.. .. ., •��.��f ;�' . � � �
<br /> . �,:.:. :,.,�,
<br /> .�2�►_' .. . i::1 ii�';.
<br /> � 'R:_f '�i�t:�.S�: _ — ' ' ..r�r��
<br /> ,�t;r.�_�:
<br /> . �, • ���/4 �,��'''�
<br /> 16.BarrAw�r d�npy.Bofeowor shall t��tvcn on�caniorrncd capy oi the Note and of thls Seaus�ty ti�ttu�ment:
<br /> t7.1'r�aates ot trie Propert or a Bona'1tcl:l l�atere�t in Hurcower. It sll or any prt ni the p�oper�ty or�ny
<br /> interex�t in it ia eatd or tr�netetred�ar ii a benotIclal interoat in Borrnwer Is eold or tcanafortod�nd Horrowcr I�not•
<br /> a��tur�l peraunj wIthaut L�►der's pmor wrttten canyent,L,�ndor mey.et its o tIon,roqulro lmmalI�to p�ymcnt in tull of
<br /> r�
<br /> �11 eunte�urad by +tAi� Secuetsy Insd�ument. How�avrn.thia option etu�l not ba oYeraised by Lendat it exetoine ie
<br /> prohiblted by ieoar�t UM asot tt►odateoi ttdsSsourltylnstrurnent.
<br /> It La�der e=arclsae thie optiaA.lander eh�ll�ive Borrowa nottce at acceler�tlon.'The no�ce ehall provlde�period
<br /> oi not lees th�n 30 dtys from the date the notIoe�s delivered ar maiied wlthin whtah HortoMer muet psy�Il avme eecue+ed
<br /> by thfs Secur�ty 1'natrumer�t.I#AormMer taile to psy these aurne prtor to the eu intion ot thle period�Lendm may invoke
<br /> any remediae pecmtttedby tt►isSeourhy lnstevntantaithout�utthernottce or�andon BorraMer.
<br /> !8.Honower•s Ri=ht to Ralnstate.If Borrower meete certain condJt�oris BoaroMer ehdl have the riRht w have
<br /> entoroom�etet of thts Seaudty Instrument dl�continuod�t any t(me prior w the eat�ter of:(a)S dsya(or suah otharperIod
<br /> as sppltcable IaW msy epeatty for roInscatement before sale at the Property pwauant to any�ower ai esie conta3ned In
<br /> thi�SocurIty lnatrument; or (b) entry oi a �memt ontorcing this�eaudty Iostrumant.l'hosn condittor�.a are that
<br /> Horrower: (.�ps ye I�,eader dI sums whtch en would be due under thie Seaudty Inetrument and the No�,e as ii no
<br /> acceleratton h�d ocaurnd;(b)cures�y default oi any otl�er ooveneats or tgreementa;(o)ptys a11 e�penses�ncurred in
<br /> eaiorcln�this Seaurity Insuumea►t�inaludiag,but notllmttedto,reasomble sttomoya'fees�and(d)tukes such aatton as
<br /> Londer may reason�bly requiro�to assr�re thnt the tian oi this Secur�ty Instrumens,Lender e dghta in tAe Propetty aad
<br /> Borrower'sobl�igadontopay thosumsaxuredhy thisSecudtylnsWmentshnlicontjnueunahanged.Uponntnstatement
<br /> by Homower,th�s Soaurlty Instrumentond the obligattons sxured hereby ehall remein iuliy eitaattve as it no acc;eleration
<br /> hed occurnd.However,tt�Ia ripht to reinstateshall not apply in thecese oi acxeleration uader patagcaph 17.
<br /> 19.Sale oi Note;C6�as4 of Loan Sarvicer.'fhe Noto or s pnrtial Interest in the Note(to�ether wQth this 3octrcity
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times wlthout prlor nodccs to Borrowor.A sele mey resutt in a ohange in the entity
<br /> (knowa es the"Loan Servicer")that eolleats monthly paymenta due under the Noto and this Secudty Insteumen�There
<br /> also may be ona or mora ohanges ai the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note.It there is a change of the I.oan
<br /> � � , Servioer,Borrower wIll ba gtven weitten notico oi the change(n accordance wtth paragraph� 14 above sad applicable law.
<br /> � ��M�,�•���-�;::•„; The nottce will state the nsme and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments ehould be made.
<br /> '_ � '' The notice wjIl also contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> 2(1. H�aardous Subsbnces.Borrower shall not causa or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage�or release oi
<br /> '�����`'•' ��'���t�` any Ide�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrowet shell not do,nor atlow anyone else to do.anything atiecting
<br /> .�`--.,. ,.
<br /> tha Property that is In violatton of any Environmental Law.The pteceding two sentence�shall not apply to the presence,
<br /> �it�..t��-;�t;r use, or_stora ga on tha Pro p e r t of emall qusndtia of Hezardous Substance,s that are generaUy recognized to be
<br /> - "'�."'•"�`':` apprnprinte w normal tesIdenti�i�ses and to maintenenca of tha Property.
<br /> ��'�',.-•'�.;y:,s;�.,',�, Honower shall prnmptly gtva Lender wdtten nodce oi any investtgation.claim.demand,Iaaauit or other actton by
<br /> ,�a+�r:��.,� •��-� an overnmental or te lator a eney or r�vate involvin the Pro and any Hezerdaus Sub�tsnce or
<br /> :�P.;' � .F:?` Y 8 � 9 � P � P�Y g P�9,
<br /> .�w, �,,� ._ ��.' . ;, Bnvironmentel Law oiw ch Borrower has ac3ual knowledge.If Bonoaer learna.or�s notlited by any govenemental or
<br /> . . � ��tory euih�►rtiy. �t eny rem�vel or n�t14'•1'T�'•'li1P.f�iAt�l1�1 a,�n�y Haz�rdnus Suhatance aftecting the Praperty ie
<br /> , ,s�.M:..,.�,•.�,�,,�:•.
<br /> :�,,.,., ,, , necessaty.Hortower ahall pmmptl�r taka all necassary rernediel actions in accordance with Environmentel I.aw.
<br /> ,:. :�,, ,:-. � .�;;.'� As used in thls paragrePh 20� Hazardous Substences"aro those subetences defined es toxia or hazerdoua sub�tences
<br /> ��"��=_°� ���� �_; by Environmentsl Law and the following substartce�gasoline,kerosene,other tlammabla or toaic peuoleum products,
<br /> ; _,T�.:,.. .
<br /> . .-:, „. . �.'' toxlc pesticides and herbicide,s. volatile soiveats. materiaie containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radtoaative
<br /> " � �" matenals.Aa u�d in shis paragraph 20�"Envi�onmental Law'nneans terleral lawa and lawa ot the jurisdtction where the
<br /> '�'.''•��::� .A . � Propert ia located that relate to health�satety or environmentel protection.
<br /> '"a'�''�����%" ���^, "',�{ N�N-UNIFORM COVENANTS.$orrower end I.ender tursher covenant and agree as follow� ,
<br /> �:�ti�r�?�=��s•�� :�>'•:�-. 21. Acceletation; Remediea Lender ahdl give aotice to Borrower prIor to acceleration followinE
<br /> ':Mt��r-� •� - �� Bonawer's braach ot any covenant or agreement �n thia Security Inatrument (but aot prior to accelerattoa
<br /> �:���:�-•�c:�<�:•` under psra�ph 17 unless spplicsble law provIdes otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the debult;(b)t6e
<br /> ��~"�%�:�'�'�' act�on nqulred to curo the default; (c) a date,not lcss tbea 30 days from the date the aotfce ts glven to
<br /> '}�"''��"`� � `�`' Borro�ver.by whieh the detault must be cured;md(d)that failur�to oure the default on or befote the dste
<br /> ::...�,:�.r::. .::•�fi��
<br /> :�w+�,�.o�:.;���r�., apeclfied in the notjce m�y result i�accaleration of the susns secured by this Secur�ty Iastrum�nt�nd salo ot "
<br /> *�'�P'�::•^l� � tAe Property.The notico sh�ll further iotorm Borrower ot the rtg6t to roinstate aiter acceleration snd the
<br /> '��"'+��rr�•==r rig�it to bring a court actioa to assert the nori�existeace ot a dafault or any oth�r defense of Borrowar to ��Y�.
<br /> ���~y•�•�:��s . tcctlentlon and sale.If the defsult is Aot cured oa or before the date specItied in the nottce� Lender. at its �y,
<br /> ?�,;.� i:.• ' option. may require immednato payment in[ull of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrunceaat wtthout =.:.��
<br /> " ��' `��' '� turther demind and�nay invoke the power of sale aad auy other remediea permitted by applicsble law. r;'"
<br /> '''�`•!t� " Leader ahail bo entitled tv.callect alt e:pensea Iacun�d ia purauing the remedies provided ia thit paragrsph
<br /> j:'.�- tl . � .
<br /> " ' �• 21.ineludin��but not li�ntted to.ceasonable�ttorn�ys' fees�nd costa ot title evldence. -"'
<br /> �-`����`�. 1t the power of s�la ia anvoked,Trustee ahsll record a aottca of deiault in each county in whtch say psct of �'��
<br /> '� ..- t6e Property is�oc:atad md ehal!mail cop�es of such aot�ca in the manner prescrib�d by sppliable law to .
<br />_ ,�h_:�.,;,,;,.' Bono�ver�ad to tho other persoas prescrebed by appltcable taw.Aiter the tirne required by applicable law�
<br /> Trustee ahall��ve publlc notice of sale to tlaapersons�nd in the manner prescribed by applicsble liw.Trustee,
<br /> " . without dem�nd oa Hono�rer.shall sell the Property at p ubltc auction to the higtaest bidder at the time and �
<br /> �. ._•. .. ptace�ad under the terms designated in the notice of sal�in one or more parcels and in any order Truetee
<br /> v:,�s.�=�� :,. datermines.Tttistee may postpone ssle of all orany p�rcel at the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> �y ' � .�. time and place ot any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its dasigneo may purchase t6o Property at any "
<br /> . ... �" s�le.
<br /> ''�' V .�
<br /> F�rm 9028 9/90
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