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<br /> TQOETFI�3R WITIi �1l tl�e iuipruvei�nts now Us herenfter orectod oa the prupetty, +w�d ap nMaemenu� ,
<br /> �ppnrtea�noa.�nd fixtura c�w or heroatter •put af t�se prapeKy. Atl ropl�cements�nd addeNono sl�all vw be coverod ,
<br /> by t�1�Security Ipatrumeut.All of che fixn�oie�i�roferred W ia thi�Sec�uity Gutrumeat+�the"Propqtsq;'
<br /> Boxxowu�t Caver��ns�h�t�orrowec is lswtl�lly aeiaed of Rhe eutta heroby conve,yed an�f!w the n�ht t� gcat and
<br /> ooe�vey ebep�y�ad,t�t the F+,ro�wcty i�wia►cumbaad. except for ensumbranca o�racord. 8orraw�ar w�rryrta aed
<br /> wUl defend ganerally the tltle W tho Property�geinat tl{claima�ad dema�.eubjxt ui� �eacumb�nces of rxord.
<br /> 'I1u� Secuwrr Ierm�u�s cambineR.uniforu�cova�u for wtiaeit wo �nd naa-unifarm cove.-uintri wt�i licaic:� •
<br /> vuiatloos by jw3sdictlon to coosfltute a uniform recutity iaarume+�t covorin�cal propetty
<br /> LTt�wnax Cov6N�-"rts.Borrower and Lender coveaant uxY s�ree u followe:
<br /> 1.P��n�ent ot Ptindp*1 and Iater�sk�'reP�yment snd I.ate Charies. 8orrowar stull pmmpUy p�y a�,ha�du�
<br /> dtp pdacI of�ad intereat a�n the debt evIdeaced by tha Note�ad any pt+�pnynknt utd lite ohugea due undar tha Nota.
<br /> 0
<br /> Z. for Taxq aad L►saranoe.Sub3xt to applic+�ble IRw or to a wr[tten waiver by I.a►der.Borrower ah�tl pe
<br /> to I�cader on�he day manthly pyments are due under the Note� until t6e Note is paid in full�a sum("Fwds")far. (a�
<br /> ieweho d a a�d�oem�pta which�y pttain priosit�ove�W3s Socurity Inst�uuxeut as a IIen aa the Prapssty:(b)9��Y
<br /> pq�Mr��g�od reats on the Property.if anyc(�l Y�Y,b���p�IxrtY �Prcmiuun: (d)Y�Y
<br /> Qood inau�aaica pnomiume.if anyc(8)Yearly mortg�ge inauru�ce preuuunoe. if ayi�►d(��Y��Yable by Borrawer
<br /> to I.mder, iin tccordance with the provlslona of p�gaph 8. ia llau of thep�yment of mo:tgage u�sutance pnmiume.
<br /> Thde iotme�re cstlod'Bscrow Itama."Leader may.at�ay titoe,colleet and hold Funda in an smount aot w oacaed the
<br /> ``�' �' " m�x3mum amount s lead�r far a federall relAted toartg e!wn tnsy raqeiice for Borrower's escrow account w�der t6o
<br /> fedetwl Rat Estate Seulement Prncedur s Act of 1974Ais �meuded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. f Z601 a atq.
<br /> •.�r ." ("R$SPA�),unleas another!aw that applles to tha Fuads se�a lesser amount If so,Leudar msy, at aa tinx,coUoct aad
<br /> .,�;;;�.,::: ,`'.s�'i hold Fuads in an�mount not to exceed the Iessar nmoun�.L.ender mry estiruita ILe wraouat of Funds�ita on tka M.sia of
<br /> ` cute�eat dita�nd se�sonable estimates of ex turea of fuhu�e Escrow Items or otheiwlse in accards�ace wIth applicable
<br /> Y.r, ,Y�.R. ....:...: pc�dl hu9
<br /> �4�.....,,;�,: :Y;�• kw.
<br /> •r c
<br /> . �' The Fuads ehaU be held dn an institution whosa deposits ue L�euced by a fedaral agency,inshvm�entality, or eatiry
<br /> .';;�; �.,•,+,`�; (including L�eader.If Leader is such nn iastitution) or in my Federnl EIome Loan Benk. Leader s6�U apply c�o Funds w
<br /> L•.. pay the Bscmw Items. 1�ender may not charge Borrower far holdiag and Applyiag the Puads� annually ana�y�ing the
<br /> �•, , •, ..,�. esemw a.ccow�t, or verifying the Escrow Items� lti1IG4B LRII�IC?E18SI8 BOII�DWBi�TIiCI�OA W9 FtpUIB�d�ppl�ic�ble law.
<br /> �- smits Lender w m�ka such a charge: However, I.ender may requira Borrower to pay a one-tlme cbuga fat nn
<br /> '::�:,,;.:'�` .:� �ndep��deat�ral estate tax repoctiag sen+ica used by Leuder in connactioa with tlus loan,unless applicable Irw provides
<br /> .,..,, othenvisa.Unlc�s an agccement is a�ada or applieable law requites interest to Ms�aid. Lendar s1�all not ba required topay i.
<br /> . ' • Bos�ower any iaterest or e�minga on the Funda.Borrower and Lender msy agae m wrlpng,howsver,that interesi shall be ,
<br /> , „� pai d on t ha Fua d s.L e n dar a h A U give to Borrower,wi t hout c�a.en enn u o l ac�auncing of tha Fuads.shnwuo g credits aad '
<br /> � r.�'l debita to the Funds and Wo purposs for which each debit to the Funds was muda.Tha Funds ar�pledged es additlonal
<br /> . �csuity far s!2 s��by slsio Sea:s:ty Ia�sumeas.
<br /> , If tha Funds held by Lendes exce�ct the omouats permitted to ba held by applicabla law� Lender sh�ll aecount to
<br /> „ �','�.'' Bormwer for tha exc�ts Fnads in acxordaace with tlte sequirements of applicable 1¢w. If the amount of tha Funds held by ;.
<br /> ,.";�.,� Leader ut any tune is not sufficient topay the Bscrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower In vuririn �and.in ,..e .
<br /> n
<br /> •��,��t . ° � such case Boaower shnll pay to Lender the amount necessary to meke up the defictency. Borrower shall e up the e'x�
<br /> �':'r�� deficieacy in no more than twelve mnathly paymeats,at Lender's sola discretion. �• i;���;.
<br /> ' Upon psyment in Poll of all sums secured by this Secunty Instrument,Leader shall promptly refuad w Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender. If. under puragraph 2I. Lxnder shall acquire or set! tde Pmperty,,Lender, Prior to the ',:;;
<br /> •. • �cquieiNon or eale of Uu Pro�rty.ehaii apply any Funda 6eld by Lender at the tlws of acquisiqoa or sale as a credit '�„'
<br /> . `�, Rgainst the Rums secured by tlus Security Iastcumeat.
<br /> •, 3.Eipplit�t'tion of Paytments. Unless applicable law provides othe=wisa. aU payments reaived by Leader under
<br /> ' . par�g[aphs 1 xud 2 shall be applied: first, to sny prepayment ch�es due uader the Note; second, to amounts payable
<br /> u
<br /> v under psrag�ph 2;third,w interest due;fourth.w princ�pal due;and last,to any late c6erges due uador tha Note.
<br /> 4.C.Marges; Ltens. Botrower ahall pay atl ta�ces�assessments. cha:ges. fiaes aud imposirioas attrlbutable to the ,
<br /> • P�operty wbich mry attain priority over thia Security Instnuneat� and le�se�old payu�ents or ground ren4�, if Any.
<br /> Boauwor shsll psy these obligations in tha manner provtded ia paregraph 2.or if not pud ia that menner,Borrower shell :'
<br /> <;;, • . psy them on tUme directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumis4 to Lender aU notices of emouats �,,•
<br /> ;.:�;j.°;�,.�. �, w be paid under thia paragraph. If Borrower mnkes these payments directly,Borrower shaU promptly fivaish to Lender :.���
<br /> ,;;��, � , recaipts av�denciag eh�e� payments.
<br /> �. Borrower shsll promptly discharga eay lien wluch has priority over this Security Insttument wafeys Borrower. (a)
<br /> • '���" agroes in writin$to We paymeat of the obligatlon secu�d by the lien ia a msamer acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in
<br /> ' good faith tha Itea by. or defends against enforcement of tha lien in, legal�'ngs which in the J.ender•a opinion
<br /> .�r•� " , operate W prevent the eafocrement of th9 lien; or (c) socuces from the hol ed r of the lien wa agreement saasfactory eo
<br /> ° �� Leadar subordiaating the lien to Wis Security Instrument.If Leuder detem�ines thai any part of the Pmperty ia subject to a
<br /> • ` (ien which may attain priority over t}us Sacurity Instrument, Lender tnny give Borrower a notice idenUfying the lien. '
<br /> ••� •� Bormwer s1�aU eatjsfy tha lien or take one or more of tho ections set forth ebove within 10 days of tha giving of aotice.
<br /> `''`��" -• S.H�ed or Propert,y I�nrnnoe. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> �` • Pmpaxty ias�ured against loss by fire, hewrds included within tha temi 'exteaded coverage' ead aay nther ha�at�ds.
<br /> For�+30 9/9Q\(pege o16i
<br /> �� .:•'' , CANKtAB 6Y6�EM8.INC�.BT.CLOUO.MN 8ESO4 I1�600•�Y7•ZJ�tI fORM MD•1�NE 2BIYt " .
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