ot the Iien of this Deed of Ttust and shell not be affeoted by lender's acqulslUOn of any i . ��,�
<br /> interest in the P►operty,rvhether by toreclosure a otherv�dse. ' ' ':;�
<br /> Itui�nce,Wab.T�ustor shall not cause,eortduct u pertnft ar►y nutssnoe nor eomrtdt,perndt,ot suNer any sMppinp of or weste on or to ths � , : ;.��� �'
<br /> Property or any porNon ot the Properly. Wtthout Ammng the generaNty ot the tore0oln9�Tniskr wiU not remove�or 4rent to any otl�er D�Y� � � :.�;�"�" ��
<br /> tiaM to remow.any tlm6er.m�nera�s(Inctuding oll and gas).soU,yravef t,��ock prodtsds wNhout the pdor wdlton coneent of Lender. ; '
<br /> � Removd ot Inop►oYesiteM�. Trustor shall not domWish or remove any�mprovamenb hom Ihe Reei Properly wHhout the prlor w�tten consent I . ,
<br /> of Lmde►. N a cartdftlo�to the removat of any�mprovemeMs,Lender mey requke Trusta to make srtanpemenb satlshictory to Lender to ; �, .�,
<br /> replloe such ImprovemeMs with Improvementa ol at least equal velue. '
<br /> LenAer'�RIpM b Fnte►. Lender and its agenb and represer�hHves may ee�er upon the Real Property 8t all reasonfbN tlmss to attend to i •
<br /> Lenders Interosb md to tnspeet the Properly tor purposes ot Tnntots compli�ncs w1M the terms and eandiflons ot thb ve�d of Tnnt. �
<br /> : 't, Canpti�nes wlth Govem�nentd Requirements. Trustor shaN prompNy compty wNh all tawe,ordtnances,and reputaUoea.taw a hereatter in �. .
<br /> sttect,ot eN povemmenlat aulhorlUes eppl+cabte to the use or exupanay ot the Property Trustor may contest in pood tallhh u�y euah tew. �
<br /> ordinsnoe,or repul�HOn and withhotd compUance du►trg any prooee�irp,inciudirp appropritta appesis,so torp as Trusta hea�otMed Lender �
<br /> � . ' In wrl8rp pda to dotnp ao and so lonp as.in Lender's sole opinion.Lenders tnterosts in the Ptoperh►ero not jeopetdfzsd. Lender msy roquiro i '''
<br /> Tnntor to post adequab sseurNy a a surety bond,reasonabry eatlsfacfary to Lender,to prote�t Lende�'s Interesl.
<br /> Dttry to Ptotect.Tr�51a sgrees nelther to abandon na teave unattended the Propetiy. Tnuta 8ha11 do ali other ac1s,ln additlon to those aCts j -'':',�
<br /> . set torth nbove In thls sectlon,whlch t�om the charader and use of tAe Property are roasonaby�ry to protect and preserw 1h9 Ptope�ly.
<br /> OIJE ON SAIE—CON88NT BY lENOER. Lertder may.at Ib opUon,declare immedl�tely due and payable eb aums secured by this Deed ot Ttust .
<br /> upon the sete o►trans�.vMthoN the LendePs pdor wdtten Consent.of ell a any part ot the Rael Propery.a em intere�t in the Reui Property. A
<br /> '"sob or transtef°rt�am the comreyance ot Real Property or any rlyht,tlUe or tnterest Merein:wl+ether legat,benefide!ar equlteble:whether voluntary ; ,
<br /> or k►vatuntary;whether by ouhigM snle.deed,InstaUmer�t seie contract,Iand contraal,contraot fa deed,Ieasehdd IMerest wfth Y te�m prenter than
<br /> thras(3I Ye���-aPbon eonhaet,or by sate.essipnmerd.a transter of any beneAelal inte�est in or to any land Mest hol�Inp Utb to lhe Ree�
<br /> Ptoperly,ot by amr o1Ae►method of Co�veyence o!Rea�Properly Ir�terest If ar►y T�ustor Is a CaporBUon.partnership or UrNtsd ifabiAty Comp3ny.
<br /> ' compar�y i�n ileresis,es tAo use�maY be�of Tn sfor. H wevern�thb optlon eA�ett ot�be��oexercised bYe�der B 8uoh 6x�t�ciseM�pro bfted�bdy tede a
<br /> �" tsw a by Nebraska Ww.
<br /> . TAXES AHD LtENB. Th�toUOwirp provlsions retaUng to the te�ces and Ibns on Me Ptope�ty ate a�ort of thts Dsed of Trus�
<br /> Pa�tmet�f. Ttusta shaA pey when due(and tn e0 evenb pdor to dellnquen0y)aN taxe�,sPeclel taxes.easessmords�ohtrpas(indudinp wamr �
<br /> ' aed sewer).Are�and Im�sositlons tevled egalnst or on aaount ot tho Properly,and ehaN pay when due eN dalms tor wak dons on a tar
<br /> �� seivbss renderod a meterW fumtshed to the Proper{y. Trusta ehtN mtinWn the RropMy lree of eft pens havioD P��Y over or eqtul to tNe
<br /> , i�of Lender undlr this D6ed ot Tnisf,exoept for tt�e Iien ot texes ind assessments not due,except tor the exlsUnp tndebte0nass rete�red
<br /> to betow,and eocoep!as olhe�wise provided in ihls�eed of Tn�at.
<br /> W�d To Conte�t. Tnnta may withhdd paymeM ot ar�r hx,essessment,or eiaim tn conneetion with a good falth dispute over the obtipatlon
<br /> `�, to pay.80 tonp as Lendere interest in the Pr �
<br /> opeiiy b nof)eopardtmad. If a Aen ar�es or is wed as a result ot nonpayment,Tnista shaA wltNn
<br /> `.�. (ffkM(tb)days t1te�the Hen arises a,lt e Uen Is filed,wttAln tfRoen(16)days aRer Trusto►has notice of the 8unp,secure the dfsoharpe of the
<br /> � � Ibt4 or R requesb0 by Lertde�.dePOSit wfl�lenQOr C88N Or 8 6YUfdBtlt COtpOtits 8urety DonO ot omer seaumr seasteotory io i.encer m an
<br /> amount aukident lo disehargo the Ifen plus any cosb and aftomeys'tees ar other charqes tkl could aoaue ea a resutt of a bnedosure ar sale
<br /> • ander the I�n. In nrry eomest.Tntsta shatl detend itself and Lender and shaU snttsty any tdverse judpmen!betore enb►csmont e�Qal�ut the
<br /> , . Properry.Trusta shaN name Lender es 8n addttlonai obNpee under amr aurety bond turn�hed in the cbntast pr000edings.
<br /> � Eb10enCe o!PaymeM. Trustor shail upon Oemand fumish to Lender satisfactory euldence ot payment of the faxes or assessmenb and sheli
<br /> ;. auNiodxe the approprlete 9ovemmentat otBdai to d�liver to Lender at eny Urt►s e written al�tement o!the taxes and asses,unerds epainst tho
<br /> i P►CDeAY•
<br /> ' i" NOtice et ConslNCtton. Tntstor ahali notfty lersder at Igest fltteen(16)day8 betoro any wak Is commenoed.sny 6a�vlc+es aq tumbl�ed.or arry
<br /> .. mtt�ials are SuppNed to the Property,if any meohanies Nen,nutertetmen�s Yen, or other Uen cou�d be asserted on�CCOUnt of the walc,
<br /> , f seMces,a►mate�khs.Tn�sta wul upon requesf ot Lender tumish to Lender advance assurances setlstactaY to Lender ths!Trusta can and wUi
<br /> *. PaY the eost ot suCh tmprovemeMS.
<br /> U� . , PROP�RT1f DAMAtiE iN81�iAliCE.TAe tonowing provisions relatlng to insudnp the FNoperly e»a parf of tAis Deed of Tnis�
<br /> • MW�ten�nee of InfurMfa. T�ustor shaU proeure and matMain pd�des ot tke Insuranoe wW�sfandar0 extended caversga ertdasemeMS on s
<br /> � rep��cement basb for the fuN insurabis vatue eovertnp all improvemenb on tho Reet Proporry in an amount sutAdent to avoid apONCatlon ot any
<br /> �"
<br /> .
<br /> 'e �
<br />