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<br /> Asaignment o!Renta • .
<br /> 'fHIB l-4 PAMU.Y RIIJB[t la mde this 25�A dvY�f �� • '� �.
<br /> and ia incorporatcd into and shall be decmed ta amtnd nt►d sttpplcment the MortgagC.Deod of Tcust or�aurity
<br /> Deed (thc •:Sesurity Insnutnent"} of thc same dute given by the under�igrtod (the "Borrower") Go r�ecu+ra
<br /> Borrowar's Note to � �i�� ���� a Lo� A+Saoeiatfan of 6�ane1 Isle�d.
<br /> Me��sks. A ieds�cal Ssv3ngs Benic
<br /> (the"Lender">
<br /> of the same dute cund coveting the Property described In th�Stxurity Insuument aixl locxsud ut:
<br /> 1018 Ke�nedy Orive, 6i'and Iel�nd. Neb�aska
<br /> �Property Add�essJ
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANT9.In additton to the rnvena.Rts and a�rtements mnde in the Security Instrument.
<br /> Borrower and Lender further mvenant and agroe us follows:
<br /> Pmperty descrlbed in tha Secudty[nsuumfnt,the following items are added to the Property descr�ption,and shall
<br /> also canstitute the Property covered by the Secudty Instrument:building materiels,nppliances end goods of every
<br /> nature whatscever now or hereafter located in. on, nr used. or intended to be used in connection with the
<br /> Prope�ty. including,but not limlted to. those for the purposes af supplytng or distributin$heating. cooling.
<br /> electricety� gas. water. air and light. fire preveretlon and extin�uishing apparatus. security and access rnntml
<br /> apparatas, plumbing, bath tubs. water heaters, wnter closeta. sinks, ranges. ataves. refrigerators. dishwashers.
<br /> • dtsposals. washers. dryers. awnings. storm windaws. atorm doors,screens, blinds, shades. wrwins and curtain
<br /> rods,attached mimors.cabtnets.panelling und attach�tloor coverings now or hereafter uttached to the Property.
<br /> ' all af which, iacluding replucements and addidons thereto. shall be deeme� to be and cemain a pazt of the
<br /> property cavered by the Securiry Instnunent. All of the foregoing together with the Property described in the
<br /> Secutity Instrument(or the(easehold estate if the Security Instrument is on a teasehold)ars refenred to in this 1-4
<br /> Femlly Rider and the Securiry Instrument as the"Pruperty."
<br /> 8. USE OF PROPERTY; CO1I�LIAIYCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not se�k. agree to or make a
<br /> changa in the use of the Property or its zoning classificatIon.unless L.ender has agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Borrower shali comply with all laws. ordinances. regulations and requirements af eny govemmental body
<br /> appltcable to the Property.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LI�NS.Except as perniitted by federal law,Borrower shall not ailow any lien infer�or
<br /> to the Securiry Inst�ument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior written permisslon.
<br /> D.RFNT I.(]S3 IIVSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addttion to the other
<br /> hazards far whjch jnsurance is requi�sed by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E.•°BORROWER'S RIGHT TO 1tEINSTATE'•DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless [.ender and Bomower atherwise agree in writing. the Grst
<br /> ' sentence in [Jniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupsincy of the Property is deletcd. AII remainin6
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall rernatn in effect.
<br /> • MULTISTAtl"E t-4 FAMILY RIDER-Fannls Mae/FredAlo Mao Unifortn�natn+msent Form 3170 3/83
<br /> - ��67 183N1.01 VMP MOFRtiAOE FOHMS�IBOOI6Zt•7291 �Rh+ttd on 1bcvUed Pupor
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