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<br /> � at ��at�on Z'Kmty.Qne .,�2�,)t Tawnahip Eleven,.,(1T) North, :R�us�� Nins �9) �•� .
<br /> Wea� ot" '�he 6th P.M., more� particularly de�aril�ed as tolloxs: � ��
<br /> B���nn3n a� a pola� i�. �he Eaat 11ne ot aal.d� 3eatiQn whi�h ys 34i ��
<br /> Feet Sdu�h o! the Southeae� Carner ot��Pleaaan� Hame Subdiviei.,on� as ��h* ��
<br /> pointi ot bagi,nnitig aitd eAntinuing gou�h I.65.5 tee�, tiiaence West anc�
<br /> pgr.ellel KiCh thS�s 3ubc�ivisiom 327�t'aet; bhence Nor�h �arallel �rith �
<br /> the E�st line 165.5 •�ett, thenae. Eaat 327 t'eq� ta pqint� ot beginning.
<br /> Exaep��,ng Theretroat a d��tain traa� ot �and mo�a par�iacalnriy dea�ribed� •.
<br /> . ae !'ollowet A tra�ot oi' Z�ad beirag thc aoutherlq aix (6J. „�'.�q� .Qt the '
<br /> �brtherly �hree lzundred ��o'rt9—aeven (3�7a �.leeti at`:�t�Q:�.wastmr.ly:,:thrse ana
<br /> �'�ve tentha t3.53 teett b� the ea�te�ly tta�.z��y uf,x'ar�d �iv;e •��sr���s �36.5? •
<br /> ...��stt aP,�he 9o�tttaeas�. Quart�r o� tha Sou�#�e�et Q�ar�e�r �SE�a3E�3 ot� .
<br /> � e�id Sel.��ion R`�rentq one (21) , lqin � aou�Iierly and aort�3guous to � � �
<br /> Pieaaan�;•�Ivme Sabdivision in �he City of arand Ialand, Nebraaka,.An,d
<br /> al.ao exceptx.ng.a aertain tre.ct ot land more �arCieulerly deeerib�d•as
<br /> rollowe: A �raet oT land in �he 3outheaat Quartes o� �he 5outh�ast Quar�ir
<br /> C9E�aSE�) pt 5eatiioa 21, Townahip il Nor�h, Range 9 We�t .oi" the 6th P.M.�
<br /> aonuqernaing at the Southanat corner ot Pleas�nb �oma Subalivielon in tha �
<br /> City oP tfre�nd =sZand, Nebraaka; thence rur�ning west. on the eouth 1in� ot
<br /> Pleaaant HoAae Sabdiviaion Por a dietanae of 297 �eet�to bhe eou�hwes�
<br /> aorner or Hioak 16 in Pieasant Home Sutldivision; thenae r�ing sou�h
<br /> snd paraliel tv the east iine oP aaid•sectson2i a dsetanoe or 34i r��t to �
<br /> �he aatwsl poinb o£ begin�nisag; thenee running aouth anQ para11e1 to. the
<br /> east 1.ine oP ea�d Seation 21 a diatanae ot 16g.5 �eet; thence. ranziing
<br /> weat and parallel tio the south line of Pleaaant Hame 3ubdiv�eSon a
<br /> distariae oP 90 teet; thenae running north anQ parallel to tkte east line ot
<br /> sa9.d Seation 21, � distance of 165.5 Feet; thenae runaing east and
<br /> paraiiei 'to the sauth line of Pleasant Home 3�bd2vision a distanGe oS
<br /> 30 Peet tio the point of beginning,� . � '
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