" '�t-+IWAsuA+�►s'7ILit ����_ . �
<br /> , . , ;�r� „�.....
<br /> . �. '
<br /> k. ._,
<br /> � _ _--
<br /> - - b, . . _{ - — �_- - - -- - ..-:o�.w...r.,.. _.....R..__,....._.�
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<br /> ��p���n,arou»d rond�,,�nd�NOtM►cnAro�+���W""��'"�"'�d��rrrr�����+�'!� �
<br /> pnc�,�Jy.1'iur!'d'ht►fl�►�?nN,upon wditM rM4��bY��Y��P�'►PaY d�NV�r to B�1►�ItCI�►yW I�CNptir Mr fM payrtt�rMd
<br /> auoh charyQa. Tr�aMr Nkwvle�aprsN t�o p�y aN taxa,asecunN►ta rrnd otM►ch��/eWsd upa►a�urr��aad,p1�c�d a mwdr
<br /> agalnst,��measured hy,thls taee�oi T�uyr or th�roaardatlon hN�o1.
<br /> � 8. Applloa2lon of F�ymonta.�I!!peyme�rta recetvud Gy Ben�Nc/iry aa to any debt,llebltiry or abApat�on owed ta Qeneflclary by 7rusYQr
<br /> ' "' ' miy bs�ppN�Dy 8sneflclery t�the psyment o/ch�Indsbt�dness or to eny suah uiher deDt,llablllry or abligaflon,!n�ny order a
<br /> m�n n e r o i�pNaaObn whlch BeasNa/uy,ln!ts�badute dlaoroUon,dtsmA appmpdate.Untsas otherwlse efdot�by Bsnefl�i�ry,any
<br /> auoh paymsnt ahaN be desmed applled Rrat b ths paymsnt o f any de bt,I fa b U l t y a o b l l g e B o n o t h a r t h a n t h s N o E�.
<br /> 1 n 6. C h�s;l l m s.7 n u t a w i H k�e p Ms Tivat Pro �ty h�hom eW ll�rta and encumbrencss whlch in any way mey,ln th�/udQm�nP of
<br /> BsneNciary.have prlorAy over.almpalr the sec p u d t y ol.thia tased o1 Tivat dut�iutior nssd not dlachargs any such It�n so AanO as
<br /> T i u e i a ahsl!a graa,!n wdttn�,to pay tha obllpadcn sscarAa►by auch Ilenln a menne�scae�table to 8ane11cfery artd shallln poos/Mtth
<br /> cor►t�at auch N�n by epproprJMe legaJProa e s d�a�a e f M e tive to p r ev e r�t t h R e n f o r e s m e n t o t h e I J e n a n d d r e l o s e o f a n y 1 m a�a t l n a
<br /> pa►tof the�ivat ProPeAY
<br /> +� 7. Huard Insurence.Trvator shell keep the 6ulldings and othe�improvernents now existtng a hereaRer erected on dwa Truat P�opeRy
<br /> lnsured by Jnsurance cardera se8afaotay b 8enelklary agalnst loss by flre�hazerds lncfaded In the te►m"extended covereQe"and
<br /> xJ��'� � s�ch oMe�heza�da,casualtles ond conUngencles es mey be�equired by Beneflolary,ln such amouMS end lor auah pedoda es mey be
<br /> � '� requlrod by BorteNcl�y►.The pollcy oflnaurance shal!bo In fa►n accepteble to 8ene8clary provlde that¢he same inay not be
<br /> ..,,�.:�:��.r.:� �, ary,end shalf have losa payable provislonsln Invorofend
<br /> .zy .° cencelJed a madNtod without Ntteen(16)days pdor w�n notice to Beneflc!
<br /> !n{orm acceptable ro Reneflclery.Al1 pr+emlums on lriserarrce pollcles shall be peld!n the manrte�provided under perag�eph 4 hereof
<br /> �'�,,:;;�4;h or,Nnot pald!n such menner,by Tiusror makln8 paymeni et/east flttaen(Jb)days pdor to the dae date,directly to the/nsu�ence
<br /> .,�r.-.����-,• . center.Beneflclary sha!►have d►e dght to hoid the poAcles end renewafa thereof end 7Yeiat�r ahall prompUy l�mlah to Berteliciary sll
<br /> t ,:�r.�:;If�s:1
<br /> ��, rsnawa!noffces end sll pald p�emlum receipts recelvsd by It.In no event aha►t 8eneflclary or Trustee be held resportslble for a!ure to
<br /> `'ti' '�,,;..;;='''�'..• paylnsurence premlurru�o�for eny/ass or demage arlsing out of a defect In eny policy ot arising out o1 any lellure of any Inaurance
<br /> '��:,:,x,,���' companv to pay fa anyloss or damage lnswed ega►rtat or for lellure by TiLator ro e4lect the!ns¢�rance requtred hereunder.In the event
<br /> ���� �°►'�•r of loss.7ruatorshell glve prompt notice by mai!to the insurence ca�rierand Beneflclary.Bene�clary may make proof o!loss 11 not
<br /> �'�`�����'��-� `�` " r�rsde p�amptlY orla ProRBrform ay Tivaror.AII�llcles of lnsu�anae end sny end a!1 refunds of aneamed pramlums are he�eby
<br /> ` ''�'�'"'` � �'' asslqrted to BeneBcla ss addl�ona►secmity br the paymeni of the Indebiedness.!n dre event ot BerteBclary's exerclse of the power +
<br /> .��pj�SP;'.�!,.`n°..j��;
<br /> •r� �:•j::�,;•� - of sala cornalned her+B n,o►!n the event of foreclosure,ell dghL�►le andlntereat o/Tivstorin end to any Insurenca pollcy then!n force
<br /> � "`'.'����.�`' sha11 pasa ro the purahaser at the hustee's sala o�Mreolosure sale.ln case o!any l�iss.tha Jrtsu�ence proceeds may.er ths optlon ol :�•.
<br /> �"'� BeneNciery,be appped by Beneflc!ary apon the lndebtedrtess,or eny pe�t thereof,and in suah order end amonnt es Beneflolary may �'.
<br /> �::.r.:._,... �•,{1; �.� •M1��,:
<br /> determine;or sald Insurance proce�ds.at tP�e optlon�t 8eneflc!�,m�s dlnsu►ence procepe/dano any pordo thereof�a�b� �'`•
<br /> �. , . :�, " parltally o►totelly destroyed to a condlticn satlsfecto ro Beneflcl Y '
<br /> " re/essed to Tiustor.tJnless 8eneflclary end Tiustor oMenvlae agreeln wrldng,any such eppJlaedon ol insurance proceeds sha/1 not :;;.
<br /> ' � �� eutend o�postpone the due dete ai the Nofa,a any lnstsllmems oslled M�d�ereln,or chsrige the emouM ol sech lnstallments.N the
<br /> .'�� " Trust Prapert y Is ecqalred by Beneflclery per8uant ta the exercise o/the power at ssle or other faeclosure,e!/dghf,dUe and lntorest ot .
<br /> to�°flciary�end hal�tre apPlled flrs�to d�a costs and expsnses,incgluding attomey�s.l�ncuned 1 colleodng s ch proceeds��� .
<br /> !n the mannei a�d!n t he or dei prov l d e d h e r e l n. • .�
<br /> .,,;_�- g, Q����{�n�,�nqce of Tivat Propeity.Tmstor wl11 keep tne buildings end other Impnovemerrta now or hereafter erected on �.;;
<br /> �:�;-�< ths Tivat Propa�ty!n good�epalr and condltlon end wlll not commit or permft wa�te,will noi alter me design or sbuaturai charaotnr ,,��.,
<br /> � "���' ' constltudng t�ny bulldirtg now or hereafter ereated on and cona�tuting the Tiust Property without tlre prlor wriKen conaeM ol �:��•:
<br /> Beneflclery,wll/not do eny act or thfng whlch would undulylmpair or depieclate the value of the Tiust Property and wlll not abandon
<br /> the Tiust Prope�ty.Tiasto�wlll not renrove any flxtores conatltuUng the Tiust Property unlesa the asme ere immedlatefy replaced wlth
<br /> ` !!ke properry sub�ect to ttia 1len s�rd secudty interest o/dds Desd of Trast and of at least equal value and utlllry.Trustor wll!comp/y wJth
<br /> " allpresent and fuwre adlna►rces,rsgulatlons and►eqalrements of a�ygovemmentaf body whlch ere eppAcable ro the Tiust Properry
<br /> snd to the occvpency end use thereoi. l�f!►!s Deed ol Tiust la on e uMtlr►a condominlum or a planned anit development,Trostor shal!
<br /> � ., peAwm all ot Tiustor's ob!lgaUons undei the decta�edons or covenanis creatlng o�goyeming tiie cortdominlum or the planned uNt
<br /> •�- -• dovalapment,the bylaws end regulallona M the condom/nium o�plenned unit development,end tha constltuent dccnments.
<br /> 9. /nspecG�on.9eneflclery or!ts a8enta may,ei ell reasonabfe tlmes,enier upo»the Tiust Propery lor the purpose of lnspecdon.
<br /> � • BeneNclary shall have no dury ro make such lnapecdoa snd shal!rtot be pable ro Tiasto�or to enype�son In possesslon lllt mekes o�
<br /> lells to make anysuchlnspecdon.
<br /> � 10. Protectfon of Secudry.lf Tiusto�leils to pedorm any ol the covenan�a ertd sgreementa contelned!n thls Qeed ot Tivat,o�ff eny ecUon
<br /> p�p�pcaed/pg/s commertCed whlch does oi may adversety eHect the Tiust Prope►ry o�the lnt�rest of�ntsta o►Benel/clary theieln o�
<br /> the dUe o/Trustor thereto,then BeneHclary,at/ts option,may pe�fons�such convenents end agreements,make such eppearertces,
<br /> defend egalnsr snd lnvestigate such satlon o�proceeding end teke sach other aatlon ea Beneflclary deems necesesry ro protect its
<br /> lnterest Including,but rtot ltmited%dJsbursement o/�easonaWe attomey tees and enby upon the Tiust Prope�ly to meke repairs.My
<br /> " amounb dlsburaed by 8eneflclary pursuant to thla peragreph 10,wJth Interest thereon.ahell consUtute Mdebtedness of Trusto�
<br /> secuned by N+Is Desd of Trost.Unless Trostor snd Beneflclary agrea ro otlrer terrrrs of payment,svch amounts shall be peyable upon
<br /> � noUce hom Beneflclary ro Trr�stor requestlng payment thereof,end shell bear Jnteiest hom the date of disbursement a!the def&uft rete,
<br /> '�-i . /f any,sei fortl►in tlre Nofe,or othen�vise at the highest►ate peiMKed Dy law.Nothing contalned ln thls peregnaph ahall requlre
<br /> ,"_�'� Ber�efl�!ary to JnCUr eny expenae o�take any ecdon her�under.Tiustorlrrevxably euthaizes end empowers 8eneflcJery to erite�upon
<br /> '��,, ;, tfte Tivat Properly es Tiustor's egent end,in Tiusrors name or othervvlse to perlorr»any end ed covenants and agreements to be
<br /> i' „ .� peAom►ed by 7rystor es hereln provided.BeneNclary shall,at Ks opL►on,be subrogated ro eny encumbrance,llen,cfalm or demand
<br /> �lr•n' snd ro su dBMs and secudnes lor the payment thereof pald or discha�ged by BeneNclary under the provisJons hereof and any such
<br /> F. ., �> subroge�on dghts shell be addlUonat and cumulative secmfty lor thls Daed of Tiust.
<br /> •- , 11. Coademnaffon.fie proceeds of eny ewerd or clalm!or damages.dJrect or consequentlal.in connectlon with any c�ndemoaUon or
<br /> '� " , ' other Galdng of tlre 7iust Property.o�eny peR thereo/,or lar comeysnce!n lleu ot or ln ent►cipallon of condemnat(on,are hereby
<br /> ess�grred ro arra sha�r be pard ro eene�c�ary.Trustor wi!!Nle and prossecute,In good lelth and w(th dae dillgence.!ts clalm for eny such
<br /> � eward or payment,end vdf!ceuse Ghe same b be collected and paid ro BeneNclary,and,should it f+all to do so,Trostorinevocabfy
<br /> eutl►odzes and empowers Benefic/ery,In the eame of Tiustor or oiherwlse,ro Nle.p►osec�te,settle or corripromise any such clalm end
<br /> ' ��� M coqec�recelpt br snd retaln tlre proceeds.!l fhe Tiast Prope►ry ls abandoned by Tiastor,oi,after aotice by BeneNclary ro�iustor
<br /> ; tlr8t the cortdemna offe�s to make en sward o►settle e cleJm!or damages,Tiusto�falls to reapond to Beneficisry wlthJn thlrry(30)days
<br /> ' aft�r the daf�e sach notice ls malled,8enenclery Is euthorized to col/ect and apply the proceeats in the marrne►lndlceted hereM. The
<br /> � proceeds of eny award or clalm may.ette�dedactlng all reasa+able cosis and e�enses.!ncluding etbmey/ees,whlch may have
<br /> been lncumed by BeneNdary irt the collectlon thereof,st the sole dlsc►etlon of BeneBalary,be ieleased M Trusto►,spplfed to
<br /> � restonaUon o�Tivat Properiy,or applted to the payment ol the lndebt+edness.Unless Beneflclary end Trustor other►vise sgrse l»wrtdng,
<br /> � ' � � eny such sppUcatlon of proceeds ro Indebtedness ahall rtof extend orpostporte the due dete ot the Note or the payment of eny
<br /> lnstellments celled tor thereunder.
<br /> �� r.,,aen.uer Qetaased.Extenslon ol the tlme for parment o�modiffceLfa+ot sny srrrortlzetlon of the Indebtedness grented by Beneflciery L
<br /> . � � to eny successorin interest of Tiustor shall not operate to release,JR eny manne►,me IIablllry or Trusror ana Frusmrs successors in �--
<br /> ° laterest Bene!ldary shall noi be reqWred ro cometence proceedings agelnst such successor ot reft�se to extend Ume for payn'rent or �
<br /> � ofhe�w/se mod!!y emo�izaBon of the lndebtedness by reason ot eny demand made by TrusMr and Tiustor's successo►s i
<br /> fn infBres� �
<br /> • 13. �inendal IrtfamaUon.UPon request of Bene�dary,TiuseQr wAl provide b Benefldary,w/tlifn nlnery(90)days of the close of each Sscel �
<br /> year of Trusioi,tAa consolldated belertce sheof and statement o/eamings of Tiusto►snd any end a!1 gua►entors of the lndebtedness I
<br /> ' secu►+ed hereC�y,H eny,and wil!provide srtd deJlver to Beneflclary sucA other flnerrclal fnfom►aUon and/n such manne►as Beneflclery
<br /> may reasonabry request trom dme ro tlme.
<br /> ° t4. FinartClal Covenanta.ln additlon to sny othe►Nnsnclaf covenants of Trusto►made!n eny other agreement,lnshument or document, �
<br /> o Tiustor shal!compty w!M end ahaU cause any and all gusranto�s ot ihe Indebtedness secured hereby to corrrpfy wldt,or be In �
<br /> .. ° Complfance wlth,Me following financlal covenents:(Thls paragraph aha/!not epply f/covenants and requlrements are noi sei '
<br /> ., . �,�,he���., k ..
<br /> ' • 16. Schedale of Leases.WiMIn tea(10)days efter demand,7rusto�sha/!lumish to Ber+eNdary a schedule,ceitlNed to by Tiustor,set�ng
<br /> toRh aqleases of the�rust Properly,or any ponion thereo%lncluding in esch cese,the name o�the te►rants or occupanls,a descdpUon
<br /> "" o�tRe spsce occupled Qy st�ch teneni or occupent,the rentel payable lar such space,and such other!n/ormedo»and documents wfth
<br /> � respect Lo such leases�r►d tenandes as Beneltc(ary may►easonsbry request.
<br />