—".1'/(' ., :.. ��rna•a;t�-4�h+1°?N�l►N1Yh1�1MMf►'n'..X.�v+.o�� � �i�.�.;;�iti; . �� : � ��.!j!�;ii"�
<br />�, . r . z ,
<br /> � n,..id M���{{L.ii•r�DNr�yi.M.,w.. _ .. q . . . -
<br /> ' � uL..�_ . r.,.
<br /> i.r.r...�. ,.�_�_.�.�.. . _
<br /> . .. .. . . . . ..._. .......
<br /> . . � r � � ��� �7..Y 2 - . " "—
<br /> ..7
<br /> . . �j.C�-��!"�� � - ---
<br /> � ii 1 w�u1 Io rxcrcl4e Ihe Casvcroton Uptlon� 1 nttt�sl flr�l ir�ccl ccttati�cancll�km�,'1'hocr tuntlhlun�nec tl�nls(i}
<br /> 1 iuu�t R►vc Ilit Naie�lotdcr�iattca 46nt I SvmU lu t�n eoi(li)on U�e�Caavcrsluu Unta,1 must nal bc(n dcfnult ansicr
<br /> alic Nole c�r Ilie Sccu►ily Itisitumenl;(pi)b9 n dnle e�xc(fled by 1t�e Nnte I tolder.l tutral �iey li�e Nota 1lulder n eonverelon
<br /> fee cif U.S.S 250.00 :and(tv)1 Uwst elan rtud�lre Ihe Nnle I Io1Jer dny d�xumci�is the
<br /> Nol�lIc�IJer roqui��In efrecl Ilte converolnn.
<br /> (11) Ce1cxUUnn nl Nlxed li�le
<br /> Mq ue�v. fixeJ Intetest rate�rill be utunl In tUe Itederal NaUonal Murigngr AssoclnUnu'a rcqulred nc1 yiet�l na �
<br /> uf n cteta m�d Iima ot dny��KritteJ by U�r Note i lolJcr for p1 if Il�c u�ietnnl Ic��n nf Il�t�Nnte t�pcatc� Ihnn I S ycn��.
<br /> 3U•yenr nxcJ r�lc ndu�l�n�es eove�cd by�p��lirnble GU•day mmidMory delivery rmm��Uinrnta���lua ftvc•eigl�ih�af une
<br /> ��e�cenlnde ppinl(q.fi25s�)�rounde�l lu the neatest one-e1gIU1�of une�n�centaee�n�int(m.12S�i).or�ii�if Ihe oti6it�a1
<br /> tenn of tl�te Nole ia lS qeors or lesa,l S-yeer qxcd tate a�orl�asca cmvercJ by npplirrtble GO-day roauJalary dclivrty
<br /> conn�eUntenis.plua Ilve-eighiht of one percenl��gc pu6u(t1.CZS'�6).munded ly Ibc ncEacat ut�e•cfd1�N�of nue peacntnac
<br /> polnt(0.123�bb).1 f Ibta requlred nei yteld ennnol be determined berause Itu t�ppltcnbh cu��nnilttunls nte aal oveilnbte.
<br /> Ihe Nnte�lofJat�vil)dctctmiue o�y Inlc�al �a1C by uaing cau�pnrnMle(nfuru�ati�m.My ncw rnlc rnlct�intrci uudcr Ihi�
<br /> Scciian S(IS)will upl 1►r g�cntcr Ihtm tlu Mnxbnu�n ftntc a1Mcd lu Scc�iutt 411)1 nlsuvc.
<br /> tG) Nerr i'qmenl A�nounl*nd I:tleclivr If�te
<br /> If 1 cl�oosG Io exerclse U�e Canverofon�ptinn�U�c Note 1 totJet wiil Jrtce mine tl�e mnnu»t of Urc moulhly paya�cul
<br /> thet wouW be aut(IcErnt tv rcpny 1he uupatJ ptiuripal 1 am expecled to nwe rn►U��Cnnveraton Uate in �ull uu U�e
<br /> melu�ity dale nl my aew ft�eJ(ulerae! �ete 1��aubstanHally equal p�yineols.'fbe result vf this calculatiou will be Uic
<br /> new nmvunt of n�y monthly pay��ient. Oe�innlua wf11� my prat ino�Uhly paya�eni atter t6e Coriversion Uate. 1 �vill
<br /> pny lhe aew n�ttouot ea my montl�ly paynient ut�tll the tiinturily dale.
<br /> > f •� ••:j.�_,: C. '1'ItANSf�It UC '17IC 1'ItUI'ICifl'Y Ull A qI:NL('IGIAL IN'1'I.Itt�S'1' IIV IlO1tIlV�Vl;it
<br /> 1. Until por�o�ver exerciaea U�e Converainn pntion under Itu conJilinn�ste�ed In Sectlon U of tlda Adjustable
<br /> ��'�-�����1»`�` Itete Rtder� Uni�o�m Covenunt t7 of the Security Inatrumeiri i�amendecl tu �ertd as totlowa:
<br /> ��' '1'tanete�of!hc 1'rn eN ur a IJencticlai lole�esl in q�rr�mrca 1�nll o►an ►nrf of Ute 1'ro�crl ot m� inleresl
<br /> ••,�;�"} D f Y 1 1 Y Y . .
<br /> " °� 'x� " • in U ta sold or Irnnsferrecl(or if n bencnci�l inte�est lu l�orro�vcr is ao1J or iteustcned AnJ Uortn�vcr is nnt a n�►ttual S,;•
<br /> '•<nrwr;�.,.::,�
<br /> �.,�;.�;,.,,.� •;�v`. �nrson)wiUiout Lender'a p►br w�itten ronaeul�Lender mny�rt tia aption. rcc�uire imnteJtale pnymant in ful! nf nli �,.,
<br /> x'�'".�" ''� ' sums eai�red by this 3ecu�ity I��al�umeut.11o�vever.Iht�apltatt ahrll no1 be exerctsed by LenJer if exercise i�proitWUed ��
<br /> �?�.:�.... . . .,' � .
<br /> �} _:,_".� }ty[n!=ra!!aw as u�!!:s�!n!e u�!!:!a Secet�ly l::slst�s::rt+l. f.e:sder elso al:n!!:�s�!c�cist�s�t�t3 o!►1I�n i�s(n)itai tmrer '' `•
<br /> r,,:.. ,�• � .�� cnusp lo be submitted to Lcttder iufutnmtlou iecp�l�cd by I.enJcr lo cv�dusuc thc b�tciulcd tranate�cc o�i�n nc�v tnnn �
<br /> .���'•� : � •�' werc Uetng n�nde to tlie Irt�n�fe�cc; ac�d(6)Lendcr rc�sonnbly delcrn�h�cs Ihnl I.cncicr's sect�rity�vill nat bc im�mircd
<br /> �y;.... .w. _.
<br /> �;'��.�.;. . �'''��,'�,; bY Il�e lonn s�ssu+nption a��J thnt tlu rtsk of o brcarh ol'�ny covennol or�grcctncnt(n Ihls Sceur4y Instt�oncni is rcccl�t�blc
<br /> �-��¢.�:>.,;.t.;F,,.^� �' ' tu l.ender. :��.
<br /> r..�;(�r�:�c�; �.. • ��:::i
<br /> "��'��' A::: ' :'�: ro u�e ex�en���e��niuect by eps�ltcnbte t�w.Lender moy cl�atge t+renaonnble fee aa a coaditton lo Le��Jer'i coe+ent
<br /> aa��'��i:_ �"`.
<br /> �: ,.�:�, �-��►w� to the laan aasumptbu. LenJer also uiay tequite Ibe lt�uafetee lo sigu m� Assumptiou e+greement ihat is nccept�ble �:
<br /> �,r•.�-�<<s���.� �,►...:' to Lem4e�and lhal obligatee tite lt�nsfeta lo kee�►all llrc hrnmises and agreemenla tn�tle in the Nota anJ in ll�is Sectnily -;,
<br /> � � '1^�*��•� laMtument.Uorrower witt contlnue lo bevMitgAted unJer Ihe Note m�d Ihi�Seca�ily Inst�ument uule�s Leuder rchaaea .
<br /> ; s*.�,�:;� .-'}• �
<br /> ,; , � .': Uorrowtr (n wriltng.
<br /> ,� F . �iw.. �.� k
<br /> �NH' . •.Zf�..--•'4{1-"-:'.
<br /> a,w.��y Y� � � 1� Lender e�erclaea tbe oplton lo tequite ItnmeJinie p�ymetU In tull. 4enJer ahall gtve Uur�ower �rotice nf
<br /> '.�� � ��``�`'�`��• eccekrallon.The nottce aLaii provide n period ot not leas tNan 30 dnya from Il�e date ihe nottce 1�delivercd vr matle�! '
<br /> �``�""��"'"`'''`'�`�`� within wa�Sch Borcower muat a allaun►s secured b Ud�Secu�it Inatruo�ent. !f t3vrrowe� tails lo n lhesc aan�a
<br /> ,�,;, ,`,'� r n y r r n r
<br /> ='�''� °���`�`�u°� prlor to!!�e expiration of thie perind,Lendcr nmy inv�ke nny reauJies��e�miitcd by lbis Seeurity inatrumeol wi�buul
<br /> •���...�- � �::. ..
<br /> ,.��;:_�:<<:j -���F_:.,;.
<br /> �.��;,,;A�,`�;�;;:,� ,.,,, further nvtice or Jemand on 8otrower.
<br /> �`�r��1��' 2. If Qnrtower exercise�the Convetaton O Iton under Ibe cuuditions staleJ io 3ectton p ot li�is AJ ustnble R�te �
<br /> ;;n;�:-:::,�,�: � ', r 1
<br /> °���s�,::,:��?;%`f':;, . . : RiJer�Ute atnenduunt to Unifvtm Coveiinut 17 of Ihe 3ecurlly insitument contait�aJ in Sectton C 1 Above�I�rl!then
<br /> '`'� �:��;�°�'�r � crase td be in effect.end the hrovis�ons of Uulfnrm Cnva�a�q 1�of tbe Security lustrument ai�ail i���tead be in etfect�
<br /> ',�'i�'`. �� �a�ollowas
<br /> °��'� '1'renater ot IHe 1'raperlr v�� qenetictnl AnCeteel in linr�u�er.If nit nr puy pn�t ot t6c 1'roperly or�ny interesl
<br /> ` , in It is tsold o�ttt�nsferrecl(or if a beneddal inteteii in Uurrower is aoW nr tre�wter�ed e��d norrower is ovt a nat��ral
<br /> �'•��`•''. ,�;r;�'��� personD without 1.ender'a�cior written consent,LenJer mAy�et its vpttnn.requice (nnneJlate jfayntent ht(ull tlt al)
<br /> �� " ��'�'��^'� aunss securtd by ll�ie 3ecurity Instrunient:l inwever,thta n��tlon sl�alt not 6e exet ctaeal by LenJer if exercise is prof�ibited
<br /> ,-.:; ,. �
<br /> �' ' �� by �edera)lew aa of the date o�thla Sautily Insl�ununt.
<br /> t��: .� ..
<br /> �,5"�`� '_ if Lender e�ccrcisea tltts optto��.l.enJcr�Itall give Uortower notfce of necelerrlion.'1'be notice atiall prnvide a�urivd
<br /> -;• .;�:��:
<br /> ° - . o!not lesa tl�nn 30 dnys fto�n tl�c dale Ihe��oNce la dclivered or�nAiled wtthl�i whicl� Horrower must pay all suins
<br /> �.�=.':ti,� :
<br /> secured by thia Securtty Inatrument.It porrower fal►s to pay these euma p�tor to the exptrattnn oi Il�la perinJ.Lender r
<br /> v-��'' ``�` nioy invoke anq temal[ea per�uUteei by Utis Secutity Insttumenl without turlQer noUce or demnnJ on Ilnrtnwer.
<br /> .r �;v:t.�'.., �
<br /> :i�t...:iK:l. ..
<br /> . . UY SIONtNQ �g1.OW� Uorrowe�eceep�a pnd ngrees ta�I�e terms And cavennoti cnntained in tida ndjus�able
<br /> : - Itale Rlder.
<br /> ��� � / i
<br /> �F:.
<br /> .. . , .
<br /> T.' .
<br /> �i -, „ . �.Slft�� i.
<br /> ' ' OttOpl�
<br /> �..,..
<br /> 2�e:1.. ' � I
<br /> .�?�Sti,..,
<br /> �. .�, _ ($Cel)
<br /> ,.,, _ nirowar �
<br /> :� ,
<br /> ': ," . �+� . (Swi)
<br /> �5t,:� - y�r'��� Iv�rewet (
<br /> .`.- r
<br /> 4?�, �� • , . 1
<br /> }St- ..�� .,���±r.t " '. . �• •� '($CIII)
<br /> ., ,. . Umm�r�t
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