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<br /> nE�n oF.� �'�� �{�'�'"`�.Q�..��► .
<br /> TFIIS DEED OF TR03T ie made, ae of thc 22nd day of Jul,y, 1994
<br /> k�y aticl a«r,on� the T�ueroY, TOt�t�7Y�8, INC., a Nc:braaka carpo��t�c�n�,
<br /> whoae mailing addrees £cr gurpoeae of this Deed of Trudt ie� 3��5
<br /> South Lc�cust, (3rand Teland, NE 68801 ihere3�a, "Truatox", whether
<br /> one or cnorel, ths Truatee, AREND R. SAACK. Attorney at Law, wha�e
<br /> mai.ling addresa is P. O. Sox 798, Grand Island, NE 68802-0790
<br /> (herein "Tru�tea") , and �he Boneficiary, HOME FF,DERAL 9AVINa3 AND
<br /> LOAN ASSOCZATION OF QI�PaND ISLAND, whor�e mailing addreae ie P. O.
<br /> Box 1009, t3rand Island, NE 68802-t009 (herein "Lender") .
<br /> FOR VALUAALE CON9IDER.ATION, including Lender'e exteneian of
<br /> credit identified herein to TOMMY'3, INC., a Nebraeka corporation
<br /> (herein "Borrdwer", whether one or more) , and the txuet herein
<br /> created, the recei�at of which is hereby acknowl�dged, Truetor
<br /> hereby irrevacable graats, tranafer_A, conveys and ass�.gns ta
<br /> Truetee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF 3P,LE, for the benefi� and secu-
<br /> �����: :•..� • rity �i the Lender, under and arabject to the terms and aonditione
<br /> hereinafter set forth, legall.y descr.ibad as tollowa:
<br /> �Y r. �
<br /> t .ti_ -.3.`:.i�:j!'-,
<br /> ��• �-•� '.A
<br /> ' :.r:ti 1;:. :�.,; Lot One t 1) , in "Fonner Subdivig ion��, an Addition to
<br /> N:,.h';��:u:;r;;; tihe Cit of c3rand Island, Hall County, 1�Yebraska;
<br /> ,�;;,d'•.;;'••�r� Y
<br /> � :f��'.�4;'"�C A J:S,'`AS
<br /> �,�� N..,,_.. :>,�,� and
<br /> ��::_`�'�'�u�::..;�:.7
<br /> ..T,: ._' -�
<br /> �, �,. .. Part vi the S�uthEast Quartar of the SoutheasL Quarter
<br /> �-�-,'•''' ��:tr'�V (SEl/45�1/4) of Section Twenty-One (21) , Township
<br /> '`��''�'��`�' '''� '� ' Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) We�at of the 6th P.M.,
<br /> ,�;;,,...,%,;.,
<br /> .1�.�.:: - _�� � Hall County, Nebraska, more part icul.arly described ae
<br /> �..����, .�:, �� . follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of aaid
<br /> ; Section which ie 341 Feet South of the Southeaet Corner
<br /> ' of Pleasant Home Subdivision, as the paint of beginning
<br /> r�`:n�.�.. ;:,���. '�_ and cantinuing South 165.5 feet, thence Weat and paral-
<br /> �.:::�:.:...:.�.r,;...�;,�,�K;�; lel witli thia Subdivision 327 fe�t; Chence North �axa1- _
<br /> -��•���-��-�;� � �• lel with the East line 165.5 feet, thence Eaet 327 feet
<br /> , , � to point of beginning. F.Yf'!Ant�nc�Therefrom a certain �
<br /> ��7i���°-.y-���� -������ tract of land more particularly deacribed as followa:
<br /> y+•r.�-r:.�. � .
<br /> ..r;,�....,. ..._ A tract of land being the southerly aix (6) feet of the
<br /> �.�,,--. . a_ northerly three hundred fox�ty-eeven (347) feet of the •
<br /> westerly three and five tenths (3.5) feet of the eaet- ��'
<br /> �� �. ,` erly thirty-six and five tentha (36.5) feet of the
<br /> - ' . � 3outheast Quarter of the Sautheaet Quarter (SE1/4SE1/4) �
<br /> ^,;;,;: _ • o� said Section Twenty-One (21), lying southerly and -
<br /> '":,1�;:_ ,.�,:, contiguous to Pleasant Home Subdfvision in the City of �
<br /> �-�� Grand Island, Nebraeka. And A�so Excen inQ a certain
<br /> '� � tract of land more particularly described as followe:
<br /> ��;� � � .
<br /> ,.�„�<<� A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the South-
<br /> �+"'• " east Quarter (3E1/4SE1/A) of Section 21, Township 11
<br /> �.'��'- ' North, Range 9 Weet of the 6th P.M., commencing at the
<br /> ,,. Southeast corner of Pleasant Home Subdiviaion in the
<br /> ;.:.�:;:� City of Grand Island, Nebraeka; thence running west on
<br /> � � the south line of Pleasant Home Subdivision for a dis- •
<br /> � tance of 297 feet to the southwest corner of Block 16
<br /> �::. in Pleasant Home Subdiviaion; thence rwnning south and .
<br /> �,� � •- parallel to the east line of said Section 21 a distance
<br /> ��.�.,;:T:.���. ;,,�,+_�.. of 341 feet to the actual point of beginriing; thence
<br /> � ". running south and parallel to the east line of said �
<br /> Section 21 a dietance of 165. 5 feet; thence running �
<br /> west and parallel to the south line of Pleasant Home i
<br /> •l ..) .l '�l!� �L �1A L��L� 4�ww�ww nhY}�11
<br /> 1,�un.(11�/.�.�.LVII Cl �iiCltGliL:C VL �V LGGb� t�a�GL��rG iWY�r�v� ��v��r�•
<br /> � .. • and parallel to the east line of said Section 21, a '
<br /> distance of 165.5 feet; thence running east and paral- i
<br /> lel to the aouth line of Pleasant Home 3ubdiviaion a �
<br /> •,,,. distance of 30 feet to the point of beginning; i
<br /> , ` . i
<br /> ..� ° ° together wa.th all buildinga, improvements, f ixturea, streets, .
<br /> d alleys, passageways, e�aements, righta, privileges and appurte-
<br /> ., ' . nai��ea located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the ;
<br /> • *.^� ..
<br /> .. �' . !
<br /> II � �
<br /> �
<br />