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<br /> `17. TrAtnt�kr ot Qtte Ih•uperiy nr a Ikneflclal Intcr��t in Borrower.If all c►r any p:rct of the Praperly or nny inurest jn it
<br /> is r.�rld ui•n�;ni�f'c���c�1 lnr if�► t�cuclictul lutcn�ht In 13nrr��wcr is s{�Id ur tran5ferred nnd Rorrntver ia not n n�etural person) without
<br /> l.cysdcr'K �Srl�►r wrlucn cum:s�m. I,�ndcr ��u►y. at 31q npNun, rc�aiec imn�cdinte paymcnt dn full of nll fiums fiecurcd by this
<br /> ��urity linitw��eiit.H�+wevrr,thL�aptian Khull iwt bc cxcrci5cd��y i.cndcr ii'cxcrcisc fy prc�hibltcd by faic�nl luw as of thc datc
<br /> r�f lhix tiecur8y Instn�n�€nt.
<br /> y If I.eixler eKCrcL�ey this��ptli►n,I..cndcr shall give fAarruwer notice oF acc�len�dcm. The notice shal!provide n peducl of not
<br /> Icss thun 3U duyx from tha dAta the noticc it+dclivcrad ar maflcd within which Dormwcr must pay all at�nis secured by this
<br /> Sc�u�lty Instrument. !f Qorn�wes fnilx to p�y thcsc yums priar to the Qxpimtion of thix pericxl.l.endcr may invoke any nm�:dies
<br /> �xm�ittcd by this Sccurlty Ins�rument withuut Q�rticc.�r�wdce or dcn�unJ��n�srrowcc.
<br /> 18. Sormwer•x Rip{ht tt► Rela�tnte. If Borrower mects ccrtain canditions. i3arcawer shall have tho right ta hnvo
<br /> cnforcement of this Security instrument dlscontinue�l nt any time priar ta thc eurlier uf: (a)S days(or such other perlod as
<br /> appl6cable luw muy Fpect�y for reinstaumeny before sule �f thc Property punuant ta uny pawer of sale containai in thls
<br /> Secudty Tnstrumcnt:or tb)entry of n judgment cnforcing thiR Securlty Instrument.Thase conditians�xre thut Barrower. (A)puys
<br /> Lcnder all sums which then wuuld b�duo under thid Sccuriry Instrument w►d the Note av if na acceleratian t�ad occunal: (b)
<br /> cures any defautt of nny other covenants or ugreementd; (c>pays ull expenses incurred in enforcins this Security instnament,
<br /> inctuding, but nat limited to.reasonnble attorne�s' fi.�; wid(d)wkes such ncttan as I.ender may reasonably reqwre to a�sure
<br /> thut the lien of this Sacurity Instrument. Lender a dahts in the Praperty und Borrowerr'h obligutian to pay the aums secumd by
<br /> this Security Instrument shatl continue unchanged. U�n reinstatement by Borrower. this Securiry Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secuted hereby�hell remnin fltlly effective as if na acceleration had accurred.However, this right to�+einstate shall
<br /> not apply in the cASe of acceleradon under puru�taph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ai 1Vote;Chunge of I.oan Servlcer. The Note or A partial intemst in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Inshvment)may be sald onc ar more times without pr�or notice to Bonower.A sale may result in a change in the enttry(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly paymenGs due under the Note and this Securlty Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> ' or more chsinges of the Loan Servicer unreluted to a sate af the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servlrer. Borrower wiil be
<br /> I given written notice of the change in accordance with paca�Graph 14 above and applicable la�v.The notice will state the naate aad
<br /> f i uddress af the new Loan Servicer and the add��ess to which payments should be made. The notice witl also contain any othcr
<br /> information requireit by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hezardous Substances. 8orrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence. use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> ,t� � Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Horrower shall not do, nor allaw unyone else to do. anythin� affeeting the
<br /> ;' Property that is in violution of any Environmental I.aw. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply to the preAence. use, or
<br /> � storage on the Praperty of small quantittss of Hazardous Substances that ure�enerally mcognized ta be appropriate to normal
<br /> restttential uses and to maintenance of the Praperry.
<br /> &�rrower shail promptly sive Lender writtesi notice of any investigatton,clnim, demand. lawsuit�r other action by any
<br /> E.' ,�,:r�, • gavemmental or regulatory a�ency or private purty inv�lving the Property and any Huzurdous Substance or�nvironmentel Law
<br /> - ���i�i•�1ti=t�• : of whlch Horrower has nctua!knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any governmental or regufatary authority, that
<br /> '��;1:"tt, : '' I any remov�l or other remediation of any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Properry is nece.xsary. Bonower shall prompdy take
<br /> I all necessary remedial actions in accordance with�nvironmental Law.
<br /> '�i�' � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" nre those substances deCned as toxic or tis�ardous substances by
<br /> �. .. � Environmental L.aw and the follawing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum�roducts, toxic
<br /> + <a�! �r t���k;5 ; pesticides snd hetblcides,volatile satvents. materlals containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in
<br /> °�'�'���;�`��;��:� � this paragraph 20. "Emtronmental Law" meuns federal law.r• and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is (ocated that
<br /> " `w�"�r'"t''�;�'' = reiate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> `=",�L%;+r;�;; � NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS.Borroa+er and Lender further covenant and u�ree ns fallows:
<br /> '' �-�•,r,,�� � 21.Acccleratton;Remedtes.I.ender shell�ive notice to Borrower prior to accelerat(on following Borrower's breuch
<br /> �,,,,..;•`;:,�: �' � of any covenant or a�reernent in this Security lnstrument (but not prior to accelerntion under para�raph 17 unless
<br /> " '� �" � appftcable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the artion required to cure the default;
<br /> (c)a date,not lesg than 30 days tlrom the date the notice is fiiven to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; und
<br /> , � (d) that failum to cure the default on or before the date specif7ed in the notice muy result in eccelerution of the sums ;:,
<br /> secured by this S�curity Instcument and sale uf the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower oP the r(ght to w-=
<br /> � reinstate after acceleratiore nqd the rtght to brin� a caurt actton to assert the non-existence of a default ar uny other
<br /> "va�,�.yq defense of Borrower to aoceleration nnd sale. If tbe default is not cured on or beforn the dute spedited in the notice,
<br /> Lender, at its option,may require immedtate payment in full nf all sums secured by this Security Instrument �rtthout
<br /> -� `� 1�rQher demaad and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by upplicable law.Lender shall be ,,�_�
<br /> ent[tled to collect all expenses incun�ed in pursuing the remedfes provided in th(s paregrnph 21,imludin�,but nnt limtted k'�
<br /> �«�: •z",;••.t to, reasonable attorneys'fees nnd costs of tiUe evidence. �"
<br /> If the power of sale is invaked,Trustee shali record n notfce of default in each county in wi�fch any part of the ��� -
<br /> '"'''��� Property is locuted and shull mait copf�of such notice in the manner pres�ribed by applicuble la�v to Borrower and to ���
<br /> :'„�:f':�`_'_; the other persons prescribed by applicaBle la�v. After the time required by uppficable law,Trustee shail gtve public rtotice
<br /> _�;k�=��-;� of sale to the persons and in the manne�prescribed by applicuble Inw. Trustee. without demand on Borrower.shall sell
<br /> the Property at publIc suMion to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi�nuted in the acottre of
<br /> "'` • ���> sale in one or morc parcels and in any order'I'rustee detei�nines. Trustee may postpone sule ot all or any parcel of the
<br /> '�'�.��,.:,�r_; Property by public announcement at the time and pluce oP uny previa►usly scheduled sale. Lender or it� desi�etee may
<br /> �+:-�°t.;�;;� purchase the Praperty at any sWe. ��
<br /> �4'.SsR.�..i?y
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<br /> ,�;��`� ` .��:f;, Form 3028 8/90
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