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<br /> aR eRk,�nd the eak,latluding the payatent olthe�ustte'e�ee9 ec4ually incurred,t�W to cx¢ced f ive �'u u!
<br /> ohe princlpa)�n�nt at the aote at Ale�tLmc oi tlao declArwtlon�f defaWt,and recsnn�bNe attorneys'fee.+eA p�rmitial .
<br /> by 4a;tA)to dl wnes se�.v�ed by th4 Secut[ty I�tnemeat;and t�D+�S'excseed to the pe�an or peraons k�lly enWlcd
<br /> to it�
<br /> 3t. �oa�reyaoa. U paymeat of ell sums secwr�l 6y this 3ecurity Insuumen�i.ccxkr ehall rcquest'Avstc.�to
<br /> ceeattvey tho Prope�ty and s nll auRender thia Seeurity Instrument and aU noua avideneing debt aecuind by tttiis Security
<br /> Iuctn��t tfl'i�ustse. 'il�ttstee ahnll teconvay the Property withaut wairanty nad wlthout c5arge to ihe petson os�ersons
<br /> ieR�ily en�tled w i�.Such parson or persons shall pay aay ncordation costs.
<br /> 13. Sub�tiWte'l�tee. I.ender.at its op�on�may from tinee w tlme nmove'Itusteo nnd eppofnt o eucxessor uustco to
<br /> an Ztustx appoinud heKUader by an inatnrment ncorded ln t1►e county in which this Suutity Instrument is recoided.
<br /> us
<br /> thont conveyaace of tho Property.tha euccessor ttusue sheU succeed to all the dsIe. power and dutles conferred upon
<br /> 'pvsue herein end by appltcable law.
<br /> ?�. Requeet for NMloes� Borrower requests that copiea of the notices of default artd anle be sent w Bomuwer's address
<br /> whlch Is tlso Propcaty,llddness.
<br /> ?S� Riders to tWe Secudty Instrumeni If one or morc riders Are eaecute�by Borrower and«condod wgether wlth
<br /> this Secudty Insuutaent,ths covenants and agaemcuts of each such dder shall be incorpomted inco and sbull amend aad
<br /> supplen�mt the covenauts und agraments of this 5ec�irity Jastrument as if the dder(s)were u part of thls Security InstcumenG
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)l
<br /> x �Adjustable ltuu Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Plsuu�e�IInit Development Rider �Biweekiy Payment Rider
<br /> �aaUooA RideT �Rata Improvement Rider �Second Home Rlder
<br /> �Otheds)[SP��3'1
<br /> BY SIC�MN(i BELOW.Borrawer aceepts and a�s to th�tem�s and covenan4c contained in tl�is Security Inshunaeat
<br /> rmd in any�ider(s)oaecated by Borrower and cewrded wit6 tL
<br /> Wtire.ss: Witaess:
<br /> . •
<br /> ' • (Seal)
<br /> .go,�a 3�IL 18I b -Boaower
<br /> ��J� (Seai)
<br /> .g�y„a -Bmrowu
<br /> STATE OF IVBBRASKA, �� Couary ss:
<br /> On this 31at duy of 1luqust, 1994 ,befere me,the nndersIgned,a Notaty Public
<br /> dulycomm(ssloncd and qualified for said county.pe�sonaUy came 1�IRlI 8 8!lRiIHILL AiID JOLIB A BllR11HILL
<br /> SOi3D1l11D �llfD NIlE ,to me known to be the
<br /> Idendcal persons(s)whose nauie(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instcument and acicnowledsed the eaecution thereof to
<br /> � theiY voluatary ect and dec�..
<br /> wtaess my hand and aotaria!seal at D I8Lll�D In satd cocuity.the
<br /> dau afonsaid.
<br /> My Commisslon eapit�es: � � �
<br /> JtILT 30, 199� KOH T!� L RBBD NomryPubl[c
<br /> ��pJ�p{�����y REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE .�.
<br /> TRU�AIA L REED �
<br /> 1lM Ider of the note or aotes aecured by this Deed of'ikuat Said note or rtotes.together with�ll , �
<br /> er in sec y this Deai of'Itust,have been paid in full. You are heceby directed to c�ncel satd note or notes
<br /> and this Deed of'Ytus�which are deIIvered hereby.and W�econvey.vvithout warranty,all the estate now held by you under
<br /> t6is Deed of'U�vat to the peison or pe�sons legaily endded thenew. `',�'.
<br /> � '.,,
<br /> �Y.
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