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•.a�. ,_{�, �+::y+, .., , . ,;� t �r' a�� ��«,. . � , :;, ., <br /> - , � F.eb•u�r1W'��''l��v��.""'f .,��$ . _ . - i.— <br /> - ' ..�1 _ _ _ .. �� -����r..�. .. <br /> ' <br /> � 5 <br /> � aa�o �a«a�w�+ .�na�,t� w�wr ta �Md.n.�r �+.�a.a mo�o•�""�y �«wr• �a e�mw+r. aorow .00aMK w�w w <br /> teQi�AI F�+I Eatat�&�ttt�ni Praaduren llat ot 197i u�nwndld dom time to tkr�, 17 U.BaC. �Ot �t se4.('��'A"�, unl��M► �"' . <br /> tha4 nppY,�s to th�Funds tata�NtsK �mount. 11 ao, L�ndu m�y,�t �ny tYn�, co1NGt�r}0 hoW Funds fn u� �Mounq oAt la wcMd th� <br /> y��r �nount, L�nd�r m�y qtlmab tM tnrount of lunde dw on 1M b��k of cu�ront daU ond rwson`bN�ttY'neles of �wr►dpwrs of <br /> tu1u�Facrow BMnt a atfwk�h rocord�na wUh�DAIICaE1��w. <br /> oc <br /> TM Fund� �h�M Q� hNd In �t NfiNullon wbo�d�ppoR� fn Inlwrd bY �f�"'�I�aY� h�4un�nhNy�or�ntlty (inekM���ndrr,N <br /> I.mdM Ib suoh�n h�tl�udOn)or b �ny fld�rN NOn�1.0�t�nk. Li.'�dM thaM�ppy tM Ft�+ds tn P�1 th1 Eioeow NMrM. L�1cIK ewf► nM`�.. <br /> oiw�Ban�ax:r 4cr iwk�t:lp cn0 cPPijlrsp tf:�Func�,�rtne�r.4y eu+�ytM9 ttrl Mcrow a000unb or vMMYbO lho Le10cOw Ib�rA,��q <br /> WY� �row�r inl�r�tt on th�F1x�d��hA�p0laabN yw pmn��l��to m�k�wol��oh�. HowovK�(.N�dlr�►hqulh � <br /> ar a on►t(rtw�aMrpt tot�n Mt1�ndMt�i�t�M ax npor►kW s�uwd br ��dw N oaxNOfion wllh Ihb lort�unlN��Op�� <br /> �aia�. ou�rw�e. unws .� +�o�n M en�a� « .�v+aaai. �w naurw ww.a co a a�. t�eK•��+o� a na+wd a <br /> Barowa�n�r hUntt o►Nrt1M�ps oo tf1�Furtdl.BortowM 11nd L.M�WI n+�Y�pn�h writb0.howlwr.4l1tt inNrMt thd 6�p�id On!M <br /> I.�nd�r�ha�ptw to 8o�rower.wkhout ahr(p��n�ua�+ec°untfnp W tA�Fundi. showhp cndRf md d�bNf ro fh�Fundr and tM <br /> ta whbh o4ah d�blt to th�FurtQ!w�s m�d�. Th�Funds�n pMdp�d as addkbnitl aeudY tor al Rumt��u�by Mb B�o�MAy in�M�n�M. <br /> tf th� Funds Mid bp I.encNr �oeMd ttN�mounri p�mkt�G to b� Mid by IppMCaDM Mw.t�ndK sh�1 a000u�t to qoROwR br tlq <br /> �ooeas Fundi in acard�r�ca wkh tM nrouir�wnts of�PPYcabi�liw. If ttN anaua!of ths Funds Mlt!by t,�nd�r�t�ny tim�M^°�w�bM� <br /> ta puy th��sctow It�rtts wMn dw,Lsnd�►mny ao notiy Borrow�r h wrkin�,�nd,h suol� aas�Bortowwr�hwM W!►to L+�ndM ih��n�M1t <br /> MCatfNl t0 mak�up iM dNiCMnCy. Bott'ow�r sAaN mak� up th�dMiCMnoY h eo mot� tMn twlUNl mOnM1�I P�l�����t LM1d�(� �01! <br /> dilet�tlOn. <br /> U0� OU►nwrt b Nt of aN cumt �und by tl►I� SrcurRy Inttrument, I.�ndM�ha1 prnmpty tiMx�d to 9artowr �ny Fund� hNd bp <br /> I.w►drr. 11.under Oa�pr�Dh IIt. Lend�r shaN�4�ii ar saA tC�a€MoP:rtS►.Le�da. Wlor to lhe ecQeklHoe► a al�ot tM ProPMtp.s�.Kr04► <br /> �ny�unds Mld by L�ndr tt iF�tYm of�a4�kkion or saM as�cr�dk aprhst lM sums r�aurW bY tAb S�aurlt!►�tbu�n�nG <br /> 3.Apptlastion of Peymmnts. unMss.vvvcae4�w aava.s o�n�wk•�•r wr+�«��+�� br�^�'�idi�'"�"��"� iin° <br /> Z 4�p��pp�;{�, � ony propnymmt oha�pss du�undar tt�e Noto; amounu ptytbN unda ptrtpnPh$ thtd to ht�t <br /> � du�; Pourth�to P��WI dus;md Wt,to my I�t�oNarpos du�und�r th�Not�. <br /> 4. Cher�es;Uen�. Borrowx ehaM pay eA tazos,assossmenta,aharq�a.flnes�nd h�poskbns ttUbut�bl�to tM PtapMty wQbh <br /> , .. :> rtu�y attatn prbtRN ovK this Socutily InaWmsnt.�nd I�as��otd ptY�� a ground hntr.R�ny. BoROw�►shtN D�Y thu�ob�p�t�h th� <br /> 1.,;�. ,_ mutnor Oroyfded N panprapb 2. or M not pYid N th8t m[nmr, 8otiow� shtN piY thMn on tlrtM dlnCty to lh� pM'td1 ON►�d WlmMnt. <br /> �r,�. �� <br /> ",.y±fr.,r . 8crrowK ehaM Prompthl (umisA W Landar all notien of unountm to W paid undrr thb pun9capA. It Barow�r mUca th� Pafn� <br /> •r e-r.-�.,,,,,:;t;�yr, d�h�Bortow�r ehaN P�P111►tumbt� to l.endar nce t pts w i d�n e i np t D�p i y rt N n t e. <br /> t..y,..<sy ,:. °�h�, <br /> �;���. ;,;;.`;;;+�:�>-. 8orrow�r shaW promPUY disaharqa any pw�wh@h hae PrbrAY oWr thb 3aaurkY insWmaft unless Bortow�:(a)aQ�ws b wrkhp to <br /> .. ,.. , .; . <br /> r_:, r;., •. ���c..=•, pnyrtMr►t of tho obi�tion siR.�u�i d LY tis�i�s Ss tt�at�s�t�hls t�!-!�d�r (b!contasts h qood faNh th�INn br�ot dMMids s! <br /> "t,.+': ,''' ; .• ...^ entorc�nt of ths 8en In,Ng�t procwdbQs which h th�Lsndafs ophbn optxata to pt�r�nt th�snfarcwrMr►t of tM IMn:or(o)aaun� Iram <br /> i,7:.,.,"' <br /> � ' "''<.; th� hold�r of th�Iten an spreertient asUsfactory to Lender subadinethp ths lier► to thb Seourity instrum�►L If Unda det�min� hY <br /> :.f.`!_. y. <br /> �.,`-� - .!�r,°;..;!: put ot the Property is subjeot ta a nen whbh may attain prbrNy ove►thfs Securkf►instrument�Lsndsr may pMa 8orrowar a ooUco idmtByh� <br /> en <br /> � �� ���'��`"';t"';� the lien. Borrowar ehalt aatlsty the Oen ar teke oae or more ot the aottana set lorth above wilhin 10 daya ot ttw 9�q ot noW�. <br /> •. , _ , �(;:;r:; ��, <br /> . ;.�.., "��{;i�"'::�: <br /> - �; .r,,.>,t 6. Hazard or Property Ina�renee. 8onower shap keop the Mycovements aow exlsihp or heroaftw �root�d o� th� �oi�Y <br /> �"''` -�" ��`'�l%� • haund apihat bas by t(ro, harer0a includsd wkhh the term 'e�ctended cavaa0e"end eny othar hererda,hcUdin�fbods or fbodhp,to� <br /> �.�..,. <br /> `' �'""' which Lender requires Ins�►ance. This Insuranc8 shail be mahtahed In the Bmounte and tor the perbds that Lendar�equtns. Th� w�ncs <br /> � ;.r <br /> �' � �' �`' � '�� ` cartier providhp the haurance shaN be ehoaen by 8ortower eubJeat to Lendera approvat wAtah shsll not ba urtreasonaby v�fthheld. It <br /> '• • 8omower talb to mahtah Coverspe desorbed above. Lender mny. at Lenders option, obtatn aoverage b Proteot Lendofs rghts h tbe <br /> � �` ProAeAy►In eccordance wRh pereO�Pb 7. <br /> Aq hwrance polfclea and renewals shaN be acceptabie to Leader and ahaU inolude a standerd mpRpapo amuaa L�►dw shaM twvo Iha <br /> ' '• '"` dpM to hold the poiktes and renewels. It t ender requkes,8ortower shaM promptly gNe to Lender ail recelpte of Paid Premwms�nd rene'oal <br /> � � � noticee. In the event o}bss, 8onower shaM gNe prompt notbe to the tneurance carder and Lender. Lender may make Proof of bae N not <br /> . • -., rt�da promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unleaa Lsnder and Bortower othenrise agcee in writho� fnsuranae proceeda shail be opplted to restaatbn or rePit►o! ths Property <br /> �" domaped. � the rostoretlon or repair b economksliy teasible and Lendets aecurity is not lessened. It th� reatontbn or reptir ts not <br /> ° ,.:;,.� ., ecnnomioaUy feasibte or Lender6 secu►Ny woutd be lesaened, the hsurance proceeds shatl be spplted to tho eums seaured by Mta 8eourtly <br /> '��_�` Instrument,whether o� not tAen due, wAh any exeesa pab to Bortower. if Borrower abandons the Properly, or does aot enswet wfthtn 30 <br /> �<':':' � " days a notice irom Lender that the bsuranee certler has ottered to sott�e a olaM,then Lende� may coueot Inca hsuranoe proceeds. Lender <br /> ' may use the procesds to repatr or restore thB Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Insbument whether or oot then due. Tt+e � ' <br /> ;,' �' „ 30day partod wili begin when the notice is qNen. <br /> ��"�=.:` "�� Unlesa Lender and Borrower olhsnvise aflree in w�khg. anY ePP�fcatbn of proceeda to prinalAal ahed not extend or postpone the due <br /> Gate o!tne monthry peymenls ►eterred to N paragmphe t and 2 or ohange the amount of the payments. If under para9rePh 21 Ihe Property <br /> b aaquked by lsnder. Bortowers rlght to any Insurence poficies end prooeeds resultinq trom demage to the P�operty prbr to Me ao4uts�lon <br /> i , shap pass to Lender to the extent of the sums seeured by thia Securfty Inatrument Ynmedlatey pdor to the acquiakbn. <br /> ` . 8. Oecupanay. Preservation� Maintenance and P�otecUon of the Property; Borrower's Loae� <br /> `' • � Appitcation; L@tl8@h01d8.8orrower shail occupy. estabibh. and use the Property es Bortowers prinoipal reslGence wkhh s6dy days <br /> � flRer the execution ot thb Seeurily�nsWment and shalt conthue to occupy the Properly ea Barowers prfncipa�residence for at Ieast one <br /> � ' year aftor the dat� ot oceuparroy.uniess Lender otherwfse agreea h wrtthg,whbh eon6ent shalt not be unreasonabry wkhheW, ar unless <br /> ' extenuathp otrcumstences exist whbh are beyond eorrower'e conlroG Borrower sha�l not desVOy,damape or ImpaY the Property.ailow lhe <br /> •. Property to detertorate.or eommit waste on thB Property. 8orrower shelt bo h detautt H any toAekure aoHon or proeeedhp,whether cNU or i <br /> ' � ° orirnha4 ts bepun that h lende+'s good fefth judgment coutd resua In fortoiture ot the Proparty or otherwlse matazialry Impatr the lien created <br /> ' bv this sacurltv Instrument or Lends�'s securiry Interest. Bortower may cure such a detaua and reinatste,as provtded h paragreph 18,by � <br /> + �° eflushg tAe &Ction or proceeding to be dlsmissed wlth e Nl6ng that, in lendBrB good tttRh Cetermnanon, preaiudes ivrio�ru vi i:.o �— <br /> � ' 8orro�Yer's hterest h the Property or other material impalrment ol the Ibn created by th(s Securay InstNment or Lenders security hterest. � <br /> Bprtower 8ha11 also be in detauR k Bortower,durYig the toan app�kation process.gave matorla�ry telse or haccurete htormation or statements ' <br /> to lender(or tslled to Drovide Lendsr wfth any material hformattan) In conneotion with the teen evidenced by the Note, Ncludh0�but not � <br /> � fimked to, representations concemhg Borrowers occupancy ot the Properiy as e principat resldence. It this Security inatrument is on a � <br /> � leasehold, Borrower sheq aompry wRh ap the provisions ot the Iease. If Bortawer acUulres tee tkle to the P�operty,the leas�hotd and the <br /> ., fee t@�B ahaU not merye unlesa the lender agrees to the merger In wriNng. � <br /> v.o•a m a Fmin 304t Y/YO � <br /> . F�oaat�o ca�w) <br /> �,� -� .. �• � <br /> �` .. . <br />