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"'?�" . �:�� rt �keair..•' . ., . .. _' � <br />'`_.` . ^ , . . <br /> ` �..�:.. ., -.,.yly <br />�i. _ . - - "��I <br /> e 4 _ '.t�" — _ _ ___ _ <br /> ' �y� <br /> i <br /> 1 • ' <br /> ,i. sorrowK�s Rroht �o R.�naatt. M e«r�ww.n�•o�w+ ca�a��,+e, eo►raw« s�.e nw.a»,�rr�h.+.-� <br /> di�eanthwd�t�r►Y Ums prtor to tM�wiMr of; (e)6 drYs(x�uoM othrr Pwbd a�PDNcaBM kw rtxY up�oly tor�NMwnMM)b�l�an ab <br /> ot ths PropKty punuu►t to�r►Y Powv ot s�lw contah�d fn thN S�curfry in�trum«»; ar(b)rnulr �of � judp�nt �nhxwNq thM S�cwk� <br /> M�aunNnt.fio�cor.0ilf¢n�ure that BcrcawK:(�)P�Ys I.�ndr�N�umE vrhich IMn would D�Qur undrr this rJraxkY Insln�n�nt rid IM <br /> No�o a N no �co�Mn►tian hsd occ�+rt�d;tb)aw���nY �uk of any otlwr aov�n�tit a ap�t�: tal O�Ys��� �� �' <br /> uniot�inp tht� S�CU�Ay Mxb'unNmb hCludinp, but not IMnN�d to, twon�b attOrMlr�' 1Ma: snd I4) WcN u�01► �o100�i�t ��nd�r �11 <br /> n�aon�bN nwks to aswn tl�t ttw wn ot enk 8�urb instrun+rnt�L�navrs rqhK in dN ProD�rq► �rw 1laraw�s abllqMion tlN'"-� <br /> sun►s Wcund by thM Socudf► In�trummt �hsM aonUnu� wwch�nQ�d. Upo� �sat�nt by 8orrowrr� Mk �wM In�Mir�N vb IIN� <br /> obNpadon� watxrd tiMrby tl►�N nmaN tu0/�M1otNi�►t if no�CONNatiOn hltd oCCVrt�d. Howwpr.Gaia ryiil tt�+w3itiG7 :.P.:"�P1IIl C�'�h <br /> Nw�of icCN�nubr� unON parprapn t7, <br /> 19.$il! Of NOL�; Chsn�e oP Loon 8et+�icer. TM N0� or � p�R111 I�E1r�st h thP NoM (top�tAlt wNi1 Ohll �ptM� <br /> �scr+,�,�,t�m.y b.�oa o�,•o.moo.i�w�na,� a�►�ot� eoaow.r A s�M ma�r nquR b a ah�np� In tho i�Mfl(�� a th� <br /> 'I.oan S�vic�l"1 that coMoq monthy Peyrt�nta dus und�r th�No»and thk S�curRY InxWrrqn�. ThM��I�o rNry b�a�s a mrx�etw�p�s <br /> ot th�lan 8«vic�r unnt�bd to a saM of th�Noa. If ttNn k a cMnp�of ttw Lan S�icw.8orcaw�r wi�br pA+�n wellnn notla of <br /> chtnp� N aCaord�nC�wRA plr�pnpA U �bOw ind�ppiia�bN i4w. TPa noN�wiN 4Wta tt►a nvao and address c! th*n�w S�rb�r <br /> and th�addr�us to wbbh O�Y+n�na ahoutd!�mad�. TM eotks wiN ako aontaM�ny otfNr into�matbn nqutnd by�ppf�abw I�w. <br /> �0. Hawrdous Subst�u��e�. sorrowr �haM not oavs� Or pMmk th• pr.�►c�, us� d�po�l asmaa� « �wa+� ot �nr <br /> H�rdou�SubsW�C�s on a h th� PtoppAy. Baroww ehaN net do,�or�bw myon��k� to do.enYthlnp ttl�otYp th� P�apwtr ttNt t�h <br /> vbl�tton o!�ny Emtonm�cit�t L�uv. Tha pnc�dh�two smt�r►ces shtil�at appy to th�pr�nc�.usa.a ttonpr on lh�ao�b of�M <br /> quanttt�a of Haurdaus S1ibslsnc�s that �n pnwaND ncopniaed to b� �ppropri�t�to normd�idmtl�i u� �nd W m�an�nca ot ftw <br /> Prop�ty. <br /> Borrowor sAap prompty�M Lander wrNtae notks of any imeasti�tlon, altim, d�mand,lawauk or oti�aotbn dy ony qz�+tat or <br /> rpuUtwy apertc�r or pNvaU psr4�r hvolutnp th�Prop�ty +u�d my Haardous Subatanc�or Ernironrtwntat Law ot whbh 8orrowK has�otual <br /> ,:• � :-:�.• ,.� knowkdpa. It BoROwer leams. or is notMled by any pcvemmonta� or ropu@tory authorNy, that �r►y romovu or oFha �1�tion ot any <br /> Hmrdow Subatar� aNaoUnp tM Propaty is necwseary, flortower sAaY prompty teka aY a�caaaull acn�dtil�attonf h aaordme�w�h <br /> , ,*v..; � . .: Emkonmentsl law. <br /> �:.:. ;.. �. <br /> �„C�;� b usad h this panpraph 20, "Huardous 51�bstancea" ere thosa eubstaneos deflnad aa to�do or h�urdous tubsW�c�s Y <br /> :....�i�' :. � <br /> •,�._...:r.•�-• ="� EnvYonmontal Law �r►d thv folbwinp subatancos: pasoMa. k�osena, othot tt�mmabb ot toxia p�troavm produob�toxb D�atbtd� and <br /> ,- �';'�''``�'� �'�'�.� horbteldss, vol�We eof�ranta, matertais conWnhp asbestos or rortnaidehyde. and �adb�etiv� maceBals. As uaia N thb PanpqPh 20. <br /> ��a�j�f;�+t;'�;��; :'y. "Envtonmontat Law' rt�n! taderat Iews and laws of the Jurbdiatbn whene the Prop�rt�r Is �ocatod that raltU to Makh� u N t y ar <br /> '�',�fo:•:!''" '_., �r ''' e�IV1tOtlmenial P�Ote0tbtl. <br /> �'%!'� ���,-�� _ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barowar and Lender tuRher Covenant end epree a8 toBOws: <br /> . . . . . �i. dccetara�ivn; Ron�iiea Lercclar :fis!! glva �a!!c� to &enQ�rer �rllet � aaeelere�ifln tottowino <br /> `,:��' '. � Boirower'a breach of any covenar�t or agreement tn thla Se�urity InsUrument (but not prior to�eaeteratton <br /> "' under parap�aph 17 unleas appltceble law provfe9ea othernriae). The noUee ahe�l apacit� (e)the deteutt; <br /> ' � , (b) the eetion required to cure the defeutt; (c) e date, not less than 30 deya hom the dets the noUce la <br /> , �. , glven to Borrowe�, by which 4he detauit must be cu�ed; and (d) thet fellure to cure the deMult on or <br /> :��� . ' betore the dete cpectfled tn the nottce may �eautt in eaceteration ot the au►na eeaured by tAla Security <br /> `��°�� In�trumant and eale of the Property. The notice ahail turther Inform 6orrower ot the �l�ht to re[nstste atter <br /> .. .� ;���.� <br /> . � aaeeteration and the right to brtng a court nctlon to aasert !he non-exiatenee ot s default or sny other <br /> ,�� .�.. detense ot Borro�er to aaceteratlon aeeal sale. If the default t� not curad on or betare the dete epeciflec4 <br /> � � • tn the notice, Leo�der at tts option may requtre tmmediete payment In full ot eti suma aecured by thls �..,�s <br /> • Security Inatrument wtthout brther demend and �ey invoke the po�neer of sale and eny other remedies ,� <br /> �°�.►�� �.� permltted by eppliaeble law. Lender ehali be ertllUed to aoltect ait expenaes tncuned in pursutrtg the ., ily <br /> ` � �. . , � remedies provided In thia paragreph Z1.inciuding� but not Ilmited to, reaaoneble attorneys' tees and costs :`�.;. <br /> . � of title ovidence. ��Y <br /> � . Ii the power ot aeie te Invokod, Truatee shsll �ecord a nottce of deteult In each county In whteh any ~�r <br /> � pert ot the Property is located and shall mait aoptes of sucn aoUce in the manner presc�ibed by applicable <br /> ;: � ., lew to eorrower end to the other peraona presoribed by eppticable tew. Aiter the time requtred by <br /> appitcable law, Trustee ehali give publtc �otice o4 sale to the persona end in the manner preacrtbed by . <br /> " eppltcable taw. T�uatee� wtthout demand on �orrowe�� shatt seil the P�operty et public aucUon to the <br /> • htgheat btdder et the time and plece end under tfie te�ms designeted tn the notice ot aate in one or more <br /> � , ,. � parcels and In any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sate of a�� or eny pareet of tha , <br /> � P�operly by publla announeement et the time end place of any previously scheduled sale. Len�der o� ita <br /> �� '� deaignee mey pu�ehase the Property et any sate. ' <br /> �?��Y� Upon receip4 ot payment ot the price bld, Truslee shalt deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> �� J convaying the P�operty. The reaitata in the Truatee'e deed shail be prima tacie evidence of the truth ot <br /> � ' • the atatementa made theretn. T�uatee ah�+ll appty 1l�e proceeds of the eale in the tollowtng order: (s)to ell <br /> � coats nna expensea ot exerctsing the power ot este� and the sale, Inatudtng the payment of the 7rustee's <br /> teea actuatly incurred, not Qo exceed � 96 of the principat amount of Zhe eote at the time ot the <br /> � � dectaration of detautt, 8ed reasonable attorney's tees as pe�mitted by law; (b) to a0� suena seaured by this <br /> �. Seeu�ity Instrum�nt;and(c)any exeea�to the person or persons iegalty ertitted to i� <br /> _� � 22. Reaonveyanae. Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Seourity InstrumenG Lender shaU req�est 7rusUee to reaonvey the <br /> � Property and ahatl surrender this Security Inshurrrent end ati notas evldenohg debt secured by this SecurUy InsWment to Trustee. Trustee <br /> � • shau reaonvey the Properry without waRanty and wRhout charge to!he person or persons iagaly entRled to�. Suoh person ot persons shalt <br /> �. pay any reaordatbn eoats. <br /> �� 23. �ubstitute Ttuste@. Lender. et fts optton, may hom time to time remove T�ustee and appotnt a successor trusteo to any <br /> •• Truste9 appoMted hereu�0er 4y an hstrument tecordad h the aoun[y M whkh this 3ecurily Instrument Is recorded. Without conveyanco ot � <br /> the Propmty.succesaor Wstee shall succeeC to alt the tkta,power and duties canterted upon Trustea hereln and by eppilcable law. <br /> � 24. Requsat for Notieea 8o�rower requeata that coptes of the not�es of delauA and sale be sent to Bortower's addross wh�h � <br /> ' is the PropeAy AdOress. <br /> , � � . 2b. Ftiders to this Sc�curity InsVumen� It one or more dders aro exeauted by Borrower and reCOrded togother wRh thls � <br /> . Seaurity instrument, the aovenents end flgreements ot eeCh euch ridet shaU be inCOrporeted into and sheil amend and supplement the � <br /> ' �� covenants and agreemente of this Securky Instrument as H the ddens)were a ptut of this Security instrument. <br /> _ i <br /> ' Pap��ol 6 farm�OZE 0/YO I' <br /> ¢�. I <br /> � � ti` Ft090.1M0(81W1 � <br /> Qt i, <br /> � <br />