�� Y'., l i��.�p- 3,,' . ".' 7•'L.�;�,� t; �,�r��t!�/�4' . ':.'[:. .Y . .< .y:�:5::�.•" .. .
<br /> ,�' �� •.�-' T--�-,-�,��r�t+kN�^-•�- � ,t�tifi ',� '
<br /> 1�i
<br />� _ u+���'�' . . - —_
<br /> • 4� .A�':i+ "�i 4 •�G�Z�u ��.i.h[1:,i wMllill
<br /> • T'r�
<br /> �h
<br /> ' ' �.� 1�'�.3�9
<br /> Any Qar�on, inaluding Beae£iciaryo ra�y purchase eei.d Froger�y at
<br /> eaid sale.
<br /> The per�oa oonduatiaq the eale may, far eny aaua� he or she
<br /> deems e�tpedient, postpone tha sale fsom time to time uatil it
<br /> shall be aompleted and, ia eves�► euch aase, notiae of postpone-
<br /> ' ment shnll be qiven by publ.ia decslnratioa C�ereog by such geraon
<br /> At the,tiiae nnd plaae last eppoin�ed for the ealm f provfdad, if
<br /> the s�ale is postpaned for lonqer than oAe (1� dey beyond the date
<br /> deaigndtad ia the no�iae of eal.e, ao�iae thereo! shall be qivea
<br /> ia the eame mnnner ae the original notice of eale.
<br /> t'`��;�•�� 14. Remed�iee Not Exclusine. Trustee and Heneficiary, and
<br /> y,'�4+Rrt w,...�.42�.'•�
<br /> ;v�°i�!;*.r;:�����-'• eaoh of them, ohall be eatitled to enforae paymeat and pesform-
<br /> � ,. -�-���, aaae of any iadebtedness or obliqation seaured hereby and to ex�
<br /> ����'.
<br /> *�._��.�:� eraise all r�.qhts aad powera under thia De�d af Tsust or under
<br /> �' .'Ur��Ct�f�Yi: f
<br /> 1:�_�'�:��•..-..'...�..: _
<br /> �;.,��.;;r �.�;��, aay loan in�strument or othsr agreement �x any laws nar or herea -
<br /> .�...
<br /> tes �aforaed, na�withstandinq some or a].l of the iudebtedness atad �b
<br /> 's`f`-`�{�-�''�`�• obligations seaured heseby whiah may aow or heraafter ba other- ��
<br /> f;;�..:.. �
<br /> ��:����:�:. .• � �• wise eecured, whether by ntortgage, deed of trust, pleiqe, lien,
<br /> � ,���_+'f;��'���'"�.�� ast�ignment or otherwise. Neither the aaaeptasice of thie Deed of
<br /> t.,,� ":
<br /> '' '�''S� �°' - � Trust aor fts enforaea�ent, whether by aoust aatioa or purauant to �•
<br /> '�'"•'�`-.'���:"���±:�.�;�� the power of eale or other powers hereia coatained, sha�.l pre ju- tti;?�,
<br /> ;�,�_.°,,:'-�.. - .�.::,;;;.�` diae or in auy manner affect Trustees or Beneffaiasys r3.ght to ,,.
<br /> , .� �;, . .� realiae upoa or enfozae any other seaurity nora or hereafter held � `
<br /> � ' by Tsustee or Benefiaiary, it beiaq aqreed that Tz�ustee and Heae- �::�
<br /> w;,,y��� : .., ficissy, and each of them, shall be eatftled to eaforae �hfa Deed �fi
<br /> � Qf T3tt�t en�. any �t}�ar �sc�eurity now or hereafter held b_y the
<br /> .:.::.. ,. . ., . ,-.
<br /> ,;�M,,. �. Bemefiaiary or Trustee in such order aud mannes as they, or ei- .,�.
<br /> '•��• •� . � ther af them, may in their absolute disaretion determiae. No �;�,,. .
<br /> . ,. remedy hereim csonferred upon or reserved to Trastee or Henefief- �:r'".
<br /> �h� - .1, ary is intended ta be exalueive of any other remedy herein or by
<br /> j;. • - law �rovided or permitted, but eaah ahall be eumulative and ahall
<br /> ��� be in addition to every other remedy qiven hereunder or now or
<br /> ''!�;`''�" �'` �°� ��``� hereefter existinq at law or ia equity or by statute. Every �:,
<br /> �.,��:�.:, , Q . .
<br /> < � po�er or remedy qiven by any of the laaa inetruments to Trustee �� ,
<br /> ;t�y,k;4',y.�-r:... :. `�.'�.:'r�
<br /> �,r.�::�. .� . . .. or Senefic3ary or to whicsh either of them may be otherati�e eati-
<br /> �'��'�� � � tled may be exercised, aoacurreatly or independeatly, fsom time
<br />_,•..:.�� .
<br /> ��� r�� ' ` to time and as often as may be dssme@ expedieat by Trustee or
<br /> ;:, .� .
<br /> ��,k,,,.: -,��, .
<br /> �C,���,�.'° . Beneficiary, and either of them may pursue inaonsietent remedies.
<br /> *",,���,`'"".,: . ' Nothiag herein shall be aoastrued as prohibitinq Beaeficiary from ,
<br /> ''`�'"�'"'""�'r�' eeekiaq a def3cieaay judqmeat against Truetor to the extent such
<br /> -�„ _... .
<br /> "t • • , aat�on is permitted. by law.
<br /> � ° • " . 15. �tequest for Notice. Trustor hereby req�neets a aopy o�
<br /> �:�=��.. , an notice of default and ghat any notiae of sale bereunder be
<br /> ` � ' � ma�led to Trustox at the acfld�cess set forth ia the fiset paragraph ;�"��
<br /> of thi� Deed of Truet.
<br /> eY� , ,
<br /> ��';� ,�,. ° 16. Ac�noin�atent o 3 caessor Z'�ustee. Benefia$ary may,
<br /> � frwa, time to tia�e, by �aritten inntrumeat executed and acknowl- .
<br /> ��-� �'"� " edqed bp Heaef 3aiary, mailed to Trustor and reaorded ia the
<br /> Couaty in which the Property is loaated and by otherwise aomply-
<br /> � . ,,, i:aq with the provisione of the applicable law of the 3tate of Ne-
<br /> � � braska, substitute a suaae�eor or suacessors to the Trastee named �
<br /> r �
<br /> ., . herESia or actinq hereunder.
<br /> �':` ��� ., 17. �ucaessora and Aseigns. This Deed of Trust applies to, '
<br /> ''"' '°�'' : � ' aad inures to the benefit of, and binds all parti.es hereto, their
<br /> • heirs, legatees, devisees, persoaal repzesentatives, suaaessors
<br /> � � - � „ and assiqns. The term Beneficiary shall mean t�e owaer and
<br /> ., h�ldnr n� *he ���e v1�e�l�er �r n�* s�a�d ao �nnnfi n3 arv herni n_
<br /> ..���� �� «.� »���� ....��«�� �� »�� � ...� ��»�_�__�s ^------ �---
<br /> � I
<br /> . 18. Henefiaiarv's Foelere. Without affeating the liability
<br /> . �. . ° � of �ay other ge�rsoa li.able for the paymeat og any obligation �
<br /> herein meationed, attd without affectinq the lien or ahnxqe of �
<br /> �� � . this Deed of Trust upon aay portion of the Psopesty not thea or �
<br /> ,.� ; ' theretox�re released as seaurity fnr the full payment of all un- ;
<br /> . paid obligations, Beneficfasy may, from time to time aad without ;
<br /> � � aaticer �
<br /> . �
<br /> (aj release any persons so liablej !
<br /> . ���. � �
<br /> o . ' � �
<br />