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' .� . � ' r:... <br /> � ��� ����dNti�A ,,' , n � <br /> � <br /> ,,, � , <br /> ..ld• <br /> . `.i <br /> ' �i <br /> 9�� io�►�AS ' <br /> the Property is ao teken or damaped,Lender ohait have the opt�on,to Ite sole and absalute dlecretion,to appty ell auaN Prncwdt, <br /> aiter de�uolin�theeelrom all aastt end expansee Inaur�ed by it In co�noatlon with euah Proceeda,upon any Indabtedrtes�aeaure6 <br /> hereby and in auch order s�Lender may determine,or to appty all euob Pioceeds,efter suah the roatorellon of the <br /> Rropa�ty upor�suah conditlona ae Lender may determine.Any appticAUon ot Proceede to indebtedneas ehall not extsnd er postpons <br /> th�du�date ot any paymsnt�under the Note,or cure any defauit therat�nder or hereurtder.Any unapplled/unds ehstl bs patd to <br /> Tn+ator. <br /> 8,i�AorRwRao by Lw;iticv.UpAn tho occurronco ot nn�vent of Delauit hereunder,Ar If any act la tsken or lepat proceedinp <br /> wmmenced whlah matmrially aiteata lender's Uterest In the PropeRy,l,ender mey fn Ita own disareUon,but without obllpetlon to do <br /> so,and wiMout ncUce to or demand upon Trustor end without releaaing Trustor irom any obllpatlon,do any act which 11ru4tor h�s <br /> ayreed but taila to�!o and may a�so do any other sat it deeme necessary to proteot the ssouriry hereof.T►uator ahall,immedlately <br /> upon demand thereto�by Lender,pay to Lender a�t coate and expensoa Incurred and sums expendad by Lender in conneadon with <br /> the exerciao by Lender of thetoregoing righta,tcgether wiih interest thereon at the detauit rate provlded in the Note,which shali bA <br /> added to the Indebtedness aecured hereby.Lender shall not inaur any Ilability because ot anything It may do or omit to do <br /> hereundar. <br /> 9.N�urdous M�ted�i�.Trustor shali keep the Property in aompltance wlth ali eppticabte laws,ordfnances and reguleQona <br /> retaUng to industria�hygiene or environmentai protectlon(coileatively reterred to herein as"Envtronmentat Laws'�.Trustor shal) <br /> keep the Praperty tree irom eli aubstancea deemed to be hazardoua or toxic under any EnNironmentat Lews(coUecdve{y reteRed to <br /> hereln as"Hezardoue Materlats").Truetor hereby warrants and repreaenta to Lender that thare are no Haxardous Materiata on or <br /> underthe Property.Trustar hereby agrees to Indemnity and hold hermtesa Lender,Its directore,ofticera,employees and agents,end <br /> any BuCCesaors to Lender's intereat,trom and against any and all clalms,damages,losses and liabilities arising in conneation with <br /> the presence,use,diaposal or transport of any Hazerdous Meteriats on,under,trom or about the Property.THE FOREQOINd <br /> WARRANTIES AND REPRE8ENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'8 OBGI�ATI0N8 PURSUANT TO THE FOREtiOIN�INDEMNITY.SHALL <br /> SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRU3T. <br /> 10. Aa�ynm�nt of Renb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the renta,isaues and profita of ihe Property;provided that Truetor <br /> ehall,untll the occurrence ot an Event of Detauit hereunder,have the right to colieat and retain suah renta,isaues and prufits as they <br /> become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot an Hvent oi Default,Lander may,either In person or by egent,with or without <br /> bringing any acdon or proceedlnfl,or by a receiver appolnted by a court and wilhout regard to the adequacy of its security,enter <br /> upon and take posaession ot the Properly,or any part thereot,in Its own neme or in the name of the Trustea,and do any acta which It <br /> ncr a ee ha income therelrom or p o ect the s'ecu Ityrho eoif and.f with oIr'�Ithout takn g sseaslon of the Propertyeauehtor'or <br /> . .;� ptherwise coliect the rents,Issues and proilts thereof,inaluding those past due and unpafd,and apply the same,tess costs and <br /> ' expenses of operation and coliection tncluding attorneys'tees,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender _• <br /> may determi�e.The entering upoh and 4aking possdsslon ot the Property,the col�ectlon of such rents,issues and profits end the 'L'� <br /> ,� �' ' appiication thereot ae aforesaid,sheli not cure or waive any detau�t or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done In <br /> 4*� �r responseto ouch detauit or pureuant to s��ch natice of de}suit and,notwlthatanding the continuance fn possession of the Property or <br /> the collectlon,receipt and appUcation of renta,�ssues or profits,and Truotea and Lendsr shat:'`..E SRU!!8d tQ B7tQt�IBB BYA�Y�i8h� <br /> .� provided tor in any of ths Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event oi Detault,including without Itmitation the right <br /> to ex3rcisethe power of salo.Further,i.ender's rights and remedles under this paragraph sheil be cumulative with,and In no way a <br /> ,y,r 1`.F' ItmltaUon on.Lender's�ights and remedles under any a9signmant of leases and rents reaorded against the Properly.Lender,Trustee <br /> and the recefver shall be tlable to accaunt only tor those rents actually received. <br /> � 11. E�onb of Oetaulf.The(oUowing sfiall constltute an Event ot Oetautt under this Deed of T�uak � <br /> "` 'af:• (a) Faliure to pay any inaffiIimant oi princlpai or interest ot any other sum seoured hereby when due; � <br /> `�' (b) A breach of or default under any provlalon contained in the Note,this Qeed ot'trus�any of the Loan Instruments,or any ��, <br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; . . <br /> � (c) A writ ot executfon or attachment or any simitar process shali be entered against Trustor which sha�i become a Ilen on `.;.,,. <br /> tho Properry or any portion thereof or interest therein; � <br /> (d) There shail be filed by or against Truator or Bo►rower an actfon under any present or tuture tedera►.state or other <br /> etatute, tew or regulaUon retating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliet for debtors;or there shalt be appointed any trustee, <br /> recelver or Ilquldetor of Truator or Borrower or oi ail or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or profita thereof,or Trustor <br /> � ti or 8orrower shall make any generai asslgnment for the benetit of creditora; <br /> - r : (e) The sate,traneter,�ease,assignment conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any fnterest In the <br /> _ 'r, Property,elther votuntarity or Invoiunterily,without the express written consent of Lender, provided that Trustor shat� tre <br /> pe�mitted to exeoate a lense of the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceod <br /> ;; • one yaar, <br /> , t (Q Abandonmont ot the Property;or <br /> °�����������.` (g) If Trustor Is not an individua�,the issuanCe,saie,transter,assfgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total <br /> :1_. `,,;. ; <br /> � <br /> :�:;'i���„��i <br /> �.:,.:��:-:'• of N A perce�it ot(it a corporatlon)its issued and outstanding atock or(if a pannershlp)a total o�.L..—percent of <br /> ""� ';".�` partnership interests during the period this Oaed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. <br /> _ �• . <br /> �' ,. ,, :.. 12.Remedtes;Aeceleretton Upon Oetaulf.�n the event ot any Event of Oefault Lender mey.without notice except as requlr y <br /> ~„'�';;�.;`=` Iaw.declerc3 all fndebtedne8s secured hereby to be due and peyabie and the same shali thereupon become due and payable <br /> ;�;�;'. without eny presentment,demend,proteat or noUCe ot any ktnd.Thereafter Lender may: .. <br /> '?�t�•>� •��. (e) Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee ahail therearier cause Trustor's <br /> i''� 1. ' Interest In the Properry to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,alt in the manner provlded in the Nebraske Trust Deeds <br /> .�„ ..tM � <br /> .,y�#_ •„�,`�.. :, ACC <br /> "'`��•;`',J��� @� Exercise any and a!1 rtgt►ts provfded tor In any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ot <br /> ��� Defau�t;and <br /> �..,., ....,.,..'.,u. <br /> t�::;���•.��:��` (c) Commence an acUon to torecioae this Oeed of Truat as a mo�tgage,appolnt a receiver,or speclfically enforce any o t e <br /> ��:..;?�.,-**ryt..: <br /> ;;:;.���.t� covenants hereof. <br /> No rernedy harein conierred upon or reserved to Trosiee or Lender is intended to be exciuslve ot any other remedy herein,in the <br /> c"�. Loan Instrumenta or by law providod or permitted,but each ahall be cumuiattve,shal�be in addition tc every other remedy given <br /> 'C` � hereu�der,in the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer existtng ai law or in equity or by stetute.and may be exercised ConCUrrently, <br /> " � '`�'' 'µ i�dependantly or successively <br /> �'.,��: `%v;_ ' 13.Tntstee•The T�ustee may reatgn at any time without cauae, and Lender may at any tir��e and without cau3e appoint a <br /> '�:x�;�; � successor or eubstltute Truatee.TruBtee�hall not be Ilabte to any party.inctuding without limitatfon Lender,Borrowar,Truator or any �• <br /> •-'��•=R �� uurcAaeer oithe Property,for any loss or damage unless due to recktess or wllitul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any <br /> _._ . - . .."' '_�_ <br /> __u��d +......t�t.... In. nit wnc}c �mm�onmtlnn A� <br /> � • -•� ••••=•• ' actton In conneetion wim me entorcemenc ot mis ueea or Trusi u���oaa ����o���.���.a... �•.^......e,•�• -'..___-• --•-••---•--`- - <br /> "':; .' expenses which may be assoclated addltlon,Truotee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judicfal or <br /> C,"1 �.''� ,� under the power ot sale granted herein);postpone the sale ot alt or any portion ot the Property,as provided by�aw;or sell the <br /> k.....:..._.::• . <br /> �.aw.;;,;..;;:� , „- prpperly as 8 whole,or in separate parcets or lots at T�ustoe's dbscretlon. <br /> ��+';��•-�` 14.Fsa�and F.�p�m� the event Trustee setia the Property by exercise of power oi saie,Trustee shali be entlUed to appiy <br /> �..�~`r A:�:'s`��. ' any sate proceeda flret to paymant of ali costs and expenses ot exorcising power ot saio,tnciuding ali Trustea's fctes,and Lender's <br /> y�r.•.r...r-. .•. �! <br /> , ,�.;;�;,,;;;,` and T�ustee'B ettomey's tees,aCtualiy inau�red to extent permltted by appllcable the eve�t 6orrower or Trustor exerciees any <br /> �•t i� • ''? right provtded by law to cure en Event ot Detauit,Lender shalt be entitiod to recover from Trustor ell coats and expeoses actua�iy <br /> �'"'-� °'" " IncurPed as a resuit of Trustor's defaui�including without Ilmitatton ali Trustee's and attorney a tees,to the extent permltted by <br /> ;,�.��-':.q._ . _.. <br /> , -" eppticabte law. <br /> t�� � �'� 1 S.Futuh Advanca.Upon request ot 9orrower, Lender mey,at tts optlon,mako additional and tuture advances and re- <br /> .,..." •- aH,:' <br /> '•���;;:'� * edvencea to Bor�ower.SuCh advances and readvances,w►th interest thereon,eheil be secured by this Deed ot Truat At no time shall <br /> .:. the princlpat amount of the indobtednes8 aecured by thla DRed ot TrusL nQt incl�l�ing$uma advanced to protect the aecurity ot this <br /> �'� Oeed otTrust exceed the original prinoipal amount eteted herel�,or$ j3.0ou vv whichever Is greatar. „ <br /> ���� . . I <br /> . . _ . nw � <br /> . �.' <br />