�,� . -
<br /> �. .l
<br /> '__ '^��� ......
<br /> i. � . �.,1 - _
<br /> rdJ +F�►�iiit�I�rp m�y�firci to vr,Nw i'i'K T:uit�t�arH or sssyR:.rt Mtsraf ro�at+!�ur�!iw tt��wwx vt rdo,and!n�ch sv� �
<br /> A�r�Mcfary a TrwtM sMA plw Wch nodc�of dehult end nodc�al ad��ur m�y M tMn�quhral 6y lew.TMn�w,upoe aM
<br /> � ixplratfon W�ucA Qfn�and N»p1 vk1D o/such notic�of a�M�t m�y Gwn bo nMqulrrd by/aw�TNtf�N,at fh�dr►r�urd pl�sp�cM�d
<br /> by th�noNce ot a�te,shall safl suoh 7'rutt Property,a eny paut tha�eof epeoiNed by 8aneflc)sry,er pub/lc auchbn to th4 hlp►MSt
<br /> Dttl�ler lcr cash In Ir�wluf moriey of Uro U�Utecl 5tarss oi Msedoa.U�cn recvipt o1�eymani ot tt,e��lce b/d,Trusioe ahRll eppNfh�
<br /> proCled�/n ths la�/owlnp arrJer:(q b ths coat and expensea a/exa��l8/ng the pawer oDsa/e and af fhri eale,Including hut Rot N�nited
<br /> %trustN's h�a not mor�thar►aS00.00 plus or►s�hallot on�pero�nt ol ths pra�a ael�pdce,eRd roeaonable attorney/�e.s.(�►1 to
<br /> th�Ind�bt�dn��i,an�l(ill)the�xce��,tt any,ro th�pareon apsraon�l�galy sniNt�cl therelo.
<br /> �,U coata ond�xp�na�9 ln'eurred by BenaNclary ln enforolRp eny Ught under thJa Desd of Trust lncJud/np wlJhout I1m/teNon,eb�tract or dtle
<br /> II�,appraliV INa,pnmlums Ia NMMt tnaw�nce,ettomey t�s and cauR coata�ah�ll b�r ind corraiNUts fndebtsdn�an e�aund henby.
<br /> �27. Dutlea of TrustQS.Truaoor eAee�thet
<br /> (� puyrs pnd obNyulons of Truatw ahall bs detsrmined sdaty by rhe exprese proWalona ot tAla Deed of�rust and frusres ahaN not b�
<br /> � 1lebh except for thspsrtam�nce ot�uoh duHes and obUpetlona as are speclllcspy sst lorth heroln,and nn lm,�Jled covsn�nia or
<br /> obJJ�atlons arhail bs imposed upon Tivatae,
<br /> O (b) No pr+ovfalan o1 d►la Osed oP Tttat shall requlre�iustee to expend or dak Jts own/unda,a othsrw/selrtcur eny Nnancla/obllg�atlon!n
<br /> � ttre p�h�mance of any ollts dutles hereundef.or In the exercise of any of!t�dghta or pows�s.
<br /> � (c).truatae mey consuft wlth rr�ansel of Jts own choos/ng end the edvlse of auch counsel shap be luU and compleie a�thalzeUon and
<br /> p�fec�on fr►the respsctoleny acBan teken oraulferod by lt he�eunderin good faltA end iellance thereon,and
<br /> (d) Tiustee ahelf not be llable/cuany action taken by it In good fiUth end reasonabty beNeved by/tM beeuthorized or wlthln lla
<br /> Q'` dlsaretion or dghts a powers con/eried upon/t by thls Oaed of Trust
<br /> 28. SecurRy Agreemenf and Flxtu�e Flling.Thia Oeed of Truat shelt censtitute a securrty egreement and Nxdne Nllag und�r the provlsions of
<br /> the Nebraska Un►fam�Comme�c/s!Code wJth reapect to dbse Bxtmes descrlbed!n the preamb/es hereo!as consdtutlng a part of the
<br /> Tr�s!Pr+operry,together with a!!other properry of Tiustor,efther slmDar or dlsalmlle�to the same,now or hereefteilxeted at or on the
<br /> TH:st PrapeAy.
<br /> T8. future Advances.Upon request o!Tiasror. BeneRclary� et 9eneHctary's optlon,pdo�to ful!reconveyance o►the Trost Pmpe►ty by
<br /> 7rustea to Tir�si�cr,may mako future edvsuces to Trustar.Such future advartces,tvlth lnterest thereon,shaJ►be secwed�y U►fs Deed ot
<br /> Tit1sG At rro dme sheli the pdRClps!an7ount o/he lndebted�ess secuied by thls Otted of Tiust,aot inclvd/ng sums advanced fo prtdtoc!
<br /> �y U►e seau►fty, exceed the total sr�m ot S .Advences of dlsbursements made by Beneflciary to protoat the 8ecurfly,
<br /> �' ��`'' f� underthe terms hereot,while dlscreGonary,ahall not be deemed to b�opUonal edvancea. 'f°
<br /> i.�l 30. Reconve yence.tlpon paymant o1 a11 ladebtedneas secured by thls Desd of Tniat,Bonelic/ery shalt requeat Tiusta�to naoonvey the � }
<br /> ,ei�;�;,, i.'t �'�,�
<br /> ��•��.::;,;., i� Tivat Propeiiy and shal!surrondei th/s Daed of 7rust and ap noies evldenaing lndebredneas seaur�d by thls Deed of 7rust to Tnrstea. ,:ta�-��
<br /> ,� Tiustse�shell reaonvey the Trsist Proper�y wlthaut wananry and wlthout charge ro rhe pe�son or pe►sons legally enUded tAereto.Such
<br /> �"�''�' penson orpe�eons shail pay a�lf cos►s of recordabon,!)any.
<br /> -� �'�'`;� 31. SubatNute Trustee.9eneflcJary,at fts optlon,may Irom i/me to dme remove Tiustee and eppdnt e Succeasor Tiustea ro sny Tiustee
<br /> � i��'�,�`�� eppdnted hereunder by sn lnshument reco�ded!n the cou�ty ln whloh this Qeed ol Trustls recoMed.Wlthout conveyance of the Tivat
<br /> `. ��^ " Property,the Suacessor Tivatee shel!aucceed w a!!8de,power ertd duties coMerred apon TrusteB hereln snd by appllcable/aw.
<br /> ��� '' 32. Mlaceliantwus Rlghts of Beneficlary.Beneflciary may at any tlme snd from Bme to dme,wlthout nodce,consent to the mr�Wng o/eny
<br /> .��, .3',;�'�:{ r .
<br /> : pls!Qtflrs Tt�sst Pro�r or fhs crae�n of$ny 9esgment ihereort Q►sny cnvartanh?racnicdng use o�ocaupanoy thereot aalsree to
<br /> ' f_t� � atler o►emend the terms ol th/a Deed of Tiust Any pe�sonal property remalning upon d�e Tiust Properry after the Tiust Prope�ty has
<br /> � �'ut.
<br /> ;��::�sw� been possessed a ocoupled by Beneflciary,!ta egent or any puichaser Iollowing Tivatee's sale,forecfosure,or under any deed►n lleu
<br /> �,�ti..`Y',' " OI TRJSL69's ssle or/orec%sur+e,shall be conclusivety presumed to h�ve been abandoned by Trastoi
<br /> ���,�u` • 33. NoNce to Tiusror.Tiustor Aereb iequests that e co of en noUce of delault end noUce o/sale mado or exoc�ted by Truatea pwsaant
<br /> .��y��,.-��.'• to the pnvlslona hereot be sent to Tivator et tts mal�yg eddress set farth horefnabove. '*
<br /> �'�� �,;�;.x 1N WfTNE5S WHEREOF.thls Deed of trosthas been duy exBecu�te K e de and year Nrst ebove wNlten. - ''•���
<br /> ±y"'':,�,, RIAN A. flENKE :'M3'�
<br /> �F'„,�� k..
<br /> °'�.t.'-'.7s� �,y
<br /> f.
<br /> �� StATEOf NEBRASKA ) Briaa A. He e ..
<br /> ss.
<br /> � COUNTYQF )
<br /> .� �.•
<br /> �.?'?�`:.:� ti:,;'�:,
<br /> ,...,, ..,, �' On tAts day of ,t9_,before me,a notery publlo!n and for sald counry,personaJly came . ,. <<
<br /> �`��.�c�:��,: ,and ;'s;1:
<br /> �.":�;�,�,�� ot �,known to me to be the ldentical persons who
<br /> � '�;.,;�;-'_:,,;;;:�,, stgned the for�egoirtg Oeed o�Tiust end acknowledged the executlon thereo/ta ba thelr volunrery aci and deed,and the voluntary act ar�d
<br /> ..„•R :. � deed of seld co►po�tlon.
<br /> , `;� �� ' �� WITNESS my hsnd end notedef seal on thls fhe day and yeerlast above wdtten. �..,��'�'
<br /> �`�f r=sr.::' . (BFAt� �,:�'�
<br /> s. . ,
<br /> ::.�..�,•W� �vuuk
<br /> ,��t�.•, +: .
<br /> wrr.:T-i."�`.'.
<br /> .w;:1�1�' • �fyCORIRY7dlDnYJrpUBS
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<br /> �f,.�,;�1':; � ,,.".;' STA7E OF NfBRASKA )
<br /> _ ' NALL )sa.
<br /> •�:���iV,�=:�`r;' COUMY OF )
<br /> �
<br /> x��ct•� _w:': �{ A ,Bt Rrad K. Hankp
<br /> ' On th/s�hfay o/r3t�1 ,f 9�,belore rno,e+�otary pubflc In snd for seld couny,personally csme ,
<br /> ��'F'r�' ''' . �d AT�AT A_ AAfI�[/� ,known to me ro be tlre(dendcalpersons who
<br /> �'"-'='��"'"`-' slqned the fonegoing Oeed of Trusi snd ecknowledged the executlon thereof to be thelr voluetary eat and dead.
<br /> � •j'� ��'. {NtTAtESS mv hend snd nnterltll sea!on HYs the dav end vearlast above written.
<br /> :�L:.. .. _ . . . . .
<br /> �?�'�_ V , (SEAy �T�R.QNMMI�IL �,� Q�ri1�tQ�f. _�mU�c'��
<br /> `°�::�;,�:'�.} ..;`_ wan.�a«r��n� q <.t q7
<br /> `c``;�:` . Mreonrrosuone,rprier .
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