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<br /> .J''�F,.: ..�. :,i�'. ��Y.' // � - .
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<br /> NnN-itNlrflRM l'nVFNANTS. R�xrowcr and t.c+ntkt funhcr coven�ant�nd�u ia iuiia�ws:
<br /> 17. iFerecl�urrPr�rcedure. Itl�ndrrrcyuite5 immcdiuer, aymenti��futi undcr iprvgraph9.[.crtdcr niuy imn�c �hc
<br /> �swcr uY�:�I�uud utt �khcr��inedtcs jiemiiticd lsy a �Ucc�hlc lativ� l.c�cd.r ��liall lx;c�tt�ilc�.l in c:.c�llc.ct ilU C%�iCI1St'!IIiC111'SCII
<br /> �n pursuing the remcc�lr.s ptovi�cA in tltis paragr.�p�h�7,includ�ng,bu���iot�i�nitcd ta�tusonahlc�uuorncys'fl'C9 ATNJ 4'051�3 Of
<br /> ►itle evlderKe.
<br /> lt tMe power ut xrle is invniced.'�Ywctee�11�ecnrd�eot4ce Mdetault in eich roenty In which�ny q�af tlro
<br /> Pr �e nr M lac�ted an�ehali maQ cv;�ie�d�uch nMice In the m��nrr psc�c�l6ed by►�pplic�ble I�w to&�or►er a�i
<br /> to°1l�r otMe�pee�osa�rpnrfb�d by�ic�ble law After t�e tline requtred by rpplfcabk I�w,''IYust+ee �wll�ive
<br /> pu6Hc entke nt e�te to the ptt�au ai�An the nner pn�crlbed �b�!�pplk�bk I��r. 71'n�re,witAoYt drw�ai
<br /> Psms�er,r�*_�1��fhf!Prn�rty Ht�liltc et�M�to the hl�he�t talddtr at Ute Ilme�►d�pltce Antt umltr the termr
<br /> de�n�ted ia tMe notke ot�le fn onc or nare Ia NINI IA liqr order'ttuRtta determine�. 'iYuila m�r�
<br /> sak o�atl or any{►arcel d'tke Pruperty by pa k annaunvrmeni yt the ttme a�pl�ce ot�ny�revlouelp �hd
<br /> eak. LEnder orit�deeignee may rchiwx th�Pr�,perty at vny sak.
<br /> �Upon rccetpt atpayn�rnt�ht Prtce bht,llrusta ahaU dd(ver to the pure�nier'Yl��stee'�deed conveYi�q{ 10e
<br /> p n . '�he�ecit�fs tn the 71ru�tee e deed ah�ll be prtnw ftcte evldence ot t�uth ot the atatenxnq made thfrel�.
<br /> 'I�uslee�h�ll pppty the proceeds olI the�k in the tWtowtng onte�t (�1 to att cost�and rxpenae+ at exercl�[nR :Aa
<br /> pawcr ot stk,�nd the i�k�Indading the p�yment of the'I1�ustee'e Pea actuplly tncurreil,nat to excecd f� e `�
<br /> of the pr�incipaf arnount ut tAe uoie at the time af tho cicclaratFon ot default, end rccesalsbk alta'ntya �i�er� n
<br /> permit[ed b lawt (b)to�!1 sums secured by thiv Securtry Instrument;and(c)any exces�to!he per�n or peruane
<br /> !e$slly enttt�to f�
<br /> 18. [teco�►veystnca Upon payment of ull sums se ured by this Se�urity Inst►ument,Lender shall tsquest 7lustce to
<br /> reconv�y the P[�operty und shnli surrndes thls Security�nsmvnent artd ali noteg evtdencing debt securcd by this Sccudry
<br /> InstrumQnt ta'l�ustee. 1lvstee shaU reconvey the Property wlthout wartanty and withnut cl�aege t�the person or persons
<br /> legally ent�Ued to i� Such person or persona ahu11 pay sury recordation costs.
<br /> 19. Substttute'1Fustce. l.ender. at its option.may from dme to time remove'itustee and uppotnt a successor trusuc
<br /> to any'Itustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rerorded in the caunry!n which lhls Secudry Instrument is recorclal.
<br /> Without conveysurce of the Prnperty,the successor uustee shall succeed to all the ti�le,�sowee and duties confcrred ugon
<br /> 'Itustee hereln and by n�pl�icable law.
<br /> Z0. Request Tor Nodces. Bomower requests thnt copies of the nottces of defnult and snle be scnt ro Borruwer�
<br /> address which is the Propeny Address.
<br /> Ridere to thls Stcur[ty Instrumen� If one or more riders nro e xecuted by Boreower and recorded together wtth thEs
<br /> Security Insttument.the covenants of eucd such rider shatl be incarporated ineo und shall emend and supplement the
<br /> covenants and agrcements of this Securiry[nswment ns if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securiry Insuvmen�
<br /> [Check applicnble boa(es)1.
<br /> �Condominium Rlder �Grnduuted Payment Rider �Urawin�Equity Rider
<br /> �Planned Unit Development Rider �X Other(Specify� ��q(� qp�►�
<br /> BY SIGN[NG BELOW.Borrowe�r accepts and agrees to the terms contuined in pages I thnough 4 of this Securiry
<br /> instrument und in any rider(s)executed by Bomower and recorded with iG
<br /> Witnesses: _ . „���
<br /> n�a
<br /> T.tY �� (Seell
<br /> P I LAR RNrIQS �ORO�r
<br /> t�����r�,,. (Seal)
<br /> CARWEN RANIDS Bonauer
<br /> (Seap
<br /> Bonowxr
<br /> (SC81)
<br /> Botrowcr
<br /> ,i'_�.
<br /> '���,`
<br /> STATE UF NEBRASKA, Hq�� Counry ss: -;:��
<br /> �;r;
<br /> ��s 31 st day of August. 199a � befvre me,the undersi�ned,a Notary �;�r
<br /> Public duly commissioned and qualiHed for snid county.personally cnme ,f-�•.
<br /> 4`:
<br /> . to me known to be the �;},�s
<br /> identical peraon(s) whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thcreof to be
<br /> thei r voluntciry act and deed ,;;.,'•,;:,.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarlal aeal ut �p �gLqp�p in xaid counry. the ;•��,;:,
<br /> ;.,.•.
<br /> date aforesa[d. ti�:;f�:
<br /> :L.
<br /> My Commission expires: � tuocwy puni►c
<br /> ac�uQTe e RFED
<br /> � nitaae�wop�{�.�t+�eoi�i�tnxaw� •�---�-- — �----
<br /> D�i M t RWLf1,��RiFM
<br /> ,.,. �p��J���g� REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> The underslgncd is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 71ust. Said note or notes,together wieh ull
<br /> other indebtedness secured by this Deecl of 71vat,hnve been paid in full. You are hereby dimcied to cancel said note or
<br /> notes and this Deed of'1lust.which are delivered hereby.und to reconvey,without wnrrunry,all the estnte now held by you
<br /> � under this Deeci of'[tust to thc person or persons Icgally enptled thereto.
<br /> 1 � Date:
<br /> , �
<br /> (jwge4 eif4 pugn)
<br /> 4
<br /> �.y". �
<br /> t;
<br /> •:f . .`.}'.
<br />" ' »
<br />