. � �,-, � .i iH'�.�. . . '���•. t�tli�,�r�� . "f{ry;'-�� � � . . � . ,. '�,'„ . .
<br /> � t.. -�'1 t /J•cP� .��.�wn��..v.,., i n_..�: '. . . ��,f' �j •�i�if::/}��b�,��� � -il. � �. ., -
<br /> � ..,���.��V�at:t��aW �nW.�.d' , � ���li,��il � ��.
<br /> ,'�� r�.::4� =,���.'.'-'!'ti�:?'�'� .
<br /> , �7 fr'
<br /> 1, { �.
<br /> ' � 9'����'��
<br /> 10. �orrowK•�RlpM �o Rdnsbt�. H 8arow�r mNls wdah nondkfon�,0ortowK�h.N haw u►�rbM ta n�.�torc«n�nc
<br /> �?'�►++%�.. efboa�thwd at eqr tltr p�for to liH earil�r of:(s)6 d�y�(a auab othK�riod u�ppNa�bb�w nuty ap�ciy ta a�nstxt�wn�M1 f�br�aM
<br /> L ,r�;.•,�••-• �°- •._j aY lh� Prop�ty punwnt to any powa► ol taw contab�d b tht� 6acur�y instrummt: or (b) �ntry o} • Wdpn�nt�ntarohp thit 6�curitr
<br /> �'`�,;• imirumM�b Thote oondRions are that Barowar.(�)paye Lender aN eums whiah thsn wouid b�du�undar thb 8eca►�y tosuumai9 tnd th�
<br /> . �`f, ...
<br /> Not� as t no�ccN�ntbo Aad ocaurt�dt (b) auns �ny dotaux o1 inr otAK aown�nt or wr�n�nn; (o) p�ys �r eoqNnsa heun�d h
<br /> ���;.z�:.�. , - �ntOrohg thlt 80iCUrky IrttWmM�t, ineUdhp, but not Nmk�d to. nasonabN attan�ys' t»s; �nd td) Wns �uch acibn �s I.�ndrr mny
<br /> , :, , r..son.by�.Qute ro ��tur�fh�tM Wn ot thN &au6ty In�hum�nt, L�ndws dpht� M th�Propwty �nd Bonow�t obNpttbn to pay Ih�
<br /> •, `1'"`� ' sum� teeund by thM S�ourlty IntAvmmt eh�N oonttnue unohu�ped. Upon nbsritsmen! by Borrow�►� thi� S�aurky tostrumKR md !h�
<br /> �;�,':..:.,.5..,�.;.,-. .
<br /> 3�,a�;;r•;;�y;� ' obltWttons acund h�nby sMN r�xh tuNy�fHatM as M no accsNn�tlon had ocaurr�d. Howaver,ti�b ripht to nSnstat��ht11 oot��r h
<br /> c:.�;;-:�'."�,;, t!N oas�ot�cr.�Mntlon und�par�graph 17.
<br /> • �• � 19. Sde ot Note;Chsn�e of Loen Servicer. TAe Note a a pastl�l htarest ih ths Nob �co�n� wtn ihis s�curuy
<br /> ' �� � ' Inskum�nt)m�y b�satd on� or mae thsst wRhout prlor noNc�to Borrowa. A a�b rruy rowtt b •ah�h tM astry (known a ths
<br /> . 'I.Aan SNVic�r')ehtt eoN�ob moethy payrtNntn dus under tM Not�and thb S�ou�r Inetrum�nb Thar�also m�y b�o�»or mors chanp�s
<br /> !� " . ' • of tM Loan Savieer unrokted ta�eab o!tAs Note. it thero ia a ohenpe of th�Lonn 8e�vker, Borrowe►wAI E�qhMn wHtt�n notiw of lh�
<br /> . ch�pe b�caordtncs wBh puaprtpb 14 sbovs and �ppWcabb dw. TAs aotic�wtN state th�name and sddnas ot tAs�r toan S«vic�r
<br /> ;; • and ths addrQae to wAtoh payrtNnta ehould be mads. The ooUcs wiq ebo conbN any oth�r htormitbn requYsd by�ppliaabM�w.
<br /> ' - �0. Hazerdous Substanees. eorrower ahu not aauas o► permk ths proaa+ae, uss, dbpou�, �tonps, or �� ot �ny
<br /> �� HaaMous Subataae�s an�In th�Prop�rl)r. 8orrowar ehaA not do, oor albw anyone�be to do,anythhq afhotinq th�PmpMty tAat k b
<br /> , „ „ vbl�tbn e!enr EnvYonmmtal Law. Th�proeedhg two sentencea ehall not appy to th�proa�nw,us�,or ston�p�an th�Prop�ty of sm�N
<br /> y qwntRbs ot Harardoua bl�batinaea that aro genanNy roaopnta�d to be approprtate to nomul reakl�ntla!uae�and to rtuht�nu�c�ot tM
<br /> � .. pnpp�A�►,
<br /> i . �. .- 8arow�► shap P��PUY 41ve I.ender written eoUce of any ktvestiQetbo� olnim. demend.Wwauk or other aatbn by u:r�owmmmtal or
<br /> ' ropuYtory�penay Ot prNqte�aety MvokMp the Property snd any H�rdoua Substmee or renvkonmenttl Law of whbh BOrtOVrer ha aoWal ,,.��
<br /> f ° knowledae. If Bortower leama, or b notHied by any povemmente� or reputatory cuthorAy. that nny romoval or other re�riediatton of anr
<br /> T� ,; H�rdous �batanes atteatbp the Property is nec�sssery. Borrower shaD prompty take eN necesaary rert�edial eatbns h�ccordancs w� ` �>`
<br /> � �� Envfronmenai lew.
<br /> ., , At uaed h !hb pampr&ph 20� "Hat�rdous Substances' are those substances det(ned as toxb ot hautdaus substancss by .,.�'"
<br /> ERVironm�nul Law and the bbwhp substancea: pesoune, kerosene. oMer tt�mmabte or toxia petr��eum produat8, toxb p�stiatd�s md
<br /> �� , herbbtdea. voYtlle eotvants, meterlab oontehhp asbestos or fomiatdehyde, snd radbaatAre materlals. As uaed tn thb parapnph 20. ��•'�''
<br /> - 'Environmenrit Law" me�ns (ederat tewa end IawB ot the Jurlsdiotlon where the Propeny ts bcated that relats to hetRh, atfety or
<br /> , etwironmmUtl proteallon. '�•
<br /> � NON•UNtFOiiM CaVENANTB. Bortower and Lsndor lurlher oovenant and aproe as tolbws: ����`
<br /> �i. 11Qaoieration; �emedies. i.ende� afiaii �ive nofice �o Borrower prior �o aaaeie�ton foiiowin� ,.,��.
<br /> „ Bonower'a breaeb of any aovenant or agreeanent in this Security Ina4rument (but not prto� to acceleratton � y
<br /> � • under peragraph 17 unleas appiiceble tew providee otherwise). The notice shati apeeiy: (a) !he detautt; Q�
<br /> , ,�.;;� � (b) the action requirad to cure the detauit; (o) � date, not tesa than 30 days trom the date the �otice Is � ���"'
<br /> � piven to Borrower, by which the detautt rr►uat be aured; and (d) that taiture to aure the detault on or �
<br /> � betore the date apecifled tn the eoUce mey result in aeceteratio� oi the auma secured by this Seeuricy
<br /> . � � . Instrument and aale of the Property. The noUce shaii turther i�torm Borrower of the rtght to reinstate atter "�
<br /> aeceteration and the �Ight to bring a court actton to essert the non-existence of a detault or any other ` ..
<br /> , dote�se of Bor�owor to eccetera4to� and sate. It the detault ts not cured on or betore the date apecitied ,
<br /> in the nottce. Lender at its optlon mey requtre tmmediate paymeat in tull oi all sums eeaured by thts °
<br /> Securtty Instrument without turther demend end may tnvoke the power of sele and a�y othe� remedies
<br /> - permitted by eppltceble tew. Lender shell be entiUed to collect elt expenses incurred in purautng the
<br /> ��':�.;� �emediee provided In this parag�aph 21, including� but not Iimtted to. reasonabte attorneys' tees nnd cost�s
<br /> �,�,�:'.: oi tlUe evldence.
<br /> �` it the power of aale is invoked� Trustee chett record a nottce of defautt in each county tn which eny
<br /> ;;: pert ot the Prap�rty is toeeted end ahati mail coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by applfaabie
<br /> " `. � iew to Bprrower and to the other perauns prescribed by applicebte Iaw. Atter the Ume requtred by
<br /> � apptiaable taw, Trustee shall give publia notice of sate to the persons and In the manner prescribed by
<br /> epplicable law. T�ustee. without demand on Borrower. shalt selt the Property et pubtia auetion 4o the
<br /> � � htgheat btdder at the time a�d ptece end uader the terma designated tn the notice oi sele in one or more
<br /> `� pareels and tn any orde� T�uatee determinea Trustee may postpone sale ot all or eny parcel oi the ��
<br /> � Property by pub8c announcement at the time and ptace ot any y�reviously scheduled sate. Lender or Its
<br /> < deatgnee mey purchaae the Property et any sale.
<br /> , . � �i:,.� Upon reaetpt ot payment ot the price btd, 7rustee shatt del(ver to ti�e purchaser Trustee�a deed
<br /> ���•' eomeying the Property. 'fhe recit�la In the Trustee's deed shatl be prima facte evidence oi the truth ot
<br /> ; ; . the atetements made the�ein. T�uatee ahalf epply the proceeds ot the aale in the fotlowtng order: (a)to ell �
<br /> ; costa and expenses of exerclaing the power of sale� and the �al�, tncluding the peyment of the Trustee's
<br /> '�y teea actuatly incuned, not to exceed 3 °6 �i the prtnctpal �mou�t ot the note at the time ot the i
<br /> . ., deataration ot detault, end reasonable attorney's tees as permitted by law; (b) to all suma secured by this
<br /> , Security instrument; end (e)eny excess to the person or pe�gons legelty e�titted to iL
<br /> 22. Recor�veye+nae. Upon payment of eQ sum3 secured br thb Securky �nstrument,Lender ahaQ request Trustee to reconvey the �
<br /> Froperty and sheN durtender thts Sseur�y inaWment and att notes�vldencing debt secured by this Securtly tnsWment to 7ruatee. Trustee
<br /> ' shap recoavey the Proparty wtlhout warrenty and w�hout aharge to the person or Rerson8 tagaly ent�ted to M. Such person or pe►sons shell �
<br /> `, pay any reeordatbn eoats. �
<br /> �
<br /> - 9�1 �`il�dlbtl� Tn�d� ��r.. .� w .wt.... ...... f....�,. w..�. �.. �s�... r..� ....� .......�..� .
<br /> •vw� o. w. .rp.w.y ...�� »..... ..... .v .�w ......... ......w m... u�..r... . wwoouin uroaw �v m�� �'.-.
<br /> ;s Trustee appohted hereunder by an hshument recorded h the county h wh@h tt►IS Security tnstrument Is recorded. Wkhout conv¥ce of �
<br /> the PropeAy,successor truEteO BhaA sucCeed to etl the fRle,power and duties conterted upon Tn,stee h�retn and by eppitcable taw.
<br /> �` , Z4. Requeat tor Notiaea Borrow6t reqt188te thet Coples ot tAe notkes of defeuh 8nd 9818 be sent t0 Bortowere address whiCh �
<br /> . is the Property Addresa.
<br /> �� 26. Rtdero to thia Security Inatrumen� it one or more dd9rs ue exeCUted by 8orrowar end reaorded toQether wkh this
<br /> � Sscurily inawment, ths covenmts and
<br /> asreertients of each auah rider she� be incorporated hto nnd shell amend and supplen�ent tNe
<br /> �, ..
<br /> aovenutte�nd apreert�ente ot thb SecutRy Inatrument ea N the rider(s)�rere a part Qt this SecurRy instnm�ent.
<br /> .�. _ Pay��m s Foem IIOII!Y/YO
<br /> • • a,o».t��e1M)
<br /> . �.
<br /> �e �
<br /> i
<br />