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' . yFi•r,-f;' ,,,,- ' . •,if;;;.%3�> : � �. <br /> x�.... �'�1,`.`:+� ":�+ <br /> i1 <br /> :t�' '!ti� <br /> . - _""'_ - - - --- - <br /> , , , <br /> d _ <br /> • • 'y�� 3Q7�S'7 <br /> p�ED O�TRUBT W1TH FUTURE ADVANCEB <br /> THl9 QEED OP'��IUST,i�m�a.�.Ae�se ..T.�i3�..a�y cn S�t�ue ,��—..�.�.�i►+�+d�w <br /> !h�'�ftlMOr.....� � Inhw�nr,�rt unw�w�C1"�i{�. �1���. -- � <br /> wno..m.�ikip adans•M st v.nus t . wlaia NE se��,o-s7!�� �^ cn.►.N+"T�uNo►�"wnMMr a�.a�non�y, <br /> tlM True1M� fr'iw Po�n4s BankF a �Ioo-iras{���r�d iora � <br /> whos�maqinp�ddr�,t I� �.A.._$rl�t��SllY. r.�a�'rci Isl�nd NF aaanz..i sn�l..., (ItKMn"Tn�'?,awW <br /> �g��y� Flve Po�+t: Banl� a Na�ska Cnrrsor tlon . <br /> wl�rtwHinp�ddra�sis P A ,Hnx 150� .rard Istanrl NE seBez-1SSZ_ (AKeN►"1��d1r'�. <br /> FOA VAW/19LE CAt�tSIDERATION,lnaludinp L�ndK'a�xtN►don of andit Id�ntltNd Mnin to As� �- Eichmafl <br /> (h�rein"Bormwe�'.wh�ther ona or more)utd ths trust hvNn crMlod, <br /> ths rsc�tpt of whlch is hereby saknowtsdped.Tiustot h�pby irtevoeabiy pnnfs,bar�f�n,Cor�veys and�qipe�to 7rwtM.1N .. <br /> 7RUST�WITH POYVER OF$ALE,tor ths b�rntit md aeoutlty of L�ndsr,undN end subJsat to the terms u�d condlNon�h�nlnatM►I�t <br /> torth.!tN r�el P��P�lh de�a�tb�d as folbw�: • . <br /> --- - ---- Lot T�ro t2). Block Four4een (14). Feinriew PArk Subdiviston to the City of Grand <br /> Island, H�11 County, Nebraska. <br /> TopKher with eil buildin�s,improvemants,Nxturos,atreets.alls�rs,pa�fa�ewari�easements�rlaht�,Privltep�s u�d appur0s- <br /> tosxted tMerson or in anywtes portalnf np thsreto,and fhe renb,isauee and proflts,revarston:+�nd ranafnders 1hK�of,u�d <br /> euch psrsorwl property tKat is a�ttachad W the improvwnent�ao as to co�atituts�flxWre,Inctudir►p,but not Itmit�d W.INWnp end. <br /> caftin�equtpmen;and tpgather with the homeatead or marilat intere�ts,if any,which IMereats are hereby�eteased and waived;ai! <br /> of whieh,lectadin�repl�cemenh and addlUonathereto,is heroby deotared to be a petR of the reaf eatsLe�seured Oy the tien of this <br /> Oesd of Trust end atl of ths forepoinp betnp refe►red to he�eln aa the"Properly". <br /> Thb Deed of Trust shali aecure(e)the payment of t�e pr►ncipal aum and intereat evidenced by a promiasory not9 or eredlt <br /> 8�est!!et!l�8�!! .1��1�,9q� 19os _ _,,,having e maturity date of �_._!���T�! znnz , <br /> in the od0lnet pr(ncipal amount of S 33.451.45 .and any and ait modMtcaUona,extenaione and renewafs <br /> tharoof or theroto nnd any and ail tuture advances and�eadvances to 8oaower(or any of them it more than one)hereunder <br /> �,� pursuant to vne or more promiaeory rtotes or crodit epreements(hereln called"Note'�;(b)the payment ot other sums edvanced by <br /> , . Lenderto pro�ec4lha seaadty of the Note;to)the pedormence M atl covenante and agreemerne of T►ustoTSet brth hereln;and(d)ail <br /> '.�E;,,:'s:•�"� preseM and tuture tn�lebtednese and obU�aUone ot Borrower(or any ot them it more than one)to Lende�whether dlreat,Indiroct, <br /> .';�;�:r����':; abaolub or contlnpent and whether ahaing by note,puaro�nty,overdreft or otherwise.The Note,tt►le Deed oi Trust and any and ali <br /> �;�'/ oltter doc�lhatsecurothe Nota or otherwiaeexeouted in connecdon therewlth, <br /> '�U npreemereb nrtd asatgnments of leaaes and►ents,shsll be retened to herein es the"l.oAn Ooeuments". <br /> �" `� ,. f':4''�.�c Trustor eovenents and aprees with Lender as followa: <br /> ' 1. Pa�f d.�nd�bt�dn�.All(ndebtedness eecured hereby sha�{be patd when due. • <br /> , :,+,�:;' 2. TNN.T►ustor(a�e owner ot Me Praperty.haa the►ighi a�d authority to convey the Prcperty.and warrants that the Ilen �;�� <br /> created heroby is a flret snd prior�ien on Me P�operty,except for�lena and encumbraecea set torth by Trostor in wdUnp and �� <br /> delfvered to Lsndar betore exacutlon of thia Qeed of Truat and the execudon and deltvery ot thia Deed ot Truatdoea not vlofate any �,�"',� <br /> contract o�other obtl�tlon to whtch TrusOOr ia subJeat ,;� <br /> ' 3. Tax�,As�asm�nb.Yo pay before dellnquonCy all taxea,speafai ass6samenta and el l other charpes asafnst tho P�operty �_�,: <br /> p�v "'� nOw or hereafter levi�d. � <br /> �x�`� �"� 4. In�ur�.To k U+e Property insured agalnst damape by flre,hatarda inciuded withi�the term"extertd4d coverape",and ��w� <br /> �'►�` „,�l.....:. : � *> <br /> �`F"-���w?� auch oti�er hazarda as Lender may require,in amounte and with companles acceptable to Lender,neminp Lender as an addidonal . <br /> ��� � '�' �� ' eamed inaured,with tass paya0le io the Lender.ln case of�oaa under suah policies,the Le�der la authodzed to adJu�t coileat and <br /> K...,;�,�;,_�y..`�: . <br /> «�7•yfr: ��•�, compromiee,all clalmathereunder�nd shail hare the optlon of applyUg a�i or pa�t ot the inau►aace proceeds(q to any indebtednt�ss <br /> F '"�� ` ' secured hereby and in such order aa lender may determine,(il)to tho Truator to be used tor the►epalr or reatoratton oidte P�operiy <br /> _,t,, .,.; , <br /> °�;:�^:,•�`- orpiqforenyotherpntposeorobjectsadateotorytoLenderwithouteNeotingthelienoithisOeedofT�ustforthefutiamountaewred <br /> '4���►<:'�•�.: hereby before euch peymeM ever took pla�e.Any applicatlon of proceeds to indebtedness shatl not extend or poatpone the due <br /> ar ;' , date of any payments under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunder. <br /> . ���.��:, 5. E�crow.Upon w�itten demand by Lender,TrusMr sfiall pay to Lender,In auch manner ae Lender may deaignate,sufficlent <br /> � ' "' � sums to ee�abte Lender to pay aa they become due one or more of the toltowing:(i)ail texea,essessments and other aharges agalnat <br /> `�� :+'� -'; the Property,(t�NB premluma on the property Inaurance �equired hereundor.and(111)the premiums on any mortgage Inaurence <br /> .�=,'-•. � : . ;:' T requtred by Lender. <br /> � _... � 8. Makit�mne�.R�in�nd Compliure�wkfi Lawa.Trustor shall keep the Properry In good eondMlon and repair.shali <br /> +��;'� ���,.:'�� promptly repafr, or reptace any improvement whfah may be damaged or deatroyed;ahatl not commit or permft any waate or <br /> �...,�y��,•� •. , detxloratlon of the P <br /> '.•�.��;,?'.;.,:.,.., .�, roperly;shall oot remove,demotish or aubatanttally atter eny of the Improvementa on the Proper¢y;shali not <br /> commit sutfer or pe►mft any aot to ba done in orupon the Proporty In violaUon of any Iaw,ordinnnce,or reputaUon:and ehalt pay and �% �� <br /> ' ':�'��,.�.�-,�•_�;�,��, prompUy dtsaha�e atTruator's cost artd expense ell ilens,encumbrancea and charges tevled, imposed or asaeased a�alnst the <br /> �.. i° a•..�:� Property orany ptrt thereof. <br /> ��:':_�`��� 7. F.mtmM Oomairt.Lertder ia hereby asslpned ell compenaation,awarde,dama�os and other paymente or ret�et(herolnatter <br /> r��•�'��`. "Proceeds'�in conneotlon wlth condemnatlon or other teking of the Property or pertthereot.or for eonveyance in Ileu otcondemna- <br /> y:�: �;' - � • tlon.Lentler shati be eMitied at Its opUon to commenc�,appear In and prosecute tn ite own name arty aatlon or proceedin�s,and <br /> • _ _ ahalt also be enttUed to mske any compromise or eeritement In eonnecdon with euch takirtp or damape.In the event eny portion of <br /> °'��`" � : the Property Is so taken or damaged,Lender ahal�have the optton,ln tts aote and abaolute diacr+etlon,to apply all such Proceeda, <br /> . �. <br /> .a..wad....finw Nw�b�un nil nnda nnel aYnen�oa innurreA Iw tf!n nru�nanflnn W Wf L�nh Pmrmela uesn anv Indo6todnoff SaCUled <br /> . _ . . _ . �..�. .�_._.�_.._�.__�_._�.r_._�_..-°----••-•••--•••-----•--•--.___... .------•-�--- � --- -- --. . . <br /> 'L hereby and In eueh order as Lender may determina.or to apply all eueh Procerede,Mter auch deducttona,to the restoraUon ot the <br /> �� " ' Property upon auch aondiUone as Lender may determine.Any appHcatfon o!Proceeds to indebtednesa shall not extend or poatpone <br /> • ., the due dete ot any paymertte under the Nofa,or cure eny deiautt theteunder or hereunder.Any unepplled Sunds shall be petd to <br /> Ttuator. <br /> ��� ° � " 8.P�rloRnar�by LwndK.Upon the oaaurrence ot sn Event oi Detautt hereurtder.or N any act le taken or Iopai proceedinp <br /> . '.''� . ° commenced whtch meteriaQy affecte LendePs Intereat in tha Properiy,l.ender mny In Na ow�diaeretlon.but without obUgatton to do <br /> ;� , . � eo.and without notice to or d�martd upon Trustor and witt�out reSeaafng Truetor trom any oblt�atlon,do any eat whlah 7ruafor Poae ' <br /> � apraed but talla to do and may atso do any other eei It deema neceaeary to proteat the eeeurity hereoL T►uetor ahgll,immedlately <br /> ' upon demand thereTor by to Lender sll coate and expeases Irtaurred and euma expended by Lender in conneadon with <br /> , ` � the exsratas by Lender ot the forepofnp�lghb.toQeMer wtth Intereat thereon at the detauit rate provided In the Note,whlch shail be � <br /> � � •` � added to ths indebtedneas eeaured hereby. Londer ehall not Inaur eny Ilability becauae ot anythinp tt may do ar omlt to do <br /> .`;at: ,'l���r hareunder. <br /> �����tV.�,;?�{jr.�Ft <br /> i y; 1 F' <br /> .��� ��� „ <br /> .�, , �, <br />