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<br /> 1lO�tQ� �N flli7frINND Ml1011fl�! �1�f�01� �y tw1� f1101�Q/��0�1 Illty f�Qilti�01 8Q1fC1Nw� �tClOM/ MiQClth�UI�(�f�Ib
<br /> •�„�p,� NG�nI Rnt Ett�N SNtianNnf Proc�dura Aot of 197s u tmw�d�!kom t1r�to lTrrw�, 12 U.9.C. P601 M toy.('f�6PA'�,unbss anatMx t��v
<br /> that�Wpli�i to th�Funds eots �I�as�r arnaanl. It so,l.nnder may, 4)Ny thi9�cot�ect and hold Funda h an ar►tount not ta�xcssd the
<br /> +j.. •
<br /> - Mss�►rmount. I.mdn m�y��tknat� the amouat of Nnde due on th�baeb ot cureen!dat�and�eaeona►bf� estinuba of e�rtdRura ot
<br /> • �4� Ntun H�crow ti� or oth�wk�h�ccotd�ncY v�lth cippNo�bis kw.
<br /> �. . •- ' TM Fund� tha�M hNd h�n bsUNtio�who� depo�ks v�Intund by a hdatl�peAOy, InsUuns�ntaNty.a entry(hcbdkp L�nda, il
<br /> ''`��' lend�t M suoA �n Intikution)or b�ny F�1 HaM Loan B�nk. L�tdu shal apPy th�Funds to p�y ths F.sCrow ItMnl. L�ndw rtry eot
<br /> � aharp�Bomw�t tor Aobinp�nd�ppylnp tM Funds� �rmutly an�y�np th��urow aceount.or wriytnp th�Escrow tt�m�, unteas I.indK
<br /> ' ��.����:'�.,. Pay�Bwrsw�r int�ett on tM Fusdi��d�ppibabw law pwmUs tanQer to mak� tuoA a oharyo. Nowwrr.I.�nd�r m�y nquln 8wrow�r to
<br /> ,� +�_t-,._;;�` Pay a on►tim� oARra!or�r►hd�p�nd�!nal�atab tax
<br /> `:: . . ,,�. tportinp anric�us�d by L�nd�r h oonneatb�wNh thb b��uM�tf appNa�bt�yw
<br /> ., proWda otMiwiw. Unlssr �n eprMmint k mad� or oppibabl� r�r nquta ht�ns! to bo ptid. I.ond�r sha� no! b�aquirb to Da]►
<br /> ' .�'",i BotrowM�ny Int1r1s1 or�ernbg�on tM FuntM.Botrawu�nd L�ndw m�y aptM b wrMbp,hOww�r.ihat ht�st�hiY b�P����Funda.
<br /> ��.+� � '. LsneNr sAaM plw to 8ortowu.wlthout oMrp�,an annuat�eaountlnp ot ths Fund�.thowinp enditt�nd eNbke to th�Fund��nd th�purpot�
<br /> ,; , , tor whbb MoA d�bk to tM Fund�wu artad�, 'R��Funds�n pl�dp�d a addkbnal socwNyr ta oN�ums uCUr�hy thM S�wriqr In�bum�nt. "'
<br /> ,�,. It tha Funds hWd by La�dor axaoed lh�amounb pwmithd to b� hdd br �ppQwibSS Yw. I.mdK sh�q aceoimt to Barowsr for ths '.=r.
<br /> .�., ` i ac�ss Fund�in�ceord�nq wNh th�nquY�ts o!appYoabN I�w. It th��moun!of tM Funds hNd by I.�nd�r at ar►y Nm�b no!sulRoMnt �
<br /> t to pay th� Etcrow Ibmt whrn du�,L�ndv rtwy ao RoUfy Bortow�r(n wdlhp,and, h weA cta�@oROw�► �ha�pay to I.�ndK tM arraunt
<br /> . ,� n�cessary to mek�up ths detiobno�r. earower sht9 make up th� d�tktenoY b oo mors than tweNa mor�thN PuYm�nie.at Lertders�oM w;•,+ -
<br /> ' ' . disCtst{on. �
<br /> � �� Upon ptyerwnt b tu� ot aN wms s�ound by thb Seeunly inequmer►t, Lend�r ehaN prompty retund to Borrower any Funds h�id by ...��t�.
<br /> � ' L.�rtdu. It.undw pa�rpnph 21.L�nd�►aha�aaqub or seA th�P►aperty,lender. Pdor to ths�aqubitbn or etN oi th�Prop�A�+,ahu appy
<br /> any Funds hNd by Urtd�►u ths thie ot urqubRbn or oab as a aredit apnbat the euma eecured by thfs Securky Instrumenf. .� •
<br /> •• 3.Appltc�tion ot P�ymenb, lini�sd spplto�bM Ivw provldes otherwfse,aq paymente receivsd by londer under ptrapnphs 1�nd • '''
<br /> 2 aheA b� �pplled: tisf.to eny prepaYment ohnr�es due under the Note; seeond, to amounts payable under paragraph �thtrd to Interest
<br /> , due;tourth.to prYio�tt due;and lasf,to any late chYrges duo under the Note. •
<br /> 4. Chef�a8; LIe11s. Borrowe► ehaN pay aA texea,assessments,aharpes, thes and impoaklons atGrbutaDls to the PropaAy whtoh •
<br /> ' may attab prbritp ovx this Seauri�r Instrument,and laasehald piyments or pround renta.B any. 8orrowa shaN paq thess obiip�tbns 1n the
<br /> , mannor providad b panpnph Q, qr If not patd h that menner. BoROwer aht0 pay them on time dkecty to the peison owed Wymen� •
<br /> ° Bortower shcN prompty I�tmbh to Lender aq not�es ot amounts to be patd under thb parag�eph. It Bortowar me4ea thess payments
<br /> . dirooty.Borrower eh�l PromPUf►Nm[sh to lender receata evidertctnp ths Payments.
<br /> �� • BoROwer sl�tA prompty Eisoharpe any Ifen whbh hts prbriqr over thts SecurRy Instrument untess Borrower: (a)aprees in �ttRinp to the
<br /> paymait ot ths obN�tbn aecurad by ths Uen h e man�ror acceptabte to Lender; (b)contssts in Qood taRh the Iten br. or defends a�hs�
<br /> ,. �--- mtarcertMnt ot tM Ibn !n. te�il proceedtnps whish h the lendera ophbn opente to prevent Ms eniorcement ot!hs Nen;or(o)eecurea Irort�
<br /> the hotder ot the Nen en aprsement satisfactory to Lender subordinatinp the Oen to this SeaurRy inatrument. If lender detannh�s that any
<br /> paR ot the PropeA�r b subject to a Nen whieh may attnU prbrily over this Security Inatrument,Le�der may gi�ra Bortower a notkx Identlyinv
<br /> the Uen. Bormwer BhtN eetby the Iten or take one or more ot the aetbna sot toRh above wRhh 10 days ot the pivhp ot notice. '
<br /> • ' .;'i'"; b. Ha:ard or Property Insurenee. BOrrower sh8p keep the Mprov6ments now existhg Or hereBRer eteCted On the PfOperty
<br /> hsured apttMet bsa Oy ite,herards hcwded w(thb Me term 'extended coverege•and any other harrards, hatudhp Iboda o�ttoodinQ,for
<br /> whbh Len�requirsa Inaur�ncs. Thb insurance she�b9 mahtahed in the emounta and for the periods that Lender requtes. The hsu�ance
<br /> ,� �, car►1er provtdbp fhs bsu�ance ahell be chosen by 8omower subJeot to Lenders epprovai which shatl not be unreasonaby w�hhefd. It
<br /> Bertowar tails to maintatn eoverope d8geribed ebove, lender may� et Lenders optbn,o4tein Coverage t0 proteCt Lender's dphte In the
<br /> .:,,,�,f PropeA�r h sccordtnoe wRA paragreph 7.
<br /> • AN Nsunnce poYotes and renswats ehaG be acxeptabb to Lender and shat►trtolude e standard mortpape otause. Lender aluN Mv�e tha
<br /> • '� dght to hold the poUclas and renewais. If Lend�requtres,9000wer ahaq promplry give to Lender aq recetpts ot peld premtums and renewa�
<br /> notleea. In tha event of tos9, Borrower ehaq give prompt notice to the insuraneo eaRlaz and Lender. Lender may make proot ot bss H no[
<br /> made prompty by Bortower.
<br /> �� • • � Unbss Lendx end Bortower otherwlse a �
<br /> yree in wrRMp, insurance proceeds shall be epplied to restoratlan or ropair of the Property
<br /> �� damped, M the nstontUon or �epair fa eeonomiaety teaaplB and LenOePs seourtty Is not Iassened. IT the restorallon pr repalr ts not
<br /> economicat�r leasbla ar Lender's security w0uld be lessened. tAe Insurance proceeds ehaq be applfed to the 8ums secuted by this Secwriy
<br /> ; Instlumm4 wAetfier or not then due,wRh any excese petd to Bortower. I(8ortower at�andona the Property,or does not answer wRhin 30 "
<br /> � . days a notke trom Lender ihat the hauranee cartier hes otfered to settle a ctalm, then Lendor may cotleot the insurance proceeds. Lender
<br /> . . may uss ths proeeeda ta repat o�restore the Property or to pay aums seaured by thls SeeurRy Instrument, whether or not then due. The I
<br /> � 30�day period wiM be8b when the noHce Is gMen.
<br /> � ,;,'• Unleaa Lender and Bortower otherwise apree In wrRing, any applicetbn ot proceeds to prhepal shs9�ot extend or poatpone the duo
<br /> �'��'�' date o!tQ1s monthy p�yment9 retetred to h pBrepraphs 1 end Z or ohan the emount of the payments. Q under parayreph 21 the PropeAy
<br /> ...;�:: 0a
<br /> ,.t°'°:. ,� b aaquted by Lendsr,Borrowara�lpht to any(nsaronce popctes and P�eeds resukfng hom damage to the Property prbr to Me acquisMon
<br /> . �. � ehaY pasa to ts�der to the atent ot the sums secured br this Security Instrument Mmedfatety DrFor to tha scqutskton. f
<br /> ;� 8.Occupancy, Preaervatfon, Mntntenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower'a Loan
<br /> Appitcatton; LE�sEftOlds.8otrower ehaN oCaupy. estebiish, end uee the Property as Bortowere prY►otpat realdence wphh sbcly deyB �
<br /> afte!the exeCUtfon 0t thb SeCUtky instrumgnt and shaN ConUnue to oCCUpy the PropeAy es Bottower'8 prirtopal re8ldenCe Ior flt�9fl8t one I
<br /> � . , �� yeor aftet the dat�o!occupu�ey, untese Lender otherwise eprees h wrkhp. whbA consent shali not be unreasonaby wkhAetd,or ualass i
<br /> i� extenwtYp ei�eumstances exBt whbh ere bepond BoROwers eontrol 8ortower shaQ not destroy,damage or ImpaP the Property,albw the '
<br /> ` Property to detertorate,or commR waste on the Propary. Bprrower Sh811 bg tn detauh N eny torfeiture BCUon or proCeedhg,whather cWe or �
<br /> + , crimUa4 K bepun tAat In Lende�'e goad ffikh Judpment eoutd resuk b toAefture ot the FropeRy or othenwise mate�lally impat the Ibn ereated
<br /> by thb SeeutAp Inshument or t.sndOre 6eCUr�y hterest. 8omower may cure suoh a aetauh end rehatate,na provtded h pAragreph 18,by
<br /> ..�... .._ ...,.. _______�
<br /> ==--�. »�— -----�. .� rwow.�v w uo auinissbd wim e �ui� mai, �t ienoers g000 iBRn oetermneti0n, ProCUQes t0�f81Nr8 OT lhe = -- -
<br /> � � 8o�o�were tnterest M ths Property or olher materiel Mnpatrment ot the tisn created by this Securlty InstNment or Lendera security hterest.
<br /> f Borrower sh�l abo be h detwl!B Bom►wer,dudnp tho ban appOCetton pro�ess,pave matertal►y false or haccurete Mtormatbn or steten�ents •
<br /> � „ to Lend�r(or taUed to prowide LenGe►wkh anr materiat Inlormatbn)h connectb� wkh the ban evfd�ced by the Note, holudhp, but not
<br /> Ih+ked to. �e0rssenmtbne aancemhp Borrowere occupanoy of the Propert�r as a p�hcipat reatdence. it thb Securily Inabument Is on a
<br /> , ��� IeasMotd.Bortovwr sh�M compy wNh a11 Ihs provistons ot tho lense. If 8orrower eoqulres te9 tRte to the Property, tha l0asehob end Ine �
<br /> tes tttl�ehetl aot merp�unles�th�Lander�prees to the me►pa►h vrr�hp.
<br /> � „ , : vap•p o16 Fo�T OoZe i/ao
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