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<br /> . . I�' � .l�,.' �14.
<br /> , �.
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<br /> � , - �,����R ��9�� :o�n�s �
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<br /> � • � II!(HtT�A�H ADDgND1Jl19
<br /> •
<br /> The[oliowtnb aro�ddenda to the MorigaEe. Pkaeechxk theeppli�bb eddendum,'Theeddendumchxked ehail be incorpor�ted i�to,nnd
<br /> caonled with�tha M�artgage.The tem►"Morigage"ehA(i be�dcrnx�d to inau�e"iknl otTrust;'ltapplk�bi�.
<br /> _g_ FNAAndFmNAADD�iVDUM
<br /> 'Ft115 TAX•BXBMPT�1NANC1N0 Rl�BR is made thia z t�� h ,,,,_day ot �uaus� �19^9��,�md i�
<br /> incocporated into and ahall6e deaned to stnend and sup�msent Ihe Morigage.Deed orTcust or Secudty Dad("Sxutity instrwnent")of the
<br /> aame date gi�en by lhe undersignd Q'Bonowe�'j to aa,ure BorrowePe Nota("Notd')to
<br /> COLQMBII9 lEDERl1L 811VII108 Sl�ll�
<br /> ("Lende�')of thesamedate and covering the property described in theSecurity[nstrument and located at:
<br /> 1122 N pT.L11qT STRBET QR1lND ISLIIlID, NB 68801
<br /> (Propedy AddressJ
<br /> In ad�ition to the coveaantsand agaements madein theSec�rity lnstrument,Boaower and Lenderfuriherwveaent and agroe to amend
<br /> P�!graph 9 of tAe Model Morlgage Form,emttled"(3rounda for Aoaleration of Debt"as by adding addiGonal gcounds far asceie�ation as
<br /> followa:
<br /> l,endar,or such of its suooessors or�ssigns as may beseparate inatcument aesume nspoasibility for assuringcompliana by tha Borrower
<br /> ,�f� wIt6 the provieions of this Tax-E�empt�nancing Rider,may require immediate payment in full of all sums scaued by tbis Sxurity
<br /> inatnumnt if:
<br /> (a)All or part of ihe Propedy is sold or olherwise Uansferred by Borro wer to a purchaser or other transfera:
<br /> . ;�.' _
<br /> (ij Who�annat t�as��sbly be ex�ctr�ta ocacpy thc pro�rty a�a princi�t!t�ideace Gilhin s seasonable lime aQa!he sa�Qr
<br /> �'" transter,all as provided in Scction 143(c)and{X2)of the[ntemal Revenue Cade;or
<br /> ,:z: (u)Who hna had a present owrtership interest in a principal residenoeduring any part of the three�yearperiod ending on t6edate
<br /> of the sale ar tcansf�r,all as provided ia Sxtion 143(d)and(iK2)of the Intemal Revenue Cade(ezapt that"100 peroent"shall be
<br /> �+ � . substitutal for"95 peroeat ormon°whe�e the lalter appears in Section 143(dXl)�or
<br /> .,
<br /> (ui)Atan aoquisition wst wl�ich isgreater than 90�e�ceat of the ave�age arema puc�hRSeprice(greater than 110 psroent[or
<br /> tacgeted ana nsldenas)�aU as provided in Sation 143(e)and(iK2)of the intemal Revenue Code;or •'
<br /> ��,
<br /> (iv)Who has agross family inoome in exoessof the applicable peroentage of applicable modian family iuwme as providedin �
<br /> j�f�� Scdion 143(�aad(iK2)of the Internal Revenue Code;or -"``
<br /> -s�RP-• �h:
<br /> , �•y ..�
<br /> x ^ � �`� (bj Bcura�.;r-.fails to oaupy the propecty describod in the Security Inatn:roent without prior written cansent of Leaderor its .�` �°
<br /> :";,.k�;'_ �`•
<br /> � suec�ssors orassigns described at the beginningaf the Ta�c•Exempt Financing Rider,or
<br /> .�'�..�:.. ,���
<br /> .� � �,, �.}:: .,��,}. t�;:-
<br /> "���' "��� (c)Bortower omilsormisnpresents a fact that iamaterial with respect to the provisionsof Section 143 of the Intemal RevenueCode 1�:�':�
<br /> ..�:-:, ::�
<br /> ':� lti.:•ii'�:''��,-:,;� in aa applicaGon for the ioan secured by thisSecurity Instrument. �'���`°�
<br /> a r:- � .
<br /> �..,-. �a�..:',
<br /> �=�t,?:���� Re[erencesare to the Internal Revenue Code as ameaded and in e[fect on the dateof issuance of boads,the proa�ds of which will be ����
<br /> � '�`,_'.:�; used to Gnance the Security Instn�ment and are deemed to include the implementing regulations.
<br /> `�;� '�d:",. .r� ,
<br /> Y,,�';>'�,.•:..ct.'.Y'
<br /> ����.=�• °�� � r::;. �3Y SIGNIN(3 BBLOW,Borroweraoce ts aad a rees to the terms and rovisions in this Tax-Ez t Financin Rider.
<br /> ::,;��: P 8 P P 8
<br /> L4-�1�4�Y��i�p�1..r�'1•
<br /> wk4YI.��:`.�{��A
<br /> •• �•�; .. - �- Botro i pATRICK C LARSON
<br /> , '�,���':-:
<br /> �....,�:; c /�,,�
<br /> ?_-`.�,�-�:':�• ��. . Au9ust Z9. 1994 1��G�-1Y���
<br /> � ����°-.:-:,- .-�•�:-: Dale Borrower ALYBON M LA1t80N
<br /> cs
<br /> �.��� ��_���� :.. �� VA MORTGA(3B ADDENDUM 1122 N flA1.NQT ST1tSBT �
<br /> - . � _ (�RAtID YSLAHD, c� 6eaoi
<br /> ,': - ..,...�
<br /> If,so long as the Morlgage is outst�+nding,all or any part of the property is sold or transferred by Bonower without[.ender s priorwritten
<br /> ��`•�: _.�°�t���:t�+°� consent,other than a transfer by devise,d�ccent or by ope�ttion of law,the Lendermay,at Lenders option�d�;lare all thesums sewral by the
<br /> ,�.�.-�;�f:. ac
<br /> ��;Y.� '•���:°��:`�� Mongage to he immediately due and payable.
<br /> �:. "�:ri:
<br /> .,h;•':,:s�±� ;�F�
<br /> �j~�_��,~"".,....�I.:.. ---
<br /> •� :;�� . '�j�., 8orrower
<br /> . ,�r.
<br /> `' `` ����� 1►utust 29. 1994
<br /> "�•��{-;ti�a ;
<br /> `�+�r Date Bonower
<br /> rt{.+�ti�:r' �� '
<br /> . ..a.
<br /> , .. J 1
<br /> � i�
<br /> 1
<br />