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<br /> � � � TOOETH�R INITH �N tl�s k»provemmts eow or herNMr �nabd on th� prop�►.�nd Y Na�n+ma�q�(xKtrnmoes��nd
<br /> . fixRura�a now or hKmltar� put nf th�propedy.All ropt�aemrn4e�nd additlons 9h�11 alao br oov�nd by this&�au�ty Inatrum�nf.
<br /> � AO oi thu to►egalnd b retmed to fn thls 3ecurlty Inatntmmt ea the 'Properry."
<br /> ��. M�.`�'���';��.,� . 80kROVHER COVENANT3 that Borrower ia l�w1aHy eel�ed ol tha ectats hxeby conveyed �nA hu th� dpht to pi'snt and
<br /> "��Y - convey the Property md that the Property la unencumbered, except inr ertcum4�nnaos ot recorrl. 8orrownr w�rr�nts rnd yv!ti
<br /> detend pen�rxly the tNl�to!hs Prop�ty epainat aA cintnu and d�►�nd�,aubJsot to u►y�neumb�nc�oi��cord.
<br /> ..,::, . THIS S�CURITY INSTftUMENT eombtnea anHortn coverfmt� for natk►rt�J ua �nd non�unHortn oown�ntv wftb IA►wUd�
<br /> v+trkdoea by�udsdiatlon to oonnitute a unttonn s�curtty hsbum�nt cav�lnp rwl propwty.
<br /> UNIFORM C01�NAN7'9. Borrawer and I.e�dK covmant and�pna a�inNows:
<br /> ��•�� 1. Pe+�meant �f PrinetPel and Intsrest; P��p�rn�n4 aiad L.�t� Chp�p�s.eorrowsr shaq prompty pr�r w�ti2
<br /> V'.�..~ ' das the�rk�dp�i of�nd Interest on the debt evidenwd by ths Not��nd�ny prpaymmt�nd I�t�oh�ryn du�undn th�Not���
<br /> .,,,�;.,:�:, x. Fund�tar T�nc�s �nd Inauranc�.SubJect to appllo�bi�kw or to�wrkbtl w�hiar by Urld�t,earoww sh�N
<br /> ;+=: '•`'.••":'••a¢-� to Lender on tAe day mon4hfy prymenta Are due under the Note, untH the ldote la pdd In tuN, �eum ('Funds')for. (a) y
<br /> ''•;3t;<"���',�'�� tncea �nd�sssaamenta whtoh maY sttein pdorttY orer thia Sewrfty Inetrum.en2 ss� Q�n on th�ProPeety; (b)Ywi1y I«ts
<br /> ,�,.:' .. .,;:�, •`, payments or grouod ronte on the P�apeAy. U any; (a)yeuly huard or propeAy Inaun�ncs pnn�tuma; (� y�rly Aood Insu
<br /> .. ,,.
<br /> r •}I'• premhima,Q any;(e)Yeedy mo�tgs9e tneurence premiuma, if any;etnd(f1�nY cuma pa��bis by Borrower to�and�r In acco
<br /> '�`�`�``�"' .:�f'`�:r wlth the provislons ot paregraph 8, In Aeu ot the paymeM of mortgage Inauranee ptemtume. Th�ss ttema Rn aN�d Esaow
<br /> � �"�::�•;�� "^� Itema.' Lendx may, et any time, co0ect and hotd Funde tn an unouM not to exaead ths m�xknum �r►ount a lendw far a
<br /> yT t�'''�"�`.�`�"�`= tederally rokted mortgage toan may roquire for 8orrower's eaemw acoount undar the federai Real Eahts 8etttara�nt Proeeduros
<br /> n.,,� . ? .� ,�,:1
<br /> .�r- , • � � T Aet o4 1874 es emended hom Ume to Ume, 12 U.9.0.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA•), unleae another kw that appllas to ths Fun s
<br /> �+ '�; '. :-�•+. aete a lesaer amaunL it so, Lender may, at any tlme,coicct end hotd Funda In an amount not to exc4ed the leaee►�mount
<br /> �'�r`` �" � � "'��' Lender may estimnte the amount of Fundo due on the basie ot curteot data and rensonable estimntba of expendiGtres o�l tuWro
<br /> ��;y`;i;;.:;,��,;..., ���4 Esaow ftems or othervvlae In aceordence wSth appitcable law.
<br /> .`�.:;;�•• ,��� •'�:��•��"' The Funds shaN be held in an IneUWUon whose depoaJts aro inaured by e tedaai aqenayr,InatrumenWity, or entriy(k►cMidinp
<br /> t;'�':� � �� �'A lendor, tt!endor la suoh en Institudon)or In ar►y Fedaal Home Loan Bu�k Lendar ahail �ppy the Funda to p�y th� Eauow
<br /> �� �• �:':`'������ � Items. lender may not chnrge Berrower(or holding and applying tha Funde,annuaNyr anafyztng ti�e escrow rccount,ae vefiyNg
<br /> • the Eacrow itema, untese Lender paya Bortower Interost on ihe Funda and appAcable law pertnita Lender to m�ke euofi a
<br /> • eherge. However, Lender may require Bor►ower to pay a ane-tkne ehuge tor en independent re�! eatate tox roporthg ae�vlce
<br /> used by Lender in conneetlon with this toen, un�ess appAeable kw provides athe�wlse. Unlese an agreement la made or
<br /> '"�� epplicable taw requires Intereat to be patd. lender shel not be requked to pny Borrower any Interost or eamtngs on the Funda.
<br /> :,?A';;>,,;,.. Borrower and Lend�may agree tn w�ting,however, that Interast shep be paid on tho Funds. Lender shall pive to Bor�owar,
<br /> , ,:;+�x�;;ij'�'t,; wrihout charge,an annuai aecoanting ot the Funds,showing aedite and deblte to the Funds and the purpose tor which eacA
<br /> � :'���•�?°� de4it to the Funds wes made. The Funds are pledged es eddtUona�eewrity far alt sums secured by the 3acudty instrumen�
<br /> ��`'���t�� ' If the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amourtta pemtltted to be hetd by appAcabte taw, Lender ehsil aocount to Borrower
<br /> �'��" � tor the exceas Funda R�accordance with the requlrements of appltcable taw. H the amount of the Funda held by Lender at any
<br /> . . . " tlma is not sutftdent to pay the Esorow Itema when duo, Lender mny so noUfy Borrowet tn wddng,and,in suoh eaae Borrower
<br /> .. �� ehall pay to Lender the emount neceasary to make up the defldenay. Bomower ahall make up the defletenay in no moro thnn
<br /> �.:. twelve monthly payments,at Lender's soie �scretlon.
<br /> „ � . :':•i Upon payment in iuB of aN sums secured by ihis Se�++ity lash�ssstsat. issrdes shsd FramRt4Y reh�nd i�&_+rn+wt�t any Funds
<br /> . held by Lender. if,under paragrepb 21,Lender ehail aeQuke or se0 the Property.Lender, pdor to the aaquisitlon or eale o1 the
<br /> ;,',,��. � ' Property,ehatl uppty any Funds he►d by Lender at the tlme of acquislUon or sale ae a aedit against tha sums aecured bY this
<br /> • Security tnsUument.
<br /> � , �`��� 3. Applieatton of Paymeqte. Unless eppUeable law provldes othe�wise, all payments reaeived by Lender under
<br /> . . paraQraphs 1 and 2 ahaA be epplted: flrst.to sny prepayment chargea due under the Note;second,to amour�ts payabEe unde►
<br /> parsgrnph 2; thhd,to inte►est due;fouRh,to prindpal due:end Ieat,to arry tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; 4.lena. Borrowar sheq pay ap texae. asaeasments, ahcrges, ftnes end imposttlona atMbufable to the
<br /> Propeity whieh may attaln pda►Ity over thts Securiy IneUumen�and teasehotd paymente or ground rents. M any. Borrower shail
<br /> pay these obligations in the manner provtded in paragraph 2, or N not patd In that manner. Borrawer shsll pay them on time `
<br /> direetly to the person owed payment Bonowe►shaU promptly tumish to Lender ell noUces ot nmounta to be patd under this ",�
<br /> paragraph, It Borrower makes theae paymer+ta dlrc�cUy, Borrower ahali promptly Wmish to Lender recetpts evideneinq thd
<br /> � . • .� P�ents.
<br /> �• Bortowe►ehail promptly dfacharge any aen wh�ah has prlodty over this Secwity �nstrument untesa Bortower. (a) agrees in
<br /> "' wridng to the payment ot the obllgaUon secu►ed by the Ilen tn a mann�eceeptable to Lende►: (b) contesta�n good fafth the .
<br /> � ' Ilen by, or detenda agatnat enbrcemeM ot the Nen in,legal proceedings which In the Lender's op(nion aperate to prevent the
<br /> ��. .'��:!'+'i enior�ement of tAe Ilen;or(o)seeures from the hoider of the Ilen an agreement eadstectory to Lender subordinatlng the Uen to
<br /> r . thts 3eexirity ineUUment.If Lender detetmines that any part of the Property is subject to a�len which may attsin pdoriry over this
<br /> Security InsUument,Lender may gNe Bomovrer a noUce IdeMitying the Ifen.Bortower shaU se8sty the Ilen or take one or more oi
<br /> • the acttona set fotth above wkhin 10 days ai the gtvfng of notice.
<br /> &. Hazard or Property Insut'ancA.Borrower shaU keep the Improvements nciw existing or hereafter ereeted on the
<br /> . Properry insured against Ioss by ftre, hamNa incfuded w8hin the tem� 'extended coverage' and any o2her hersrds, includhg
<br /> • ' floods or flooding, tor whleh Lender requlree insuranee. Th�s fnsu�ance shali be malntalned in the emo4�ts and for the pedoda
<br /> • that Lender requ!r+es. The insurance cartier provlding the Insu�ance shall be chosen by Bortower subJeet to Lender's approval
<br /> which sheN not be unreasonabty wfthhetd. It Bor►ower latis to maintaln coverage described above, Lender may.et lendePs
<br /> � opllon,obffiin eoverege to protect Lender's dghts in the Propetiy in accordance wkh paragraph 7.
<br /> AU insurance poQdes and renewais shatl be aeceptabte to Lender and shall inciude a atendard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> sbati havo the right to hotd the polides and renewats. If Lender requires, Bortower shali prompUy ghre to Lender aq receipts of
<br /> pald preMums and renewat notlees. In the event of toss.8ortower shall give prompt aotice to the insurance certier and Lender.
<br /> � Lender may make proof of loss if not made prompty by Bortower.
<br /> � " Unless Lender end Botrower atherwise agree fn wrtting, insurance proceeds shaU be spplted to restoretion or repair ot ihe ••
<br /> . � Property damaged,it the reatoreUon or repek Is economicspy feasibte and Lender's securily fs not leasened. It the reatoretlon or
<br /> nepair Is not economlcaliy teasibte or Lender's securky would be tessened,the Insuranee proceeds shail be apptled to the sums
<br /> secured by this Seattity insUumen� whether or not then due, with any exeess Pe�d to 8orrower, it Barower abandons the �
<br /> Property,or does not answer wRhtn 30 dayrs a noNce from lender that the insurance caRfer haa oHered to settle a clalm,then I
<br /> Lender may collect the Insuranee proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Propeny or to pay sums
<br /> � secured by this 3earity Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30�day pertod wiU begfn when the nodce is given. I
<br /> . Unioss Lender and Bortower otherwfse agree in wridng, any epplioetlon of proceeds to pdndpal shall not extend ar
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthry payments referted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymenta. It `:
<br /> ��� � under paregraph 21 the PropeAy fa acquired by Lender, Bortowers right to any insurance polides and proceeds resulting from �
<br /> damage to the PropeAy ptior to the acciulsitlon shall pasa to Lender to the extent of the sums by thls Secxuky Instrument
<br /> ' Immediatey prbr to the acquisitton. -
<br /> �r • 6. Occupancy. Preseevation. Malntehence and Protection of the P�operty; Borrower's I.oan
<br /> � . Appttaatton; L988AhOlde. 8orrower aha0 ocapy, estsbtish, and use the Property as Borrower's prindpai residenee within
<br /> � sizly days aRer the execuUon of thfs Searity Instrument and shetl eonUnue to occupy the Property as Bortower s prindpal
<br /> i resldenee tor et�east one year after the date ot Aeeupancy, unie8a Lender otherwise agrees tn wdtlng, which eonsent shalt not
<br /> 1' be unreasonably wfthheld, or untess extenueting dreumstences exist whfch are beyond Borrower's controL 8ortower shall not
<br /> E� � destroy.damage or impafr the Properly,ailow the Property to detedorete, or eomtnit waste on the Properiy. Bortower�hAA be in
<br /> � 1 defautt fl any toAeiNre action or proceeding. whether civil or aiminat,Is begun that in Lender's good faith Judgment could result
<br /> � I in lortefture of the Property or otherwtse rttaterially tmpah the lien crec►ted by this 3scu�fty Insirument or lender's socudty interest.
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